Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Muhe House Meeting - first years

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Muhe House Meeting - first years Empty Muhe House Meeting - first years

Post by Guest Thu Jan 19, 2012 6:51 am

Alys waited impatiently in the common room, not able to sit still. Until now, she had gotten up from one sofa, moved to another, back to the first one and paced the bit of floor at the entrance about sixteen times, if Anja was to be trusted.

"Alys, would you just sit quietly for a minute," someone said but the witch ignored them, too excited to be still. Where were Zara and Tarragon? The meeting was supposed to start at eight and well, it was still ten minutes to but everyone else was here.

"Anja, are you sure Zara isn't up there sleeping?" the blonde asked, her gaze flicking towards the staircase leading to the girl's dorm. "And what about Tarragon, where is he?"

"Well, he certainly isn't in the girls' dorm," a boy joked and Alys smiled slightly. "Come on guys, be serious. We need to make arrangements for Lehrer M's wedding and since we're first years, we have to come up with something awesome!"


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Muhe House Meeting - first years Empty Re: Muhe House Meeting - first years

Post by Guest Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:59 am

Tarragon headed back to the common room for five to eight, so he was early for Alys' meeting. He'd been out flying on his broomstick after he'd been disallowed to set up the Quidditch team, much to his disgust. He was covered in mud from where he'd be skimming the ground as he practiced all the moves he knew again and again.

He smiled at Alys as he entered, leaning his broomstick against the fireplace.

"No need to look so grumpy, Fraulein Diederich, we still have..." He checked his watch as he spoke, "Four minutes! Give people time!"

He lumped down into an armchair, flicking his muddy wet hair out his eyes.


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Muhe House Meeting - first years Empty Re: Muhe House Meeting - first years

Post by Guest Thu Jan 19, 2012 4:16 pm

"Normally, I would ask you to go change, but we don't have much time. I just got the owl from Lehrer M and we need to get together something for her wedding present stat. She's been a great teacher and now that she's getting married, we have to do something special for her. The sixth and seventh years are planning on decorating the venue, the fifth years are performing a ballet number for her and the third and fourth years have already sent her flowers. The second years helped mail all the invites. So what can we,. the first years of Muhe, do that will be extra special" The girl rattled off the list of what their house had been up to in preparations or the wedding. "I don't even know if there's anything left to do in terms of helping."

"And where is Zara, she's better at this brainstorming stuff than I am!"


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Muhe House Meeting - first years Empty Re: Muhe House Meeting - first years

Post by Guest Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:43 pm

Being the procrastinator that she is, Zara waited until the last minute to leave the dining hall. She ran down the corridor, making sure that no Lehrers were hanging out in the hallway, and tried her best not to drop the two cans of whipped cream she had (kind of) pilphered for hers and Alys' dessert. She made it to the door, of the common room, and checked her watch. Still a minute till. She walked in just in time to hear Alys ask where she was.

"Have no fear, Zara is here!" She walked in holding up the cans as trophies. "And I have brought yummies!"

Last edited by Zara Staudt on Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:44 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Forgot closing HTML)


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Muhe House Meeting - first years Empty Re: Muhe House Meeting - first years

Post by Guest Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:59 pm

The witch's sapphire eyes lit up at the sight of the whipped scream cans Zara held up like medals and she laughed, going over to the redhead and grabbing one. "Finally, Froulein Stoudt decides to join us."

Taking Zara's hand and dragging her to the center of the common room, the blonde cleared her throat. "Now that we're all here, let's get down to business. We, the first year students of House Muhe, have to do something special for our head of house, Lehrer M's wedding - something the seniors haven't offered to do already." The witch stopped for a minute to withdraw a piece of paper from her pocket. "So far, the wedding decor is taken care of, as are the cake, the drinks and the performances. The best man is going to be a cousin of the Deputy Hghmaster's and flowers have also been taken care of. So what can we do in addition to all this?"

Alys looked at everyone in turn, waiting for ideas since she herself was at a loss for any.

Last edited by Alys Diederich on Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:19 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Muhe House Meeting - first years Empty Re: Muhe House Meeting - first years

Post by Guest Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:05 pm

Zara listened to the list of everything that was covered already and felt a little discouraged at the few things that were left to be done. Going over it again in her mind, she realized that one important aspect of a wedding was missing.


