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Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies

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Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies Empty Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies

Post by Airen Auditoren Thu May 17, 2012 2:07 pm

Airen entered the Room of Requirement wearing some armor that he had managed to retrieve from the ruins of the Swordmage Academy. He still visited the ruins to pay his respects and also to try to salvage enough books to teach himself the rest of the art of the Swordmage.

The room, this time, was a giant sparring ring. On one wall was armor, and on the other was a television screen. There were also some dummies as well, though, Airen thought that they key not be necessary. He sat down in the middle of the sparring ring and began meditating as he waited for his friends.

He thought about Humphrey. The boy had dropped off the radar for the whole of last year and a good half of this year. The events of their first year, Airen was willing to forget. He just hoped that he could become friends with Humphrey. Perhaps he himself had been a bit short with him and that is what caused them to be at odds and quarrel over the affections of Charlotte.

Charlotte. What could he say? He had fallen for her hard. By the end of their first year, they had admitted their feeling for each other. Before their second year even began, they had shared their first kiss. He had been shy and unsure, but he felt his confidence growing. The end of year ball in their first year had, in truth, been a blessing. He guessed he had to thank Pxyis for that.

His thoughts drifted to the last of his friends that he taught. She was bolder that Charlotte. He remembered how she had stood up to Humphrey and put him in his place. He smiled at how she had supported them getting together. He liked her. She had courage. He remembered how Pxyis was often the one to play as the peacemaker. He wished she didn't have to do that.

He got up after his meditation, fully focused and calm. It wasn't often that people saw him truly angry. In fact, no one at Hogwarts had seen him past exasperation. He hoped they never saw him angry. It was never a pretty sight.

(OOC: Hey, guys! I hope to see more participation than normal. This is an important part in my charrie's plot and development.)
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies Empty Re: Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies

Post by Humphrey Williams Thu May 17, 2012 2:22 pm

Humphrey thought about Airen as he made his way to the Room of Requirement. They had been at odds their first year, but that was mainly because they both had feelings for Charlotte. Now, he felt he was past mooning over her. He walked in front of the portrait on the wall and thought, I need the swordmage training room. As he walked past it the third time a door opened and he entered.

It had been a full year and a half since he'd practiced his swordsmanship. His sword was on his hip in a plain leather scabbard, but he was nervous about wearing it. Being defeated was always hard on him, and he knew that most likely all of them were better than him because of more training time.

He saw Airen at the front of the room and walked towards him, rolling his shoulders. Then he held out his hand to shake Airen's. "Hello Airen. I am here to learn from you. And as for our history, the past is past, and I am happy for you and Charlotte man. Ready to get down to some hard work?" he asked him. Airen had grown, he noticed, and also was more muscular than before. This boy was beginning to look like a true swordsman and less like a boy as well.
Humphrey Williams
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Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies Empty Re: Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies

Post by Airen Auditoren Thu May 17, 2012 4:06 pm

Airen smiled as Humphrey walked into the room. He shook Humphrey's hand firmly. He came forward and patted the kid on the back in a firm man-hug. He drew back to get a good look at one of his pupils. Humphrey seemed fit enough to handle his sword. Something was off though, he seemed...defeated. Airen guessed that it had something to do with what had happened during his absence.

"Welcome back, Humphrey. I'm glad to see you still have your sword. For now, try meditating for a bit while we wait for the rest to show up," he said, pointing to the eastern wall, where the room had just set up a calming scene in front of a section of the floor. "You only missed one lesson, so I'll let you know when and where to meet me to make it up. And by the way, water under the bridge," he added.
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies Empty Re: Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies

Post by Humphrey Williams Thu May 17, 2012 4:12 pm

When Airen hugged him he firmly hugged him back, trying to let him know that it was good. "Airen, after all I've been through, I have learned to keep the sword with me most of the time. Since I can't use magic outside of school, a sword is one of the few ways I have a vague idea how to defend myself with." Then he nodded when he said it was water under the bridge. "Thank you Airen, it means a lot to know I have you on my side."

