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First years, fourth lesson: Levicorpus

Anne Jones
Sam Hawthorn
Lucia Henley
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First years, fourth lesson: Levicorpus Empty First years, fourth lesson: Levicorpus

Post by Lucia Henley Tue Mar 27, 2012 8:16 am

Lucia sat down on her desk, stroking Sana's feathers lovingly while waiting for the class to show. She then figured that she should let them know which spell it was they were going to use, so she waved her wand at the blackboard and the word 'Levicorpus' shone in chalk.

She was a bit tired, truly. After all, school was almost over, summer was upon her. How could she not be a bit tired. She sighed softly and then leaned her head down on the desk, picking herself up again as the first student arrived.
Lucia Henley
Lucia Henley
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First years, fourth lesson: Levicorpus Empty Re: First Years, Fourth Lesson: Levicorpus

Post by Sam Hawthorn Tue Mar 27, 2012 8:20 am

Sam walked to the next class Defense Against the dark arts, this was another class she was excited about she smiled and walked into the classroom to see she was the only one there.

Sighing Sam smiled at the Professor " Good Morning, Professor" Sam said and she quickly walked to a desk in the back and waited for the class to start

Sam Hawthorn

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Age : 28

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First years, fourth lesson: Levicorpus Empty Re: First years, fourth lesson: Levicorpus

Post by Anne Jones Tue Mar 27, 2012 8:51 am

Anne walked into class and smiled at the professor. She seemed a bit tired. It was too bad. She looked at the spell on the board and smiled as she sat down.

Anne Jones

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First years, fourth lesson: Levicorpus Empty Re: First years, fourth lesson: Levicorpus

Post by Guest Tue Mar 27, 2012 9:11 am

Tessa had walked into the room. After she found a desk, Yasmina laid down beside of her. Both where excited that summer was coming. But Tessa knew that she would have to pay extra attention in all of her classes. She then waited for class to start.


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First years, fourth lesson: Levicorpus Empty Defense Against The Dark Arts Classroom :: First years, fourth lesson: Levicorpus

Post by Teresa Maria King Tue Mar 27, 2012 11:54 am

Teresa quietly popped into DADA class. Levicorpus, she thought. That seems interesting. She sat at the front of the class.

Only a few students were here, so she decided to take a little nap. A few minutes wouldn't hurt.

Teresa Maria King

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First years, fourth lesson: Levicorpus Empty Re: First years, fourth lesson: Levicorpus

Post by Luke Sullivan Tue Mar 27, 2012 2:34 pm

Entering the classroom, Luke found himself once again surrounded by Gryffindors. He decided that there was only a small number of people in Gryffindor he liked, one being Victoria and the other being...well maybe there was only one Gryffindor he liked.

He smiled at the Professor and gave her a small greeting before sitting down calmly. He opened his notebook and waited for the lesson to begin.

Luke Sullivan

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First years, fourth lesson: Levicorpus Empty Re: First years, fourth lesson: Levicorpus

Post by Jaycie Simple Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:08 pm

Jaycie finally made it to class. She was disappointed - she'd thought she could be first, twice in a row. Obviously it was a one-off occurrence. All the more special, she thought.

She made her way to her usual window seat, as always, and got her stuff out. Wow, what a routine, she thought blandly. Everyone does the same routine, over and over, at the start of every class. She didn't mind as much as she should, she found, but it just got boring sometimes. Jay was surprised to find herself wanting someone to do something - start a fight, trip over a chair. She was quite appalled at herself.

Jaycie Simple

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First years, fourth lesson: Levicorpus Empty Re: First years, fourth lesson: Levicorpus

Post by Guest Wed Mar 28, 2012 12:19 am

Damien was already tired of classes and so far he had only been in one, but he was making sure he got to class as soon as he could he did not want to be late. The wrath of Tessa was not something he wanted to deal with and he was already getting a headache.

Walking into DADA he noticed the only other Slytherins in the class was Luke and a new girl he had never met before. With a nod of his head to Luke he headed over to where Tessa was sitting.

Throwing himself into the chair, "Please tell me you have exciting classes picked out for us next year?" Damien sighed.

"By the looks of things in this lesson we will be learning Levicorpus. Good so next time you fall I can levitate you instead of carrying you." Damien smirked.


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First years, fourth lesson: Levicorpus Empty Re: First years, fourth lesson: Levicorpus

Post by Guest Wed Mar 28, 2012 12:31 am

Tessa was trying not to fall asleep. She knew that she had to leave early last time because she wasn't feeling good. But she was yawning a little bit, this was her last week of class. And she had to make this one count.

“ I think that I have the classes I want for next year. But I know you won't like some of them.”

She wanted to smack him for saying something like that. But she wasn’t' going to because she was in class. And she didn’t' want to get in trouble. Tessa manged to stay out of trouble and wanted to keep it that way.


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First years, fourth lesson: Levicorpus Empty Re: First years, fourth lesson: Levicorpus

Post by Xander Clarke Thu Mar 29, 2012 3:34 pm

Xander thanked Merlin he finally wasn't late to a class. He grabbed a seat next to Luke. He looked resigned to the fact that they were surrounded by girls, and most of them Gryffindor at that.

