Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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The Fall Doesn't Kill You ( Open)

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The Fall Doesn't Kill You ( Open) Empty The Fall Doesn't Kill You ( Open)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:43 am

Tessa was staring out a window. After Anne being dead, everything was sad. Damien was majorly depressed and wouldn't come around her anymore. And this was only making Tessa feel worse about this. She locked Yasmina up in her room. Tessa knew that she didn't want anybody to watch. She knew that nobody would care. She felt like she had kill Anne. And everybody was blaming her for it. Tessa didn't know how much more she could put up. This was only reminding her over everything bad that happened to her growing up. That is when she started to cry.

She had no idea how she was going to end it. But she knew that she couldn't continued to live like this. Damien would be upset with her. But at this point she really didn't care. It wasn't like she had a lot of friends. And she didn't think anybody would miss her. Everybody loved Anne, not Tessa. When she would think about jumping, Tessa knew that she couldn't do it. But she couldn't take the pain anymore.

A few days ago someone said that Damien was throwing things in the ROR. But he hasn't once came and seen if she was doing alright. He knew that she hated Anne. But Tessa was going to tell her that she forgave her. But then she killed herself and Tessa didn't get the chance. And this was just adding to the more guilt that was on her mind.


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The Fall Doesn't Kill You ( Open) Empty Re: The Fall Doesn't Kill You ( Open)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:40 am

Helena had gone back to the tower to watch the girl so at least she was not completly alone.

She figured that maybe Tessa could feel her presence if not see her.


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The Fall Doesn't Kill You ( Open) Empty Re: The Fall Doesn't Kill You ( Open)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:56 am

Tessa was still crying. Maybe if she wasn't blind Damien would love her more. He didn't even care enough to even come find her. Maybe it would be better off if she was dead and gone. Everybody was grieving over Anne. Nobody would cry over her, she knew that she was in love with Damien. And that had to be like this way.

She then looked out and stood up. “ Well goodbye cruel world.”


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The Fall Doesn't Kill You ( Open) Empty Re: The Fall Doesn't Kill You ( Open)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:23 pm

Damien ran all the way to the tower, knocking people over as he went, he just had to reach Tessa, he could not loose someone else. He knew that he had pushed her away when he heard about Anne and that had not been fair to her.

Damien had made it up a few flights of stairs and kept a running, he had finally made it to the tower just as she was climbing on the railing to go over.

He ran over to her grabbing her off of the railing pulling her to him and holding her close.

"What in the hell are you doing?"


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The Fall Doesn't Kill You ( Open) Empty Re: The Fall Doesn't Kill You ( Open)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:37 pm

Tessa was crying. She knew that over and there was no looking back. Damien had pushed her away and was making her feeling hurt. That Anne meant more than she did. That Damien didn't love her anymore.

She had already climbed over the rail and was ready to jump. But she knew that she couldn't do that. But she knew that this would stop all of the hurt.

Damien grabbed Tessa and pulled her back over and that was when she started to cry.

“I can't do it Damien. I can't take it anymore.”


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The Fall Doesn't Kill You ( Open) Empty Re: The Fall Doesn't Kill You ( Open)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 24, 2012 1:13 pm

Damien just held Tessa close as she was crying and telling him she can't do it anymore.

"I am here Tessa, I love you." Damien was just crying

"Do you not know what it would do to me if you killed yourself?" Damien had already lost Anne, he could not bare to lose Tessa. If Tessa went he would surely follow her.

"You are my world Tessa, and I should have pushed you away."


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The Fall Doesn't Kill You ( Open) Empty Re: The Fall Doesn't Kill You ( Open)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 24, 2012 1:22 pm

Tessa was still crying as Damien was holding her. “ I can't do it anymore Damien. I can't deal with this.”

“ I love you too Damien.”

Tessa was still crying. “ It was my fault. I never told her sorry. I know I didn't like it when she was around you. It was my fault that I pushed her to do this.”

“ I am? I didn't think I was. I thought that Anne was more important.”


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The Fall Doesn't Kill You ( Open) Empty Re: The Fall Doesn't Kill You ( Open)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 24, 2012 1:45 pm

Damien just help onto Tessa he was never letting her get away again.

"We are going to deal with Anne's death together. Neither one of us killed her, she did that herself." Damien sighed, he knew this all along it just took time.

"It is my fault you felt this way, I was so busy trying to fix Anne problem that I stopped thinking about you."

Damien knew he should have never worried about Anne, Anne had too many problem that he was trying to fix and trying to be a friend.

