Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Enemy at the gates (Leon and Chris)

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Enemy at the gates (Leon and Chris) Empty Enemy at the gates (Leon and Chris)

Post by Leon Becker Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:04 am

Leon was absolutely furious right now. He marched through the British Ministry towards Christopher's office. He had sent an owl to notify his office that he would be coming down for a visit. The British Minister's office had not seen fit to reply to him yet.

Leon had arrived anyway.

Marching through the offices, a self-important aide tried to stop him. Without even looking at the man, Leon picked him up off the ground by his collar before throwing him into a storage closet, through the closed door.

He kicked open Christopher's door and scowled at the man behind the desk. Marching up the desk, he slammed his hands down on the wood of the desk,

"I want you to explain why I have 267 people in body bags." he hissed to the man, his voice dangerously low, "And why 267 of them are civilians. I want an explanation right the fuck now or I will bring everything into this war."
Leon Becker
Leon Becker
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Enemy at the gates (Leon and Chris) Empty Re: Enemy at the gates (Leon and Chris)

Post by Christopher Rubin Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:19 am

Christopher himself was furious and he could not believe that the British Rebels after everything that he had told them had gone ahead and attacked anyway, he was just thinking of how to respond to the owl that he had just been sent by a very angry Leon.

Frowning at the disturbance outside of his office and the anger that Leon displayed to him, Christopher merely look up at the man and let his fingers intertwine with themselves, the position he often took up to calm himself, as much as he was used to them he still did not like these situations.

"Hello to you too Mr. Becker." he said in a disapproving tone "You should know more than anyone from our talks that I disapprove of these attacks and all is being done to prevent them from occurring further. Now if you would care to sit down and stop your threats we can discuss this like rational men." he frowned gently.
Christopher Rubin
Christopher Rubin
Minister For Magic

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Enemy at the gates (Leon and Chris) Empty Re: Enemy at the gates (Leon and Chris)

Post by Leon Becker Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:27 am

Leon growled at the position Christopher took. It was as if he hadn't a care in the world, as if what had happened was merely some unfortunate event. Well it wasn't that insignificant to Leon! He was literally seething with rage right now and Christopher's attempts to be calm and reasonable were not going to cut it.

The disapproving tone of voice wasn't working either, it just served to make Leon steadily angrier with every word he spoke. He snarled,

"What? What has been done Rubin?" he hissed dangerously, "Because so far all I've seen is you sitting on your backside while you let a paramilitary organisation not only operate out of your country but attack my citizens! My civilians!"

He kicked the chair away with an angry growl. When one of his bodyguards opened the door to see what was the matter, Leon closed the door on his bodyguard with a flick of his wand. He turned to Christopher,

"I'll stand." he narrowed his eyes, "Now tell me how this slipped past you Rubin. And when you speak just remember that 267 innocent lives were lost due to your mistake."
Leon Becker
Leon Becker
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Join date : 2012-04-21

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Enemy at the gates (Leon and Chris) Empty Re: Enemy at the gates (Leon and Chris)

Post by Christopher Rubin Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:34 am

Christopher was now very offended by what Leon was saying to him and he frowned when he decided that he was going to become rude about all of the things that he was going to bring to his attention, he could very easily see the reason why Briony and Adele had clashed with the man in front of him.

"I have found and rooted out the member in charge of the British Rebels and have been in communication with them, but you don't seem to realise that there are other things to consider in this equation Mr. Becker. Including the fact that you took out a contract with a vampire to kill British citizens, 457 Irish men are dead now thanks to you."

Now standing up Christopher took a firm tone of voice that you father would taken when talking to you and he frowned deeply at Leon as he tried to calm himself down a lot, he did not want to loose his decorum in his own office, even if he was bombarded unexpectedly.

"It did not 'slip' past me Mr. Becker, as soon as I was able I dispatched British forces to help contain the rebels and stop their attacks, especially the ones in Hamburg since we occupy that area in the first place."

Unsure of whether this would be too low a blow Christopher decided he would continue anyway; "And then I personally went out on the feild and help your German forces beat back the attackers, which I am sorry is more than I saw you doing sat behind your desk fuming away get off YOUR backside and help me. Your country is not my concern and yet I still helped! Do NOT come into my office sir and tell me I have done nothing."
Christopher Rubin
Christopher Rubin
Minister For Magic

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Enemy at the gates (Leon and Chris) Empty Re: Enemy at the gates (Leon and Chris)

Post by Leon Becker Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:48 am

When Christopher told him that he had rooted out the leader of the British Rebels he probably thought it would calm Leon to know that the situation was known. What it did was the exact opposite. He turned to Christopher slowly,

"Communication? You know the leader of this organisation... and they're still ALIVE?!" he has been whispering but the last word was a thunderous roar. He narrowed his eyes, "A personal vendetta between the vampires and one of your citizens who killed the same number of vampires. For sport. Personal revenge and nothing more Rubin and you know it."

