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Another day (Chris and Cobie)

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Another day (Chris and Cobie) Empty Another day (Chris and Cobie)

Post by Cobalt Smith Wed Jul 11, 2012 5:23 am

Cobalt sat down at the table in the corner of the bar with a sigh. He rubbed tiredly at his eyes as he placed the pitcher of beer on the table in front of him. He was planning of finishing the whole thing before the hour was up, let alone the night.

It had been another difficult day at work. Not the school, the school was almost like a break from his other work. No he'd been contracted by a very wealthy employer to attack a person during the middle of a party. Very publically. In front of a lot of witnesses.

Unfortunately for Cobalt it was only after he'd cut the man in two with a sword he'd brought along that he realised that the man's son, three years old, had been standing right behind him. The little boy had been covered in his father's blood and organs before Cobalt had escaped. He sighed and drank from his glass.

Tonight was not a good night.
Cobalt Smith
Cobalt Smith
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Another day (Chris and Cobie) Empty Re: Another day (Chris and Cobie)

Post by Christopher Rubin Wed Jul 11, 2012 5:37 am

Chris walked slowly into the bar, he had been rather busy lately and although he did love his work it was beginning to take its toll slightly on him, which was why he had come out tonight in an attempt to have some sort of a rest in the fine establishments London had to offer.

Spotting a man, one that he knew but had never spoke to, Chris walked up to him and sat down on the stool of the bar next to him, it was Cobalt Smith he was hired for many a Ministry hit and he as a Minister did not agree with his work at all.

But he knew it was needed. So he put up with it.

"Now, what delightful tea do you serve here?" he asked the barkeep, when he replied with 'Just Tea.' Chris was more than a little deflated "Well I suppose I shall have to have just tea then."

Turning his attention to Cobalt he smiled warmly and waved; "Why hello."
Christopher Rubin
Christopher Rubin
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Another day (Chris and Cobie) Empty Re: Another day (Chris and Cobie)

Post by Cobalt Smith Wed Jul 11, 2012 5:50 am

Cobalt, although in the process of getting drunk, was a wetboy and that meant that he was well aware of his surrounding at all times. This meant that as soon as Minister Christopher Rubin entered the room he was already alert. The Minister was not a fan of him because he was not a fan of his work.

Right now Cobalt was in the same boat as the Minister.

When Christopher waved to him, Cobalt have a half-hearted wave in return,

"Good evening Minister." he greeted the man as he took another big gulp from the beer, "Can't sleep or something?"
Cobalt Smith
Cobalt Smith
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Another day (Chris and Cobie) Empty Re: Another day (Chris and Cobie)

Post by Christopher Rubin Wed Jul 11, 2012 5:57 am

Christopher looked at the copius amount of alcohol that Cobalt was drinking and his mouth made a small 'O' shape as he realised that he had probably been in the process of having a very awful day, and his presence probably wasn't going to make it better.

With a kindly laugh he shook his head and recieved his tea in a polystyrene cup, blinking at it, he wondered for a moment if the barkeep knew who he was and he frowned.

"Hmmm," he sadi before realising he needed to answer the question "Oh my apologies, no I just thought I would get out of the Ministry and enjoy some nice tea...although, I believe there is something floating inside that." he said in a rather disgusted manner, setting the cup aside.

"What about yourself Cobalt, it would seem, as the youth of today would say, you're going on a 'bender'. Was that correct?"
Christopher Rubin
Christopher Rubin
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Another day (Chris and Cobie) Empty Re: Another day (Chris and Cobie)

Post by Cobalt Smith Wed Jul 11, 2012 6:01 am

Cobalt chuckled a little bit at the Minister's reaction to the amount of alcohol that he was going to be drinking. He had to admit that it shocked many people just how much he could drink without having any real effect on him.

He did laugh again though at the expression on Christopher's face when the bartender handed him his cup of tea in a polystyrene cup. He'd also beat that it was strong enough to sheer paint,

"Ah tea not very nice at the Ministry I take it? Thankfully I've always had the pleasure of avoiding the place and it's surplies of tea." he commented dryly before laughing, "Well then perhaps some san migel would suit you better? I've got plenty."

