Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Water Works (Char and Pyxis)

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Water Works (Char and Pyxis) Empty Water Works (Char and Pyxis)

Post by Charlotte Smith Tue Feb 28, 2012 7:33 pm

Charlotte was walking to the common room down from one of her classes and she suddenly caught out of the corner of her eye Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, she wondered if she would be in there because she was always curious about these sorts of things.

Opening the door cautiously she looked in and peeked around the corner with a small smile on her face, she couldn't hear her but that didn't mean that she wasn't here.

With a smile, Charlotte looked around a few cubicles and she didn't see her, so pouting she decided that she might as well stay in here to study for a moment, it was so much quieter in here and hardly anybody came in.
Charlotte Smith
Charlotte Smith
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Water Works (Char and Pyxis) Empty Re: Water Works (Char and Pyxis)

Post by Guest Tue Feb 28, 2012 9:42 pm

Pyxis had left the common room rather abruptly as she got frustrated with her homework. By frustrated, she means threw her book across the room and stormed out. Her homework had gotten increasingly harder, and lessons had become more of a chore than a learning experience. She stopped right outside of the common room and attempted to reign in her anger so she wouldn't take it out on the stone wall and end up injuring her hand.

She had managed to calm down enough so that she wouldn't attack anything and began to walk. She reached her hand out and trailed her fingers against the cold stone, her eyes half-lidded as she took deep breaths and hummed softly to herself in the tune of 'Spies' by her second favourite muggle band, 'Coldplay'. "But you can't touch them no," she sung softly, a calm settling over her as she remained semi- in tune. "Cause they're all spies," she hummed the instrumental and made her way up the steps.

As she sung to the lyrics, she was pleased to discover no one interrupted her on her little walk. Often Pyxis would get lost within the castle as she wondered and sung, but this did not bother her. She knew the castle pretty well now and could figure her way out of most situations - so long as she didn't run into any grumpy teacher's. "I awake to see that no one is free. We're all fugitives, look at the way we live! Down here I cannot sleep from fear-" She stopped abruptly as the door to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom swung shut and she wandered over to it. She waited a moment and rested her ear against the door, but hearing nothing she pushed it open and saw Charlotte.

"Hey." She greeted softly.


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Water Works (Char and Pyxis) Empty Re: Water Works (Char and Pyxis)

Post by Charlotte Smith Tue Feb 28, 2012 9:53 pm

Charlotte jumped a little as the door swung open and she stood up as if being caught doing something that she shouldn't have, because she knew full well that she shouldn't be in this bathroom, it was out of bounds, and she sure hoped whoever it was was not a teacher come to shout at her.

When the person stepped in Charlotte blinked slightly before having to reign in her hair from turning a shade of red, which she managed to do, barely.

"Hello. Pyxis." she said with a small smile and put her book away, picking up her bag from the floor, wondering what she was doing in here herself.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, in a neutral tone.
Charlotte Smith
Charlotte Smith
Slytherin Seventh Year

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Water Works (Char and Pyxis) Empty Re: Water Works (Char and Pyxis)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 01, 2012 9:26 pm

The small smile on Pyxis face that had been directed at Charlotte dropped as she saw the girl tense and tinge red slightly before returning to normal. Guilt welled up in Pyxis and she shuffled her feet, her eyes lowering to the ground in shame. She felt horrible, and had forgotten to take to Charlotte after her make-up with Parker. She'd been so happy at having one of her best friends back that she'd forgotten about the other.

Now, she just felt sad and lonely again. Though she truly loved Parker and he was a key part of her life, Charlotte was the other. She had no one else to care about, to love, to want the best for, so she made Parker and Charlotte those people. She'd let Charlotte down by not talking to her and seemingly ignoring her in a time where Char needed her most.

She looked up from the ground and felt tears swim in her eyes as she stared at Charlotte, trying to convey how sorry she was.

"Wandering. I saw you come in here and wanted to investigate."


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Water Works (Char and Pyxis) Empty Re: Water Works (Char and Pyxis)

Post by Charlotte Smith Fri Mar 02, 2012 7:45 pm

Charlotte could see the emotions converging on Pyxis' face and she blinked slightly, she didn't think that it would be this difficult for them to talk again and she was determined to make sure that she wasn't making it any worse.

"Oh, I see, well, I just came in here to see if I could find Myrtle, but I couldn't find her so I decided to study instead."

Smiling a small smile, Charlotte just shuffled her feet against the stone floor and wondered if all their meetings in the future would be this awkward, hopefully not however.

