Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Mood Swings (Parker & Pyxis)

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Mood Swings (Parker & Pyxis) Empty Mood Swings (Parker & Pyxis)

Post by Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 9:27 pm

Pxyis had slept restlessly, tossing and turning. Eventually, she awoke at an un-godly hour (6am) and yawned. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, not wanting to return to her horrific sleep. She threw her covers off of herself and slipped out of bed. Moving over to her closet, she pulled out her casual clothes to put them on. She was glad it was a weekend.

She dressed herself in a tank, a purple jumper, some skinny jeans and her favourite white sneakers before grabbing her book on Charms and making her way down to the common room. As she did so, she flicked the page to Glamour Charms and began to read up on them whilst she took her seat, notebook tucked under her arm. She placed the notebook on the desk next to her and began to take notes about the Glamour charm.

Last edited by Pyxis Wilson on Wed Feb 29, 2012 8:45 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Mood Swings (Parker & Pyxis) Empty Re: Mood Swings (Parker & Pyxis)

Post by Parker Emery Sat Feb 25, 2012 9:39 pm

Without the pain in his nose, Parker was able to sleep more peacefully then he had in a while, and therefor slept in the next morning. Parker stretched after walking up, and laid around in bed for a while as he woke up fully. He eventually thought it would be a good time to finally get up finish up the rest of his work so he could spend more time with Pxyis later on.

He changed into a jeans and a regular t-shirt, and slipped on some socks, not planning to really leave the common room. Today just seemed a good day to lounge around. He grabbed two of his books and his school bag, making his way down stairs to the common room.

Seeing Pxyis, he smiled, walking over to the couch and setting his bag and books beside him as he sat. "Morning Pyxis," he said with a smile.

Parker Emery

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Mood Swings (Parker & Pyxis) Empty Re: Mood Swings (Parker & Pyxis)

Post by Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 9:53 pm

Pxyis looked up when she heard the door to the boys dorm shut, and was most pleased/displeased to see Parker descending the staircase. He looked adorable as always, and it annoyed her. He had completely sent her back into the friends only zone last night, and she had been humiliated.

He smiled, she frowned. He sat down beside her, she shifted away. He greeted her, she 'Humph'ed. She was in no mood to converse with him for the moment, and with an annoyed sound she turned back to her notes and continued to read through them.

She acted as if he were not there as she practiced the movements for the glamor charm, then practiced pronouncing it correctly. She did the movements and pronounced it at the same time, focusing on turning her hair into soft curls of brown and imagined her eyes a sparkling violet colour. She smiled as it worked, and she knew so for she saw the sparks swirl around her head and felt her eyes tingle along with her hair. She lifted her hair up and grinned at its brown colour.

"I've always wanted brown hair." She mumbled.


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Mood Swings (Parker & Pyxis) Empty Re: Mood Swings (Parker & Pyxis)

Post by Parker Emery Sun Feb 26, 2012 5:02 pm

Parker frowned at the way Pxyis had just given him the cold shoulder, completely brushing him off. She seemed to still be upset from whatever it was from the night before. And it seemed what had upset her was him.


He sighed as he opened his Astronomy book, skimming through some part he found he really couldn't concentrate on. He glanced over as she was practicing her glamour charm. He remembered skimming over them in infiltration class last year. He raised his eyebrows as right before his eyes, her hair turned to curls of brown and her eyes changed to violet. A very quiet "wow" escaped from his mouth.

He smiled at her comment about wanting brown hair, he thought she looked just fine the sway she did. But figured she didn't want to listen to him at the moment. He didn't understand girl's preoccupation with wanting to be so much different then they were. Scratch that, he just absolutely did not get girls.

At least with the guys he knew, they usually would just state what had them mad and either fight about it, or forget it. Girls would drag it out it seemed, and held long awful grudges. Did she still have some lingering anger about what happened over summer then? Even though she insisted otherwise.

he sighed again and looked back down at his book, flipping another page.

Parker Emery

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Mood Swings (Parker & Pyxis) Empty Re: Mood Swings (Parker & Pyxis)

Post by Guest Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:42 pm

Pxyis felt smug with her results, and though she was mad at Parker she couldn't help but briefly smile at him before the smile dropped from her face and she tucked her wand into her pocket. She twirled a brown lock of hair around her finger with interest and admired the colour. It was a rich, chestnut brown that she was already becoming fond of. She jumped up and ignored Parker completely as she returned to the dorm just so she could see her eyes.

The violet shone brightly within them, and she became fascinated by her eyes. With a beam on her face she rushed back down the staircase and sat next to Parker. She had examined herself in the mirror and was most pleased with her results. For once in her life, she felt pretty.