He raised an eyebrow,

"It would be correct, if it were possible for me to get drunk." he gazed at the beer, "I just want to try and forget Minister. Sucks to hell to have a photographic memory."
Cobalt Smith
Cobalt Smith
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Another day (Chris and Cobie) Empty Re: Another day (Chris and Cobie)

Post by Christopher Rubin Wed Jul 11, 2012 6:17 am

Christopher shook his head when Cobalt asked if the tea at the Ministry wasn't nice, it was nice, it was very nice in fact but the fact was he wanted to get out of the building for a little while, he was beginning to feel closed in.

"No no, the tea at the Ministry is some of the best I have ever had, I just wanted to get out of the building for a little while, although I am not sure it is the best idea now..." he hummed, looking around the bar

When he asked if he wanted some San Miguel, Christopher frowned lightly and tilted his head to one side; "What is that? If it's beer I detest the stuff, tastes awful."

It seemed that he was right, Cobalt had been having a bad day, but perhaps he would be able to help him get over it without the need to drink unecessary amounts of alcohol?

"Now, I'm always here to lend an ear Mr. Smith, I promise what you tell to me I will never regale to another soul, sometimes it helps to tell people your burdens. Somehow I don't think you do enough of that."
Christopher Rubin
Christopher Rubin
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Another day (Chris and Cobie) Empty Re: Another day (Chris and Cobie)

Post by Cobalt Smith Wed Jul 11, 2012 6:24 am

Cobalt knew exactly why the Minister had left the Ministry for now. It was exactly the same reason why he'd never once entertained the idea of working for the Ministry on a full time basis. Feeling penned in was not his style at all,

"Well then perhaps you should visit Japan at some point. They have teas there that will expand your horisons when it comes to tea drinking." he told the minister casually before chuckling, "Oh come now Minister, this is the common man! Those you fight for! Is it really too hard to spend some time with them? Or am I actually getting a little tipsy?"

He waited for a second before getting disappointed. He wasn't tipsy. When he said that he hated beer, Cobalt looked at Chrisopher for a second before laughing, "Well then order something my friend! How about a coca-cola?"

He looked at the Minister very seriously for a few long seconds,

"Minister you don't want to hear my demons. Mine are the kind that wake people up in the night screaming."
Cobalt Smith
Cobalt Smith
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Another day (Chris and Cobie) Empty Re: Another day (Chris and Cobie)

Post by Christopher Rubin Wed Jul 11, 2012 6:35 am

Christopher didn't know if he was going to be able to go anywhere now without the press thinking that it was for some political reason, although he would love to taste some tea from Japan, but he thought that nothing would be able to quite beat the British and their tea.

"I suppose that I should try some tea from there, but for now I will have to make do with whatever else this...bar has to offer me." he said with a small smile "I do not believe you are getting tipsy Mr. Smith, you just wish that you were."

Looking at the drinks behind the counter, he called the Barkeep forwards who apologised profusely for getting him mixed up beforehand, to which Christophere merely waved off with a happy smile, he ordered a pumpkin juice and waited for it happily.

"Mr. Smith, I am a politician, I deal with things like this on a daily basis, I think I can handle an actual verbal account of the things I've read in your file." he said with a firm smile.
Christopher Rubin
Christopher Rubin
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Another day (Chris and Cobie) Empty Re: Another day (Chris and Cobie)

Post by Cobalt Smith Wed Jul 11, 2012 6:46 am

Cobalt knew that Chris was not likely to get any real time off work to get through to Japan in order to taste their teas. But to Cobalt it was well worth making the trip. Their teas were able to sooth him down after all, if they could do that then imagine what they could do for others. It was rather humbling for the British cuppa,

"Well if you're looking to sample the tea from here then I hope you like it strong. Oh and the floating thing? That'll be the teabag. The mold is authentic." he laughed lightly before nodding, "Oh you're so very right Minister."

He chuckled a little bit at the barkeeper's complete turn about in terms of nature but it was to be expected. He gave the minister a look before returning to his drink,

"I killed a man today by cutting him in half down the middle. His son, three years old, was coated in his blood. His liver hung off of the kids face. And all he could think to say was... daddy."
Cobalt Smith
Cobalt Smith
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Another day (Chris and Cobie) Empty Re: Another day (Chris and Cobie)

Post by Christopher Rubin Wed Jul 11, 2012 6:55 am

Christopher knew that what he was about to hear was not something that he was going to enjoy, and it was not something that he was going to be able to relate to completely, but in all his years he was going to try and give the man in front of him some frank, and hopefully useful advice.

