Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Swimming Alone? (Darcie and Richard)

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Swimming Alone? (Darcie and Richard) Empty Swimming Alone? (Darcie and Richard)

Post by Darcie Vane Fri Jun 01, 2012 5:34 am

Darcie had decided since summer was coming back around that she would try and make sure that she went out for a few swims now that school was winding down, of course the lake at Durmstrang was frozen even in the summer so there was no chance of her swimming there even if she wanted to.

With a small sigh she slipped into the water and she doused herself with the warmth of it, it was quite late at night, so the water was warmer than the air around the pool in actuality.

Swimming alongside the wrecks of those beautiful large ships, made Darcie feel a little scared and she could not help but want someone to be here with her, after all the large size against her tiny frame made her feel so helpless and small, especially if something was to happen to her.
Darcie Vane
Darcie Vane
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Swimming Alone? (Darcie and Richard) Empty Re: Swimming Alone? (Darcie and Richard)

Post by Richard Romain Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:18 am

Richard appeared at the water's edge with the use of a portkey. He knew how to disapparate but somehow portkeys were just more comfortable for him and he could make them easier than most wizards found disapparation to be. It was one of the many oddities that made him who he was he supposed.

He'd come here because, once again, he wanted to smell his homeland in summer time. The way it smelt in summer time, to someone with enhanced senses, was simply amazing. But something caught his eye. Or rather, someone caught his eye. He blinked a few times when he saw a woman swimming,

"Surely there are safer places to swim than the graveyard of ships?"
Richard Romain
Richard Romain

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Swimming Alone? (Darcie and Richard) Empty Re: Swimming Alone? (Darcie and Richard)

Post by Darcie Vane Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:22 am

Darcie looked up when she heard someone talking to her and she squeaked a little bit, she knew that she had just been thinking that she wished someone would join her but she did not think that they would actually appear!

Especially when she was only wearing her bathing suit, it was something that she could not conceal her embarrassment about, her two piece white bikini showed her rather childish side as it was decorated with cherries, not the impression most wanted to make, she could only hope the dark would cover her.

"UHm...uh...I suppose so." she said flustered "D-do you want me to get out?"
Darcie Vane
Darcie Vane
Durmstrang Instructor

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Swimming Alone? (Darcie and Richard) Empty Re: Swimming Alone? (Darcie and Richard)

Post by Richard Romain Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:28 am

Richard heard the woman squeak and couldn't help but chuckle a little bit. She seemed rather easy to scare if his appearance alone had startled her. He couldn't help but raise an eyebrow when he saw her. She was quite obviously a fully grown woman but her choice in swimwear seemed to be geared towards people a lot younger. He chuckled a little bit and shook his head,

"Not if you don't want to." He told her with a smirk, "Although I am curious as to why you would swim here... why not swim in crystal lake? Or is it too crowded, even at this time, for you?"

Richard Romain
Richard Romain

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Swimming Alone? (Darcie and Richard) Empty Re: Swimming Alone? (Darcie and Richard)

Post by Darcie Vane Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:45 am

Darcie looked up at the man and she blinked slightly, he looked familiar but she did not know where she knew him from, it seemed as if she was going to have to make sure she was polite to him, just in case he was someone important.

Biting her lip, Darcie swam breathstroke over to the area where the man was standing, and leant on one of the smooth sides of the ship, where the odd bit of wood had been smoothed by people leaning on it like this.

"Alright then I shall stay here then." she said with a small smile "I just thought that to swim here would be an experience, but it's quite scary, I'm afraid one of the ships will fall on me."
Darcie Vane
Darcie Vane
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Swimming Alone? (Darcie and Richard) Empty Re: Swimming Alone? (Darcie and Richard)

Post by Richard Romain Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:53 am

He could tell that she was someone he should know. There was just a feeling in the back of his mind that he knew her from somewhere. He just couldn't figure out where from. He shook his head. If he couldn't remember where he knew her from then she wasn't all that impotant, he reasoned.

