Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Lesson One - Fourth Years

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Lesson One - Fourth Years Empty Lesson One - Fourth Years

Post by Darcie Vane Tue Jun 12, 2012 6:36 am

Darcie smiled happily, she never thought she would be so glad to be back at Durmstrang but she was, there was however that sadness that she would no longer be able to see Luther as much as she wanted to...and that she would be in the same castle as Mikhail, and it still made her upset to think of him walking out on her.

Biting her lip Darcie shook her head and composed herself for the lesson ahead, she knew that she needed to be happy for the students as they would most likely be nervous after having to take the ship to the school once more after the attack.

With a happy little flick, Darcie wrote in chalk the lesson point on the board;

Darcie Vane
Darcie Vane
Durmstrang Instructor

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Lesson One - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson One - Fourth Years

Post by Aquila Wilson Tue Jun 12, 2012 9:05 pm

Aquila loved the fact that it was just her and Darcie in the Soothsaying lesson, and she hoped it would remain that way. It meant she could learn more, and she could also be more relaxed and natural. Soothsaying was by far her most favourite lesson. She grinned as she walked in and waved at Darcie. Per usual, she took the seat closest to Darcie and glanced at the board.

"Ooh, Dowsing? What's that?" She asked curiously, head tilted slightly to the side. Soothsaying never failed to interest her.
Aquila Wilson
Aquila Wilson
Risiko Seventh Year

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Lesson One - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson One - Fourth Years

Post by Darcie Vane Thu Jun 14, 2012 1:56 am

Darcie smiled happily at Aquila, she had not seen her since the attack on the Ship and she was glad that she was alright, she did not know if she knew about her kidnapping however, so did not want to worry her by bringing it up.

"Hi there Aquila!" she said cheerfully "Dowsing is one of the more obscure methods of divining, thats why not many people know what it is, but, have you ever seen someone with a dowsing rod?"

Turning the the board she drew a large 'Y' there.

"Its a stick that looks a bit like this, and people hold it by the two handles if you like, do you know what it does?"
Darcie Vane
Darcie Vane
Durmstrang Instructor

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Lesson One - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson One - Fourth Years

Post by Aquila Wilson Fri Jun 15, 2012 7:08 pm

Aquila had scarcely thought about the attack since it happened, preferring to push it to the back of her mind as she always did with bad things and lock it up in a box where it would burst forth years later in negative emotions. Aquila'd never been taught any different than to bottle up her emotions and pretend she was fine.

"Ah, that's definitely explain it. I probably had, but I don't recall anyone saying what they were holding in their hand to my recollection," she grinned at Darcie and waited for her to continue her description.

Aquila tilted her head curiously as Darcie drew a large 'Y' on the board.

"Oh!" Aquila exclaimed suddenly, recognising the object. "Yes, i've seen one of those before. Nope, I don't," she smiled sheepishly.
Aquila Wilson
Aquila Wilson
Risiko Seventh Year

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Lesson One - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson One - Fourth Years

Post by Darcie Vane Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:46 pm

Darcie smiled happily when she recognised the sticks used for dowsing, she decided that she would give Aquila some background information about dowsing that would help her to understand when they went into more detail about the art later on.

"Well heres some information that might help when we start discussing dowsing in more depth, dowsing is also known as divining, doodlebugging in searching for petroleum or when searching specifically for water water finding, water witching or water dowsing."

Then she stopped for a moment before asking Aquila;

"So what types of materials do you think that this would be useful in finding, considering that it is used to detect things underground."
Darcie Vane
Darcie Vane
Durmstrang Instructor

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Lesson One - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson One - Fourth Years

Post by Aquila Wilson Sun Jun 17, 2012 12:12 pm

Aquila listened intently as Darcie proceeded to explain Dowsing. She frowned and tried to recall reading it in the textbook. She knew that all of this sounded familiar, but it felt like the information was locked away in some part of the brain.

It was part of the annoying things with human brains, they were so quick to forget things - though not as quick as any other animal. Or, not forget, but hide things away in the memory in places that are hard to access. She nodded her head at Darcie, still un-able to remember too much information.

Aquila tapped a finger to her chin and bit down on her bottom lip. Suddenly, information came rushing into her brain.

"Hmm, maybe, oil? Or like, metals, hidden treasure, lost objects, human bodies, underground water, that sort of stuff?" She asked with a tilted head.
Aquila Wilson
Aquila Wilson
Risiko Seventh Year

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Lesson One - Fourth Years Empty Re: Lesson One - Fourth Years

Post by Darcie Vane Tue Jun 19, 2012 5:29 am

Darcie smiled happily and nodded her head, she was so very glad that Aquila was remembering things that she had read before now that she had time to think about things and to make sure that she was taking her time to formulate her answers.

"Well done! 10 points to Risiko. It is indeed to find things like that underground, many people of course are skeptics about this sort of thing, as they are with all of soothsaying however, what I would like you to do is to go out and try it yourself, come back next lesson and tell me what you think about the art."

Opening the door to the classroom Darcie smiled wider still; "Until then, class dismissed, stay safe Aquila."
Darcie Vane
Darcie Vane
Durmstrang Instructor

Posts : 423
Join date : 2012-04-13
Location : Durmstrang

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