Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Lesson One - Fourth Years

Humphrey Williams
Briony Romain
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Lesson One - Fourth Years Empty Lesson One - Fourth Years

Post by Briony Romain Tue Jun 12, 2012 6:19 am

Briony had not been up to much this summer break, mostly she had been spending time with Baby Raven and Richard, they were becoming close as a family and she was daring to hope that she was going to be able to have a normal family life as a result of the birth of her daughter, she would live and everything would be alright.

With a small sigh on her lips Briony had to admit that she was glad certain members of staff had left the school, they were altogether useless and their lessons were substandard...most of the time.

Sighing lightly she rested her head on the back of her chair and waited for the students to arrive, the lesson topic on the board;

Briony Romain
Briony Romain
Hogwarts Headmistress

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Lesson One - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson One - Fourth Years

Post by Humphrey Williams Tue Jun 12, 2012 6:29 am

Humphrey walked into the duelling classroom, he was the first student to arrive. Looking towards the front of the room as he walked, he saw her sigh even though it was small enough he couldn't hear it. He wasn't sure what it was about, the start of a new school year, or just stress. So he asked, "Hello Professor Romain, are you doing alright today?" The Headmistress had always been one of his favorite teachers.

Over the summer, he had worked hard to catch up in the classes he had missed. All of them he was now current on, and had even studied all of the fourth year books as well. Now, he was finally ready to be back at Hogwarts. The end of last year hadn't gone well when he came back. Over the summer, he'd tried to get his head on straight. It felt like it was, but they would see.

Looking at the board, he noticed the spell they were learning today. "Deprimo, I believe that is a spell that creates a strong gust of wind is it not, Professor?" he asked. "I tried it over the summer, and I should be able to do it properly. It worked the last time I tried it.
Humphrey Williams
Humphrey Williams
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Lesson One - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson One - Fourth Years

Post by Tess McCartney Tue Jun 12, 2012 7:10 am

Entering the classroom, she found herself wanting to backpedal as she saw who was in the classroom.

Well isn't this a bit awkward she thought to herself.

Summer had been...interesting to say the least, but it all worked out in the end. She enjoyed it and wished it was longer, but that was definitely impossible. She figured, a new year, meant new changes, and she'd take it in stride.

Sitting down at her usual seat, she smiled at the Professor, and shuffled a bit trying to find her things before class began.

Tess McCartney

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Lesson One - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson One - Fourth Years

Post by Humphrey Williams Tue Jun 12, 2012 9:29 am

"Hey, Tess. Listen about last year, I was an idiot okay. No worries. Still friends?" he asked as quietly as he could. He tried to show how bad he felt about it all. Humphrey had been a complete idiot, and now looking back, he could see just how big of an idiot he was. Trying to smile just a bit, it looked more like a grimace. Hopefully, Tess would forgive him for what he'd done.
Humphrey Williams
Humphrey Williams
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Lesson One - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson One - Fourth Years

Post by Airen Auditoren Tue Jun 12, 2012 12:15 pm

Airen entered the classroom. He was tired and had a hand on the back of his neck, rubbing it. He sighed in a resigned manner. He'd have to deal with it later. He had a rough night last night. Filled with nightmares of unspeakable terror. He relived that night in his dream, but this time, there was nothing he could do to help. He watched as his friends fell.

As soon as Humphrey started speaking, Airen was in his seat at the front. He felt really irritable and didn't want to be in the same room with the person that annoyed him to no end, but he'd just do what he always did: ignore the tosser. Sure, it sounded rude, but Airen thought that if he didn't talk to him, then there would be less chance of some one getting hurt.

He laid his head down on his crossed arms. As usual, Humphrey thought he had two mouths and one ear. Talking a lot more than listening. This is going to be a long class, he thought to himself.
Airen Auditoren
Airen Auditoren
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Lesson One - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson One - Fourth Years

Post by Tess McCartney Tue Jun 12, 2012 2:03 pm

Tess looked down at her notebook right after he walked over to her and she bit back a sigh. She didn't want him to talk about this, especially not in class, and not in front of the Professor and Airen, who just came in. She flushed in embarrassment and she cleared her throat.

"I-it's fine. We can still be friends just...sit down" she whispered. "Go back to your seat and sit down, before we lose points"

She didn't want to discuss it here, she was here to learn something not have her private life out there in the classroom. She lifted her head and looked up at him, and smiled slightly.


She looked over at the Professor and hoped she wouldn't get mad at the pair.

Tess McCartney

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Lesson One - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson One - Fourth Years

Post by Victoria Rossmund Tue Jun 12, 2012 4:09 pm

Victoria thanked Merlin for perfect timing. It looked like Tess could use a hand.

Walking up behind Humphrey, she cleared her throat loudly. Call her an over-protective friend, but Victoria was not a happy camper with him right now.

