Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Richard Devante

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Richard Devante Empty Richard Devante

Post by Guest Mon Jan 09, 2012 2:11 pm

Name:Richard Alex Devante
Birthday:January 1
Place of Birth:London England
Current Home:London England
Blood Status:pure
Job: Head Hufflepuff, Charms and Flying Professor


Hair Color: blonde
Hair Style: medium length and a little messy
Eye Color: blue
Height: 6.5'
Body Type: Atheltic
Dress Style: T-shirt and jeans

Character Information:

Character Likes:Transfiguration, Potion, Dueling
Character Dislikes:Charms, Germans
Hobbies: Running, flying, and pretty much anything to do with the out doors
Strengths:Herbology, Potions and dueling
Weaknesses: Women (will do anything to keep them happy), Alcohol

Background Information:
Richard has been taught that to get anything in life you have to work for it. And he puts that model to work in anything that he does. Richard has pretty much gotten everything that he wants since he was little but he usually just gave them away at the earliest oppertunity. His parents would never believe what he was did with all the thing that they gave him over the years if they found out. He is a sweet and loyal to his friends.

Mother:Charlotte Alexis Devante
Father:Eric Charles Devante

Extra Info:

Wand:Oak, dragon heartstring, 6"
Pet:Cat name Jules


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