He found the eastern wall and sat down. Crossing his legs, he tried to relax each and every muscle in his body. Breathing steadily in and out, he felt his body and mind relax slowly. Now he felt prepared for a lesson from Airen.
Humphrey Williams
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Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies Empty Re: Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies

Post by Charlotte Smith Thu May 17, 2012 6:13 pm

Charlotte walked into the swordmage training area in the room of Requirement, it was a place that she had not been recently because there had not been many meetings with the members, she knew it was because Airenw as busy and didn't mind the fact that they had put their lessons on hold.

"Hey Air, you excited for the new lesson?"

Humming a little as she saw Airen she smiled and then blinked in surprise when she saw that Humphrey was here. Charlotte was so relieved! She had thought that something had happened to him, and here he was safe and sound!

Unable to keep the smile off her face she wandered over to him and gave him a friendly hug;

"Humphrey! It's so nice to see you I thought something really bad must have happened to you, you were gone such a long time." she smiled.
Charlotte Smith
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Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies Empty Re: Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies

Post by Humphrey Williams Thu May 17, 2012 6:23 pm

He heard a female voice yell Humphrey, and he snapped out of his meditative state. Then he was embraced in a warm hug. "Charlotte? I'm alright. My aunt and uncle needed me at home. Kind of a family emergency. But I am back, and shouldn't be missing any more school. How have you been?" he asked her, smiling back at her.

Humphrey looked over at Airen, and shrugged his shoulders as if to imply what can I do. She surprised me with a hug.
Humphrey Williams
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Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies Empty Re: Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies

Post by Guest Thu May 17, 2012 7:23 pm

Pyxis hummed as she walked along to the RoR for the next lesson. She'd fashioned a case for her sword and had it slung over her shoulder. She'd made sure to use secret passageways to avoid suspicious or curious eyes and had now arrived. She entered after thinking to the wall, and was surprised at the site before her. She almost groaned in annoyance, he was back? And she'd had such high hopes that he wouldn't return. She smiled at Airen, looked at Charlotte warily - as she was unsure if the two of them were still friends, for they'd grown quite distant and it saddened her - and completely ignored Humphrey.

"Hey Airen, Charlotte," she greeted. Finally, her gaze rested on Humphrey and it was anything but friendly, more cold and distant. She still didn't like him, despite the fact that Charlotte seemed to. He just irritated her. "Humphrey." She finished.


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Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies Empty Re: Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies

Post by Humphrey Williams Thu May 17, 2012 10:28 pm

After Humphrey said hello to Charlotte, he knew that Pxyis would be here soon. He knew that the Slytherin student didn't like him. But, all he could do was try and be friendly towards her and apologize for how he acted first year. Truly, he was sorry for the way he had behaved. And, he realized, she had every right to treat him the way she did before.

She greeted him last. Her tone was cold, clearly not friendly. "Hello again, Pxyis. It is good to see you again. Listen, I know I acted like a royal jerk first year. But, I am trying to start out fresh, so can we try and be friends this time around Pxyis?" he asked her, holding out a hand to shake. Pxyis looked and behaved exactly like she used to, she hadn't changed a bit. It made him smile a little bit.
Humphrey Williams
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Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies Empty Re: Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies

Post by Guest Fri May 18, 2012 12:05 am

Pyxis blinked as he implied an apology, a reaction that she had not expected. He didn't seem to be the same as he used to, he wasn't a royal up-himself git. She paused and stared at his hand, her teeth digging into her lip. Pyxis had major issues with making friends, but his gesture made her warm to him as she considered her options. She really saw no harm whatsoever and befriending Humphrey as he seemed much nicer.

She took his hand and shook it, a soft smile on her features that was slightly wary but with a hint of friendliness none the less. "Im normally one to keep grudges, but you seem to be different some im really just holding a grudge against the Humphrey I used to know," she dropped his hand. "But yeah, friends sounds good." She nodded her head, happier now.


