Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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We're going on a summer holiday (Cobalt and Char)

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We're going on a summer holiday (Cobalt and Char) Empty We're going on a summer holiday (Cobalt and Char)

Post by Cobalt Smith Tue Feb 07, 2012 3:47 am

Cobalt stretched a little bit to warm down a bit more as he entered his house, having just completed his morning run around the little town they lived in. He rolled his neck and shuffled, feeling full of natural energy from the work out even if he was lightly covered in sweat. He'd decided that his older form needed more physical training since the attack on Hogwarts and his muscles were more defined as a result. It helped that he was only wearing a vest.

Looking up the stairs, and noting that it was now 10 in the morning, he called up the stairs as he began to made somne scrambled eggs in the kitchen,

"Char-kitty!" He called upstairs, "Come on down and start the day Char! I've got a surprise for you!"
Cobalt Smith
Cobalt Smith
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We're going on a summer holiday (Cobalt and Char) Empty Re: We're going on a summer holiday (Cobalt and Char)

Post by Charlotte Smith Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:37 am

Charlotte groaned lightly and got out of bed when she heard Cobalt come back into the house, glad that he was okay, moving out of the bed and looking at herself in the mirror on her dresser.

It looked like she had really ruffled hair and was still half asleep.

Yawning slightly she rubbed at her eyes and walked down the stairs with a blankets wrapped haphazardly around her, one part trailing on the floor as she walked, almost tripping over it at one point.

Charlotte rubbed at her eyes and yawned again, her hair hopelessly ruffled and her White babydoll nightgown covered by the blanket.

"Morning Papa, what's the surprise? Have you gotten a new pet or something?"
Charlotte Smith
Charlotte Smith
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We're going on a summer holiday (Cobalt and Char) Empty Re: We're going on a summer holiday (Cobalt and Char)

Post by Cobalt Smith Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:42 am

Cobalt looked up from the eggs as Charlotte entered the room and chuckled a little. She must have just gotten up, the poor girl. It wasn't her fault that she had a father who got up earlier than her after all. Plating up the eggs with some white bread toast, Cobalt set the two plates down at the dinning table as he went to fetch some orange juice from the fridge,

"Well Char-kitty I've been thinking..." he poured her a glass of orange juice as he sat down, "We've not really had much quality time together over the summer yet so how about we go on a holiday?"

He suggested as he tasted the eggs,

"Some sun, some sand, some laughs... all that good stuff. What do you say Char-kitty?"
Cobalt Smith
Cobalt Smith
Hogwarts Professor

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We're going on a summer holiday (Cobalt and Char) Empty Re: We're going on a summer holiday (Cobalt and Char)

Post by Charlotte Smith Tue Feb 07, 2012 5:09 am

Charlotte sat down on the chair that she normally did and crossed her legs, scratching behind her ears with a small yawn, the smell of food made her a little sick but she was determined to go and eat as much as possible, she didn't want to be rude.

Smiling slightly she sipped at her orange juice and sighed happily, a curious expression on her face, after all, Cobalt had never done anything like this before.

"Huh? You want to take me on holiday? Really?"

Blinking slightly Charlotte cracked a large smile and she nodded her head happily even eating a few bits of egg from the plate, she wondered where they would be going.

"Where are we going? Somewhere nice and sunny?"
Charlotte Smith
Charlotte Smith
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We're going on a summer holiday (Cobalt and Char) Empty Re: We're going on a summer holiday (Cobalt and Char)

Post by Cobalt Smith Tue Feb 07, 2012 5:13 am

Cobalt knew that Charlotte wasn't one for breakfasts, which is why he'd made one that was deliberately light and looked like you'd eaten a lot when you'd not eaten much at all in reality. He sipped his own orange juice with a smile,

"That's right Char-kitty!" he told her with a grin, "Really really! It'll be fun! Lot's of time to spend with each other, relaxing and bonding and stuff."

