Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Lesson Two- First Years

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Lesson Two- First Years Empty Lesson Two- First Years

Post by Briony Romain Mon Feb 27, 2012 7:24 pm

Briony walked into the classroom, she had managed to get the weapons that the students would be using this lesson from the answers to last lessons questions that she had asked, two of the students had around about the same talents, and it was interesting to see they were both girls.

Sitting down behind her desk, Briony kept the weapons that she had chosen underneath it so they couldn't be seen by the student, they would be given to them upon arrival.

Lighting up another cigarette, which had become a fast habit of hers to smoke during classes, Briony sighed lightly and waited.
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Lesson Two- First Years Empty Re: Lesson Two- First Years

Post by Anne Jones Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:35 am

Anne walked into class nervoius, fighting was not her thing but she had to prove herself so she took her seat and waited for the class to start.

Anne Jones

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Lesson Two- First Years Empty Re: Lesson Two- First Years

Post by Xander Clarke Tue Feb 28, 2012 3:55 pm

Xander walked into the class, ready for some action. After the last bit of the last lesson, he was eager to see what the professor assigned him for a weapon.

Yes, he would love to work with a sword again. But he looked forward to learning new things as well.

Xander Clarke

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Lesson Two- First Years Empty Re: Lesson Two- First Years

Post by Jaycie Simple Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:44 pm

Jaycie managed to enter the classroom not too late today. She was eager to see what weapon Professor Romain had picked out for her; she'd never even held a proper sword before.

Just as she sat down, a lingering, thickening scent of smoke hit her nostrils. Her eyes widened slightly. The smoke became thicker and more of it accumulated. Her throat was tightening up, and she gave a strangled cough, starting to panic. Jay really didn't want to have an asthma attack right now.

Jaycie Simple

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Lesson Two- First Years Empty Re: Lesson Two- First Years

Post by Briony Romain Wed Feb 29, 2012 7:20 am

Briony saw that most of her class had arrived and she left the door open for anyone else who was going to come in, she also saw that the girl who needed help talking last year was on the verge of some sort of asthma attack and sighed softly.

Waving her wand in front of the girl Briony created a vent of fresh air minus the smoke from her cigarette.

"Calm down. Stop panicking." she said simply "You're fine."

Looking around her class, Briony devised that there was only one more student to join them and so she would begin, going behind her desk, Briony picked up the first weapon, a short sword; "Right, Xander this is your weapon."

The second weapon she handed out to Jaycie, with a small smile, it was a set of bows and arrows; "These are for you Jaycie."

Now all there was left was Corina's weapon and she turned to the new student with a small smile, tapping out her cigarette now she was relaxed:

"Anne, you will need to answer these questions and tell me the answers promptly, so now if you would:
• Do my abilities lie in physical strength?
• Do I have accurate eyesight?
• Am I able to balance well?
• Have you had any battle training before?"
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Lesson Two- First Years Empty Re: Lesson Two- First Years

Post by Anne Jones Wed Feb 29, 2012 8:40 am

• Do my abilities lie in physical strength?
• Do I have accurate eyesight?
• Am I able to balance well?
• Have you had any battle training before?"

Those questions were easy to anser.

"yes I'm strong, I have great phisacal strength I have perfect eyesite, My balence is as good as it can be. and no i havn't had any battle training before." Anne told her teacher

Anne Jones

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Lesson Two- First Years Empty Re: Lesson Two- First Years

Post by Xander Clarke Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:03 pm

Xander took the short sword with a familiar hand. He was more used to rapiers, but was happy to be holding any sword, really.

He took a few moments to feel the balance in his hand. If he had more room he would take a few swings, but figured there'd be time for that. "Thank you, Professor."

Xander Clarke

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Lesson Two- First Years Empty Re: Lesson Two- First Years

Post by Corina Lavonne Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:20 pm

Walking in Corina hoped she wasn't very late. Nodding to the other students she sat down "I'm sorry I'm late ma'am. I ended up lost. I hope I haven't missed much." She looked around and smiled noticing Jaycie and Xander had their weapons. Bow and arrows and a short sword.

Corina Lavonne

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Lesson Two- First Years Empty Re: Lesson Two- First Years

Post by Briony Romain Wed Feb 29, 2012 7:28 pm

Briony smiled lightly as Corina walked into the classroom and shut the door behind her, it was nice to know that all of the class was here, and on time too. They could get started today at a reasonable time. Reaching behind the desk, Briony picked up the weapon that she had picked for Corina, it was a crossbow.

"Here Corina, this is your weapon."

Thinking for a moment about what Anne said to her, Briony wandered over to the wall of weapons and picked up some that she thought would be beneficial to her, with a small nod, Briony handed the girl three throwing knives.

"These are your weapons Anne. Now, can each of you tell me a situation in which your weapons would be beneficial, for example, you are in a busy battle in a main street, how would your weapons be useful then as opposed to a one on one duel?"
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Lesson Two- First Years Empty Re: Lesson Two- First Years

Post by Jaycie Simple Wed Feb 29, 2012 10:26 pm

Jaycie smiled gratefully as the Professor conjured up a fresh-air thingo around her before her asthma got any worse. She wondered if the Professor was getting annoyed at her, with her shyness and her asthma... but she couldn't help it. That was just her, Jaycie.

