Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Being Cornered (Humphrey and Tess)

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Being Cornered (Humphrey and Tess)  Empty Being Cornered (Humphrey and Tess)

Post by Tess McCartney Wed Jun 13, 2012 11:11 am

After long day of classes, with a sigh, Tess was walking down the steps towards the first floor. Her classes were long an tedious, and after those, she had some pent up frustrations that she let out using her daggers, her fists and her rapier, which she had returned to the Headmistress' office. After a quick shower, at the commons, she decided to head back to the dungeons, hair wet and in more comfortable clothing. She wanted to take the long route to her dorm. It was a long and complicated day, that was for sure.

A lot had changed for her after last year. For one thing, was her friendships, she decided to close off towards a certain person, and just close off her emotions towards others that weren't as close to her. Victoria had spent the summer and after knowing the whole situation had agreed with her. She smiled at the thought of her best friend.

Her thoughts distracted her making her oblivious towards her surroundings.

Tess McCartney

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Age : 31

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Being Cornered (Humphrey and Tess)  Empty Re: Being Cornered (Humphrey and Tess)

Post by Humphrey Williams Wed Jun 13, 2012 11:33 am

Humphrey found Tess with wet hair, clearly she had just showered. She must have used the student common area, he thought. Trying to catch up with her, he also tried to remain quiet. She couldn't know how terrible he felt about what he'd said. At the end of last year, well he was hurt, and he had lashed out at her. It wasn't fair, he had used some pretty low blows. Over the holidays, he had written five different letters, trying to figure out the best way to apologize. In the end, he just drew her a picture.

The drawing was of him, and her, just sitting together. A little chat box came out over his character, which said, "Forgive me for being a total fool. I regret everything I said to hurt you. Sorry, hope we can work to repair our friendship. Miss you, and those Tesla Coils you give so well." Her chat box thingy was empty, and he had a pencil with him. Maybe, if she couldn't tell him, she would be able to write it down, and give it to him.

When he was closer enough to her, he veered her towards the trophy room. "Listen, Tess, this is going to be awkward for both of us. I regret all those cheap shots I said at the end of last year, after that thing at The Three Broomsticks. So, so sorry." Humphrey said, his tears starting to appear, but he brushed them away."Not now, you stupid emotions.", he thought to himself.

Once he was in the trophy room, he took out the drawing he had made. "Here, I figure it might be easier for you to write it down. I hope you kept that picture I drew you. If you didn't though, I understand. Please keep this one though, even if you don't want to be friends with me." Humphrey was completely at her mercy. She had every right to throw his stupid drawing in her face and storm out.
Humphrey Williams
Humphrey Williams
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Being Cornered (Humphrey and Tess)  Empty Re: Being Cornered (Humphrey and Tess)

Post by Tess McCartney Wed Jun 13, 2012 11:56 am

Her eyes widened as she realized who was speaking to her. She looked around noticing that the room was empty and that in her own distraction, she was cornered. She sighed and ran her fingers through her wet hair.

Hearing him out, and having no choice, she decided to avoid his eye contact. She lifted her gaze and glared at him, eyes not softening at his comment.

"Hello to you too Williams." She replied glaring.

She wasn't going to back down, she wasn't going to be soft and sweet, no that was no longer her, she was a new person.

Tess McCartney

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Age : 31

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Being Cornered (Humphrey and Tess)  Empty Re: Being Cornered (Humphrey and Tess)

Post by Humphrey Williams Wed Jun 13, 2012 12:07 pm

Her glare hurt him more than anything else she had ever said to him. She was tougher now, trying to hide her soft, sweet personality. It broke his heart to see her act like that. Part of the reason was because of what he'd said, he was sure of it. "You don't have to be nice to me. But, I know that underneath whatever front you are putting up, you are still the same Tess. Still one of the nicest people I've ever known. Here, just read it, okay." Humphrey said, setting the piece of paper with his stupid drawing on the table.

"If it means anything to you, I cried after what I said to you. It was wrong, and if I could take it back, I would. But, I messed up, and all I can do is ask for your forgiveness. I won't try and hide from whatever you want to say to me, I deserve to be thrown in hell for what I did. How I could hurt somebody I cared so much about, I'll never understand. Just, before you ignore me, and become my enemy, give me one chance. That's all I ask, Tess." Humphrey told her, in a voice that was filled with pain about what he'd done. Turning away from her, he waited for her reply, and let tears slide down his cheeks. He missed her so damn much, and he hated it.

