Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira)

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Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira) Empty Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira)

Post by Lucian Ciero Wed Mar 07, 2012 7:57 pm

Lucian had wondered about the meeting he had promised himself between him and Keaira for a while now and had decided that it was about time that they met up, it had been some time since they had first met after all and he had some teasing to do.

With a small smirk he waited in the arena for his friend to arrive, after sending her an owl a few days ago with his plans.

Idlly kicking a rock around, Lucian waited patiently, looking at the walls of the arena that in some cases were covered in blood from old battles and such, making him smirk slightly as he flaked some off.
Lucian Ciero
Lucian Ciero
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Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira) Empty Re: Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira)

Post by Keaira Drake Wed Mar 07, 2012 8:22 pm

Keaira walked to the arena and the first thing she saw was Lucian sitting with a smirk on his face, seemingly peeling off some dried blood or something. Keaira snorted silently and then walked over to him.

"You ready for some serious glamouring?" she asked with a wink.

She had noticed that during her time in school this year, she had become much more amiable and social, especially to her friends.

Keaira Drake

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Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira) Empty Re: Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira)

Post by Lucian Ciero Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:47 pm

Lucian looked at Keaira as she walked over to him and stopped picking the blood off the wall, rubbing his fingers to get rid of the fine powder that was stuck to them from the wall.

Pouting a little, he flipped his hair and grinned:

"I'm already glamourous darling, but I'm ready to turn into another form of male perfection indeed."

With a small smirk he pulled out his wand and flicked it fro hand to hand, wondering how he was going to be taught, and if this was going to be easy enough to learn.

"Bring on the learning."
Lucian Ciero
Lucian Ciero
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Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira) Empty Re: Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira)

Post by Keaira Drake Thu Mar 08, 2012 10:10 pm

Keaira rolled her eyes at Lucian. "You could look better. If you were a girl. But since you're a boy, I guess you is as pretty as they get," she said wickedly.

'Wow, both a compliment and a tease, that's new,' Keaira thought to herself.

Keaira then fished out her wand. She then pulled a mirror from her pocket and pointed at it.

"Engrogio," she said and the mirror got twice the size.

She positioned it on one of the benches so that it reflected Lucian and Keaira.

"All right, well, the glamour charm doesn't really have an incantation. It is all about imagination. The difference between normal humans and a metamorpher isn't that big, it's just the fact that a metamorph can change her outer appearance without having a wand by her side. Also, it is next to nature for them. It's much harder for us," Keaira said firstly.

She then looked at herself in the mirror. She held her wand in her hand a bit raised and then focused on her hair, letting it get much shorter and darker. She changed her eyecolor from brown to a clear green and her composition of her face. Even her height decreased.

"See?" she asked, "Just focus on what you want to change. Start with haircolor or something."

Keaira Drake

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Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira) Empty Re: Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira)

Post by Lucian Ciero Fri Mar 09, 2012 12:54 am

Lucian raised an eyebrow when Keaira said that he would look better if he was a girl and wondered if she was of that persuasion, the comment would certainly lead him to believe that.

"Well what about if I morphed into Terry? Would I be better then?" he teased back, sticking his tongue out at her.

Looking at himself in the mirror Lucian began to preen himself, with a jokey sort of twist to all of his actions, he couldn't believe that he was going to be learning from a 12 year old. How embarrassing.

"Mkay then, no incantation I get it, and then what, do we just imagine what we're going to do, this feels stupid already nothing is going to happen."

Lucian sighed slightly and gripped his wand, he thought about turning his hair long and blonde, concentrating on the long part first, closing his eyes he thought about it carefully, opening them he found his hair had grown an inch or so.

"Right, not as long as I wanted...but let's not give up now." he said with fake happiness.
Lucian Ciero
Lucian Ciero
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Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira) Empty Re: Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira)

Post by Keaira Drake Fri Mar 09, 2012 1:17 am

Keaira rolled her eyes. "Jealous much?" she asked, "And what about Violeta?" she added, raising her eyebrows up and down.

But she avoided the question of whether he'd be better. Lucian was only good as Lucian, and Terry was only good as Terry. That was final.

Keaira could also see that Lucian was struggling with the thought of having to listen to Keaira for a change. She just shook her head exasperatedly at him.

