Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Old Memories (Raven, Dawn and Shadow if she wants)

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Old Memories (Raven, Dawn and Shadow if she wants) Empty Old Memories (Raven, Dawn and Shadow if she wants)

Post by Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake Sat Mar 10, 2012 12:00 pm

Raven was not in her most sane of mind frames, being at home always made her a little bit more excitable, however now she was sitting on the floor of a darkened room, one single window in the middle of the wall, barred and sending a cascade of light onto the floor.

In the center of which sat Raven, her eyes fixated on the floor, the dust was scuffled by feet, bony feet, and it was almost as if someone was still living here, although that was impossible.

Letting the aura of the dead surround her Raven breathed in deeply, feeling the power running through her, the delicate purple of her eyes deepening considerably.
Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake
Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake
Head of Risiko

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Old Memories (Raven, Dawn and Shadow if she wants) Empty Re: Old Memories (Raven, Dawn and Shadow if she wants)

Post by Dawn Lilith Sat Mar 10, 2012 12:20 pm

Dawn walked through the empty halls of the asylum, making sure there were no squatters or people hiding out. She needed a space to practice her Japanese magic where no one would see, as it was family magic and that isn't something she wanted to let other people know about until she had to use it in battle.

Coming into a room, she found a woman sitting on the floor. "Hello, I didn't think anyone was in here," Dawn says. A sense of power was coming off of this woman that made her uneasy.

Dawn Lilith

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Old Memories (Raven, Dawn and Shadow if she wants) Empty Re: Old Memories (Raven, Dawn and Shadow if she wants)

Post by Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake Sat Mar 10, 2012 12:25 pm

Raven looked up from the floor and for a second her face flashed into a screaming version of the male spirit that she had just absorbed before returning back to normal with an unblinking stare at the woman who entered, who seemed to be quite casually strolling around for someone who had entered here.

"Hello," Raven said in a low voice, not breaking her gaze from the woman "This is my home, I am normally here in some form or other."

Turning her head, Raven stood up and let the dust shimmer and fall around her as she did so, enjoying the large monsterous shadow that she seemed to be creating in the light.

"What brings you here?"
Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake
Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake
Head of Risiko

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Old Memories (Raven, Dawn and Shadow if she wants) Empty Re: Old Memories (Raven, Dawn and Shadow if she wants)

Post by Dawn Lilith Sat Mar 10, 2012 12:33 pm

"I didn't know, so sorry if I'm intruding," Dawn says.

"I'm Japanese, and we have a very different way of looking at magic. I was trying to find a secluded place to practice so not many people can find out my abilities that come from my heritage. I'm more than willing to pay you to let me use this place and keep quite about my abilities, if you are will. My family is rather well off, so price isn't that much of an issue," Dawn rambles.

Dawn Lilith

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Old Memories (Raven, Dawn and Shadow if she wants) Empty Re: Old Memories (Raven, Dawn and Shadow if she wants)

Post by Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake Sun Mar 11, 2012 7:04 am

Raven smirked and chuckled at the woman in front of her, money meant nothing to her, she didn't care for it even though she had plenty from her jobs, she didn't want money. She wanted her home to be left alone.

Stilling herself Raven felt the presence of a ghost in the room and looked behind the woman.

"You're in her way." she said with a glint in her eyes taking out her razor and licking it slightly, swallowing the blood from her Tongue. "Money money money makes the world screwed up...I want no money."

Fixing her gaze back on the woman Raven watched the ghost behind her step into the room and proceed to rock in the corner, just like Raven used to do here.
Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake
Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake
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Old Memories (Raven, Dawn and Shadow if she wants) Empty Re: Old Memories (Raven, Dawn and Shadow if she wants)

Post by Dawn Lilith Sun Mar 11, 2012 7:10 am

"I'm sorry ma'am, if you want me to, I can leave," Dawn says, moving out of the way.

Dawn Lilith

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Join date : 2012-03-01

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Old Memories (Raven, Dawn and Shadow if she wants) Empty Re: Old Memories (Raven, Dawn and Shadow if she wants)

Post by Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake Sun Mar 11, 2012 7:33 am

Raven stood up quickly and used that familiar spell that death eaters used to propel herself forward, leaving a trail of black smoke behind her and a smirk on her face as she looked at the woman in front of her.

