Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Lesson One - Fourth Years

Charlotte Smith
Richard Romain
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Lesson One - Fourth Years Empty Lesson One - Fourth Years

Post by Richard Romain Tue Jun 12, 2012 5:25 am

Richard sat behind his desk reading from one of his personal notebooks on a very sensative topic. In particular he was reading about his greatest accoplishment. What he'd had to go through to get it was nothing to stiff about but now that it had been completed for a few years he was beginning to think about how dangerous it could be in the wrong hands.

Which meant he might have to start using it for something else, something much more dangerous.
Richard Romain
Richard Romain

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Lesson One - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson One - Fourth Years

Post by Charlotte Smith Tue Jun 12, 2012 5:59 am

Charlotte walked into the lesson and she smiled at Uncle Richie, placing her new present for him and Briony on his desk with a cheeky little smile, it was a package of baby clothes in the new size for Baby Raven, she was so cute and she knew that they only liked the clothes that she made for them.

The smile still on her lips she sat down at her usual desk and wondered what they would be learning today, and if it would be something that she was going to be able to do...fourth year was going to mean the lessons getting harder and harder after all.
Charlotte Smith
Charlotte Smith
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Lesson One - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson One - Fourth Years

Post by Tess McCartney Tue Jun 12, 2012 7:07 am

Walking into the classroom, she flashed a smile at Professor Romain, it'd been a while since she last saw him considering that they were now in a new school year.

Sitting down, she waved at Charlotte and began to take out her things needed for the class. Summer was sure something, from a terribly embarrassing and awkward accidental date, to having someone give her something that meant the world to her. She toughed her necklace lightly, smiling at the fox that now hung from around her neck; despite it all, it'd been a great summer, but she was glad to be back.

Tess McCartney

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Lesson One - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson One - Fourth Years

Post by Victoria Rossmund Tue Jun 12, 2012 3:57 pm

Victoria walked quickly into class and took a seat next to Tess. She'd made a resolution for the school year: no more tardiness! Especially now that she was going to be representing them in the Tournament.

Taking out her things she wrote a quick note to Tess. RoR @ 7. She needed help on something.

Victoria Rossmund

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Lesson One - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson One - Fourth Years

Post by Humphrey Williams Wed Jun 13, 2012 12:57 pm

Transfiguration was one of the classes Humphrey excelled at. It required studying, and a good grasp of the concepts. Both things Humphrey was generally pretty good at doing. Catching up on the missed work from Transfiguration over the summer had been very difficult, but he'd managed to do it. Even managed to work ahead just a bit.

Humphrey decided to just sit in the back of the class. Since he had come back, he'd realized he didn't always need to talk. Sometimes staying silent, and listening, was better. He'd tried to do it before; but, until now, he'd never really gotten it. Now, he understood how being silent and listening was often a more valuable skill than listening. Maybe he had learned something from last year after all. Taking out his transfiguration course book, parchment, his quill, and ink pot, he prepared himself to take notes. Notes were the key to good Transfiguration. If you had poor notes, you were a dead man.
Humphrey Williams
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Lesson One - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson One - Fourth Years

Post by Richard Romain Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:28 pm

Richard smiled to his assembled students before moving up to the board and taking up a piece of chalk. He smiled at his students,

"Alright guys I know you want to start doing some interesting Transfiguration now that you're a little older so I'm going to start teaching you my speciality..." he held up his hand and it flashed, changing into a blade that was seemingly attached to his wrist as his hand had been, "Self-transfiguration. Now!"

He wrote the word "Copendes" on the board in big letters. Richard paused for a second before underlining the word several times,

"This is a spell that I made myself. It will turn your index finger on your left hand into a blade." he told the class, "Please practice the incantation."
Richard Romain
Richard Romain

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Lesson One - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson One - Fourth Years

Post by Charlotte Smith Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:38 pm

Charlotte hummed when she heard that they were going to try some self transfiguration, technically she was an expert at that already but she would like to learn the spells anyway, just in case something happened to her that would stop her from being able to transfigure herself.

With a small frown of concentration Charlotte wrote down the incantation and what it was supposed to do and then began to practice it;

"Copendes." she whispered "Copendes."

Making sure to repeat it until she was able to say it fluently, Charlotte smiled happily and stopped once she was sure she had done it enough times.
Charlotte Smith
Charlotte Smith
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Lesson One - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson One - Fourth Years

Post by Victoria Rossmund Fri Jun 15, 2012 3:19 pm

Victoria smiled at hearing this charm. She was still learning the ins and outs of being a young vampire, but had always heard the legends of transfiguring into creatures. She hadn't learned anything like this, but it made her smile.

Taking copious notes on the spell for later practice, she practiced just the word. It always amazed her that the professor created his own spells.

Victoria Rossmund

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Lesson One - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson One - Fourth Years

Post by Keiba Namid Fri Jun 15, 2012 10:28 pm

Keiba slipped quietly into class and sat near the back with Humphrey. If Professor Romain asked, she would apologize for her tardiness but lately she was just so over the whole rules thing. It paled in comparison to the other things on her mind.

More than once that day Keiba had felt her eyes well with tears, yet had forbidden them to spill over each time. She silently grabbed out her notebook and scribbled down the word, then reluctantly practised the pronunciation of the spell. A fleeting amazement crossed her thoughts at the Professor's ability to develop spells, but soon it was gone and she returned to her mindless state of worry and stress.
Keiba Namid
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Lesson One - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson One - Fourth Years

Post by Tess McCartney Sat Jun 16, 2012 9:45 am

Self-transfiguration. Well she was good at that, she thought with a small smirk. She smiled at Professor Romain, and began to murmur the spell softly , trying to get the incantation correct.

"Copendes" she whispered.

She made a memo in her head, trying to remind herself of the spell, as she usually did and practiced it over and over.

Tess McCartney

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Lesson One - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson One - Fourth Years

Post by Humphrey Williams Mon Jun 18, 2012 1:24 am

Self-transfiguration was a skill that Humphrey had already become very good at. He was a Hippogriff animagus, and he loved transforming. It felt like he was so free, flying in the open sky with his wings propelling him faster than he would ever be able to run. Not even as a werewolf could he go as quickly as when he was a Hippogriff flying through the air. Focusing his mind on the incantation he prepared himself to cast it.

"Copendes." Humphrey said confidently. He knew that he could probably change it without the incantation. But he did not want to reveal how skilled he was with Transfiguration. His Hippogriff form was something that was uniquely him, and he didn't share it with just anybody. He repeated the incantation until he was sure the pronunciation was correct.
Humphrey Williams
Humphrey Williams
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