Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Class 1- Flying (First Years)

Alice Carroll Lane
Tess McCartney
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Class 1- Flying (First Years) Empty Class 1- Flying (First Years)

Post by James-Weasley Wed Jan 11, 2012 3:52 am

James Weasley walked onto the field, his Firebolt in hand. He loved the trusty broom and it had gotten him through many a Quidditch match. Even if it was almost ten years old, he couldn't ask for a more dependable stick.

Especially compared to the ones that Hogwarts supplied to their students. James looked at the brooms that were lying on the field and sighed. This lesson wasn't going to be too hard. As long as the students were bright....and not too stubborn to learn.

He could tell from this class as well what students would do well at Quidditch.

James sighed as he leaned against his broom, waiting for the students to show up. He absentmindedly twisted his wedding ring, thinking about Lydia and wondering how she was doing as she prepared for her first class.


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Class 1- Flying (First Years) Empty Re: Class 1- Flying (First Years)

Post by Tess McCartney Wed Jan 11, 2012 7:31 am

She lugged her broom towards the Quidditch Pitch, not caring that it was being dragged even. She was afraid of heights, but her father had told her that nothing was more freeing than flying. So she now found herself flying.

She had heard that her professor was a Weasley and that was a little uncomfortable for her. Weasley's were never a good word in a pure household. While her parents did not inform her that, her paternal grandfather Marquis Malfoy, had made sure to let her know that Weasleys were never good and always middle-class and always blood traitors. Her father would always stop him from going further, often times telling him this is why they had changed their surname and moved away from London for her childhood. She heard Weasley's did not like anyone from Slytherin as well ,and scorned many Malfoys throughout the years. Uncle Draco had told her enough for her to understand that.

Still, she figured that if she was polite, her house would not be such an issue in the classroom, nor would be her family alliance. As she saw the professor, she was immediately intimidated, he was tall, that was the first thing she saw, and worst of all no one was there.

Tess McCartney

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Class 1- Flying (First Years) Empty Re: Class 1- Flying (First Years)

Post by Alice Carroll Lane Wed Jan 11, 2012 8:50 am

Alice bounded excitedly to the Quidditch Pitch. She was going to learn how to fly on a broom! This was something that only happened in stories back where she was from. But she was a true Witch now and she was going to do her best to become the best flyer.

She was excited as well because she really wanted to participate in Quidditch. After she read up on it in her room she knew that was what she really wanted to pursue this year!

She came to the field and noticed that a tall, lean ginger was leaning on his broom. She was also excited to see that Tess was there. She went bounding up to her friend, looking down at the brooms that were on the ground. She didn't have her own broom yet but she supposed she could learn on these ones for now.

Ignoring the brooms for the moment she went to greet her friend. It didn't appear that houses were split up for once, which she was excited about.

Alice Carroll Lane

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Age : 32

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Class 1- Flying (First Years) Empty Re: Class 1- Flying (First Years)

Post by Parker Emery Wed Jan 11, 2012 11:51 am

Parker made his way from the castle, excited to have time outdoors, but nervous for what was to come. He'd never been on a broom before, but from seeing some of the elder kids flying around on his walks around the grounds, it looked like a lot of fun. Flying through the air, up into the clouds, the view from so high up must be beautiful, although scary.

He followed some other first year students also on their way to Flying lessons, quietly wondering how hard it could be to control a broom. Did you control it with your mind, magic, or physically? Was it at all like the movies he'd watched back home? The more he thought about it and the closer he came to the Pitch, the more worried he became. What if the other kids were all really good at it and he wasn't? He really hoped it was as easy as it looked...

Walking onto the pitch he saw two girls and the tall man he suspected to be the teacher. He didn't like being early, that meant the girls would probably try to talk to him, or the teacher single him out. He was suddenly more nervous about that then the pile of brooms before him. He chanced a glance at the girls, noticing one had her own broom, and wondered if he should have chanced it when out shopping and asked his parents for his own as well. Though, they were pretty expensive and if he was bad at flying there'd be no reason to have one.

He looked back to the ground and waited quietly.