"I miss your friendship Tess, I really do."
Humphrey Williams
Humphrey Williams
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Being Cornered (Humphrey and Tess)  Empty Re: Being Cornered (Humphrey and Tess)

Post by Tess McCartney Wed Jun 13, 2012 12:30 pm

Looking at the drawing, she felt herself loosen up a bit, but she bit her bottom lip and her gaze was still steady. She always had a soft spot for art, and while music was what she preferred, she loved drawing.

"Oh you so you realized how much of a prat you were? Congratulations" she growled out rolling her eyes. "Going to start yelling now are we? I mean you already have me cornered, tears don't change a damn thing"

She avoided even commenting on the whole drawing knowing that she would break. Why did he have to corner her now?! She sighed and crossed her arms over her chest in a defensive position. He was so sensitive, something that always touched her, but now, now it was different, he'd injured her and made her lose all her trust for him.

Tess McCartney

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Age : 31

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Being Cornered (Humphrey and Tess)  Empty Re: Being Cornered (Humphrey and Tess)

Post by Humphrey Williams Wed Jun 13, 2012 12:43 pm

"Yes, I did, and I didn't expect forgiveness right away, Tess. I know that it will take time and effort, for you to even consider being my friend again." he said, turning back to look at her. The look of pain was in his eyes, and it wouldn't go away until she forgave him.

"I understand that tears don't change a damn thing Tess. I wasn't planning on yelling either, I lost my temper for the first time in a while at you. The anger wasn't just at you either, it was about my life in general. You just happened to be the outlet. Whatever I have to do, to help you to even think about being my friend, I'll do it. If you want me to do anything, just say it. All I want is to be able to call you my friend again, no matter how long that takes." he told her, saying it as calmly as he could. If Tess could understand, maybe they could work towards becoming friends. Begin the journey that would take a long time to make them friends again.

Then Humphrey whispered, just loud enough for her to hear, "The only thing I do know is, well, that I'd still trust you with my life. You could do anything to me right now, hurt me deeper than I've ever been hurt, if you wanted to. Because, because I still trust you. Even if you don't trust me. I hate that I still trust you, it puts me at your mercy. But, I still do, for some reason I can't explain." Her arms were folded in front of her in what was clearly a defensive position. Tess was still afraid of getting hurt by him, somewhere behind that tough girl act.
Humphrey Williams
Humphrey Williams
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Being Cornered (Humphrey and Tess)  Empty Re: Being Cornered (Humphrey and Tess)

Post by Tess McCartney Wed Jun 13, 2012 12:55 pm

Tess immediately looked away at how he mentioned his desperation over being friends again. It really hurt her to think that he felt that strongly about her hurting him. She wouldn't hurt him...she'd just avoid any contact.

His screaming would forever be in her head. She was so mad, so hurt and so scared, thinking that at any moment he'd explode all the more. She knew she was just an outlet, just had bad luck.

"I wanted to punch you that day" She commented coldly still avoiding his gaze.

Trust, oh that word hurt her deeply. She didn't trust him anymore, she couldn't after he threw things at her face, and both were victims of eachother's words.

"Why trust me? I'm a Slytherin remember, we don't do trust"

Tess McCartney

Posts : 929
Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 31

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Being Cornered (Humphrey and Tess)  Empty Re: Being Cornered (Humphrey and Tess)

Post by Humphrey Williams Wed Jun 13, 2012 1:06 pm

She looked away from him, and he knew that his words having an impact on her. He suspected she would have avoided contact with him, trying not to hurt him. Ignoring him, however, would hurt him more than anything else she could do at this point in time. "I know you won't be able to forget how I acted Tess, but it goes both ways. I'll never be able to forget what you said, either. You didn't yell, but you hurt me just as much as I hurt you. But, I think you already know that Tess." he said, forcing the words out even though it was hard to say.

"Tess, you should have. I wish you would have, I deserved it. If you want, just do it now. Get it all out, I'd rather sport a black eye and have you as a friend than not be your friend. I don't expect you to trust me again, I realize you will probably treat me like an enemy for a while. Though, if we could start back at square one, or any other square, where you didn't hate me, I would really be grateful. Forever in your debt if you would even make an effort at being my friend." Humphrey admitted, tears still rolling down his cheeks, but at a much slower rate.

