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A Family Holiday (Cobalt and Chris)

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A Family Holiday (Cobalt and Chris) Empty A Family Holiday (Cobalt and Chris)

Post by Cobalt Smith Wed Aug 08, 2012 5:00 am

Cobalt popped into existence as he finished apparating both himself and Charlotte to the address that Christopher had supplied. Apparently his villa was rather posh because it was in the richer area of the town. But when he arrived there, holding Charlotte in his arms because she was sleeping, he noticed the villa was a lot bigger than he had expected it to be.

Whistling lightly, so as not to wake Charlotte, Cobalt wandered up to the villa's gates he paused when he realised that there didn't seem to be anyway to let the owner know they hand arrived other than a knocker. Assuming that it was enchanted, Cobalt shrugged before knocking with the knocker and waiting.
Cobalt Smith
Cobalt Smith
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A Family Holiday (Cobalt and Chris) Empty Re: A Family Holiday (Cobalt and Chris)

Post by Christopher Rubin Wed Aug 08, 2012 5:04 am

Christopher was looking around his villa for anything that might embarrass him if he left it out, after all there were many private things here that he had forgotten he had left! It had been some time since he had been in this villa before, and he had forgotten about most of the little nicknacks.

As soon as he heard the knocker bang against the front door, Christopher smiled warmly and walked swiftly over to the front of the villa, him being in the study in the back, he hoped that he would not be keeping Charlotte and Cobalt waiting too long.

Opening the door, he smiled gently at Cobalt and was about to speak until he saw that Charlotte was asleep in his arms.

"Welcome welcome." he whispered "Let's put this little one to bed and then we can catch up properly hm?"

Gesturing for Cobalt to follow him, Christopher walked up the set of stairs and held the door open to the room Charlotte would be staying in while she was at his villa.
Christopher Rubin
Christopher Rubin
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A Family Holiday (Cobalt and Chris) Empty Re: A Family Holiday (Cobalt and Chris)

Post by Cobalt Smith Wed Aug 08, 2012 5:12 am

Cobalt waited at the front gate for a few minutes, a little bit nervous if he was honest. They hadn't really called ahead and he knew that if he shuffled too much then Charlotte might wake up. And they weren't exactly on the best of terms since their little spat. He sighed lightly at the memory of the fight. Was he really that much of a failure as a father? He put the question aside as he spotted Christopher exiting the villa and making his way towards them. He chuckled lightly,

"Hello Christopher." he greeted the other man as he followed Christopher into the villa, "Thank you, she is a little bit tired from the day I'm afraid. Spent some time with her boyfriend and it led to some light sparring which seems to have worn her out."

Entering the room that had apparently been set aside for his daughter, Cobalt laid her down on the bed and closed the door quietly so as to not wake her. He chuckled a little bit,

"Now that little one's in bed... it's good to see you again Chris."
Cobalt Smith
Cobalt Smith
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A Family Holiday (Cobalt and Chris) Empty Re: A Family Holiday (Cobalt and Chris)

Post by Christopher Rubin Wed Aug 08, 2012 5:21 am

Christopher walked out of the bedroom when Cobalt placed Charlotte into bed, in case he wanted to kiss her goodnight or something along those lines, he wouldn't want to get in the way of something that was quite personal like that.

Clapping his hand around Cobalt's shoulder Christopher squeezed it affectionately and he guided him back downstairs and into the study where he had poured out some whiskey for when they had arrived. Sitting down in one of the large leather wingback armchairs, Chrisopher smiled.

"It is very good to see you again Cobalt, that whiskey over there is for you." he gestured "How have you been keeping since I saw you last, anything interesting been happening?"

Gazing at Cobalt over the top of his half moon glasses, Christopher wondered if something was going awry that he should know about, there seemed to be something going on he didn't know after all. Hopefully he would find out.
Christopher Rubin
Christopher Rubin
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A Family Holiday (Cobalt and Chris) Empty Re: A Family Holiday (Cobalt and Chris)

Post by Cobalt Smith Wed Aug 08, 2012 5:27 am

As he was leaving the room Cobalt thought about kissing Charlotte's forehead like he had done when she was younger. He decided against it reluctantly. Charlotte probably wouldn't appreciate it after all. He sighed slightly and merely smiled faintly at his sleeping daughter before following Christopher.

The smell of whiskey was caught by Cobalt's nose easily and he couldn't help but smile a little bit. Christopher really knew how to win him over it seemed. He sat down in another leather chair opposite Christopher, sipping at his whiskey with a small sigh of contentment,

"Thanks dad, it's a good year too." he teased Christopher playfully as he sipped the whiskey. He sighed a little bit and finished off the whiskey in one mouthful, "Me and Charlotte had a fight. It was kind of a big one."
Cobalt Smith
Cobalt Smith
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A Family Holiday (Cobalt and Chris) Empty Re: A Family Holiday (Cobalt and Chris)

Post by Christopher Rubin Wed Aug 08, 2012 5:32 am

Christopher merely smiled his normal warm smile when he was called dad once more, it was something that he didn't seem to be able to get used to, even the idea of suddenly having a sort of family, no matter how mismatched it might seem to many people.