The tone of voice was doing nothing to calm Leon down, it was just getting him more and more angry. He was the one who was supposed to be a disappointment? Because he wouldn't calmly discuss mass murder of his people? NO! His eyes narrowed,

"By the time any of your men arrived the fighting was almost over." he reminded Christopher, "Where the rebels were being pinned down by my forces."

Leon's magic began to form around him, he was that angry at what Christopher was implying,

"Don't go there old man." he hissed dangerously, "I was on a diplomatic mission to Japan when I heard the news of the attacks, an hour too late. You made an appearance but you did nothing. It seems to be your speciality to sit there and look disappointed in others but when it comes down to it you are just a foolish old man! You let known terrorists run rampant through your country to attack others! You try to claim aid when the fighting was done! And worse still you have the gal to sit there and judge me when I was doing my duty for my nation! Something that you seem to forget in favour of tea parties with people you know to be killers of the innocent!"
Leon Becker
Leon Becker
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Enemy at the gates (Leon and Chris) Empty Re: Enemy at the gates (Leon and Chris)

Post by Christopher Rubin Thu Jul 19, 2012 7:02 am

Christopher shook his head and he thought that Leon was messing with the wrong sort of Vampire, it was not well thought through what he had done and it meant a large threat to his country, as she wouldn't stop at the rebels and he knew that.

"Why then get involved, the vampire would have taken the revenge without you Mr, Becker, why did you feel the need to make a contract with her that could easily be changed to attacking all of the British nation...hmmm?" he asked in a rather kindly voice, keeping his anger inside of him.

Shaking his head Christopher chuckled; "No it wasn't it was over in the part where you were Mr, Becker, and the truth was we were here long before you think we were, you just didn't know my men from regular German civillians, as they weren't in their uniforms at the time." he said factually.

Blinking Christopher placed a hand on his chest and he tried to stop himself from being personally offended by everything that Leon was saying to him, he fought, he had fought damn hard and it was insulting that his man had seemed to purchase all of the credit.

"I fought damn hard to aid your country Mr. Becker but if your men seem content in taking the credit then that's fine by me, you can look at my leadership how you like, but the fact of the matter is that it works, it works better than yours I believe but that's not my place to say. Politics is not all about war, and death and simplicity Mr. Becker, I thought you would know that."

Gesturing towards the door Christopher said calmly; "Now either you calm down or you will be removed from my office, my security have been hammering to get in here since you arrived."
Christopher Rubin
Christopher Rubin
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Enemy at the gates (Leon and Chris) Empty Re: Enemy at the gates (Leon and Chris)

Post by Leon Becker Thu Jul 19, 2012 7:12 am

Leon looked at Christopher long and hard for a few moments. He was still unbelievably angry at the man but he knew that he couldn't do business like this. If he stayed in this room he was likely to do or say something even worse. He was already starting to feel bad for what he'd already said.

Closing his eyes, he took several deep breaths before opening his eyes again. He looked Christopher in the eyes,

"I think we've both lost a lot of respect for one another for various reasons today Christopher." he spoke finally, "But I still have enough respect for you to regret the personal insults I have given you in the past few minutes. And enough to recognise that it would be better we part now. So that we don't end up dragging our countries into a personal dispute."

He moved to the door,

"Goodbye Minister. I do not think we shall meet again for some time... until such a time as our tempers have cooled."

He opened the door and left silently.
Leon Becker
Leon Becker
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Enemy at the gates (Leon and Chris) Empty Re: Enemy at the gates (Leon and Chris)

Post by Christopher Rubin Thu Jul 19, 2012 7:17 am

Chris sat in his desk chair and blinked for a few moments after Leon had left, he couldn't believe that the man that he had spoken with before could turn around and be so vicious, so hurtful, he was someone that he had considered a friend, and now...now he considered him as no more than someone he had to put up with in terms of politics.

Reaching up and hand to his eyes Christopher wiped a few tears away and when his secretary came in she was immediately very upset, even more so than what she had been when she heard the conversation, to see that he was so shaken by it.

When he was asked if he wanted anything he nodded and asked;

"Yes please my dear, could you get Cobalt Smith on the phone and notify him of what happened today, he wished to be kept informed of the situation."
Christopher Rubin
Christopher Rubin
Minister For Magic

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Enemy at the gates (Leon and Chris) Empty Re: Enemy at the gates (Leon and Chris)

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