Sitting down on the edge of the ship so that he was closer to her he smirked a little bit,

"Thank you, I would enjoy the company." he replied quietly, "It would make for a grand story to tell I'll give you that. Personally... I like watching the moonlight dance on the water and the ships."
Richard Romain
Richard Romain

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Swimming Alone? (Darcie and Richard) Empty Re: Swimming Alone? (Darcie and Richard)

Post by Darcie Vane Sat Jun 02, 2012 2:26 am

Darcie was glad that the man would enjoy her company, but then again she really wondered if it would be appropriate for her to be sitting here in her bikini with some man that she didn't know, he could be perving on her or anything!

"Well it's nice to meet you, I'm Darcie Vane." she said with a cheerful smile on her lips "Maybe now we can get introduced properly, I'd like to know where I know you from after all."

A light smile played on Darcies lips and she made a small humming noise; "I think it's very pretty too."
Darcie Vane
Darcie Vane
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Swimming Alone? (Darcie and Richard) Empty Re: Swimming Alone? (Darcie and Richard)

Post by Richard Romain Wed Jun 13, 2012 2:04 am

Richard chuckled a little bit. He really had no interest in Darcie, even if she was attractive. He had Briony and to him she was the vision of beauty, beauty personified, so anyone else was just bland and rather uninteresting in comparison. He smiled a little bit,

"That's a lovely name Darcie." he replied before smiling a little bit, "Well how about we play a guessing game to help you guess who I am? I'm a famous teacher."

Richard Romain
Richard Romain

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Swimming Alone? (Darcie and Richard) Empty Re: Swimming Alone? (Darcie and Richard)

Post by Darcie Vane Wed Jun 13, 2012 5:15 am

Darcie smiled lightly and she wondered whether he was going to tell her his name, it was beginning to bug her a little that she did not know where she knew him from, it was something that she was going to try her best to figure out while they talked.

"Thank you very much, I think it's very pretty too." she said happily, in her normal chirping voice.

When he suggests a guessing game, Darcie pouted but then thought for a moment; "Well I've not seen you in Durmstrang, so you must be in Hogwarts because you're too scary to teach in Beauxbatons..."
Darcie Vane
Darcie Vane
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Swimming Alone? (Darcie and Richard) Empty Re: Swimming Alone? (Darcie and Richard)

Post by Richard Romain Wed Jun 13, 2012 5:20 am

Richard smiled at the cute little excitable woman. She certainly was a delight to talk to, she seemed to excel at making people want to smile because that's what he was doing, not his regular smirking,

"It is to me as well." he smiled a bit wider, "And it's a rather unique name as well so that's even better."

He chuckled a little bit,

"I'm too scary to teach in France?" he said before thinking about it and nodding, "You're right, I probably am. But as I can see it's starting to bug you..."

He stuck out his hand for her to shack, smiling as he did so,

"Richard Romain, pleasure to meet you Darcie Vane."
Richard Romain
Richard Romain

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Age : 31
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Swimming Alone? (Darcie and Richard) Empty Re: Swimming Alone? (Darcie and Richard)

Post by Darcie Vane Wed Jun 13, 2012 9:44 am

Darcie giggled a little bit and she nodded her head, from what she had heard the French school Beauxbatons was really focused on the arts and she could not imagine a person like Richard teaching the history of magical dance or something equally as useless.

"Yes you definately are too scary to teach at Beauxbatons, although I would probably fit right in, all the Lehrers at Durmstrang are so scary...I'm like the nicest one there." she tutted.

When he stuck his hand out to her Darcie moved her arm out of the water and shook his hand gently, blushing a little, he was such a powerful wizard...and she was just...useless.

"Its nice to meet you Richard, I've heard a lot about you, I don't believe most of it, but you certainly seem as powerful as they say, I must seem rather useless compared to you, and I would be the first one to admit that."
Darcie Vane
Darcie Vane
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