"I know! We can take care of the music. We can all work together to put together a playlist for the reception and someone, who's not in the wedding party, can handle the music during the ceremony."


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Muhe House Meeting - first years Empty Re: Muhe House Meeting - first years

Post by Guest Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:14 pm

The blonde simply stared a the other witch, her eyes nearly popping out of her head at her own stupidity.


Why hadn't she thought of that? Shame on her!

"Zara, you know you're a genius right," she said, breaking out into a huge smile. No one had made any mention of music for the ceremony so far and the playlist dedication to their teacher was the perfect idea.

Turning to the rest of them, she said "I second Zara's idea for creating a playlist for the ceremony. How about the rest of you, anyone got any other suggestions?"


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Muhe House Meeting - first years Empty Re: Muhe House Meeting - first years

Post by Guest Fri Jan 20, 2012 4:52 am

Tarragon raised his eyebrow as Alys' eyes headed towards the boys, did she really think they'd have anything better to add? He supposed most of them would think flying round on a broom would be entertainment for the night. He smiled encouragingly at Alys. He'd never been to a wedding so didn't really know what was expected of the guests.

"What about wedding attire? Has that been decided?" He asked, hoping that they were going to have to go in Muhe pink. He didn't like pink.


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Muhe House Meeting - first years Empty Re: Muhe House Meeting - first years

Post by Guest Fri Jan 20, 2012 5:10 am

When no objections were raised on the music idea, the girl grinned. "So its decided, we are going to make the best playlist Lehrer M has ever seen. And I actually happen to have a list of her favorite songs, I found it in the soothsaying classroom - three guesses as to who could have left it there." Her eyes twinkled with mischief.

"So, I think in addition to that, each of us should at least recommend three to five more songs. We should have at least twenty. And we need to pick someone who isn't going to be standing up front to man the music, as Zara pointed out earlier."

Looking up at Tarragon, the witch frowned. He had a valid questions, and well, there was one bit of news she hadn't shared with anyone but Zara. Oh well, no time like the present.

"Well, Lehrer M asked Zara and I to be bridesmaids, and she asked if you could be the ring bearer? She already has dresses picked out for us but you're on your own."


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Muhe House Meeting - first years Empty Re: Muhe House Meeting - first years

Post by Guest Fri Jan 20, 2012 5:34 am

Tarragon looked bemused with the news.

"Ring bearer?" he asked, his brow furrowed. "And fend for myself on what to wear to a wedding?"

He looked exasperated at the whole idea. This was absolutely crazy! He had no idea where he'd even start on the clothes, let alone understand what job he'd been given in the first place. Why did girls have to get so excitable over the whole wedding idea? It was horrible, he thought!


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Muhe House Meeting - first years Empty Re: Muhe House Meeting - first years

Post by Guest Fri Jan 20, 2012 5:57 am

"Yes Tarragon, ring bearer. It means you'll be in charge of the wedding rings. Your job will be to give it to the happy couple when the priest says to exchange rings. As for dressing, just put on some nice dress robes." Alys personally was very glad her dress had been chosen for her by the Dark Arts teacher. The blonde and shopping did not get on well. Even at home, her Mama took care of all that.

"Don't worry, I'm sure there'll be a rehearsal for everyone to practice what they have to do."

Addressing the room at large once again, she continued. "Come on guys, song suggestions. I know a fair few Muggle ones too. I think we should have 'A Thousand Years', 'Truly Madly Deeply' and 'We Found love' for certain. They're all wedding material." The witch waited for more suggestions.

"How about 'Just The Way You Are', that one is so pretty," Anja suggested, raising her hand.

"Good one," Alys encouraged, noting down the songs on her piece of paper. "Any more ideas?"


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Muhe House Meeting - first years Empty Re: Muhe House Meeting - first years

Post by Guest Fri Jan 20, 2012 6:44 am

Tarragon looked around awkwardly, he wasn't the romantic sort but he had a couple of ideas.

"How about, 'The Reason', that's a romantic song, isn't it?" He waited to get glares from the girls, or get the mickey taken out of him by the boys. It was a genuine answer in his eyes, but he really didn't know and hoped Alys would come to his rescue quickly in the situation.