"Jeez, Lucy, don't be so negative. You're worse than me!" she said with big eyes.

Then Lucian tried and Keaira could see that he manage to grow his hair slightly and the tone of it went a bit brighter.

"See? That's brilliant already," Keaira said calmly, "Just picture it clearer, focus even more and you'll have it. The brilliant thing is that when you have changed, you don't have to hold your focus."

Keaira thought Lucian did good. Maybe it had something to do with his energy.

"Hey, Lucian, are you quite ... human?" she asked hesitantly.

Keaira Drake

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Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira) Empty Re: Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira)

Post by Lucian Ciero Fri Mar 09, 2012 11:00 pm

Lucian chuckled softly and shook his head with a little grin, he wasn't jealous at all, even though Keaira was a very beautiful girl he knew that sometimes it was nicer to just have friends, not every girl had to be a conquest.

"I'm not jealous at all, far from it, it gives me an oppertunity to tease you about it." pausing slightly, Lucian cast his eyes down to the ground and frowned "Violeta...she hasn't talked to me much still...and I'm beginning to wonder if theres..."

Shaking his head Lucian let the smile back onto his lips and shrugged off the thoughts, it was easy to get confused with emotions in this mortal body of his.

"Well I never claimed to be positive now did I?" he stuck his tongue out with a grin.

Lucian nodded, deciding that he would try again to change his appearance and he felt his hair beginning to grow a little longer again as he imagined it doing so, and then Keaira snapped him from his focus.

"What do you mean by that?" he asked warily, raising an eyebrow.
Lucian Ciero
Lucian Ciero
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Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira) Empty Re: Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira)

Post by Keaira Drake Sun Mar 11, 2012 4:41 am

Keaira rolled her eyes. "I'm sure you'll enjoy that," she said exasperatedly.

Then a wave of guilt washed over Keaira. She looked at Lucian's downcast face. That couldn't be a nice feeling. She could imagine feeling horrible if she wasn't speaking with Terry.

"I'm sorry to hear that," she said solemnly.

Then Lucian seemed to shake himself out of it, and when he went on to a bit happier conversation, Keaira didn't feel like bringing him back down again. She didn't know why, but she supposed it was another one of the sideeffects of caring.

"That is very true. You didn't. But come on, did you even see me walking around the castle last year? Did you see me in class? Was I not very idle when it came to socializing? It says a lot when someone is more pessimistic that me!" Keaira said, sticking her tongue out at him as well, grinning.

Keaira then turned serious and looked at Lucian. She didn't quite know how to phrase it, but she figured it was as good time as any.

"When we met in the book shop last summer, well, normally I would've just ignored you and walked away with an annoyed expression. Because that is how I am, but still, off the topic. The reason I didn't do that... You see, I have a special ... "gift" that lets me read other people's energy. And yours is not quite human. And I was wondering if I am completely off the track, or if you're not human," Keaira tried to explain.

She had felt this around some other students at the school, namely Eilee and that new girl, Tamara, as well as Myles' love replacement. But her energy was easy to read as Keaira had met a vampire before. Lucian's type she had never encountered though.

Keaira Drake

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Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira) Empty Re: Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira)

Post by Lucian Ciero Sun Mar 11, 2012 7:51 pm

Lucian smirked happily and nodded his head, he was indeed going to enjoy teasing Keaira about her new love and she couldn't escape it, deciding that the teasing could wait Lucian hung his head lightly.

"Yeah, it's okay I guess, I just...I'm confused for the first time in a long while. This has never happened to me before."

Letting his smirk fall away into a small sad smile he was in a mood he wasn't often in, his real self, and he wanted to tell someone everything about him and have them understand...although he supersede this urge and took a deep breath.

With a small grin Lucian shook his head: "That's just anti-social Keaira, not pessimistic, but I get your point dear." he joked.

When Keaira told him that she could sense peoples energy and tell if they were a creature or not, Lucian saw very little point in keeping something from her she would find out anyway. So with a small smirk Lucian shrugged:

"So you got me, want to take a stab as to what creature I am?"
Lucian Ciero
Lucian Ciero
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Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira) Empty Re: Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira)

Post by Keaira Drake Tue Mar 13, 2012 3:31 am

Keaira sighed, and knew she was about to say something she'd never have even dreamt of saying five months ago.