Parker Emery

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Class 1- Flying (First Years) Empty Re: Class 1- Flying (First Years)

Post by Tess McCartney Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:32 pm

Tess smiled as soon as she saw Alice, once more they shared the same class and one that hopefully they would not be divided.

"Hey Alice! Good thing I wasn't the only one taking this class" she said softly.

She did turn to notice someone sharing the same color as her. Seeing that it was a boy, she did suspect that it was Ivano, but once he walked closer, he was a fresh new face to her.

"Hey he's new" she whispered to Alice, "I've never seen him before in the Common Room, come on let's say hi"

Tess McCartney

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Age : 31

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Class 1- Flying (First Years) Empty Re: Class 1- Flying (First Years)

Post by Alice Carroll Lane Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:56 pm

Alice smiled and nodded at her friend. No harm in saying hello the new boy. Even if he was another Slytherin.

The pair walked up to the kid, he looked a little uncomfortable Alice noticed. But she put her most friendly smile on and held out her hand to be shook. "Hello, my name is Alice."

Alice Carroll Lane

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Age : 32

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Class 1- Flying (First Years) Empty Re: Class 1- Flying (First Years)

Post by Parker Emery Wed Jan 11, 2012 6:07 pm

He could hear the two whispering and knew that they were going to try to talk to him, he stared down at the brooms until they approached and Alice put out her hand. He looked at the two a moment, noticing they seemed nice enough, though from the little experience he had he knew looks could be deceiving. It wouldn't hurt to try though.

He hesitated a brief moment before reaching out and shaking her hand, speaking with an obvious Irish accent. "Parker Emery..."

Parker Emery

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Class 1- Flying (First Years) Empty Re: Class 1- Flying (First Years)

Post by Guest Wed Jan 11, 2012 6:40 pm

Pxyis was excited to do her flying lesson. She was sick of sitting in hard chairs with boring textbooks, and though she did enjoy many of her lessons, she was getting bored of being stuck in a classroom. That and she adored Flying, it was the greatest feeling of the world. The wind rippling her wavy hair behind her as it brushed against her skin whilst she looped in the air and zoomed across the treetops, skimming the leaves right up the top and racing owls through the sky.

Though she hated Tweetums, her mother's owl, the only thing she ever did with him was race him as he zoomed off to deliver a letter, and he always made it a challenge, zooming through the trees at a wicked speed and testing her to the best of her abilities. Her hand rested on her Salazar Slytherin locket and she tucked it under her Slytherin robes as she arrived at the Quidditch Pitch, realising she should've taken it off before coming down to the Quidditch Pitch- but never mind.

She was hoping to make a good impression too whilst she was flying, for she had signed up for the Slytherin Quidditch team and she wouldn't make the cut if she wasn't any good. Upon arrival, she spotted a familiar in most of her classes- Parker Emery- speaking to Alice and Tess. She walked over to the group and greeted them with a smile and a small wave.

"Hey Tess, Alice, Parker," she grinned at them. "How are you all? Excited for flying? I know I am. Im trying out for the Slytherin Quidditch team, what about you guys?" She randomly fired off questions. Her mother had always said that to make conversation, ask questions. Though people always deny it, they love to talk about themselves. Pxyis knew that she did- not in a self-centered way but just to get the conversation going. Pxyis adjusted her Firebolt 2001 which she had casually resting against her shoulder. It was starting to dig in, so she moved it more into the dip of her shoulder to make it far more comfortable.


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Class 1- Flying (First Years) Empty Re: Class 1- Flying (First Years)

Post by Haley Vilde Smith Wed Jan 11, 2012 8:46 pm

Haley walked lazily towards the Quidditch pitch. The sun was feeling warm on her skin and she was very happy that the skies had chosen to be bright on her first Flying lesson. She wasn't nervous, though. During her upbringing she had sat on a whole bunch of brooms. Her parents usually bought one for her every third birthday or something, but the one she got two and a half years ago was a bit too small for her now. She couldn't really buy the real thing, thinking about the fact that she didn't get many chances of flying, living in a neighborhood with almost only muggles.