"Anne was never more important, I was just trying to help too many people that I couldn't help." Damien sighed.


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The Fall Doesn't Kill You ( Open) Empty Re: The Fall Doesn't Kill You ( Open)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 24, 2012 1:56 pm

Tessa was crying into his chest as he was holding her.

“ I can't deal with death anymore Damien. I am getting over my mother and brother and my adoptive father and now Anne. I killed her because I was always pushing her away. The first time someone loved me and I was jealous of her.”

She was letting Damien hold her, he was trying to calm her down. “ I thought that you didn't want me anymore Damien. That was why you pushed me away.”

“ I am one of those people.”


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The Fall Doesn't Kill You ( Open) Empty Re: The Fall Doesn't Kill You ( Open)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 24, 2012 2:32 pm

Damien continued to hold Tessa and began to run his hand down her hair trying to make her calm down.

"Dealing with death is very hard and I am sorry I was not there for you. If anyone is to blame it is me." Damien sighed and continued to rub her hair.

"I will always want you Tessa, it just took you about killing yourself for me to realize how much I need you." Damien kissed Tessa very deeply

"Never forget that."


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The Fall Doesn't Kill You ( Open) Empty Re: The Fall Doesn't Kill You ( Open)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 24, 2012 2:48 pm

Tessa loved it when he would run her back. And how he ran his hands through her hair. It would always calm her down. And he knew this.

“ Damien you had to be there for Anne. She needed you more than I did. And now she is going and I didn't get to tell her that I was sorry for everything and to thank her. She didn't have to tell Hugo to leave me alone. But she did. I been waking up with nightmares every night because of that day.”

She then kissed him back. Damien you are my whole world, I didn't want to live if I didn't have you. I thought you was pushing me away.”


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The Fall Doesn't Kill You ( Open) Empty Re: The Fall Doesn't Kill You ( Open)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:00 pm

Damien continued to hold her and rub her back.

"Shhh, no more worries, no both of you had problems and I should have made time for both of you." Damien was telling her softly in her ear.

"Anne did a lot for both of us, so we have to continue on living to be happy for her." Damien smiled


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The Fall Doesn't Kill You ( Open) Empty Re: The Fall Doesn't Kill You ( Open)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:07 pm

Tessa could feel that she was getting sleepy when he was rubbing her back.

“ But her problems where always bigger than me. You even told me that. You basically told me that she was more important then me dealing with my adoptive father's death.”

She was about ready to cry again. “ Damien I spent the whole summer waking up from nightmares screaming.”


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The Fall Doesn't Kill You ( Open) Empty Re: The Fall Doesn't Kill You ( Open)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:30 pm

Damien walked them over to the couch that happened to be up there and he sat down with them.

"Tessa you are right and I am sorry, I should have never said those thing.' Damien sighed at himself. He had been so heartless to Tessa and he never should have been.

"But Tessa, we have to move on from here, are you willing to forgive me and let us move on?"

Damien understood about her nightmares he knew them all to well, he had them all the time.

"Nightmares pass in time, and we can do it let time heal."


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The Fall Doesn't Kill You ( Open) Empty Re: The Fall Doesn't Kill You ( Open)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:41 pm

Tessa was taken to a couch and sat down beside of Damien.

“ I know that you didn't mean any of it. I know you are mad because you thought I was trying to make my problems seem like they was more important than Anne's.”

“ Yes I can forgive you so that we could move on.”

She had nightmares once in a while but since the summer she was having them it seemed like every night. “ Damien I die in my nightmares I am scared that it is telling me that I am going to die.”


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The Fall Doesn't Kill You ( Open) Empty Re: The Fall Doesn't Kill You ( Open)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:48 pm

Damien continued to rub on Tessa, he just wanted all of their pain to stop and go away. It was hard to understand why anyone would do anything like what they have gone through.

"Dreams are just our stress levels taking themselves out on our minds, things in our dreams don't come true.' Damien sighed

Damien really didn't know a whole lot about dreams but he was sure that just because you die in your dreams does not mean you are going to die in real life.


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The Fall Doesn't Kill You ( Open) Empty Re: The Fall Doesn't Kill You ( Open)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:42 pm

Tessa noticed that Damien was still rubbing her back. She just wanted everything to go away. And more and more was just adding onto it. And Anne killing herself really didn't help. That only made Tessa feel more guilty.

But she then started to cry again. “ That isn't true, I would dream about you. After you was in all of my classes and we started to date. That means that I could really be dieing.”

Tessa was crying because everything that was happening to her.


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