"Well, I'm here if you need to talk," she said lowly.

Then she felt a strong surge of emotion for a second, flowing through Lucian, before it vanished. She frowned.

"Let's sit," she said calmly and sat down quickly, "And tell me about it."

She looked at Lucian still standing, and waited for him to sit down and spill. She wanted to hear it, and she wanted to understand him. Now was his chance. She tried to put all of that into her eyes as she looked at him.

"That may be true. But I look at the world with dark eyes, Lucian, I do not see joy where other people do," she said softly, looking around with brown eyes that refused to show emotion.

She then looked back up at him. She tilted her head to the side.

"Well, you're not a vampire, I've met too many of them. You're not a werewolf, because I've been curious and made sure one time that you were inside the institute on a full-moon. No, I'm not a stalker, but hey, you can't blame me for being curious. You're not a nymph or a dryad because, forgive me for saying, you're a bit too hellish for that... But I don't think I'll be able to guess, only eliminate," she said softly, "So, please tell me?"

Here she gave him the puppy-dog eyes she had seen people use when they wanted something. She felt very weird though, but ignored that.

Keaira Drake

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Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira) Empty Re: Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira)

Post by Lucian Ciero Wed Mar 14, 2012 12:18 am

Lucian raised his eyebrow slightly when he was asked to sit and they would talk about it, with a small sigh he sat down, he hadn't been asked to talk about his emotions for years, mostly because everyone presumed he didn't have any settings bar angry and sarcastic.

With a small nod Lucian wondered how he would start this whole 'truth telling' thing off.

"Well, I guess this will be pretty boring to you, but you know Violeta? Well no you don't know her know her but you know of her yeah? Well, I think that I'm really supposed to like her but...you know...I think that I don't."

Keaira was a girl that didn't show emotion and Lucian didn't know why, although this didn't really bother him, he wondered what had made her this way.

Grinning as she guessed what he was, Lucian shook his head at every incorrect guess that she made, after all not one person to date had gotten it correct, he had always had to tell them.

"You're close with the 'hellish' very close, I'm an incubus, but don't start freaking out I'm not going to snog you and drain your energy."
Lucian Ciero
Lucian Ciero
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Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira) Empty Re: Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira)

Post by Keaira Drake Wed Mar 14, 2012 3:43 am

Keaira frowned. He didn't like her? Then what was the problem? She then thought how Terry would probably feel if he was Violeta.

"Do you mean that you wish you'd like her for her sake, or do you simply not know, and it's confusing you?" she asked him calmly.

She was slightly confused though, because she had never seen Lucian unsure of what he was saying. He always seemed to have a grip on things though he might not always feel it. Now he was letting that show, and Keaira was wondering if she should ... console him? She sighed. She would have, but she couldn't. It wouldn't do any good. That was what she believed at least.

Keaira then blinked when he told her what he was. She wasn't scared, she was rather curious actually. But her eyebrows lifted when he told her that he wouldn't snog and suck the energy out of her.

"I never thought you would," she said, "But that is fairly interesting. I guess hellish is a very right word for you, though I wouldn't say so based on your personality. At least not the one you show now," she said plainly.

She leaned back, her back pressed against the next bench behind her. She didn't know any creatures personally and found that she didn't mind to know one though. She wasn't easily spooked after all.

"What is it like to be an incubus?" she asked him curiously. Then she realized that might be a bit close to heart. "No offense or anything. You don't have to answer if you don't want to."

Keaira Drake

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Age : 30

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Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira) Empty Re: Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira)

Post by Lucian Ciero Thu Mar 15, 2012 7:40 pm

Lucian found it very unusual but very helpful that Keaira was so calm about the situation, if she wasn't like this he probably would feel claustraphobic and clammed up, but he was now more inclined to talk about his feelings to her.

"I mean that, I think that I don't, but I figure that I'm supposed to because she's everything that I normally go for...but somehow it's just not working for me."

Sighing lightly he looked at his hands, one of his favourite skull rings twirling around his finger to calm himself down. Unable to stop a chuckle when she said that it was mildly interesting, Lucian ruffled the back of his hair with a small smile.

"Well thats an adjective I've never had applied to me in this situation, ah I'm always like this, so you'll always have to deal with this lovely sarcastic self, sorry about that."