Haley sighed, and then smiled. She could see some shapes standing down by the pitch. She started skipping, and reached a group of four standing and chatting amongst each other. Then there was one, tall, redhaired man standing there, who had to be the teacher. She said a quick "Hello!" and then wondered whether she should join the crowd or not. She shrugged. Why not? So she walked over and said:

"Hey! I'm Haley Smith from Hufflepuff, as you can probably see! Nice to meet you!" she said, grinning widely at them.
Haley Vilde Smith
Haley Vilde Smith
Hufflepuff Seventh Year

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Class 1- Flying (First Years) Empty Re: Class 1- Flying (First Years)

Post by Alice Carroll Lane Thu Jan 12, 2012 2:44 am

Alice smiled as she saw that Pxyis joined the group- and with a lot of enthusiasm- and so she greeted the girl kindly. "I am really excited for Quidditch later on!" Alice exclaimed. "Except that....I have to learn how to fly first." Her face contorted into a frown.

She was equally as surprised when she noticed that Haley came bounding up to the group. It was the first Hufflepuff she had ever met and she seemed like a friendly hen. Alice smiled. "I'm Alice and I'm from Gryffindor." She pointed to the crest on her chest.

Alice Carroll Lane

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Class 1- Flying (First Years) Empty Re: Class 1- Flying (First Years)

Post by Haley Vilde Smith Thu Jan 12, 2012 3:00 am

"Hey Alice the Gryffindor!" Haley said with a prankish grin. Then, when nothing better came to her mind, her wicked grin turned into a kind one, and she simply said: "Have you played a lot of Quidditch before? I have, but I'm still so nervous!"
Haley Vilde Smith
Haley Vilde Smith
Hufflepuff Seventh Year

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Class 1- Flying (First Years) Empty Re: Class 1- Flying (First Years)

Post by Tess McCartney Thu Jan 12, 2012 5:17 am

She was glad that Alice had agreed to the exchange between the boy. Alice had of course enthusiastically introduced herself to the boy, but she felt her lips tug downward into a small frown seeing the boy be so shy. She did relate to him after all in certain moments she was shy herself.

"Hey...I'm Tess" she said smiling.

He distrusted her, natural instinct she thought, especially because in Slytherin, there is always a good and there's always a bad. Pxyis soon joined them, and she smiled seeing her be there as well.

"Hey Pxyis! I'm actually nervous and excited" she said smiling. "Father got me this Firebolt...and he conveniently persuaded me to sign up to the team as well....we'll see if I'll be good at this or not" she said smiling.

Soon they were introduced once more towards another girl. She was a hufflepuff, and the first one she met at that. She would have introduced herself, but seeing that Alice and Haley were in a conversation she chose not to instead tried to coax more out of the boy Parker.

"Are you thinking of joining the team?" she asked him.

Tess McCartney

Posts : 929
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Age : 31

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Class 1- Flying (First Years) Empty Re: Class 1- Flying (First Years)

Post by Parker Emery Thu Jan 12, 2012 11:24 am

"Hey...I'm Tess" He looked to her when she spoke, giving a small, friendly smile and nod. He eyed her broom for a moment, it looked a lot more fancy then the brooms he would be using from the pile. He wondered if they flew any differently or if it didn't really matter what they looked like.

He turned a bit, noticing Prxis come up with her own broom, his heart sinking again. He didn't feel any better with all the talk of Quidditch as well as with the arrival of the Hufflepuff girl which also seemed to know about flying and Quidditch. He didn't have a clue what he was doing and had a feeling this was going to be very embarrassing. Even with Alice not having flown before either, she was apparently planning to join to team and could probably fly well also.

He was pulled out of his thoughts when Tess spoke up. "Are you thinking of joining the team? He looked at her, then the pile of brooms. Quidditch did sound and look fun, he definitely wouldn't be opposed to it. But he didn't even know if he could fly well enough to consider it. "I'm not sure, I've never flown before..."

Parker Emery

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Class 1- Flying (First Years) Empty Re: Class 1- Flying (First Years)

Post by Tess McCartney Thu Jan 12, 2012 11:48 am

She tilted her head and noticed him eyeing her broom. Perhaps he thought he needed one?

"You know Parker...we don't need to get brooms yet. I simply have it because my father is an avid Quidditch fan, Seeker too. And about flying? No worries, I've only flown once before, and that was a fluke in itself" she said smiling.