"I shouldn't, should I?" he asked her. "You hurt me too, but I do. Tess, we both know Slytherins can still trust. They may try not to, but they still trust. Even if they hate themselves for trusting. I don't know why I trust you. I think you already know that I do though, I always have. Just, something about you, maybe it's in your eyes; somehow though, I've always known you had a good heart in there. That I could trust you no matter what. I don't know any logical reason why I should, but there it is." All he could do was shrug his shoulders. Hope, that was all he had left, hope that she would give him a chance.
Humphrey Williams
Humphrey Williams
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Being Cornered (Humphrey and Tess)  Empty Re: Being Cornered (Humphrey and Tess)

Post by Tess McCartney Wed Jun 13, 2012 1:23 pm

Tess closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She couldn't do this to herself, why would she allow someone who'd hurt her, and she'd hurt in return to just walk back in and be friends again? She didn't trust him, and while he did her, she didn't. She only trusted a handful of people now.

She bit back the little smile at him sporting a black eye, and wondered if she had been to soft for not punching in the face, especially since he stole a kiss from her too. She didn't want to dwell on that whole messy situation but every time she saw him she remembered that incident and even more now the affects of that incident.

"Compliments d-don't work on me" she said looking at her feet. "And I don't trust you, so this could never work....I" She took a deep breath forcing herself to treat this logically. "You'd be in the weaker position IF I were to even think about even being friends with you."

She didn't mean to mention the last part, but she had, and she cursed at herself inwardly at her stupidity. She didn't want him to know about her thoughts, she didn't want him to think he even had a chance.

Tess McCartney

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Being Cornered (Humphrey and Tess)  Empty Re: Being Cornered (Humphrey and Tess)

Post by Humphrey Williams Wed Jun 13, 2012 1:46 pm

Humphrey watched as she took a deep breath and closed her eyes. He knew she was battling with herself. Tess was not a person to let anyone back in who had hurt her. It was hard enough to get her to trust him in the first place. Now, he knew it would be at least twice, maybe three times as difficult. The amount of work it took to become friends with her again, though, meant nothing to him. All he wanted was his shy, book-loving, sarcastic, silly, awkward friend back. It didn't matter how long it took, or what he had to do.

When Tess smiled, he guessed it was at the thought of him having a black eye. "She really should have punched me. Especially after I kissed her. How was I so stupid?" was all his brain could think at the moment. "Should I give myself a black eye for you, or do you want to do the honors?" he asked her, completely serious. "I know I got off easy that night, Tess."

A confused expression crossed Humphrey's face, "Wait, what are you talking about? Compliments, I wasn't complimenting you. If you took it as a compliment, then that is all you. That was just how I feel about it Tess. I swear, I'm not trying to...to butter you up or anything like that." Humphrey told her, his eyes pleading with her to see he was telling the truth.

"What do I need to do to convince you that something like that is Not going to happen again?" Humphrey asked quietly. "Tess, I don't view this as a battle or anything. I don't care whether or not I have the weaker position. Wait, you are thinking about being friends with me, aren't you?" he questioned, realization crossing his features. A look of hope, and happiness at the possibility leapt into his eyes instantaneously. "I can't believe you'd even consider it after what I pulled.

Then, Humphrey decided to show her something, something only Pyxis, Charlotte, and Airen knew about. He reached under his shirt, and into his belt. There was a glamour charm hiding the sheath that was attached to his belt. A sword was lying on it, the sword he had made. Drawing it out, he showed it to her. "You see this, there are only three people in the world who know I have this. I made this sword, with the help of a swordmage. The last swordmage in the world that is still living as far as I know. I show you this, because even though you don't trust me, I trust you with my secret. Hopefully one day you can trust me again. If not, I'll always mourn the loss of trust between us." Humphrey said this, hoping that a show of trust on his part would soften her just a bit. He didn't expect it to, but it was worth a try.
Humphrey Williams
Humphrey Williams
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Being Cornered (Humphrey and Tess)  Empty Re: Being Cornered (Humphrey and Tess)

Post by Tess McCartney Wed Jun 13, 2012 1:57 pm

She glared at him as he realized her blunder. Damn it, why did she have to be so...so stupid. She huffed and chewed her bottom lip nervously trying to get herself to not open up.

But he'd, he'd shown her secrets, begged her, just about everything, and she found herself at a rock and a hard place. She sighed and opened her eyes to look at him softly.

"Are your feelings gone?" She asked clearly. "I will only consider being friends if that, that situation never happens again. And no, you don't need to punch yourself, you'll get it from me if you deserve it."

Tess McCartney

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Being Cornered (Humphrey and Tess)  Empty Re: Being Cornered (Humphrey and Tess)

Post by Humphrey Williams Wed Jun 13, 2012 2:06 pm

When he called her on her error, Tess just glared at him. He didn't think being honest was a mistake, and on the inside he was nervous as well. Tess didn't hide it as well as he did, as she was biting her lip in an obvious way. She was never good at hiding what she was feeling, at least at the present anyways.

