Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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A Room for Me (Open)

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A Room for Me (Open) Empty A Room for Me (Open)

Post by Teresa Maria King Tue Mar 20, 2012 1:11 pm

"This place seems....gloomy," Teresa said, walking into the Weapons Room. "Why do we even have this room? Aren't we like wizard and witches?"

She picked up a black burnt sword. "But, I have to say the stuff here seems quite cool."

For several hours, she looked at every weapon in the room. There was swords, spears, clubs, axes, and bloody instruments of war.

"It's almost curfew," Teresa said, leaving. "I'll come back next time."

Teresa Maria King

Posts : 167
Join date : 2012-02-22
Age : 28

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A Room for Me (Open) Empty A Room for Me

Post by Teresa Maria King Thu Mar 22, 2012 3:20 pm

Teresa has came back to her secret room. It was still as quiet as it was the last time she was here, but this time she brought a chair and a book, One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi.

For many hours, Teresa sat on her chair, snuggled up and reading her book. Soon she fell asleep, using her scarf to cover herself like a blanket. Good thing it was Friday.

Last edited by Teresa Maria King on Fri Mar 23, 2012 1:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

Teresa Maria King

Posts : 167
Join date : 2012-02-22
Age : 28

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A Room for Me (Open) Empty A Room for Me

Post by Teresa Maria King Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:40 pm

Teresa woke up as the sun light came through an open window. She thought for a few minutes and decided to make this room to her comfort. With a spell, she sank all the weapons and equipment into the floor and ceiling. They will always be brought back whenever some needs one.

The room was empty aside from the chair. She needed furniture and a fireplace. With a spell, a fireplace was created at the north way. The window was at the east wall and the door was at the west wall.

For six hours she decorated. The brick walls were covered in wood and painted over with a light blue color. The ceiling was painted with stars that twinkles at night. The window had a new black veil curtain. A black perch and birdcage was placed besides it. The brick floor was covered in wood, too, as carpet. In the middle of the room, a big, soft, green rug was placed under two chairs set next to a table with a tea set on it that was placed next to the fireplace and a sofa that fits at least four people that was faced towards the window. There were pictures placed around the fireplace of her mother and father. Above it was a poster copy of her family tree that had 'Reges Kings' printed on the very top. The fireplace was lit, sending a nice warmth throughout the room. She put the words 'I am a proud pureblood King' on top of the door way in dark red.

Teresa was happy. She brought all the books she checked out from the library and was curling up in the softest blanket she has on the side open space between the sofa and the window and began reading. Occasionally she got hungry and ate the food she brought from the kitchen.

Again, she slept in there the whole night.

Teresa Maria King

Posts : 167
Join date : 2012-02-22
Age : 28

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A Room for Me (Open) Empty A Room for Me

Post by Teresa Maria King Sat Mar 24, 2012 9:34 am

Teresa woke up curled up, almost drooling on Wraiths, Inferi, Dementors, and Demons. Madam Morgan King would be furious. She was warm and comfortable, but she had to brush her teeth. The bad taste in her mouth was getting to her. She quickly left, brush her teeth and took a shower. She also went to the kitchen to get breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

As Teresa was walking back to the weapon room, she spotted a raven out through the window. "Raven!" she called out. The bird looked up and flew to her, landing on her shoulders.

"Where have you been? I was looking for you." Caw, Raven replied. Teresa rolled her eyes and started walking.

When she got back, Raven flew to the black perch. Teresa places the food on the table, grabbing a slice of bread to feed Raven. After she feed her, Raven opened his beak and dropped something in her hands. It was a 2 carat emerald.

"Where do you keep finding these?" He didn't answer. "Now, I have to figure out where to put this." Teresa thought for a few minutes and then," Got it. Stay here." And she ran out of the room.

She came back in ten minutes with a rectangle mirror the size of her torso in a silver frame with what looks like branches with leaves spreading out about three feet. She places in the middle of the south wall. Moments later, she returned with a writing desk with three drawers on each side and a matching chair. Raven watched her every move.

"Great!" Teresa exclaimed. Then, she took out the emerald Raven found out of her pocket and with a spell she changed the shape of the spell. The emerald turned flat, taking the shape of a small leaf. She brought it up and embedded into the bottom left corner of the mirror frame.

"What do you think?" Teresa said. She was greatly pleased. Caw. "I like it, too."

Teresa took all the library books she had check out and sat on the couch. She opened the top one, Darkness Through the Ages, and started reading until night had fallen. She slept there again.