As she turned her head to Parker, her waves swirled around her head and she grinned at the glimpse of brown. A girls mood swings truly were a thing of wonder and amazement, for one moment she was ignoring Parker and the next she was avidly striking up a conversation with him as if nothing had ever happened between the two of them. She toyed with her hair.

"What do you like better, my normal hair or this?" She asked.


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Mood Swings (Parker & Pyxis) Empty Re: Mood Swings (Parker & Pyxis)

Post by Parker Emery Mon Feb 27, 2012 6:55 am

Parker looked up from his book as Pxyis jumped up from the couch, happily bounding up to her dorm. He sighed, watching her go up then turned back to his book pulling his feet onto the couch and leaning his back agains the arm of the couch, facing the rest of the couch. Looking over the words on the page blankly, he saw Pxyis bound back down, plopping down on the couch by him.

"What do you like better, my normal hair or this?" Parker lowered his book onto his lap, getting more and more confused. Seconds before she had brushed him off and the next she was grinning and talking to him as if it had not happened.

He looked at her hair, tilting his head a bit. It was a bit odd to see her so different, not like it was bad, just different. She judt didn't look like the Pxyis he was so used to. He gave a small smile, running his fingers over the spine of his book. "To be honest you looked just as pretty before."

Parker Emery

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Mood Swings (Parker & Pyxis) Empty Re: Mood Swings (Parker & Pyxis)

Post by Guest Mon Feb 27, 2012 8:18 pm

Pxyis awaited his response eagerly, and once he gave it she beamed and decided to forgive him for embarrassing her last night. Little did the insane blonde know that Parker hadn’t even realized what he’d done. He was an ignorant boy, just like any other. Pxyis started to feel hyper, and it was mostly because she was a morning person. She loved looking outside as everything began to awaken, the sun rising higher in the sky as the birds tweeted their morning songs.

“Oh Parker, you’re so sweet!” She exclaimed, enveloping him in a bear hug as she felt tears well up in her eyes. She ruffled his hair as she slid back across the couch and picked up her book so as to read the counter spell. She retrieved her wand, casted the counter spell and then returned her attention to Parker.

“Be honest, though, what looked better. Violet, or grey-blue whatever my eyes are now?” Pxyis never really liked her eyes. They were unique, yes, different, yes, but she hated them. Grey was such a cold colour, but she did like the gentle blue that was swirled through them. With a devilish glint in her eye, Pxyis gripped her wand with a grin. “Oh Parker,” she began in a sugar-sweet voice. “Can I try it on you? For practice?”


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Mood Swings (Parker & Pyxis) Empty Re: Mood Swings (Parker & Pyxis)

Post by Parker Emery Tue Feb 28, 2012 6:13 pm

With Pxyis' beaming back at him, Parker gave a slightly confused smile back. Okay, so he'd said the right thing this time. I knew there were some girls out there that got upset if they were called pretty...with was pretty crazy. Parker was starting to conclude that girls were just stark raving mad most of the time. But it was Pxyis those, and a bit of madness in her was what was charming.

He let a small, surprised yelp when Pxyis practically attacked him with a hug and he scrunched his face when she ruffled his hair. He smiled as she returned to her book and turned herself back to normal. He would much prefer the Pxyis he was used to. Long blond hair, and her bright blue-grey eyes, even if she didn't like it.

Parker pursed his lips a bit in though. "Hmm, while the purple was cool and all, it's too...unnatural. Like I said, I much prefer what you already have!" He smiled, but it dropped a bit, when he saw that look in her eye. That usually meant she was plotting...which meant bad luck for him. The super-sweet voice she implored him with first, sent a slight chill down his spine. It was almost scary.

"Err...o-only if you promise to change it back afterwards-" He did not want to be stuck with some crazy hair for the rest of the day with no way to fix it.

Parker Emery

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Mood Swings (Parker & Pyxis) Empty Re: Mood Swings (Parker & Pyxis)

Post by Guest Tue Feb 28, 2012 6:35 pm

Pxyis noted his confused smile, but she couldn't understand why. Of course, being a girl, Pxyis was slightly insane and very emotional but she would never have realised it. Perhaps when she was older and wiser she would realise how strange she had been as a young girl, but for now she considered herself completely normal. She could feel her own features become confused at his confusion, and it was a very confusing situation.

His surprised yelp made Pxyis giggle hysterically as she moved out of her attack and ruffled his hair. She couldn't help but note the smooth texture, and it annoyed her. His hair was so soft, whilst hers was limp and dull. As he informed her that he preferred her normal eyes to the fake ones, Pxyis beamed happily.

"Really you like my eyes?" She asked, genuinely surprised. She'd always hated them, for the grey was depressing and strange. Though, she did acknowledge that they were very unique and different. It was most likely why Parker liked them.