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Muhe House Meeting - first years Empty Re: Muhe House Meeting - first years

Post by Guest Fri Jan 20, 2012 6:48 am

Alys nodded without looking up from her list. "Very good Tarragon, that's a sweet song, even my Mama loves it."

"How about "Necks To You", that one's cool," another boy suggested.

"No Zack, that song was sung by a vampire ages ago about how he would kill Muggles, it's not wedding material," Alys explained, looking up from her work. "Any more ideas guys?"


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Muhe House Meeting - first years Empty Re: Muhe House Meeting - first years

Post by Guest Fri Jan 20, 2012 7:11 am

Tarragon waited for someone else to offer sensible ideas, but after Zack made a mockery of Alys he glared across the room to him. He'd give him a good punch in the gut later on.

"How about 'What Makes You Different' or "It's All About You'? I have heard many a girl craving to listen to these songs because they're so 'lovely'" He mocked their voices with the last word.

He wasn't a musical person, but he did listen to what others had to say about the topic. He'd never personally listened to either of them so he hoped he hadn't picked to unromantic songs at this point.


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Muhe House Meeting - first years Empty Re: Muhe House Meeting - first years

Post by Guest Fri Jan 20, 2012 7:27 am

"Those are good too," Alys said approvingly, writing them down. "We're making good progress, everyone. What else can we put on here?"

Just then, a giggle broke out from two of the girls sitting in a corner. Alys looked at them, eyebrows raised. "You guys want to suggest a song too?"

"Well..." the dark haired one began hesitantly and the other gave her an encouraging nod. "My older sister got married earlier this year and she had this song at her wedding too so... Its called "Every time We touch" and well, its not slow but we already have a lot of slow songs, and we should have something people can really dance to."

"That's a great idea," Alys smiled at the girl. Once she had written it down, she looked at Zara. "What do you think, Zara? Any wedding song comes to mind?"


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Muhe House Meeting - first years Empty Re: Muhe House Meeting - first years

Post by Guest Fri Jan 20, 2012 12:40 pm

"Can You Pay My Bills," she joked, shooting a smile Alys' way. "Maybe even Raise Your Glass."

In all seriousness, she had a lot of ideas for great love songs, an entire playlist of them on her music player. While she was listening to the others ideas, she was mentally skimming through the list.

"I'm kidding, of course. How about Lucky?"


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Muhe House Meeting - first years Empty Re: Muhe House Meeting - first years

Post by Guest Fri Jan 20, 2012 6:31 pm

Alys giggled at Zara's first suggestion, wondering what the two instructors will think of that song. Though being teachers at Durmstrang must be rewarding enough to take care of their own bills.

"I'm kidding, of course. How about Lucky?"

"That's a sweet one," Alys said, adding it to her list. "We only need like three more songs, everyone. Keep them coming!"


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Muhe House Meeting - first years Empty Re: Muhe House Meeting - first years

Post by Guest Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:54 pm

"We need something classic, too. We can't have an entirely contempory playlist. How about some Sinatra? Come Fly With Me is an amazing love song. Oh, and Can You Feel The Love Tonight-another beautiful one!"

Zara thought for a minute, again sorting through the music on her player, in her head. They were at nineteen songs, with those two, the other nine that the rest of the first-years had come up with, and another eight from Lehrer M's favorites list. But, what else could they do? The entire common room, the girls at least, were deep in thought when another one popped into her mind. This song would set off the entire selection, and appearantly Alys had the same thought as they both yelled out, at the same time:

"Neutron Star Collision!"


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Muhe House Meeting - first years Empty Re: Muhe House Meeting - first years

Post by Guest Fri Jan 20, 2012 9:05 pm

"Neutron Star Collision!" Alys yelled out only to hear Zara's enthusiastic tone right along with her. Both girls started laughing simultaneously at their identical outbursts.

"Weirdos," Alys could hear Anja muttering which made her laugh harder still.

"All right everyone," the blonde gasped out, still laughing. "We have our twenty songs. I'll put them all together, and by that I mean I will bug Zara until she does, and Anja, Zack, you guys can manage the songs during the ceremony."

Turning to Zara, she said "We have a dress fitting later in the week but Lehrer M will let us know when that is." Walking over to the table where she had left the whipped cream, the witch picked up a can and sprayed a generous helping at the crowd. "I know declare this meeting... Adjourned!"


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