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Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies Empty Re: Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies

Post by Humphrey Williams Fri May 18, 2012 12:13 am

He saw Pxyis think about it, biting her lip and hesitating. She looked at him, and then something in her expression changed. And instead of hostile, her expression turned slightly friendly. No way, she is actually going to be my friend. he thought to himself.

Humphrey and Pxyis shook hands, something that neither of them thought would happen. Pxyis smiled, and she told him that she wasn't one to give up grudges. But, she said that was against the person he had been. She thought he'd changed. "I've changed since then. Watching your uncle fight cancer and then die within a year changes a person Pxyis. Hopefully I've changed for the better. Glad we can try and be friends, really. Ready to learn some awesome sword stuff from Airen?" he asked her. A grin sliding onto his face.
Humphrey Williams
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Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies Empty Re: Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies

Post by Airen Auditoren Fri May 18, 2012 2:04 am

Airen smiled as Charlotte and Pxyis entered the classroom. He was glad that she seemed to forgive Humphrey for his past transgressions. This was evident when she hugged him in a friendly way. He gave Humphrey a casual smile to let him know the he was alright with it.

"What? Don't I get a hug?" Airen asked, feigning mock-hurt. He smiled to let Charlotte know that he was joking. He opened his arms to hug her.

Looking over to Pxyis, he smiled at her in a friendly way. Seeing that everybody was present, he decided to start the lesson. He needed them to learn this so they could defend themselves.

"All right guys, let's begin," he said, taking up armor from the wall where it was hanging. He gave a set to each person. The armor was light, as he didn't plan on their or his blows to do much damage.

"Alright people, today, I'm going to teach you how to win every fight you may find yourself in."
Airen Auditoren
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Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies Empty Re: Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies

Post by Humphrey Williams Fri May 18, 2012 2:49 am

Airen got their attention, and started to explain the lesson they would be learning today. He handed out a set of lightweight armor to each of them. Then, he announced that he would teach them to win every fight they got in. How was he so certain? "Alright Airen, I am ready to learn. But, if I may ask, how are so certain you can teach us to win every single fight? Fights are different from each other, and I don't see how you could possibly win every single one. Could you explain that?" Humphrey asked. He wasn't trying to be difficult, but he was curious as to why Airen was so confident.
Humphrey Williams
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Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies Empty Re: Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies

Post by Charlotte Smith Fri May 18, 2012 4:31 am

Charlotte nodded her head lightly when Humphrey explained about the family emergency, she hoped that everything was alright, and she wanted to speak to Humphrey about it later, not now however, because it was something he surely wouldn't want to share with everyone.

"Oh okay, well if you want to talk to me about it, I'm always here okay?" she smiled reassuringly, before turning her head as Pyxis came into the room, after their argument, they had seemed to not talk again, and if that was her choice so be it.

"Hi Pyxis." she said in a friendly enough manner, she did not want her to be upset with her, but neither did she want to appear too overly friendly since they'd been apart so long.

When Airen said that the lesson was starting, Charlotte hurried over and gave him a large hug, kissing his cheek softly and movving back away so that he could begin the lesson. Very interested to begin, Charlotte hummed quietly as she waited.
Charlotte Smith
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Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies Empty Re: Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies

Post by Airen Auditoren Fri May 18, 2012 7:23 am

A stupid grin graced Airen's face when Charlotte kissed his cheek. He shook his head to refocus his mind. He walked up to the front of the classroom.

Airen smiled at Humphrey's question. He was glad that his fellow Gryffindor had caught that. He meant something different than what it sounded.

"Thank you for catching that, Humphrey. I meant to say was that it could help you win every fight in theory. This is merely a way of thinking that helps to give some one a good fight," He explained.