Finally, Tess opened her eyes, and the old friend of his was there again. The soft, kind expression, he had grown to love so much. In a strong friendship way now, not romantic. "Yes, I swear they are. To be honest, there is actually this second year girl that I think I am starting to like now. I, well, I think she likes me, but I'm not sure yet. She, well she's pretty amazing. She even knows how to dance. Wait, you don't want to hear about that right now..." Humphrey said, catching himself before he went on about his new crush too long.

"It won't, Tess. I promise you that it won't. I'm honestly surprised you haven't punched me already then. That night, well I certainly deserved it. Thanks Tess, I can't believe that you are considering being friends with me. It is just so, amazing, and unexpected. Wait, can we seal us being friends with a certain hug?" he asked her. "The Tesla Coil, please." Humphrey said, begging her with his voice.
Humphrey Williams
Humphrey Williams
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Being Cornered (Humphrey and Tess)  Empty Re: Being Cornered (Humphrey and Tess)

Post by Tess McCartney Wed Jun 13, 2012 2:16 pm

Tess sighed in relief and felt her body relax. She knew it was just a phase, and phase that had ruined their friendship a bit after his whole idea of liking her. She was glad it was over and gave him a small smile.

"I-I haven't forgiven you yet, and it'll take me some time to even think about calling you my friend. That you will have to earn, but we start from square one, and that-that event never happened understood?" she asked.

She stopped biting her lip and walked over to him tentatively before hugging him lightly.

"Take advantage of this hug because you won't get one from me in a long time, get that crush of yours to do it" she murmured against his chest.

Tess McCartney

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Age : 31

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Being Cornered (Humphrey and Tess)  Empty Re: Being Cornered (Humphrey and Tess)

Post by Humphrey Williams Wed Jun 13, 2012 2:55 pm

The tension in Tess' body finally released, and it was clearly visible. That small smile she gave him warmed his heart. He'd actually done it, Humphrey had thought becoming friends with Tess again would be impossible. For once, he was glad he felt obligated to do something that was so awkward.

Tears of joy were spilling over his cheeks now, and a wide smile was on his face. "I don't care, okay. Well, that's not true, I do, but don't spoil the moment. You are actually willing to give me a chance here, that is what is important. If it takes me years to earn your friendship back that is perfectly fine. It did, but I'll never tell another soul, and I won't bring it up unless you personally tell me too. Which, somehow, I think is unlikely to happen." Humphrey told her, his smile fading a bit. Then it returned, he was just so happy.

She had only intended to give him a light hug, but he couldn't resist giving her at least a medium one. Holding her in a warm, friendly hug was the best gift Tess could ever have given him. "Oh, I will take advantage of this hug. Don't worry about me doing that. I mean, if we are starting from square one, it will probably take what, until the end of this year for me to win a hug from you?" he asked, joking just a bit. "Yes, ma'am. I'll do everything I can to try and convince her to give me one. Maybe you can give me a hint on how to get a girl to hug me?" Humphrey queried, not really thinking she would actually tell him how to do it. He guessed that she would make him figure it out on his own. But, he'd been wrong before, maybe she would give him a helpful hint.

"You know, I still think Tesla Coils are my favorite kind of hug." he said, and he let go of her. Humphrey didn't really want to, but he knew Tess would probably want him to let go now.
Humphrey Williams
Humphrey Williams
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Being Cornered (Humphrey and Tess)  Empty Re: Being Cornered (Humphrey and Tess)

Post by Tess McCartney Wed Jun 13, 2012 3:09 pm

Tess smiled against his chest as he squeezed her tight. Maybe she was being foolish, and maybe it was a stupid thing to do, but well...she'd toughen up a bit, not let him be her friend just yet.

"Good, and no I won't ever ask you to bring it up" she said frowning. "And as for her just...be yourself, hugs are natural like that"

As he pulled back she rubbed her arm and let out a small grin.

"I should go now...someone's waiting for me"

Tess McCartney

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Age : 31

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Being Cornered (Humphrey and Tess)  Empty Re: Being Cornered (Humphrey and Tess)

Post by Humphrey Williams Wed Jun 13, 2012 3:15 pm

"That is kind of what I'd figured." Humphrey told her. "Hey, no frowns, this is a happy moment. You don't completely despise me anymore, right?" he asked her. "Be yourself, hugs will be natural, got it." he said, audibly saying it to help put the information into his long-term memory banks.

"Your arm okay Tess, you just rubbed it?" he asked, grinning a bit when she did. "I understand, don't be a stranger Tess. Things won't be the same as they used to be I know, but don't forget I will always consider you a friend."

Humphrey Williams
Humphrey Williams
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