Assuming Humphrey would get the hint, she sat down between him and Tess and made a point to act as normally as possible, honestly looking forward to their next lesson. After she'd gotten her things out she shot a small smirk towards Tess.

Victoria Rossmund

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Lesson One - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson One - Fourth Years

Post by Humphrey Williams Tue Jun 12, 2012 4:59 pm

Humphrey realized after he approached Tess how it would make her feel. Idiot, idiot, idiot, he thought to himself. Nodding to her in acknowledgement, he was about to go to his seat. That was when Victoria walked up, he thought she was overdoing it a bit with the throat clear. He had already taken the hint, and was currently turning to go to go to his seat. Sending a look of apology to Tess, he walked up and took a seat in the front row of class. Humphrey got why Tess didn't want to talk about it here, but Victoria hadn't needed to come to her rescue. He'd made a mistake, he knew that. It hurt him though, that one of Tess' friends felt she needed to step between them.

Frustrated with himself, he just sat down, took out his books, and rested his head on his forearms. Why did he always have to mess up things the way he did? No matter what he did, it seemed, he ended up hurting somebody or getting hurt. This summer, he had tried to learn how to be better about that type of thing. He had talked to his aunt Julia, and learned what he could from her about the way girls think. Clearly, he still had a lot to learn.
Humphrey Williams
Humphrey Williams
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Lesson One - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson One - Fourth Years

Post by Briony Romain Thu Jun 14, 2012 2:14 am

Briony sighed a little and pitched the bridge of her nose when there was some chatter started amongst the class, at least they were alive enough to try and talk this lesson even if it was about inane things that would only annoy her if she allowed them to continue talking about them.

Standing up from her desk she then moved to stand in front of it, her hands crossed together, she spoke eventually when she had the attention of everyone.

"We, since we are now in fourth years studies, will be advancing into difficult spells now, these spells are to be used in battles and battles only, and they are not to be used lightly, do you understand?" she asked in a low tone.

Gesturing to the board she said;

"Humphrey is incorrect in his answer, this spell is one that creates an immense amount of force onto an object, such an amount of force will cause this object to shatter...can anyone tell me an example of when this spell might be used?"
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Lesson One - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson One - Fourth Years

Post by Victoria Rossmund Thu Jun 14, 2012 3:14 am

Victoria thought back on one of their old Infiltration lessons. She raised he hand.

"Could it be used to create an exit through the floor? Or maybe offensive too." Professor Smith had asked for possible exit strategies and she thought this might be able to apply.

For offense it could be interesting to levitate something and then use this spell to apply pressure onto it. She tried to think of an example that didn't include squishing someone.

Victoria Rossmund

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Lesson One - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson One - Fourth Years

Post by Haley Vilde Smith Fri Jun 15, 2012 8:48 am

Haley had sent her owl to the headmistress earlier that day about how she'd be late for class due to a stomach virus that lead her to the infirmary and casued her tardiness. She walked silently into the classroom, and sat down in the back as to not disturb the class too much. She just heard the function of the spell and Victoria suggesting what it could be used for.

She looked at the board to see what the spell was called, and checked the register in the book, finding the page that explained the spell. However, today, she didn't have a good day and didn't have it in her to think of something else the spell could be used for.
Haley Vilde Smith
Haley Vilde Smith
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Lesson One - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson One - Fourth Years

Post by Humphrey Williams Mon Jun 18, 2012 12:19 am

That was odd, he would have sworn it read that. Oh well, it appeared his memory had failed him this time. Now he needed to redeem himself. "It could also be used to...to shatter a person couldn't it?" he asked, not wanting to say it. "If it creates an immense amount of force, it would be dangerous against other people, incredibly dangerous actually."

Maybe he should have just kept quiet, he didn't want people to think of him as the creepy guy who applied spells to attacking other people. But, it was the first thing that had come to his mind. Hopefully he wouldn't get in trouble for saying it.
Humphrey Williams
Humphrey Williams
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Lesson One - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson One - Fourth Years

Post by Briony Romain Tue Jun 19, 2012 6:39 am

Briony nodded her head, it was indeed true what both of the students had been able to say about the spell, Briony would be teaching them how to use it next lesson, they did not have enough time now, but she thought that it was a vital spell to learn in anyone's attack arsenal.

"Both of you illustrate interesting answers, it can indeed be used to create an escape route, or to destroy buildings to distract your opponent, however it can also be used as Mr. Williams so kindly pointed out, to kill a person. 20 points to Gryffindor."

Opening the door to her class with a wave of her wand Briony smirked slightly;

"We will be performing this spell next lesson, don't kill each other while we cast it, the paperwork is murder." she smirked "Lesson dismissed."
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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