She looked at the brooms and picked up one for him handing it to him.

"These seem pretty good brooms too you know...Firebolt...it's for luxury and speed, but to me as long as I have something to fly on I wouldn't really care" she said.

She nudged him slightly and winked.

"Come on, we might not be daring like Alice the Gryffindor here" she commenting nodding to her friend "But we're Slytherin, and we're known for greatness" she teased.

Tess McCartney

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Age : 31

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Class 1- Flying (First Years) Empty Re: Class 1- Flying (First Years)

Post by Parker Emery Thu Jan 12, 2012 12:26 pm

He hadn't known much about Quidditch but heard enough to know that being a Seeker was an important position. If he was good at flying, he definitely wanted to do that, whatever the Seeker did. He grabbed the broom from her as she handed it to him, he held it firmly, getting used to how it felt in his hands.

"Come on, we might not be daring like Alice the Gryffindor here" she commenting nodding to her friend "But we're Slytherin, and we're known for greatness." He smiled a bit at her comment, remembering what the sorting hat had been saying before he went up, about the legacy of the Hogwarts founders and about how for Slytherin, they were infact, known for great cunning and ambition. Although he doubted himself a lot, he wanted to become someone fully confident and able to achieve whatever he set his mind to.

He looked down at the broom he held in his hands, smiling a little. "I don't know yet though if flying is in my area of greatness."

Parker Emery

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Class 1- Flying (First Years) Empty Re: Class 1- Flying (First Years)

Post by Tess McCartney Thu Jan 12, 2012 2:45 pm

She saw him smile and was gleeful, which made her happy, that means she was making him open up.

"Well...if not, then there's always something you'll be good at, but you never know till you try"

Looked up at the sky, she whispered softly forgetting they could hear and murmured.

"I'm afraid of heights...but I want to fly..I want to feel free" she said looking back to him. "And I'll be damned if I'm not competent at it"

She refused to be scared...she had to try. She couldn't be the weakest flyer, especially if her father was great. She looked down at her broom and knew that if this wouldn't work...she'd have to tell her parents, and he'd be disappointed.

Tess McCartney

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Age : 31

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Class 1- Flying (First Years) Empty Re: Class 1- Flying (First Years)

Post by Guest Thu Jan 12, 2012 3:35 pm

Pxyis watched the exchange with a smile, and already knew that Parker wouldn't have flown before- due to his muggle heritage. "Don't worry about it Parker," she said with a smirk. "Flying's a piece of cake- and even if you don't get it there is always something else you could do. Not everybody's good at everything," said Pxyis in a light tone.

She then smiled brightly. "I, however, thoroughly enjoy flying. It's the only thing im good at really. What are your interests?" She directed the question to both Tess and Parker.


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Class 1- Flying (First Years) Empty Re: Class 1- Flying (First Years)

Post by James-Weasley Thu Jan 12, 2012 4:08 pm

James noticed that much of the class had whittled down to talking and he was eager to be back into the sky again. He turned to face the bunch with a stern face.

"Alright, all. Enough of the prattling. We're going to be learning how to fly. Now, if this is your first time it shouldn't hurt too much. You may need to buck up a bit though." He looked to the two quailing Slytherin. "So I need everyone who hasn't a broomstick to pick one up in your hands. Afterwards everyone please line up."

He watched as the students did this. "Your brooms are already enchanted, if bought in Diagon Alley or owned by Hogwarts." He said. "Now it's like riding a horse, you kind of just have to think about where you want to go, and direct your broom that way."

He placed his Firebolt between his legs and thought about flying toward the sky. He went upwards, did a bit of free flying, and then landed. Smiling he pointed to the Gryffindor.

"Why don't you go first?"


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Class 1- Flying (First Years) Empty Re: Class 1- Flying (First Years)

Post by Haley Vilde Smith Fri Jan 13, 2012 1:55 am

Haley quickly obeyed professor Weasley's request and grabbed a Nimbus 2000. Though it was an old broom, she really liked that one. Then she lined up with the others. Then professor Weasley pointed to Alice and asked: "Why don't you go first?" Haley grinned at Alice and waited for her to answer.
Haley Vilde Smith
Haley Vilde Smith
Hufflepuff Seventh Year

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Class 1- Flying (First Years) Empty Re: Class 1- Flying (First Years)

Post by Alice Carroll Lane Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:55 pm

Alice sighed and blushed a little. She had heard rumor in the Gryffindor common room that Professor Weasley really loved the Gryffindor House he had hailed from in his student days. She just hoped that she didn't disappoint him too much.