"Now, this lesson is all about brain over brawn. You may be the best fighter you know, but everybody has a weakness, be it physical or mental. In order to stand the longest you can in a duel or fight, you need to find you opponent's weakness and use it to your advantage," he explained. This method of thought had helped him become one of the best fighters at the Swordmage Academy.

He led them over to the four dummies. With a mental request, the room modified the dummies to where they could move. Airen placed a wooden stick into each of their 'hands'. He turned back to his friends.

"I want each of you to face off against these dummies. They will move like humans, so as to make it as real as possible. Each one has a specific weakness. Once you find it, use it to your advantage. After you have finished, the dummies will revert back to their beginning pose and be reset with a new weakness," he explained. He walked over to the television screen.

"Only fight them once. After each time, we will all watch the fight to see if we can spot the weakness for ourselves," he said, gesturing to the television. "Don't worry. If you feel you cannot defeat the dummies, just sheath or lay down your sword. There is no shame in admitting defeat," he added, hoping not to push them too hard.

Airen Auditoren
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Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies Empty Re: Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies

Post by Humphrey Williams Fri May 18, 2012 8:22 am

While Airen was answering his question, Humphrey was paying very close atttention. Now he understood what he had meant when Airen had said you could win every fight. It was true, if you found your opponent's you could win every fight in theory. If you did that, you stood a much better chance of winning in reality. As he launched into an explanation of weaknesses and brain over brawn he thought about what his weaknesses and strengths were. There was one glaring thing that jumped out at him, he was an overconfident person a lot of times. He tended to go head on at everything, and in terms of swordplay that meant he was more of an aggressive person. So, he realized that a thing he needed to work on was laying back and playing defense instead of attacking always.

Then he explained how the dummies would have wooden swords and each of them would have a weakness that could be exploited. They were to defeat the dummy they were facing, he was supposed to wait and then the dummy would reset with a different weakness. Airen also explained that if you could not defeat the dummy, you could lay down your sword. No shame in admitting defeat.

Humphrey took in the information and took a deep breath after Airen said to begin. Slowly, he stepped up to the first dummy that would be attacking him. Once he was facing the dummy, and in a ready position it attacked.

It was surprisingly human-like, and the wooden sword kept coming at him. Their swords began to clash together in a steady rhythm, and as he watched the dummy he noticed something odd. Whenever the dummy tried to attack his right side, it shifted its weight too far over and left its right side wide open to attack. He waited, and finally the dummy slashed at the right side of his torso. Humphrey parried the attack then followed it up with a lunge at the dummy's right hip; his sword sunk into the dummy. Yes, he had gotten it. then he withdrew his blade, and waited as Airen had instructed him to do.
Humphrey Williams
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Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies Empty Re: Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies

Post by Airen Auditoren Tue May 22, 2012 1:30 pm

Airen watched Humphrey's duel with the dummy. He nodded his silent approval of Humphrey's technique. Though, he could've been sturdier in his blocks. If he had dueled Airen, he could've pushed Humphrey's sword back into him.

"Very good, Humphrey. After we dismiss, I want you to work on your blocks. Make them sturdier. A strong person could've pushed your sword back into you," he advised.

"Pxyis, you ready to try?" he asked.
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies Empty Re: Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies

Post by Humphrey Williams Tue May 22, 2012 2:19 pm

Humphrey just nodded, acknowledging he would work on them. "Alright, Airen. I know defense is the weakest part of my technique. Can you help me with them later?" he asked. Attacking was something he could do, it came naturally to him. Running away though, had never been something he could do. That was what it felt like when he just defended, he needed more patience.

"Thanks for this lesson. I feel like it definitely helps you to think about weaknesses you can exploit. And it is basically a battle, but without injuries. Great idea, Airen, really.
Humphrey Williams
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Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies Empty Re: Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies

Post by Charlotte Smith Wed May 23, 2012 6:25 pm

Charlotte picked up her sword and she thought that she was going to look like the worlds biggest idiot when she started to duel with the dummy in front of her, it even looked a little bit intimidating but she tried not to think about that.