Jaycie watched eagerly as Professor Romain handed out the weapons. When she was given her bow and arrows, her breath hitched in her throat. Wow, she thought. Jay had never really expected these, but they were really cool. Picking up an arrow from off her desk, she ran her fingers up and down the length, feeling the grainy wood and the sharp tip of the weapon. "Thanks, Professor," she breathed in awe.

Jaycie knew that archery was best suited to long-distance attacks, therefore not much use if you were in a one-on-one battle in a crowded spot. "Archery would be better used stealthily," Jaycie began, raising her hand politely and looking up. She was getting better at this. "It would be of no use in close combat. Unless I grabbed an arrow and ran someone through with it, but that's highly unlikely. I think it would be better to use these as a backup, or something?"

Jaycie Simple

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Lesson Two- First Years Empty Re: Lesson Two- First Years

Post by Xander Clarke Thu Mar 01, 2012 6:21 pm

Xander raised his hands. "A sword is exactly the opposite. Being a melee weapon, it would be no use in long range, unless you threw it. But the benefit of having one in a busy battle is the ability to wound multiple targets in one swing. Plus, a short sword can be used for swinging, piercing, and as a blunt object if you use the hilt. It's quite multi-purposeful."

He could barely contain his excitement for finally having a class he could do well in. He loved potions, but this class gave him an opportunity to hone his own personal skills.

Xander Clarke

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Lesson Two- First Years Empty Re: Lesson Two- First Years

Post by Briony Romain Thu Mar 01, 2012 7:25 pm

Briony listened to both of the answers that the pupils gave, they were good ones to be sure and most of the things to do with battles were common sense knowledge, although most people didn't have any common sense in a battle situation.

"Well done Jaycie, arrows are indeed better for long range attacks, and you could be used more strategically in a higher footing, so you can use these to shoot down enemies from on high. 5 points to Hufflepuff."

Also, she was quite impressed with the depth of answer from Xander, and she even hesistated a swift smile, nodding to him also: "That's correct, a very in depth analysis of your weapon, 5 points to Slytherin."

Waiting for the last few members of her class to give her their answers, Briony sighed lightly.
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Lesson Two- First Years Empty Re: Lesson Two- First Years

Post by Anne Jones Fri Mar 02, 2012 12:31 am

Anne smiled at her throwing knives they could be useful in may atcakks

" These," she said juesturing at her wepons "would be useful in most attacks you could throw them when at a greater range or simply stab the person at close range." anne awnsered

Anne Jones

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Lesson Two- First Years Empty Re: Lesson Two- First Years

Post by Corina Lavonne Fri Mar 02, 2012 6:33 am

Holding the cross bow Corina smiled. "The cross bow can be used for long range attacks. It isn't ideal for short-range, because it is a firing weapon and you would not have enough time to load and fire it. It is sometimes rather difficult to use but in general its perfect as a long range weapon." She tried to think of anything else her weapon could do. She knew the cross bow was rather popular in Muggle History but she wasn't sure how or hte details.

Corina Lavonne

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Lesson Two- First Years Empty Re: Lesson Two- First Years

Post by Briony Romain Mon Mar 05, 2012 1:31 am

Briony smiled and nodded at the two girls answers and was glad that they seemed to be getting the hang of physical fighting so quickly, with a wave of her wand three targets and a dummy appeared out of thin air, moving the desks to one side, Briony created invisible barriers around the practice area.

"Now, for the remained of the lesson you are to practice your weapons, the barriers will stop them from hurting others so don't worry about that."

Gesturing to the practice areas, Briony added:

"Don't worry, you don't all have to be experts, or even fluent users of these weapons by the end of class, they will take months to perfect."
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Lesson Two- First Years Empty Re: Lesson Two- First Years

Post by Xander Clarke Mon Mar 05, 2012 5:01 am

Xander grinned and moved towards the dummy. It seemed to be made of cloth with some kind of stuffing.

Finally being about to move about freely without hurting anyone, he took a few swings to get the feel of it. It was definitely heavier in the blade than his usual rapier, less so in the hilt, but it was sturdy.

Taking his usual stance he took some wide swings at the dummy, testing the stretch of the blade. He then focused on the kill spots. The head, the heart, slicing open the stomach. He never went for these areas when practicing with his father, but this is what a dummy was for.

Xander Clarke

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Lesson Two- First Years Empty Re: Lesson Two- First Years

Post by Briony Romain Mon Mar 05, 2012 7:49 pm

Briony watched as Xander stepped forward and began to use the area that she had given him to practice on, he was already very good and her upper lip curled into a smirk as she thought how much she was pleased with him for at least knowing this much.

Seeing that class was about to come to an end, Briony clapped her hands and the training equipment fell back to the floor and she smirked slightly wider:

"10 points to Slytherin, well done Xander. Class is dismissed, leave your weapons at the front if you would."
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Lesson Two- First Years Empty Re: Lesson Two- First Years

Post by Briony Romain Mon Mar 05, 2012 7:56 pm

Class Closed:

Lesson Point: Personal Weapon Practice

Slytherin: 15
Hufflepuff: 5
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
Hogwarts Headmistress

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