When he told him what he had done he blinked for a few minutes before sipping on his pumpkin juice and then, as he set it back down, he sighed lightly and turned to face Cobalt.

"Well that was very silly of you wasn't it Mr. Smith?" he said plainly "The poor boy must have been in shock, not to mention terrified of you."

Then he waited a few minutes and smiled lightly to himself; "What can be done about the event now that it has already come to pass then, Mr. Smith?"
Christopher Rubin
Christopher Rubin
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Another day (Chris and Cobie) Empty Re: Another day (Chris and Cobie)

Post by Cobalt Smith Wed Jul 11, 2012 7:13 am

Cobalt knew things that would curl the old man's hair. He knew things that would have him vomitting for days. He knew these things because he had done them himself. He chuckled a little bit at the old man's reaction to this story, a dark and bitter sound. He really didn't wanted to be having this conversation but perhaps it could be useful to vent at least once. God knows he wasn't allowed to keep a diary. He shrugged a little bit and finished off the pint before pouring another one,

"Believe me Minister if there had been another way I would have done it. But the contract specifically stated, in the ballroom, with the claymore from above his fireplace." he explained before shaking his head and gulping down half of the pint straight away, "Nothing can be done now. Barring killing or obliviating the boy."
Cobalt Smith
Cobalt Smith
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Another day (Chris and Cobie) Empty Re: Another day (Chris and Cobie)

Post by Christopher Rubin Wed Jul 11, 2012 7:22 am

Christopher was beginning to think that Cobalt was a rather twisted and sick individual and he wondered what he was doing talking to him, but just because he was an old man, people thought that he was weak, when he was quite the opposite in actuality.

Listening to Cobalt talking, he merely looked into his glass of pumpkin juice and wondered what he was going to say in response to that, I mean, what could one say?

"If nothing can be done now, stop with your dwelling Mr. Smith, look to the present and what you can do to stop yourself from doing this sort of action again, and again, lord knows you done this before and worse I have no doubt."
Christopher Rubin
Christopher Rubin
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Another day (Chris and Cobie) Empty Re: Another day (Chris and Cobie)

Post by Cobalt Smith Wed Jul 11, 2012 7:33 am

Cobalt could tell by the look in Chris' eyes that he thought he was some kind of monster. It was probably true to be fair. He had been doing a lot of things that a lot of people thought were reserved only for the monsters of the world. And while doing such terrible things he'd almost become dulled to them. He sometimes thought that Charlotte was the one thing in his life that kept him from being a complete and total monster. The idea of being without her now just sent shivers down his spine. He would be lost forever if that happened,

"Oh yes... much worse... so much worse..." Cobalt agreed in a faint whisper, his words trailing off as his photographic memory flashed some memories before his eyes, "I can't help but dwell Minister. I have a photographic memory, I... I remember their faces... every one of them.
Cobalt Smith
Cobalt Smith
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Another day (Chris and Cobie) Empty Re: Another day (Chris and Cobie)

Post by Christopher Rubin Wed Jul 11, 2012 7:39 am

Christopher, although he was normally a patient man, was running out of patience for Cobalt Smith, he was mourning about something that came about as a result of his job, a job that was techinally above the law, and yet he would not stop.

What else was he supposed to advise him to do? He thought to himself while taking a sip of the drink that he was holding, he sighed a little bit and looked at the man in front of him.

"So stop." he said simply "Stop adding to your torment, or if you won't stop, then resign yourself to it, and just accept that you will forever add more and more faces to your pain, it's as clear cut as that young man." he said quietly.
Christopher Rubin
Christopher Rubin
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Another day (Chris and Cobie) Empty Re: Another day (Chris and Cobie)

Post by Cobalt Smith Wed Jul 11, 2012 7:47 am

Cobalt looked at the old man who was giving him advice for a long time. He was saying exactly the same things that people had been saying to him for decades. The words never really changed but for some reason Cobalt had also never changed. Before he'd never had any reason to change. But now he had Charlotte maybe he did have a reason to change,

"I want to change Mr Rubin, I honestly do." he confessed with a sigh, "But I'm afraid too. What if I'm no good at anything else? What if I get back into it? Or, my worst fear... what if I have been doing this so long that I need it?"