Lucian was really not prepared for this question and he blinked a moment before answering the first thing that came into his head:

"Lonely. My sister I suppose feels it more than I, she was married in the past you know, until...well...something happened."
Lucian Ciero
Lucian Ciero
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Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira) Empty Re: Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira)

Post by Keaira Drake Tue Mar 20, 2012 3:09 am

Keaira studied Lucian's face. It must be hard on him to be confused. She knew her fair share of confusion, especially now in later days, adapting to the thought of love and stuff. Normally, she wouldn't care about love. Now she was caught in it, and it made her feel claustrophobic. Maybe love wasn't for her. Or at least not yet. But the thought of not being with Terry... It made her shudder. He was too amazing.

"But if she's everything you go for, and you don't want to, then it should be pretty plain. Something about her just doesn't lure you in, or whatever one would say. Sorry, Lucian, I'm no good in these themes, but maybe that's an advantage. Even if she is everything, she isn't what you want. Maybe you should turn and go gay?" she suggested seriously. Then she broke out laughing. "Oh, man, I do not want to picture that!"

She shook her head then. "Sorry, not intending to be too unserious... But I've seen you with another girl also... what's her name? I sat with her the other day. Aquila? Is that it or am I far off?" she asked, annoyed that she didn't quite remember.

She shrugged. "I'm not what most people say though," she said calmly, "I don't get easily spooked, probably due to ignorance. I've never been scared in my entire life, so I don't really know what it feels like. Maybe that's a contributing factor to why I haven't run away screaming?"

Keaira frowned when he said it was a lonely life. "What happe- Forget it, I won't ask, but you know the question, so if you wish to answer..."

She then tilted her head to the side. "Is it better when you're at school, or is it just plainly boring? Do you live forever?" she asked him.

Keaira Drake

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Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira) Empty Re: Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira)

Post by Lucian Ciero Tue Mar 20, 2012 8:24 pm

Lucian nodded slightly listening to Keaira, he wondered if she had ever done this before and felt flattered that she would step out of her comfort zone in order to try and help him out. It was good to have another person that he could call friend here.

Raising his eyebrow Lucian spluttered out a laugh; "Turn gay? Me? You must be having a laugh! But I think your advice is right, I might as well just come clean and stop myself being miserable."

Placing a shocked look upon his face, Lucian wiped away a pretend tear and smirked; "I'll have you know, gay or not gay, I am a handsome specimen young lady! But yes, Aquila is the person who had been confusing me..."

Lucian sighed a little and smiled when Keaira said that she hadn't been scared in her entire life, this made him a little bit skeptical but who was he to judge? When he was asked what happened he took a big breath and clasped his fingers together;

"Although I would never admit it to her, Raziel my sister is more like a Mum to me than my real one ever was. When she was cheated on by her partner, I killed him." he said.

At the questions that he asked her, Lucian chuckled; "It's more annoying especially when you are being taught and patronised by people who are a fifth of your age. We live until we are killed."
Lucian Ciero
Lucian Ciero
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Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira) Empty Re: Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira)

Post by Keaira Drake Thu Mar 22, 2012 8:31 pm

Keaira couldn't help but laugh at Lucian as he retorted. She then gave a soft sigh as in surrender.

"I suppose you're right," she said exasperatedly.

Her serious face returned when he told him the story. She figured that if her brother ever got sane enough to love someone, and that someone hurt him in such a way, she would've killed the person without blinking.

"Justifyable," she said coldly, feeling the anger she felt within Lucian that he seemed to be suppressing.

She then gave up on the anger and gave Lucian a bit of a small smile. "I shall do my best not to correct you then. I suppose you find i weird that I'm teaching you this spell then? Though I'd rather say you're learning it pretty easily yourself," she said truthfully.

Keaira Drake

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Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira) Empty Re: Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira)

Post by Lucian Ciero Fri Mar 23, 2012 6:27 am

Lucian raised his eyebrow and chuckled lightly, glad that she seemed to think that he was a fine example of the male species also, because it would be the height of embarrassment if someone was able to resist his charms.

"Well thank you but I'll keep it our little secret, don't want Terry getting jealous do you?" he joked.

The cold way that Keaira agreed with him, made Lucian think that his actions had been right, even though it was something that had affected his sister even if she wouldn't tell him.