"How was your holiday?" she asked quietly.
Charlotte Smith
Charlotte Smith
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Water Works (Char and Pyxis) Empty Re: Water Works (Char and Pyxis)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 08, 2012 4:58 pm

Pyxis sighed and shuffled her feet awkwardly as the guilt settled into her stomach. She managed to rein in her raging emotions before she looked back up at Charlotte with a small smile.

“Erm, alright then. Why didn’t you study in the common room or something?” Pyxis asked, already suspecting what the answer would be.

Pyxis pursed her lips at the mention of her holidays. She decided to be honest with Char, after all this was her best friend standing in front of her. She wondered why everything was so awkward, perhaps because they hadn’t talked to each other for a while and drifted apart. This thought made her even more sad, and she was determined to make sure that they found conversations easy and comfortable like they used too.

“Horrible. I sent some letters to Parker most of the time, but he was getting bullied a lot. My parents forgot my birthday, my dad hit me, and my friends also forgot my birthday. To top it all off, I went to see Parker briefly to make sure he was okay with the bullying, but we had a fight and I ran away. The wors-” Pyxis stopped herself there, shaking her head.

“Yeah, so I really wish i’d invited you over. I just assumed that... you were busy... and I thought maybe you were- you were mad at me. I kind of ditched you when the battle started and-” Pyxis huffed again and stopped herself.

“How were your holidays?”


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Water Works (Char and Pyxis) Empty Re: Water Works (Char and Pyxis)

Post by Charlotte Smith Fri Mar 09, 2012 1:23 am

When Charlotte was asked why she didn't study in the common room, the answer was simple, because often it was too loud and held too many distractions for her to study properly.

"Well it's just a little too loud for me sometimes, and this is perfect, and it has toilets so I don't even need to leave."

From the way things were shaping up, Charlotte presumed that the holidays had not been the greatest occassion for Pyxis and she almost felt bad that she had had such a nice time, although, when she thought about all the other holidays in her life, she realised she was about due some good times.

"That sounds like it was a tough time, I could tell that there was something wrong between the two of you when I took Parker to the Hospital Wing that night. Have you sorted it out now?"

Charlotte merely nodded when Pyxis spoke about not inviting her around, it was still a sore point for her but decided not to beat around the bush more than she had to.

"Well my holidays were great actually, Airen came around and helped me to fix the outside of my house up and I went to Rio with Cobie, my first time out of Britain, it was wonderful. Although I was worried about him while he was away."
Charlotte Smith
Charlotte Smith
Slytherin Seventh Year

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Water Works (Char and Pyxis) Empty Re: Water Works (Char and Pyxis)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 09, 2012 4:53 pm

Pyxis nodded in agreement, her suspicions as to why being confirmed. She agreed, for often many people would come up to annoy you whilst you made an attempt to complete your homework, and then you’d get distracted meaning you didn’t do it at all, which ultimately led to deducted house points and detention.

“It can get loud, can’t it? And yes, good point.” Pyxis looked around at the bathroom. “And no one ever comes in here, so it doesn’t reek of the usual toilet smells.”

Pyxis smiled softly at Charlotte.

“Yes, we’ve fixed all that now. Though i’ve been a little all over the place with my emotions around him lately, I think im starting to freak him out.” Pyxis mused, still grinning.

Pyxis felt a little deflated that Charlotte’s holidays had been great, but she told herself that was what she had hoped Char would do. She had wanted Char to spend time with her father, and her sort-of-not-really boyfriend, rather than her. She wouldn’t want Charlotte to be eager to go home when she came over.

“Sounds great. Im glad you got to hang out with Airen. And Rio! That sounds brilliant.” Pyxis said in an envious tone. She remembered going to America. Once.


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Water Works (Char and Pyxis) Empty Re: Water Works (Char and Pyxis)

Post by Charlotte Smith Fri Mar 09, 2012 11:25 pm

Charlotte nodded her head with a smile, she had thought that it was a rather good idea although she didn't tell people she came to places like this very often, otherwise they would get crowded too and she would have nowhere to go.

"It actually doesn't smell too bad in here, only when Myrtle decides to clog up the U-Bend which she hasn't done in a while actually."

Glad for Pyxis that she had worked things out with her new best friend Charlotte nodded her head: "Good I'm glad, it mustn't have been nice to not speak to someone that you were close to, or to have them upset with you."

The envious tone that Pyxis adopted when she commented on her holidays made Charlotte feel proud, she was happy that she had such a good time while she was off despite everything.

"Yes I suppose that it was rather a treat from Cobie to take me to Rio, he probably felt bad about not spending that much time with me over the holidays."
Charlotte Smith
Charlotte Smith
Slytherin Seventh Year

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Water Works (Char and Pyxis) Empty Re: Water Works (Char and Pyxis)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 10:20 am

Pyxis laughed at the thought of Myrtle. She'd forgotten that she was the reason why no one came in here, and was glad that the ghost was scarcely seen outside of this bathroom. She was whining, mopey mess and Pyxis strongly disliked her.