"Of course, only the best for when a father and son drink together." Christopher smiled gently, lifting his glass to Cobalt before taking another sip of the amber coloured liquid.

As soon as Cobalt told him that he had a fight with his daughter, Cobalt made a small noise of recognition, of course they would have fights, it would be more scary if they didn't, however it still didn't make the feeling any better he would have thought.

"I see, and what was this fight about?" he asked, interested "Of course if you don't want to tell me you don't have to but, you know I want to help you as much as I can."
Christopher Rubin
Christopher Rubin
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A Family Holiday (Cobalt and Chris) Empty Re: A Family Holiday (Cobalt and Chris)

Post by Cobalt Smith Wed Aug 08, 2012 6:02 am

Cobalt could tell that Christopher still really appreciated being called dad and he had no reason not to call him such. He acted the part most of the time he had to admit. And the times he didn't he seemed to be acting like a grandfather instead. It was odd considering he wasn't even half Cobalt's age,

"Ah you're the best dad! Most fathers try to tell their sons off for drinking, not try to drink with them." he joked, raising his glass, "Cheers dad, you're part of the cool minority of fathers."

Waving his wand, the whiskey bottle levitated off the side table and poured some more of the alcohol into his glass. He waved it again and it returned to it's place. He sighed a little bit,

"Everything I guess." he said with a small shrug, "She's frustrated with her life and I asked her to vent at me. Turns out she's most angry and frustrated at me. Great right?"
Cobalt Smith
Cobalt Smith
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A Family Holiday (Cobalt and Chris) Empty Re: A Family Holiday (Cobalt and Chris)

Post by Christopher Rubin Wed Aug 08, 2012 6:09 am

Chrisopher was so happy that Cobalt thought that he was part of the cool minority of fathers, he rather thought he liked that idea of being cool, he had never really been cool in any other aspect of his life before so, being so now was something he was proud to achieve.

"Well you are of legal age Cobalt, it's supposed to be something that fathers and sons do together is it not? Going down to the old public house for a cold pint?" he asked with a happy twinkle in his eyes as if the idea was one he would warm to.

Hearing that Cobalt seemed to have asked for the telling off from his daughter, Christopher hummed lightly and looked into the very bottom of his glass, of course he did not want to pry and interfere with Cobalt's parenting in any way but, maybe he could do with some advice.

"Why is she most angry and frustrated at you, what is it that she said? Often people only seem angry and frustrated at the person they're venting to, you did set yourself up for it Cobalt." he chuckled lightly.
Christopher Rubin
Christopher Rubin
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A Family Holiday (Cobalt and Chris) Empty Re: A Family Holiday (Cobalt and Chris)

Post by Cobalt Smith Wed Aug 08, 2012 6:19 am

Cobalt sipped at his drink. It really was from a good year. From 1934 if he was not mistaken. It had been a good year for whiskey if his memory served him well but to be honest he wasn't exactly supposed to know that now was he? He wasn't supposed to be old enough to remember that year or it's alcohol,

"Oh well beyond legal age dad, well beyond it." he told Christopher with a chuckle before grinning at the idea of going down to a pub with his new father figure, "That's what people seem to enjoy doing with their fathers. We'll have to try it out dad."

He swallowed anothe gulp of his whiskey and toyed with the idea of getting another glassful before he set the glass down. Cobalt would be able to drink everything alcoholic in Christopher's house before getting drunk after all,

"She seems to believe that somehow she's going to end up like I was not too long ago. And, naturally, it would be my fault." he replied with a sigh before raising an eyebrow at Chris, "I asked her to vent her frustrations so that we could work on them. Not to be told I was failing as a father. Forgive me if I was a little shaken by that."
Cobalt Smith
Cobalt Smith
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A Family Holiday (Cobalt and Chris) Empty Re: A Family Holiday (Cobalt and Chris)

Post by Christopher Rubin Wed Aug 08, 2012 6:25 am

Christopher smiled happily when Cobalt said that they would have to try going out to the pub together sometime, maybe they could even attempt it while they were on holiday together here in Spain, there's no time like the present after all.

"I would like to try that out, although as an Irishman I know you'll be able to drink me under the table, so, perhaps no drinking competitions eh?" he teased gently.

Seeing that his comment had not been recieved well by Cobalt, Christopher thought that maybe a lighter touch was needed to make him feel more open about talking to him after that little mistep that he had taken.

"I think that she's just worried about things that she's gotten caught up in, and maybe your advice didn't match what she wanted to hear?" Christopher suggested "Did she actually say you had failed as a father, directly?"
Christopher Rubin
Christopher Rubin
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