Holding her sword firmly by the hilt she stepped forwards so that she was actually able to form an attack on the dummy, and squeaking a little bit as she first thrust at the dummy, Charlotte found that it wasn't so hard after all, and when the dummy began to fight back she got into the swing of fighting.

Attempting to block all of the dummies blows she couldn't help but allow one ot land on her shoulder, making her gasp a little and rub it pouting, meaning that she was only just able to block it's next attack.

Her hair turning red she began to get angry at herself for allowing herself to fail that much, and she began to swiftly counter attack with swift jabs and swishes through the air managing to tear a gash in the dummies stuffing after a few attempts.
Charlotte Smith
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Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies Empty Re: Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies

Post by Airen Auditoren Thu May 24, 2012 4:08 am

Airen watched silently as Charlotte dueled her 'opponent'. She seemed scared. He hated having her do this, but if she was to be able to protect herself, then she needed to learn this.

He smiled when she seemed to get comfortable with fighting the dummy. He watched as she took a hit to her shoulder. He wanted to end it there, but he needed her to fight it herself. Besides, these dummies wouldn't hurt her too much.

When she finished, he walked over to her and took a look at her shoulder. It wasn't bad. Maybe a little sore, but nothing too serious.

"Good, though, I think that maybe you and I need to work on your technique. Not bad for a first try," he added as he led her over to the meditation center.

"Take a break while we wait for Pxyis," he told both her and Humphrey.
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies Empty Re: Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies

Post by Charlotte Smith Thu May 24, 2012 7:18 pm

Pouting a little bit Charlotte rubbed her shoulder and she smiled lightly, it seemed as if she had done a good enough job to please Airen, even if she did need to work on what she was doing wrong, which was quite a lot.

Charlotte smiled broadly and nodded her head when he told her that they needed to work on her technique together; "Of course Air, I'll be more than happy to work on it with you." she beamed.

Now sitting in the meditation corner, Charlotte smiled happily and she closed her eyes, taking away all of the thoughts that had been littering her mind as she tried to get into the correct state to mediate.
Charlotte Smith
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Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies Empty Re: Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies

Post by Guest Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:38 pm

Pyxis watched the other two practice with a contemplative look on her face. She bit down on her bottom lip nervously, not really wanting to battle the dummy. To be quite honest, she found it to be scary. As weird as that was, it was just scary how it fought back and - she shuddered slightly.

A wince was given when a blow landed on Charlotte's shoulder, and she wanted to ask if she was okay but she also didn't want to distract Charlotte so she remained silent and watched. She was relieved to see that Charlotte didn't get hurt after that and watched as she walked over to the medication corner.

She'd watched to pick up on the technique's of the other two, and now she pulled out her own sword and held it up. It was heavy, she would admit, but she'd practised holding it a lot and become partly accustomed to the weight. She shifted her own weight to her right foot and put her left one forward slightly. She then swiped at the dummy and hit it in the side.

The dummy moved forwards and began to attack back, a few blows hitting her arm. She winced each time and only became more ferocious, swinging and jabbing. Her swipes were clumsy, but overall she was pleased with the outcome and rubbed at her arm absently as she stepped away from the dummy.


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Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies Empty Re: Swordmage Lesson Four: Dueling Strategies

Post by Airen Auditoren Sat Jun 02, 2012 11:23 am

Airen watched silently as Pxyis dueled. She would also still need some help with the technique. All of them did, really. He knew what the next lesson was going to be. Walking up to Pxyis, he gave her a congratulating smile. He looked at her arm.

"It's not too bad, a few bruises maybe, but that's all. Not bad for a first try. It seems that I now know the topic for our next lesson," he mused. "Any way, just go over to the meditation center for a bit. Then you're free to go," he finished.

"All right guys, this was merely to teach you tips for when you're in a fight. Next lesson, we'll work on technique. You're free to go," he said, sweeping his hand out in front of the door.
Airen Auditoren
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