Last edited by Teresa Maria King on Sat Mar 24, 2012 3:49 pm; edited 1 time in total

Teresa Maria King

Posts : 167
Join date : 2012-02-22
Age : 28

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A Room for Me (Open) Empty A Room for Me

Post by Teresa Maria King Sat Mar 24, 2012 10:04 am

Teresa woke up and decided to move her bed here because she always end up sleeping here. She quite like the room. It was secluded, away from the sometimes noisy Slytherin common room, not in the dungeon, and she already spend time decorating it to her taste. Raven had left.

She went through her morning routine and start deciding where to place her bed. She thought about it for a while, then she finally got it. She transfiguration the wooden door into a Japanese sliding door painted with a picture of a phoenix that flew around in the door, but charmed it so from the other side it would look like the same wooden door. She enchanted it, too. So if you slide the left door to the right, you'll be able to go the fifth floor corridor. If you slide the right door to the left, you be able to go the second floor to go to the kitchen. She moved Raven's perch a little bit more to the right of the window so it could be next to her bed, which she had already moved there. She moved the tea table and chairs ten away from her bed and the door and the couch at least fifteen feet away facing the fireplace. She notice how big the room was. She changed the wall color with white.

Then, she moved on to her bed. It was a king size mattress with the softest black bed cover, a soft red black, two red silk pillows. and two smaller black pillows on top. Her favorite toy, a plush red plaid Gloomy bear, sat in the bed, leaning on the pillows.

Teresa smiled at what she had created. But, she felt she was missing a few things. Feeling tired, she went to her bed and slept, leaving it for tomorrow.

Teresa Maria King

Posts : 167
Join date : 2012-02-22
Age : 28

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A Room for Me (Open) Empty A Room for Me

Post by Teresa Maria King Sat Mar 24, 2012 10:49 am

Going through her morning routine, adding making her bed, Teresa had figured out what she was missing. She needed her collection, book, and her clothes!

Teresa had a collection of porcelain dolls she would always buy when they catch her eyes. She brought in a glass cabinet with two level and placed it between the empty space between the door and the north wall, leaving only two feet from the bed. She placed her dolls in it. She had only five dolls. The first doll was Charlotte, a blonde Dressed in light green, bustle - style dress with faux pearls holding a matching umbrella. The second one was Marionette, an auburn girl in rich forest - green velvet and loads of ivory lace. Sophia was a brunette wearing a rich rose-colored gown and bonnet, intricately detailed with roses and lace. Hazel was a brunette in glorious gown of jacquard, chiffon and shantung, holding a teacup. Christa was a blonde wore a dress of minty green satin is covered with ivory embroidered lace with a mint and rose decorative hat and necklace.

Then, she put in a grandfather enchanted so when she opened its door she would end up in her walk in closet at the corner. Teresa put all of her clothes in it. Her skirts, pants, shirts, blouses, and jackets are hung up on one side. Her boots and shoes are places on floor beneath her clothes. The other side had a table to put her accessories, hat, jewelry, etc. all out. Next to them were drawers she has her underclothing and socks.

Last, she brought in three level bookshelves on each side of the writing desk. She had tons of books that she put out on the shelves. Filling almost every shelves, except one where she put borrowed library books.

Raven had came back with another gem, but this time it was a three carat diamond. Teresa transfigurated like the emerald, but it took shape of a dove. She embedded it in the middle of mirror on the left side.

Decorating was very tiring making Teresa sleepy.

Teresa Maria King

Posts : 167
Join date : 2012-02-22
Age : 28

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A Room for Me (Open) Empty A Room for Me

Post by Teresa Maria King Sat Mar 24, 2012 3:45 pm

Teresa woke up, but felt deeply depressed. She didn't know why. She looked around the room. It was perfect through her eyes, yet made her feel sad. She felt empty and hollow. A tear fell.

She quickly got up and did her morning routine. She returned to her and Raven have returned. He brought back another gem, a brown agate gem. She quickly changed it to the shape of a tree, placed it bottom right corner of the mirror. She changed the emerald leaf into multiple smaller leaves and attached them to the tree and the diamond dove into a smaller bits and put way on top of the mirror that it looked like sparkling stars. It was beautiful.

"Raven," Teresa said. "I'm joining you the next time you find one." Raven nodded.

That afternoon, Teresa and Raven went out to the castle grounds. Raven was flying high in the sky while Teresa walked, waiting for him to find something.