He shook his head a little bit before smiling faintly,

"Either way, I need to scale down. From now on I'll only take jobs I think are morally justified."
Cobalt Smith
Cobalt Smith
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Another day (Chris and Cobie) Empty Re: Another day (Chris and Cobie)

Post by Christopher Rubin Wed Jul 11, 2012 7:52 am

Christopher looked at Cobalt and he saw that he was conflicted, that he really did want to change and he smiled gently, now that put the wind back in his sails, if he knew that the man truly did want to change then as the Minister he would do all that he could to help him.

"Well then you shall change Mr Smith! You shall and you will change, fear is one of the things that holds all men back, but what marks us, is if we continue along our paths anyway." he smiled gently.

With a small chuckle, Christopher smiled and shook his head;

"You are one of the most determined men in Britain from what I hear, you put your mind to it, you think of what's keeping you to this path, and you wont deviate, I know it."

Patting the man on the back Christopher smiled even more; "In fact, I shall help you."
Christopher Rubin
Christopher Rubin
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Another day (Chris and Cobie) Empty Re: Another day (Chris and Cobie)

Post by Cobalt Smith Wed Jul 11, 2012 8:08 am

Cobalt had been trying, and failing for the most part, to change the way his life was going for a long time. A very long time if he was honest. But it was only since he'd started taking care of Charlotte that he'd made any real progress. He chuckled slightly,

"Yes and in this case I think it's the fear of being turned into a monster completely that has saved me." he smiled faintly, "Funny how that works."

Cobalt chuckled a little bit as he drank some more of his beer. To be honest he'd never been complimented on his skills at anything other than killing for a long time,

"Well I hope it lasts long enough to get me through the woods." he commented, "Even my determination has it's limits Minister. Sometimes there's just too much abuse to take."

He raised an eyebrow, "Aren't you incredibly busy already?"
Cobalt Smith
Cobalt Smith
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Another day (Chris and Cobie) Empty Re: Another day (Chris and Cobie)

Post by Christopher Rubin Wed Jul 11, 2012 8:14 am

Christopher wondered if Cobalt was going to need an awful lot of help with his self image, it sounded like he did and it was going to be hard to get him to open up to him properly, the key to helping him was harnessing him through the pain.

"Fear is a funny thing indeed, but so is humanity." he smiled gently at Cobalt "You wont become a monster because you do not want to, you have avoided it at all costs and will continue to."

Raising one of his eyebrows, Christopher looked over his half moon glasses at Cobalt, he was a man who was riddled with self doubt, that much he could sense; "You will weather the hardships because you have a beautiful daughter to help you, and now you have an annoying old man."

Laughing warmly Christopher shook his head; "What is the use of having all these resources as Minister if you don't use them to help people hm? Help will always be given, to those who ask for it."
Christopher Rubin
Christopher Rubin
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Another day (Chris and Cobie) Empty Re: Another day (Chris and Cobie)

Post by Cobalt Smith Wed Jul 11, 2012 8:20 am

Cobalt hadn't thought about it for a long time but his humanity was something he had serious doubts about at times. He was in a sort of symbiotic relationship with a heap of living metal after all. He chuckled a little bit,

"Doesn't feel very funny but I guess you're right." he conceeded before nodded, "Well let's hope that you're right Minister because god help you all if I turn into a monster."

When Christopher mentioned Charlotte he smiled a little bit but the annoying old man part got him to snort in laughter,

"Well there's my cheering section if I get down. One little girl..." he smirked, "And one annoying old man."

He paused and looked at Christopher strangely for a second,

"You know that's creepy right? You sounded exactly like Albus Dumbledore and you've got the same glasses... though his beard was better."
Cobalt Smith
Cobalt Smith
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Another day (Chris and Cobie) Empty Re: Another day (Chris and Cobie)

Post by Christopher Rubin Wed Jul 11, 2012 8:29 am

Christopher did not want to think about what Cobalt would be like when he turned into a monster that was completely moral-less, it was something that he didn't think that he would be able to control, something he wouldn't want to.

"With my help you will never have to worry about that Mr. Smith." he smiled gently "You need to be able to believe in yourself, that is the key."

When he got Cobalt to laugh, Christopher felt even better than before, maybe he could lift his spirits even further; "It seems to be one of my nicknames, Mr. Becker thought it apt also."