She hid her evil smile as she said nothing on the topic and lifted her arm. With a clockwise turn and a downward flick, she mumbled "Mutari." And watched as the silver sparkles swirled around Parker's head and she snorted with laughter at his bubblegum pink hair with a matching set of eyes. Un-able to help herself, she began laughing hysterically again.

"Didn't I ever tell you? Never trust a Slytherin!"


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Mood Swings (Parker & Pyxis) Empty Re: Mood Swings (Parker & Pyxis)

Post by Parker Emery Tue Feb 28, 2012 6:47 pm

Parker couldn't help but laugh a little at himself when Pxyis startled giggling. He was acting pretty jumpy as of late, and it was a bit odd of him. He really should have half-expected it from her, but lately she'd been unpredictable. So could never know what to expect.

She looked surprised when she asked about her eyes. He gave another confused look. Why would she seem so surprised? "Well, yeah. They're...bright, and go with your hair." Parker gave shrug, probably not the best explanation, but there wasn't much to say. He just simply liked her eyes.

Parker then closed his eyes as she waved her wand, opening them again when he felt the strange sensation stop...and heard a snort of laughter. He should have known she was going to be deviant about this. He raised his hands to his head. "What?? What did you do?"

Parker Emery

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Mood Swings (Parker & Pyxis) Empty Re: Mood Swings (Parker & Pyxis)

Post by Guest Wed Feb 29, 2012 6:49 pm

Pyxis rolled her eyes but smiled anyway. Went with her hair? She decided to take that as the best he could do, he was a boy after all. She hummed a muggle tune to herself and scratched her chin as she reached over again and ruffled his hair. "I've told you this, but dammit Parker your hair is SO soft!" Pyxis exclaimed with a huff.

She removed her hand from his hair and brushed her fingers through her own, annoyed at the not-so-smooth-and-soft texture of her own. It was drier than Parker's, and she wetted her lips with a frown. Pushing these thoughts away, she leant back against the couch casually and smiled lazily.

She examined his now pink hair and eyes with a wide smile, and she continued to burst out laughing as she toppled sideways over the couch, her book clutched close to her chest. "Oh merlin!" She wiped a tear from her eye and grabbed him, tugging him over to the window of the black lake and pointing at his reflection. The window was almost like a mirror against the black, and you could make out the bright pink of his hair and eyes.


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Mood Swings (Parker & Pyxis) Empty Re: Mood Swings (Parker & Pyxis)

Post by Parker Emery Wed Feb 29, 2012 7:04 pm

He ducked his head a bit as she went to ruffle his hair again. "It's really not- if anything it's just 'cause it's shorter." looked at her and bit the inside of his cheek a bit before reaching over to Pxyis hair. he hoped she didn't think it weird or anything. But then again it was Pxyis and his own hair was probably some gaudy shade of some absurd colour. "Your hair's not that different at all you know." Or, well, it could have been, Parker was never good with these things.

Parker pulled his hand back, making a slightly concerned face as Pxyis continued to laugh. "Okay, really...what did you do?" And before he could continue she pulled him up from the couch and took him to look at his reflection in the window. His hands immediately shot up to his hair, his eyebrows raising in surprise. "Eh- Pxyis!! No way!" Okay. So the pink. Not what he was expecting at all.

He turned to her placing his hands on her shoulders, trying to keep his face serious, but failing at it, knowing just how ridiculous he looked and the embarrassment of someone possibly walking in at any moment. "Pl-please tell me you can turn this back!"

Parker Emery

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Mood Swings (Parker & Pyxis) Empty Re: Mood Swings (Parker & Pyxis)

Post by Guest Wed Feb 29, 2012 8:50 pm

Pyxis sighed, but reasoned with herself that he was a boy and couldn't tell such things as the different texture's between hair. "Don't worry your head over it, Parks." She told him with a small smile. She wondered if Parker thought she was weird, and decided it was most likely. Even Pyxis herself thought she was nuts.

Pyxis grinned as he placed his hands on her shoulder, his panic written all over his face. She looked around, and sighed. She knew that she ought to be a good friend and not humiliate Parker, but it was ever so tempting. With another sigh, she lifted her wand hand and twirled it anti-clockwise with an upwards flick, incanting the reverse spell and she watched with dismay as he returned to normal. Though that other Parker was amusing, this was Parker, her best friend and it made her smile to see him normal again.

"Whilst that was hilarious, I like this Parker better." She confessed, slipping her hand into his and with a light squeeze she tugged him back to the couch and pulled him down next to her. "Urgh, I have so much homework to do from this week. Its un-fair." She complained.