He leaned back in his chair and donned his usual lazy grin. "Nothing to fear, the Slytherin Duo are here." His joke was for him and Luke only, so he kept it quiet.

Xander was actually looking forward to having the summer to spend with Luke. He was used to spending all his time alone at the manor. It would be a nice change.

Xander Clarke

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First years, fourth lesson: Levicorpus Empty Re: First years, fourth lesson: Levicorpus

Post by Luke Sullivan Fri Mar 30, 2012 6:20 am

Luke looked at him and let out a snort of amusement. He shook his head and chuckled at his idiocy.

"You managed to get into class on time, isn't that an accomplishment" he said dryly.

He figured that this is how Xander and him managed to balance each other out. Xander was a charmer, a tease, a flirt and very confident in himself, while Luke was more quiet, hid his confidence, and if he showed his humor it was very dry. Both were intelligent, but in their own way, Luke wasn't so extroverted as Xander was.

Luke Sullivan

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First years, fourth lesson: Levicorpus Empty Re: First years, fourth lesson: Levicorpus

Post by Lucia Henley Fri Mar 30, 2012 7:26 am

Lucia looked around and smiled, straightening up. "All right everyone! Today we're going to have about the spell 'Levicorpus'. Can anyone tell me what effect this spell has?" she asked them all.
Lucia Henley
Lucia Henley
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First years, fourth lesson: Levicorpus Empty Re: First years, fourth lesson: Levicorpus

Post by Guest Fri Mar 30, 2012 10:00 am

Tessa then raise her hand. "It causes a victim to be hoisted into the air and dangle upside-down, and is intended to be performed nonverbally." She had hoped that she answered it correctly.


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First years, fourth lesson: Levicorpus Empty Re: First Years, Fourth lesson: Levicorpus

Post by Sam Hawthorn Fri Mar 30, 2012 10:08 am

Sam clentched her teeth this was her favorite class and she was to nervous to raise her hand she leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms, she closed her eye's and waited for another question.

Sam Hawthorn

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Age : 28

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First years, fourth lesson: Levicorpus Empty Re: First years, fourth lesson: Levicorpus

Post by Jaycie Simple Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:15 pm

Jaycie's spirits picked up as the class did. A levitating charm. She grinned, that would be fun to use on Jenna. Except she couldn't use magic outside of school. She sighed, oh well, maybe when she was of age; wouldn't that be fun?

Tessa answered the question before Jay even had time to put her hand up and mentally abated herself for her lack of reflexes. Tessa was very fast, she concluded.

Jaycie Simple

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First years, fourth lesson: Levicorpus Empty Re: First years, fourth lesson: Levicorpus

Post by Lucia Henley Mon Apr 02, 2012 8:11 am

Lucia smiled widely at Tessa. "Indeed, Ms. Grey. Five points to Gryffindor. Now, we will not practice this spell nonverbally before we start with learning the basics of nonverbal spells. If anyone tries during this class, I will deduct house points, ten for every try. So don't you try that. It can go seriously wrong. I do not applaud recklessness," she said, her smile faltering as she started looking around the class with a serious face.

Nonverbal spells were not to be messed with.

"Now, let's get ready to try this out," Lucia said, her smile returning.

She waved her wand and dummies placed themselves around the classroom.

"Practice this spell individually on the dummies," she said calmly, "Begin."
Lucia Henley
Lucia Henley
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First years, fourth lesson: Levicorpus Empty Re: First Years, Fourth Lesson: Levicorpus

Post by Sam Hawthorn Mon Apr 02, 2012 8:19 am

Sam smiled and got up she walked over to a dummie she pulled her wand out and pointed it at the dummie she sighed.

" Levicorpus" she said and the dummie hung upside down by it's ankle she smiled inwardly and looked at the dummie she didn't want that spell being used on her Sam knew it probably felt like some rope had your ankle and you couldn't do anything. she sighed and kept her want pointed at the dummie.

Sam Hawthorn

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Age : 28

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First years, fourth lesson: Levicorpus Empty Re: First years, fourth lesson: Levicorpus

Post by Lucia Henley Tue Apr 03, 2012 8:11 pm

Lucia looked around at the inactive class. She frowned slightly.

"All right everyone! Thank you Ms. Hawthorn for actually doing what I asked you to do," Lucia said, giving a smile to Sam, and then looking at the rest with no trace of a smile.

"Ten points to Gryffindor. Over the summer, I simply want you to take a moment or two in trying to find out what you want to learn next year, and send it to me per owl," she said calmly.

"Class dismissed."
Lucia Henley
Lucia Henley
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First years, fourth lesson: Levicorpus Empty Re: First years, fourth lesson: Levicorpus

Post by Lucia Henley Tue Apr 03, 2012 8:14 pm

Lesson: DaDA
Spell: Levicorpus


Gryffindor: 15 points
Hufflepuff: 0
Ravenclaw: 0
Slythering: 0
Lucia Henley
Lucia Henley
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