A few hours passed before Raven showed signs of spotting something. He circled above the front entrance of the Forbidden Forest. Teresa sneaked in fast so she wouldn't be spotted by any staff members or students.

Raven lead Teresa for about five minutes until they reached a river. "Is it in there?" Raven nodded, looking in at flowing waters. She copied him and looked.

Nothing was there for a very long time, and the sun began setting. Caw, caw.

"I'm not leaving, Raven." Caw, caw.

"I'll leave when we find one." Raven agreed.

More hours passed and the moon appeared high up in the sky. That was when Raven spotted something. He jumped in the river which was sallow. He pecked the ground and picked something up. It was a 200 carat sapphire. He brought it over to Teresa.

"Wow, this must be the biggest one you found. Good job." Raven rubbed affectionately against Teresa's cheek.

"Okay, okay. Let's go back." Together they went back to the castle. When they got there, Teresa brought Raven to his perch so he could rest. Then, she changed the sapphire into the width of the mirror frame, making it look like the sky. At the bottom, the sapphire started to fade out. It made space for the diamond stars.

With that, Teresa went to bed for it was midnight.

Teresa Maria King

Posts : 167
Join date : 2012-02-22
Age : 28

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A Room for Me (Open) Empty Re: A Room for Me (Open)

Post by Teresa Maria King Sun Mar 25, 2012 8:01 am

Teresa woke, but didn't go through her morning routine. She felt empty again, so she just got up and grabbed all the library book she borrowed from Madam Morgan King she hadn't read and started to. Magical Drafts and Potions, How to, Live Forever, Controlling Ones Enemies, Advanced Potion-Making, The Dark Forces, Brewing Galleons From Your Own Kitchen, Darkness Through the Ages, Concoctions for Protection, Invisibility, and Other Useful Skills she took off her bookshelf.

She knew it was going to be a boring day. No point to get ready for it. She used magic to brush her teeth and shower. She curled up on her bed again and read the books one by one.

Teresa Maria King

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Age : 28

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A Room for Me (Open) Empty A Room for Me

Post by Teresa Maria King Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:29 am

Teresa woke, but didn't move. She felt empty, again. This time it was more serious. She felt like doll that can move, but have no reason to. Raven was gone.

She laid on her bed, knocking some of her books onto the floor ans stared at the starry ceiling. At this point, Teresa knew she was going to lose herself. She's falling out of her safe state of mind.

A tear fell as she heard an older woman's laughter ringing in her ears. The tear shot up and floated in the middle of the air. More tears followed. Sad memories that aren't even her's flashes before her eyes. They didn't predict the future, just see the past of horrible events of other people.

She saw fire eat away a house with a girl, screaming for help. Another flash. This one was a boy being belted by his father for spilling a glass of milk. More flashes. A young wife seeing her young husband being carried away in a white coffin. A mother who just gave birth found out her 5 minute old son had died. A man who had to bury his only family left.

Hundreds and hundreds of flashes kept passing through her mind, quickly, but she could remember each of them clearly. Every scene created a tear that flew up in the air. The tears floated in every where. Some were high above and others were low, almost touching in the floor. She was going to drown in her own tears.

Teresa had to get out of there. She got up and left the room. The tears followed her. She walked down and out of the castle, needing to go outside to give more space for her tears to spread out. Tears still came out.

When she got out through the entrance, Teresa didn't stop there. She continued walking towards Black Lake. As she got closer to the lake, the ground she stepped on froze over.

Finally when Teresa was at the bank of the lake, everything was silent. No birds sing, no sound of people. She walked on the lake. She didn't sink, but she was walking on the water. A ripple happened with every step. She stopped when she reached the middle and stayed there.

By that time, the tears created some sort of barrier. The air became colder and clouds began covering the sky, leaving a whole for the sun's light to come through.

A call echoed from Raven, who was settled on a tree branch, but it didn't reach her. He knew he could help her. The tears could drown him. He came to late. Nothing could at the moment because no one was there.

"Please help me," she plead, whispering to no one.

Teresa Maria King

Posts : 167
Join date : 2012-02-22
Age : 28

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A Room for Me (Open) Empty A Room for Me

Post by Teresa Maria King Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:32 am

((OOC: Post now closed. New post moved to Black Lake))

Teresa Maria King

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Join date : 2012-02-22
Age : 28

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A Room for Me (Open) Empty Re: A Room for Me (Open)

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