With a stiff arm she grabbed the broom. She felt a bit silly as she mounted it but closed her eyes to focus instead. She thought of lifting off the ground and directing her broom upward. To her excitement she felt her feet lift from the ground and up she flew.

She opened her eyes to see that she quickly ascended and she felt her heart race. She leveled her broom as she flew a few feet off the ground and was surprised to find that the flying wasn't too bad.

She shakily began to land the broom and landed sprawled out on the grass much to her embarrassment but she was quick to her feet and picked her broom up in her hand proudly.

Alice Carroll Lane

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Class 1- Flying (First Years) Empty Re: Class 1- Flying (First Years)

Post by Haley Vilde Smith Mon Jan 16, 2012 8:14 pm

Haley laughed slightly at Alice's return to the ground, but all in good sport. She then patted Alice on the back when she rejoined them.

"That was pretty damned good," Haley said with a big grin.

She then turned to professor Weasley, waiting for him to choose the next one.
Haley Vilde Smith
Haley Vilde Smith
Hufflepuff Seventh Year

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Class 1- Flying (First Years) Empty Re: Class 1- Flying (First Years)

Post by James-Weasley Tue Jan 17, 2012 2:38 pm

James nodded his head in approval at the student.

"Unfortunately, we're running out of time today but I want everyone to practice on their brooms for the last fifteen minutes of class. I want everyone up into the air." He said and placed his broom between his legs, dashing upwards.


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Class 1- Flying (First Years) Empty Re: Class 1- Flying (First Years)

Post by Haley Vilde Smith Tue Jan 17, 2012 6:31 pm

Haley immediately mounted the broom and kicked off. The air whooshed past her ears and her hair lifted. She smiled. She loved flying. She wasn't the best of the best, of course, but she knew what she was doing. She flew amongst the others for fifteen minutes, and when those minutes were up, she landed back down on the grass again, broom in hand.
Haley Vilde Smith
Haley Vilde Smith
Hufflepuff Seventh Year

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Class 1- Flying (First Years) Empty Re: Class 1- Flying (First Years)

Post by Parker Emery Tue Jan 17, 2012 6:40 pm

Parker had watched nervously as Alice got up into the air, and worried when she tumbled off as she landed. He was glad to see she was fine, hopefully the same could be said for him.

As the teacher gave them the free fifteen minutes to fly around, Parker stood there with his hands grasped tight on the broom, startling a bit when Haley kicked off fast into the air. He watched her glide through the air with much more ease. He stood there, the broom clenched in his hands tightly as he watched, frozen, his feet planted firmly on the ground, the whole fifteen minutes. He could wait to do this until next lesson, he was sure.

The second the fifteen minutes were up, he dropped the broom and went to walk away. He felt like a bloody coward, but there were some things he knew he really just could not jump onto so quickly, a broom being one of those things.

Parker Emery

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Class 1- Flying (First Years) Empty Re: Class 1- Flying (First Years)

Post by Tess McCartney Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:10 am

She smiled seeing her friend up in the air, but she found it pretty amusing how she landed, considering she was fine.

"You did great" she said softly.

Fifteen minutes of flying? She was excited. She straddled her broom and closed her eyes imagining herself flying. Soon enough, she was in the air. She felt the air caressing her face and she opened her eyes to see just how high she was.

To say the least, it was beautiful. The sun was up and she felt comfortable which was a surprise. She began to fly around and curving her body as she began to zoom all around. She noticed that this came natural to her, and she was excited to know something came naturally to her, that being flying.

She happened to notice Parker not really moving, and she frowned seeing so, maybe she could teach him a thing or to, if he wanted of course. With one more loop, the fifteen minutes were up. So she regrettably floated down and landed more graceful than when she straddled it to begin with.

"Bloody fantastic"

Tess McCartney

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Age : 31

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