"Ah, yes. Myrtle." Pyxis refrained from saying 'Moaning' in case said ghost was around, and Pyxis wouldn't dare upset the ghost, for she was quite annoying when that happened.

Actually, it was hard NOT to upset Myrtle.

Pyxis gave Charlotte a sad look as she said that, because she still felt like that. She missed Char, and she felt upset that she was annoyed with her just because Pyxis hadn't invited her over. Though, Pyxis had promised she would and it wasn't nice to break a promise.

"Oh, yes... Look, Char, lets stop this right now. I know you're upset with me, and im really sorry I didn't invite you over. I thought you were too busy, or... just after what happened I didn't know if you would still want to come over ..."


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Water Works (Char and Pyxis) Empty Re: Water Works (Char and Pyxis)

Post by Charlotte Smith Sun Mar 11, 2012 10:39 am

Charlotte laughed slightly when Pyxis mentioned Myrtle in a hushed tone, dropping the Moaning because if she was here then they would both get verbally abused by the ghost before getting water thrown at them and being forced to leave.

"Shes lovely, isn't she?" she asked with a small giggle "The life and soul of the party."

When Pyxis looked a little sad Charlotte adoptee the same look and shuffled her feet, when she heard what she said to her Charlotte couldn't help but smile softly and tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I guess it's kind of silly to keep being upset with you about it when there's no need, thank you for saying sorry anyway Pyxis, it's nice to know that we are still friends." she smiled lightly "I'll always make time for my friends, and what happened to make you think I wouldn't want to come?" she asked curiously.
Charlotte Smith
Charlotte Smith
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Water Works (Char and Pyxis) Empty Re: Water Works (Char and Pyxis)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:15 am

Pyxis snorted with laughter, for even when Myrtle was alive everyone picked on her. She wondered why some people were so annoying that everyone picked on them. People like that brought it on themselves, but Pyxis still wouldn’t pick on someone unless they’d personally offended her.

“Oh yes, I simply shiver with excitement at the prospect of seeing her.” Pyxis said sarcastically. “Everybody adores her.”

Pyxis felt her face lift into an expression of happiness when Char mentioned that they were still friends. Pyxis considered Char her best friend, but she figured that Char would probably need some time before she considered Pyxis her best friend again.

“That’s good. I was getting all depressed cause both of my best friends weren’t talking to me. Well, I wasn’t talking to one of them but you get what I mean.” Pyxis smiled. “I don’t know, just... everything that happened. I mean, my parents are a little nuts too and they aren’t particularly fond of me and I just thought that maybe - I don’t know, Char.” Pyxis honestly didn’t, she’d just figured.

She hoped Char hadn’t ratted her out to Professor Smith, for after what Pyxis’ had witnessed with his hand going through Humphrey, she’d developed a fear of him.

“You haven’t sad bad things about me around your dad, have you?” She asked in a worried tone.


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Water Works (Char and Pyxis) Empty Re: Water Works (Char and Pyxis)

Post by Charlotte Smith Wed Mar 21, 2012 8:31 pm

Charlotte couldn't help but feel a little bit sorry for Myrtle after all she was always picked on whether she was there or not, and she wondered for a moment what was keeping her here if she just kept getting teased all the time.

"Poor Myrtle," she said with a small smile "She's just not the most fortunate of girls, I feel kind of bad for her that people make fun of her but..."

Glad to see that Pyxis was still happy when she said that she was still her friend, Charlotte smiled even more back at her, she didn't so much mind about not beign invited around now, they could move forward from that, she knew it.

"Don't worry about it, I'm sure that maybe this holiday you could come to my house or something, or we could meet in Diagon Alley and get our shopping for next year together?" she suggested.

Charlotte smiled and shook her head:

"No I haven't said anything bad about you to my Papa, I was a little upset and I told him why, but he's not mad don't worry." she chuckled.
Charlotte Smith
Charlotte Smith
Slytherin Seventh Year

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Water Works (Char and Pyxis) Empty Re: Water Works (Char and Pyxis)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 22, 2012 6:26 pm

Pyxis frowned at this. Myrtle was indeed picked on a lot, but she did need to tone down the constant self-pity. She personally could not stand the ghost, and would be much more pleased if she'd leave Hogwart's.

"Yes, well if she stopped wallowing in self-pity so much." Pyxis grinned.

Pyxis grinned at this, she would much rather go out with Char than have her come to her home. Her parents were always in a rotten mood with her as of late, and she didn't want Charlotte to see how un-loved she was, when she knew that Char's dad loved her with all of his heart.