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Mood Swings (Parker & Pyxis) Empty Re: Mood Swings (Parker & Pyxis)

Post by Parker Emery Thu Mar 01, 2012 4:52 pm

Parker raised his eyebrows as Pxyis smiled, hopeful she'd not humiliate him into next week, even if he knew he'd be able to laugh about it later. He closed his eyes, letting out a relived sigh as he felt himself return to normal. He opened his eyes, smiling at her as she took his hand leading him back to the couch. "And I like the normal Pxyis better too" he mused, more to himself then to her.

As they plopped back down onto the couch, Pxyis groaned, complaining about the work load. He nodded, "Yeah I know, but I think half of that might just be because you're procrastinating on it." He gave her a cheeky smile. He did agree that the work load this year had been a bit more heavy then last, but he didn't mind it all that much, it's only be more every year.

He pulled his feet up onto the couch again, crossing his legs and pulling his book onto his lap again. "You know, if you ever need any help I'd me more then happy to." He really would be more than happy to, after all it was more time to spend with Pxyis, and it meant she'd be less stressed and perhaps...make her a little less...all over the place and back into Parker realm of understanding. At least he hoped.

Parker Emery

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Mood Swings (Parker & Pyxis) Empty Re: Mood Swings (Parker & Pyxis)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 03, 2012 2:34 am

Pyxis rolled her eyes at Parker but smiled anyway. "I am not... I can't finish that because I have no clue what that means." Pyxis said with a laugh, reaching for her dictionary and flipping to the meaning. It took her a while to find the page, but she finally did and 'ahh'ed as she read it over. "Oh, yes that's exactly what im doing. You're a clever cookie, hmm?" Pyxis ruffled his hair again, smirking as she did so.

Pyxis also lifted her legs up onto the couch - after kicking her sneakers off - and folded them next to her as she rested against the armrest, scribbling something down for her Charms work. It was about the charm they had been studying, and it was making her tired just thinking of all the work she had to do. However, she would not impose any on Parker unless she really needed too and could give him something in return.

"That's nice of you to offer, Parks, but im good. I wouldn't want to make you help me with my homework on top of all of your homework." Pyxis explained, resting her hand briefly on his arm before returning it to her book so she could flip the page over. "You know what, i've done a ton of homework this morning i've had enough." Pyxis exclaimed, slamming her book shut with a huff.


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Mood Swings (Parker & Pyxis) Empty Re: Mood Swings (Parker & Pyxis)

Post by Parker Emery Sat Mar 03, 2012 11:36 am

Parker smiled and laughed a bit as Pxyis went and looked up the word. "I'd have thought you'd know what procrastination is since you're practically the queen of it." He scrunched his face once again as she ruffled his hair.

He watched as she set herself to working more on her charms assignment, he already having finished his. As she scribbled away he picked up and opened his book again. Flipping and skimming through a few pages boredly. He looked up again as Pxyis declined his offer. Well, I finish my homework pretty fast, so it'd be no problem. Maybe we could even work on it together. I promise it's no problem.

Parker smiled as Pxyis slammed her book shut, and he felt his stomach rumble at about the same time. He closed his book, "Hey, do you want to head down to breakfast early? I dunno about you, but I feel like I'm starving." he stomach growled again, just to make a point.

Parker Emery

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Mood Swings (Parker & Pyxis) Empty Re: Mood Swings (Parker & Pyxis)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 03, 2012 1:02 pm

"I am not." Pyxis protested, even though she knew she was. She never had the energy to do the work if she still had a few more days to do it. She didn't think about the fact that it would get it over and done with, she would rather do things she enjoyed. Even when she tried to do the work, she couldn't concentrate and eventually just gave up and wandered off somewhere else.

Pyxis shook her head and refused Parker's offer. "I don't think so, I get cranky when im doing homework." And indeed Pyxis did, she got frustrated and threw things before storming off and snapping at anyone that annoyed her. She wouldn't make Parker suffer through that.

"Yes, im hungry." Pyxis agreed quickly, eager to get away from the common room. She gathered her gear and rushed up to the dorm, storing away her stuff before returning down to the common room and making her way to the door. "Shall we?"


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Mood Swings (Parker & Pyxis) Empty Re: Mood Swings (Parker & Pyxis)

Post by Parker Emery Sat Mar 03, 2012 2:30 pm

"Are too." He smiled back. Parker made sure not to make it habit to hold things off. He found it very satisfying to just get everything done that he needed to. Not to mention the fact that he found almost everything interesting and always wanted to learn more.

"Oh, Pxyis, I'm sure most people do. I'm sure I could handle you being a bit cranky. Maybe with some help you wouldn't get so frustrated?" he shrugged. While he was sure if they did homework together it may take a bit longer then it usually did for him, he didn't mind at all, after all he would be helping out Pxyis.

Parker Smiled and perked up, "Great!" Parker gathered his things, setting them aside as she went up to her dorm to put her things away. He followed her over to the door, smiling and nodding. "Yeah, let's go!"

Parker Emery

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