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Breakfast news (Anne, Parker, Pyxis)

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Breakfast news (Anne, Parker, Pyxis) - Page 2 Empty Re: Breakfast news (Anne, Parker, Pyxis)

Post by Guest Wed Mar 07, 2012 6:47 pm

Pyxis rolled her eyes at Anne's question in turn. Her own emotions were annoyed, frustrated and concerned. She looked at Parker and saw the plea for help in his eyes, so with a soft smile she wrapped an arm around Anne's shoulder and squeezed her gently.

"Sweetie, its going to be okay. I promise, everything always gets better." Pyxis assured her, her eyes flickering with sorrow at her lie. Her voice sounded sincere, genuine, as if she truly believed what she said. A girl this young didn't need to know the cruelty of the world. It held no mercy.


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Breakfast news (Anne, Parker, Pyxis) - Page 2 Empty Re: Breakfast news (Anne, Parker, Pyxis)

Post by Anne Jones Thu Mar 08, 2012 7:43 am

Anne shook her head it didn't always get better, life didn't work like that. "No it doesn't but thanks for tying to cheer me up." she needed her friends right now, but they needed to talk to each other. "I'm gonna go, and let you two talk. I won't do anything stupid I promise."

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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Breakfast news (Anne, Parker, Pyxis) - Page 2 Empty Re: Breakfast news (Anne, Parker, Pyxis)

Post by Parker Emery Thu Mar 08, 2012 4:06 pm

He looked between the two at the strange feeling exchange of words and then looked down at the ground. He felt bad fro not knowing how to be able to help. If he ever came across a person so distraught again he still didn't know what he would be able to do to comfort them.

When Anne said she was going to go, Parker looked up at her again, feeling uneasy about letting her go. As much as he wanted to believe she would be fine, the worry was still there. He then held his hand out to her, his palm curled except for his pinky. "Pinky promise?" he was a stupid, childish gesture. But at the same time, being reminded they were only just little kids was what felt appropriate. A promise and a pinky promise weren't any different, but at the same time, in some unexplainable way they were. "Promise you won't just bottle it up either, okay?"

Parker Emery

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Breakfast news (Anne, Parker, Pyxis) - Page 2 Empty Re: Breakfast news (Anne, Parker, Pyxis)

Post by Anne Jones Thu Mar 08, 2012 4:13 pm

Anne looked at Parkers pinky and nodded and held out her own, "Pinky promise, that I won't bottle it up nor do anything stupid." she did the childish gesture and walked up to gryffindor tower.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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Breakfast news (Anne, Parker, Pyxis) - Page 2 Empty Re: Breakfast news (Anne, Parker, Pyxis)

Post by Parker Emery Thu Mar 08, 2012 6:02 pm

Parker nodded as they made the promise. And he let out a sigh as she walked away. He knew bottling things up was a bad thing to do, especially when it was something like this. Well, anything really could be dangerous if held in for too long. If someone just kept everything they felt hidden away, it would eventually surface some other way.

He looked at the ground, listening to her footsteps fade away. The whole fast pace of the whole situation left his head feeling a jumbling pounding mess. He looked to Pxyis with furrowed eyebrows. "Neither of us know her all that well, but I really do hope she'll be fine like she said..." It was so unfair. Not just with what happened to her. But the things that had been happening to all of them recently. There were people in the hospital wing, people who had lost their parents, those that hadn't had much of one's in the first place.

And here he thought things would be getting better when so clearly they weren't.

Parker Emery

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Breakfast news (Anne, Parker, Pyxis) - Page 2 Empty Re: Breakfast news (Anne, Parker, Pyxis)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 08, 2012 6:51 pm

Pyxis nodded and smiled at Parker despite the fact that she was still irritated with him, not that much since she'd hurt him but it was still there, making her frustrated and annoyed. However, she'd hit and hurt him, and she was going to make it up to him before she exploded in a fit of rage. She might just take it out on her pillow. Or listen to some music.

"So do I. What even happened to her?" Pyxis asked, curious.

Parker had never delighted her with the details as to why Anne wished to end her life, which confused Pyxis' but she would respect whether Parker told her or not. After all, Anne had told him in confidence so it was really up to Parker whether he informed her. With a sigh, Pyxis stepped forwards and buried her annoyance deep within her, bringing back memories to calm her down. She turned his head with the use of his chin and trailed her fingers over the red skin. She touched it so lightly that it was more like they ghosted over his skin.

"Sorry again, for that."


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Breakfast news (Anne, Parker, Pyxis) - Page 2 Empty Re: Breakfast news (Anne, Parker, Pyxis)

Post by Parker Emery Thu Mar 08, 2012 7:16 pm

Parker sighed, not knowing if Anne would be alright with him telling Pxyis. Though being involved in the whole thing he knew if he was going through some sort of trouble and a person who didn't know his situation was trying to help, he'd certainly not mind them knowing. He thought this over a short moment, trying to put everything together in his own mind so he didn't confuse himself.

"Well...in the most simple way I can say it...her-her parents passed away." He looked down. Maybe she'd not want everything told about her life. He could never be sure with girls, or just anyone really. "All very sudden, she's terribly overwhelmed I imagine..." he trailed off, still looking down until Pxyis had reached out to his chin, turning his head.

He breathed out as she ghosted her fingers over the still read skin, "It's fine, really..." though if he really thought about it. It sort of wasn't. Not the fact that she slapped him, but that it was completely lost on him as to why. He felt like he'd missed something major. And he still didn't understand why she'd been so upset.

Parker Emery

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Breakfast news (Anne, Parker, Pyxis) - Page 2 Empty Re: Breakfast news (Anne, Parker, Pyxis)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 09, 2012 9:50 pm

Pyxis gasped at that, feeling sadness. Even though she wasn't particularly fond of her parents, she would've still been distraught if they had died. To actually be close to your parents, even love them and then loose them was something Pyxis' could not bare to think about. A surge of sympathy gushed through her, and she wished she could go and hug Anne but knew the girl had her own friends to talk too.

"That's so horrible." She murmured, eyes filling with tears again.

Pyxis saw the lie within Parker's eyes, but she ignored it. She felt weary, and decided she needed to spend some time alone. No, she needed to talk to Char. But, would Charlotte really want to talk to her? Pyxis felt as if the weight of the world had been thrust on her shoulders, and she sighed heavily.

"I'm going to go back to the common room now... do some more studying... see you later..."


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Breakfast news (Anne, Parker, Pyxis) - Page 2 Empty Re: Breakfast news (Anne, Parker, Pyxis)

Post by Parker Emery Sat Mar 10, 2012 11:08 am

He sighed, "I know...and I had just recently met her too...I want to help, but I don't know how." He didn't feel he could do anything right lately, and was starting to feel like everything was just becoming a bother. Why try so hard if nothing works out anyways?

He turned his face away a bit and nodded. "If you ever need help with your work, the offer still stands...you know where to find me..." He felt a bit deflated. He thought they'd get a change to have another proper chat. He wanted to know what had been bothering her, and for her not to bottle things up, as it seemed like she was doing the past few weeks. But apparently that wasn't going to happen. Maybe another day he hoped.

He then looked down, his hands at his sides. "I'll see you around."

Parker Emery

Posts : 821
Join date : 2012-01-10
Location : Home

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