Placing a hand on his heart he pretended to be rather shocked;

"Well Albus did have almost one hundred years to perfect his beard, and I like to make sure that I've trimmed so I look somewhat presentable, you might want to do the same thing, have you heard of a comb Mr. Smith?" he asked playfully.
Christopher Rubin
Christopher Rubin
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Another day (Chris and Cobie) Empty Re: Another day (Chris and Cobie)

Post by Cobalt Smith Wed Jul 11, 2012 8:36 am

Cobalt knew that if all of his morals simply vanished overnight then he would be responsible for the deaths of almost every key member in British society. After all, he had made plans to eliminate each and every one of them should they ever turn against their country. Even Richard and Briony Romain, even Christopher,

"Well I hope that I can learn to have more faith in myself." he commented dryly, "Because right now I'm sure that you've noticed that my self-belief is through the floor."

When he mentioned that Leon Becker, the German Minister, also called him that, Cobalt snorted, "Well I think you might need to get a better nickname. Don't want the press using it as your nickname now do we?"

Cobalt chuckled a little bit to himself,

"I remember when Albus first started trying for a beard. Looked god awful actually." he replied with a laugh before pouting, "They all seem to break in my hair..."
Cobalt Smith
Cobalt Smith
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Another day (Chris and Cobie) Empty Re: Another day (Chris and Cobie)

Post by Christopher Rubin Wed Jul 11, 2012 8:43 am

Christopher looked at Cobalt knowingly and he nodded his head, he did know that his self esteem was low and he could tell that he needed to to be improved, he probably thought of himself as some sort of monster for what he did, perhaps to some people he was.

To Christopher, he was just lost, and he needed someone to guide him back to the path that he strayed from in the first place.

"I have noticed that believe it or not, and it shouldn't be, you need to fix that, maybe I'll be able to help you with that area too." he smiled gently "Having people speak so badly of you, must not be pleasant."

Laughing gently he shook his head; "Oh I wouldn't much care."

Humming with an amused expression on his face, Christopher looked at Cobalt and he could see that he perhaps needed to start a new as it were; "Perhaps you ought to get that mane cut Mr Smith. Or invest in an enchanted comb."
Christopher Rubin
Christopher Rubin
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Another day (Chris and Cobie) Empty Re: Another day (Chris and Cobie)

Post by Cobalt Smith Wed Jul 11, 2012 8:48 am

Cobalt knew that he had some self-image and self-belief issues but to be quite honest it wasn't anywhere near the top of his priority list. He did have a country to fight for and a teenage daughter after all. To be honest he wasn't sure which task was harder. He shrugged a little bit,

"To be honest I've grown to expect it." he replied almost casually, "I mean... if you could kill almost anyone, and everyone knew it, do you think they'd be handing out priase and happy nicknames and the like?"

He frowned a little bit and looked up at his hair,

"What do you mean mane? I think my hair looks great at the moment..." he pouted a little bit, "I broke the enchanted comb...."
Cobalt Smith
Cobalt Smith
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Another day (Chris and Cobie) Empty Re: Another day (Chris and Cobie)

Post by Christopher Rubin Wed Jul 11, 2012 9:03 am

Christopher sighed and he looekd at his watch as it made a large screaming sound at him, frowning he looked at it and groaned a little bit, the meetings just didn't stop, now he had to return to work and have a meeting from 6 until 8pm.

"Right then Mr. Smith, you and I will be seeing each other again, next week in fact, meet me at this location." he said writing the name of the Harrods address in London on the nearest parchment "At 5pm."

Picking up his hat and gloves he placed them back on and tipped his hat to Cobalt;

"Until then my friend."
Christopher Rubin
Christopher Rubin
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Another day (Chris and Cobie) Empty Re: Another day (Chris and Cobie)

Post by Cobalt Smith Wed Jul 11, 2012 9:13 am

When Christopher's watch made a loud screaming sound at him, it startled Cobalt enough to make him jump slightly. He chuckled a little bit,

"No rest for the wicked eh Minister? Next week you say? At 5pm? Wow that's oddly specific..." he paused and looked at the address, recognising it, "Harrods? Well you're the Minister and you're fun to be around old man so sure."

He raised his pint glass to the Minister,

"Till then old man. Keep alive, keep up the paperwork!"
Cobalt Smith
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Another day (Chris and Cobie) Empty Re: Another day (Chris and Cobie)

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