Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Surprise Meeting

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Surprise Meeting Empty Surprise Meeting

Post by Guest Sat Mar 24, 2012 9:25 pm

Alianna had received a owl from Jaycie stated that she was wanting her to come by. It had been awhile since she had seen her daughter she was missing her very much. It was hard not being around Jaycie all the time, it was really bad she left Jenna with the nanny all the time but Jenna reminded her too much of her husband and she was always asking questions about where daddy was, she was looking forward to talking to Jaycie.

She sent Jaycie and owl stating she would be waiting in the forest for her, and that she was excited to see her again.

Alianna had been hanging out by a little pond that she had discovered the last time she was in the forest. She sat there and began to sing her song waiting on Jaycie to come.


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Surprise Meeting Empty Re: Surprise Meeting

Post by Jaycie Simple Sat Mar 24, 2012 11:08 pm

It wasn't long before Jaycie's sharp ears picked up her mother's lullaby from somewhere deep inside the forest. She rose from her place on the hill and made her way as fast and as un-suspiciously as she could towards the sound of her mother's voice.

After a few minutes of trudging through the dark and overgrown forest floor, Jay burst into a clearing that featured a crystal pond covered in green and pink lillies. She grinned as she saw her mum sitting beside it.

"Mummy!" she exclaimed, rushing over to give her mother a hug.

Jaycie Simple

Posts : 121
Join date : 2012-02-09
Age : 25
Location : Birmingham, England

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Surprise Meeting Empty Re: Surprise Meeting

Post by Guest Sun Mar 25, 2012 6:38 pm

Alianna had been singing for quite a while and wondered if it was because she was in class. But soon she heard that sweetest voice standing up she is hugged by her most beautiful daughter.

"Jaycie, my baby. I have been missing you terrible. How have you been? Have you been eating you feel awful thin." Alianna started to kiss her cheeks.


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Surprise Meeting Empty Re: Surprise Meeting

Post by Jaycie Simple Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:58 pm

Jaycie giggled as her cheeks were covered in her mother's kisses. "Mum, it's okay, I'm fine, you can stop kissing me now!" Jaycie loved her mother dearly, but she sometimes got overwhelmed with the mollycoddling. She didn't really mind it most of the time, though.

"I've been eating like normal. Maybe it's just the extra workload," she explained, smiling.

"How are you and Jenna? Can she write yet? Does she know her ABC's?" Jaycie was very excited to see how her baby sister was getting on. She'd started teaching her how to write before she left for Hogwarts, and wanted to see if she was making progress.

Jaycie Simple

Posts : 121
Join date : 2012-02-09
Age : 25
Location : Birmingham, England

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Surprise Meeting Empty Re: Surprise Meeting

Post by Guest Tue Mar 27, 2012 6:21 pm

Alianna had to smile as Jaycie was trying to get her to stop kissing her. "Oh Jay you know how much I think you need my kisses, I get to see you how much?" Alianna smiled.

Alianna looked Jaycie over when she said she had been eating double checking everything. "Well I hope you are getting plenty to eat, you still look to thin for my liking." Alianna was still making her turn around checking out to make sure everything was ok.

Alianna smiled, she wished she had more of her own news to tell but she really didn't do anything. "I am doing fine, and Jenna misses her sister. She has been practicing her ABC..she does really good. She can even count to 20." Alianna could not believe how big her girls were.

"Your Daddy would be so proud of you girls." Alianna wipe a tear as she thought about her husband whom she really missed.


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Surprise Meeting Empty Re: Surprise Meeting

Post by Jaycie Simple Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:51 pm

She grinned. "I always need your kisses, Mammy. Especially now that I'm at school and a 'big girl'." Jay hugged her mother tightly, laughing. She didn't know what she would do if something happened to her.

Jaycie looked into her mother's face. "I always look to thin for your liking, Mama," she said, fighting the smile playing on her lips. She kept spinning around under Alianna's careful inspection.

"20!" Jaycie gasped and clapped her hands together. "Oh isn't she good?!"

At the mention of her father, Jay smiled tenderly. "Yeah, he would," she sighed, missing him a lot lately.

Jaycie Simple

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Join date : 2012-02-09
Age : 25
Location : Birmingham, England

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Surprise Meeting Empty Re: Surprise Meeting

Post by Guest Tue Apr 03, 2012 12:18 am

Alianna had to sigh when Jay said she was a big girl, both of her girls were growing up too fast. "I know, its just before I know it you will be graduating and Jenna will be starting Hogwarts."

Alianna had to laugh. "Well I can't help it, I know you eat, but then you run it all off" she said as she stopped her from spinning.

She could tell how excited Jay was about her sister. "Yep and when you come home at the end of the week she is going to say them all for you."

Alianna smile at her daughter she really was turning into a beautiful woman, she looked so much like her father.

"So are you ready to come home for the holiday?"


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Surprise Meeting Empty Re: Surprise Meeting

Post by Jaycie Simple Sun Apr 08, 2012 8:28 pm

Jaycie grinned. "You can't wait till I move out," she said jokingly, poking her mother's stomach. She stopped spinning and grinned harder. "I like running, what can I say?"

Jaycie clapped delightedly. "I can't wait to hear them. Jenna's so good." She smiled, her little sister was like the bright light at the end of the tunnel for her mother and herself.

"Yes, oh my gosh, I'm almost a second year, mum!" Jay threw herself at her mother again, with the sudden realisation that she'd made it through the first year.

Jaycie Simple

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Join date : 2012-02-09
Age : 25
Location : Birmingham, England

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Surprise Meeting Empty Re: Surprise Meeting

Post by Guest Mon Apr 09, 2012 4:34 pm

Alianna loved to see her daughter so happy, loved the smiles that were across her face.

"Yep, my big girl, whom I do not wish to move out anytime soon. You can live with me forever." Alianna was sad at the thought of her children moving out because she would be all alone then.

"Trust me Jenna will tell them too you so much you will start to want ear plugs." Alianna laughed

Alianna sat there holding Jaycie and hoping this war that was brewing wouldn't put her in any danger.

Alianna looked at the sun and realized it was getting late. "My dear you better head back up before it gets too late. Do you want me to meet you at the station, or are you going to be traveling the Siren way home?"

((Have no clue what a siren way is..just go with it..lol))


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Surprise Meeting Empty Re: Surprise Meeting

Post by Jaycie Simple Mon Apr 09, 2012 4:53 pm

Jaycie giggled, she wouldn't mind hearing them over and over. But maybe one day Jenna would lose the excitement of learning and fall asleep - Jay bet she wouldn't mind too much.

Jaycie glanced at the sky, her mother was right. "It's almost dinner time, I think you might be right Mum. And I'll take the train home, I like that thing. It's really fun," she grinned.

"Well, that's me. I'll see you later mum! I love you," she gave her mother one last hug before waving and tramping back through the trees, up to the castle.

Jaycie Simple

Posts : 121
Join date : 2012-02-09
Age : 25
Location : Birmingham, England

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