"I thought so, but apparently Raz thought different." he shrugged.

With a small laugh he nodded his head and twirled his wand in his fingers, it was a very odd day when he was learning from a twelve year old although it was not unpleasant.

"It is a little odd, although I'm grateful for it, and I find it's best learning from 'peers' it's like were on almost the same level."
Lucian Ciero
Lucian Ciero
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Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira) Empty Re: Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira)

Post by Keaira Drake Sat Mar 24, 2012 10:27 pm

Keaira rolled her eyes. "Please. Terry's got nothing to worry about when it comes to other guys," she said honestly.

It wasn't that Lucian wasn't as handsome as Terry, that was far from it. But no one had quite reached her heart in the way Terry did. But Keaira was still contemplating if that was a good thing. She actually wasn't sure anymore. She wondered what it would be like should she break it off with him, but she didn't like the idea very much, whether is was because she didn't want to break it, or because she didn't want to hurt him was still something she wasn't very sure of. But it had changed Keaira, and she didn't like the change. She wanted to return to being that monotone girl who cared for nothing and no one but her twin. Life was easier and more fulfilling that way.

Keaira then returned to the present. "Well, I suppose she just didn't want him dead for what he did," she said clamly, not really understanding why.

Keaira snorted. "I hope we're not on the same level. If so; what the heck have you been doing for the two centuries?" she asked with a joking grin.

Keaira Drake

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Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira) Empty Re: Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira)

Post by Lucian Ciero Sun Mar 25, 2012 8:28 am

Lucian chuckled slightly and thought about the way in which Keaira had changed since they had first met and although it was different he wondered if it was a bad thing or not, deciding that he liked both personalities the girl seemed to have, he shook the thought off with a small smirk gracing his lips as he did so.

"Cute." he said simply in reply to what Keaira had said about Terrence, he had never much spoken to the guy, so didn't like or resent him, a good position to be in.

Nodding his head Lucian knew that in some respects he was responsible for the carefree and irresponsible attitude his sister now held and he felt a twinge of regret run through him.

"Yeah, I suppose that was what she wanted, perhaps she was just in that stage where she wanted to cling to some form of normality." he sighed.

With a laugh Lucian ruffled his hair and winked; "Things a kid like you has no business hearing." he joked.
Lucian Ciero
Lucian Ciero
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Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira) Empty Re: Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira)

Post by Keaira Drake Fri Mar 30, 2012 12:21 am

Keaira shrugged lightly, her face returning to its monotone self. She felt like falling into a monotone. Her face always felt a bit heavy when she didn't, as if she was using too many muscles she never normally used.

"That could be. I honestly don't know, considering that I have only lived for twelve years," she said calmly.

She couldn't imagine being alive for 200 years. She would never want to be alive for so long. She barely held up the thrill after twelve years, and mostly only when she was with Luka. So it had changed a lot about her lately. She would not like to live so long.

Then a smile spread slightly on her lips before vanishing again. "Then don't tell me," she said lightly.

Then she rose and looked at him sternly. "Now, Mr. Ciero, I would like you to continue the practice if we're ever gonna get to the Caribbean," she said in a lehrer-like voice, during which, she picked up her wand again and changed her hair to a bright blonde.

Keaira Drake

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Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira) Empty Re: Beautiful People (Lucian and Keaira)

Post by Lucian Ciero Tue Apr 17, 2012 4:45 am

Lucian grinned a little and he nodded his head, deciding that the monotone voice from Keaira meant that she was no longer in the mood for talking, and raising an eyebrow as she stood up, Lucian watched her trying to make him go back to doing the activity which he did very grudgingly, he had enjoyed have a little break with his new friend, although he supposed it was best to get on with it.

"Alright alright, I'm doing it." he said, rolling his eyes "You really are desperate to go aren't you? I just hope that you get what you expect when we get there." he grinned.

Running his hand through his hair he looked at Keaira as she turned her hair blonde and he shook his head, pulling a small face when it came to being a blonde, Keaira did not suit it, maybe because he was just so used to her with the dark hair.

"Doesn't suit you love." he grinned "How about me?" and he visualised his hair turning blonde, which it managed to do, a lot faster than last time.
Lucian Ciero
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