"Sure, that'd be fun." Pyxis beamed.

Pyxis let out a sigh of relief. Cobalt really did scare her.

"Good, cause when he put his hand through Humphrey last year, that was scary." Pyxis shuddered at the thought.

[[Short post, ish tired ^^ Sorry Abikins]]


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Water Works (Char and Pyxis) Empty Re: Water Works (Char and Pyxis)

Post by Charlotte Smith Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:41 pm

Charlotte smiled lightly and couldn't help but agree with Pyxis there, it was something that did tend to annoy people about the ghost, if she stopped crying and perhaps did something fun or cool once and a while she'd be appreciated.

"That's very true, she should be a lot more confident, to be honest I don't know what is keeping her here...it was found out how she died ages ago..." Charlotte frowned while she thought.

Glad that Pyxis seemed to like the idea of going out to Diagon Alley to go shopping, Charlotte smiled happily and made sure to ask her Papa if they could go.

"Then that's what we shall do, perhaps we can go and get ice cream too, do you like ice cream?" she asked "I mean sometimes it hurts my teeth."

Nodding her head with a small sigh Charlotte knew her father could be really scary sometimes; "Or when he used that illusion in the Infiltration class...poor Keiba."

(OOC: Don't worry about it! Very Happy)
Charlotte Smith
Charlotte Smith
Slytherin Seventh Year

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Water Works (Char and Pyxis) Empty Re: Water Works (Char and Pyxis)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 24, 2012 12:22 pm

Pyxis shrugged and decided to drop the topic of Moaning Myrtle, in case the ghost did come near. She didn't fancy the bathroom flooding once more and getting water all over the floors outside all because Myrtle couldn't handle a little criticism.

Pyxis was glad that she could have someone to go shopping with at Diagon Alley, as she normally went alone and it became more a chore than a fun trip. She grinned happily.

"I love ice cream, you've just got to be careful when you're eating it. Strictly licks only." Pyxis grinned, knowing all to well the horrible feeling when you accidentally sank your teeth into the ice cream.

Pyxis shuddered, and wondered just how skilled Cobalt was. There was more than one frightening aspect surrounding the man.

"Yes, poor Keiba."


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Water Works (Char and Pyxis) Empty Re: Water Works (Char and Pyxis)

Post by Charlotte Smith Sun Mar 25, 2012 6:20 am

Charlotte was glad that Pyxis seemed to be happy about the whole coming shopping with her, she just hoped that Cobie wouldn't insist on coming with them in order to keep them both 'safe' in case there were any attacks while they were out.

"Licks only, got it. Cobie might want to come with us though, to make sure that were safe while were out, but hopefully he will just let us be, if not, I'll just annoy him until he leaves." she grinned.

Seeing that Pyxis seemed to be a little bit scared of what Cobie could do, Charlotte made a note to tell Papa that Pyxis was not ever ever to be scared like that.

"Hopefully he will be happier and less angry now terms winding down, although I'm not sure." she muttered the last part as he thoughts veered off.
Charlotte Smith
Charlotte Smith
Slytherin Seventh Year

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Water Works (Char and Pyxis) Empty Re: Water Works (Char and Pyxis)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 25, 2012 4:14 pm

Pyxis was delighted at going shopping with Charlotte, all of the fun they could have. It would beat being dragged around by her mother, or going alone by a lot.

"That sounds weird, doesn't it? Licks only. That's alright if he does, just... no..." She made an elaborate hand gesture which was meant to display an arm going through her stomach. "Stuff like that. And I like it, annoy him until he leaves." Pyxis giggled.

Pyxis respected Cobalt, but that didn't mean she wasn't a little frightened of him. She was pretty sure that was how you were meant to feel around him, scared.

"Hopefully." She chimed in.


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Water Works (Char and Pyxis) Empty Re: Water Works (Char and Pyxis)

Post by Charlotte Smith Mon Mar 26, 2012 1:00 am

Charlotte was glad that Pyxis didn't seem to have a problem with going shopping with Cobie because the more she thought about it the more that she thought about it the more she thought that he was probably going to insist that she come.

"Well I'll make sure that he knows that there is to be no stabby illusions while we go shopping, only on people that we don't like." she joked with a small laugh.

With a little chuckle Charlotte nodded her head;

"Yes it is a little weird isn't it? But I get what you mean. What kind of ice cream is your favourite, they have lots of flavours there I think."

Letting her thoughts take her away, Charlotte thought a little about what kind of gross flavours that they might have instead of the nice ones:

"Maybe we should see if we can eat one of the gross flavours that they do too, just to try."
Charlotte Smith
Charlotte Smith
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