She wasnt through with her just yet.

"I don't want you to leave, you look like you'll be fun to play with." she said, flipping the razor in her hands some blood spilling out of her mouth, but she lapped it up.
Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake
Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake
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Old Memories (Raven, Dawn and Shadow if she wants) Empty Re: Old Memories (Raven, Dawn and Shadow if she wants)

Post by Dawn Lilith Sun Mar 11, 2012 7:40 am

Dawn saw Raven propel herself forward and jumped back down the hall a little. When Raven pulls out the a razor and talks about playing, Dawn gets a smirk and pulls out her Katana. "So, you want to play, are you sure you can handle me," Dawn says, getting back into a fighting stance.

Dawn Lilith

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Old Memories (Raven, Dawn and Shadow if she wants) Empty Re: Old Memories (Raven, Dawn and Shadow if she wants)

Post by Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake Sun Mar 11, 2012 7:57 am

Ravens mouth opened agape for a moment as she saw the biggest knife she had ever seen, or a sword, regardless of the specifics it was large, shiney and dangerous. Something that always appealed to Raven no matter what the scenario.

Tilting her head to one side she reached out a hand, slowly, to touch it. Wondering what it would feel like.

"I will let you train here if I can touch it?" she half asked, half dictated.
Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake
Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake
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Old Memories (Raven, Dawn and Shadow if she wants) Empty Re: Old Memories (Raven, Dawn and Shadow if she wants)

Post by Dawn Lilith Sun Mar 11, 2012 8:00 am

"Just be careful with it, it can kill you you," Dawn says with a small smirk, presenting the Katana to Raven.

Dawn Lilith

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Old Memories (Raven, Dawn and Shadow if she wants) Empty Re: Old Memories (Raven, Dawn and Shadow if she wants)

Post by Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake Sun Mar 11, 2012 10:28 am

Raven happily took the Katana from the woman and she held it loosely by the handle, it was much heavier than her razors, heavier than she thought and she was a little surprised by it.

Gently stroking the blade, Raven smiled when she cut her finger on the sharper part of the blade.

"Its beautiful, does it have a name?"
Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake
Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake
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Old Memories (Raven, Dawn and Shadow if she wants) Empty Re: Old Memories (Raven, Dawn and Shadow if she wants)

Post by Dawn Lilith Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:56 pm

"Animosity is a warrior's greatest weapon," Dawn replies with a smirk.

Dawn Lilith

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Old Memories (Raven, Dawn and Shadow if she wants) Empty Re: Old Memories (Raven, Dawn and Shadow if she wants)

Post by Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:38 pm

Raven smirked lightly and lifted the blade with ease now that she had got adjusted to the weight, it was a beautiful weapon but she didn't think that she would be able to weild it in a battle, it was far too cumbersome for it.

"Animosity, what a name for a weapon, my razors all have names...but theyre easier to say."
Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake
Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake
Head of Risiko

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Old Memories (Raven, Dawn and Shadow if she wants) Empty Re: Old Memories (Raven, Dawn and Shadow if she wants)

Post by Dawn Lilith Thu Mar 15, 2012 7:17 am

"Do you even know what animosity means, because it's not her name. Animosity is keeping yourself unknown to remain out of the spot light, or at least that's what I think of it as. I did name her, but I don't tell people what they are becuase the name of the weapon I use is the name I put on the body, just to through people off of my trail. Right now, the police think I'm 7 different people," Dawn explains to Raven.

Dawn Lilith

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Old Memories (Raven, Dawn and Shadow if she wants) Empty Re: Old Memories (Raven, Dawn and Shadow if she wants)

Post by Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake Thu Mar 15, 2012 7:55 pm

Raven raised her eyebrows and shoved the blade back at the woman in front of her, her eyes darkened and her finger grew cold from the energy escaping from her necromancers ring, she fixed her gaze on the woman and said, quietly:

"Just because I am mad does not mean that I am stupid, it would have been a good name exactly for that reason, and the police know who am I, and wont come after me because of it." she smirked "That's true power, not hiding behind alias'"
Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake
Raven 'The Sweeney' Drake
Head of Risiko

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Old Memories (Raven, Dawn and Shadow if she wants) Empty Re: Old Memories (Raven, Dawn and Shadow if she wants)

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