Cobalt was glad that Charlotte was eating a little bit, even if it was most likely just to please him. He grinned at her question,

"Ah but that's just it Char-kitty..." He grinned wider, "We're going to go to multiple places! After all, travelling is easy with magic... Egypt, Italy, China, Russia, Brazil and Canada are on my list at the moment. Anywhere you want to go? Anywhere you don't want to go?"
Cobalt Smith
Cobalt Smith
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We're going on a summer holiday (Cobalt and Char) Empty Re: We're going on a summer holiday (Cobalt and Char)

Post by Charlotte Smith Tue Feb 07, 2012 5:21 am

Charlotte smiled broadly,, this is what she had wanted for some time now and she was glad that Cobalt had brought it up, after all she would feel very cheeky if she asked to be taken on holiday, but now she didn't have that problem to condend with.

"Oh Cobalt! Thank you so much! You really didn't have to take me away you know, you could have just taken me swimming."

Grinning from ear to war Charlotte was way too excited to eat and she squeaked happily: "When oh when do we leave? Can we go today?!"

When she was told of all the places that Cobalt had planned for them to go Charlotte grinned even wider and jumped across the table to hug him hard, but she had a little request:

"Papa, can we not go to so many places? Can we save some...for next year?"
Charlotte Smith
Charlotte Smith
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We're going on a summer holiday (Cobalt and Char) Empty Re: We're going on a summer holiday (Cobalt and Char)

Post by Cobalt Smith Tue Feb 07, 2012 5:30 am

Seeing Charlotte's broad grin, Cobalt assumed that she'd either been thinking about them spending time together on a holiday or was very enthused with the idea. It was probably a bit of both to be honest,

"Ah but we've already been swimming..." he ruffled her hair affectionately, "No I want to spoil you a little with the best holiday that I can give you."

Seeing his daughter looking like she was about to burst, Cobalt grinned and pulled out a shrunken book. He enlarged it and opened it to show that it was a photo album, a picture of a hotel in every capital city in the world. Smirking he gestured at the book,

"Portkeys my dear." he grinned widely, "We could leave right now if you wanted to... and you were dressed of course."

He hugged her back and kissed her on the forehead, settling her down to sit on his lap so that they could both see the book properly,

"That's fine by me Char... pick some places then my dear."
Cobalt Smith
Cobalt Smith
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We're going on a summer holiday (Cobalt and Char) Empty Re: We're going on a summer holiday (Cobalt and Char)

Post by Charlotte Smith Tue Feb 07, 2012 6:45 am

Charlotte would normally have pouted at getting her hair ruffled but it was already so bad that she really didn't mind at all, it was just moving the ruffled hair around a little bit as opposed to actually making it worse.

"I know, but that was ages ago Papa! I thought it would be a case of going somewhere else instead."

With a small squeak Charlotte looked excitedly at all of the pictures in the books and at the news that they could go whenever they wished Charlotte gasped and hurriedly began to eat her eggs.

"Let's go as soon as I've done breakfast okay? I can't wait! I'm going to have so many new paintings! My room will look even better than it does now when I hang them."

Charlotte moved back to Cobalts lap and looked at the book, it had some wonderful places, and Charlotte poked s picture of Brazil: "I'd love to go there! That festival looks amazing."
Charlotte Smith
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We're going on a summer holiday (Cobalt and Char) Empty Re: We're going on a summer holiday (Cobalt and Char)

Post by Cobalt Smith Tue Feb 07, 2012 7:18 am

He chuckled when he noticed that his daughter didn't pout at all when he ruffled her hair. Seemed she was aware of exactly how messy it was already,

"I know you did." he smirked lightly, "Just joking with you."

When his daughter squeaked her excitement, Cobalt grinned happily, now certain that this was a good idea. He watched her beginning to scarf down her eggs and held up his hands,

"Slow down Charlotte..." he suggested with a chuckle, "How about you go upstairs and pack right now? I know you were really finished with breakfast after the orange juice after all... hurry and pack your supplies! Clothes too though, not just art supplies!"

He looked at the picture of Brazil as it moved, showing the festival going on. Cobalt grinned,

"You want to go to carnival?!" he grinned, very happily with his daughter's choice, "Excellent choice!"
Cobalt Smith
Cobalt Smith
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We're going on a summer holiday (Cobalt and Char) Empty Re: We're going on a summer holiday (Cobalt and Char)

Post by Charlotte Smith Tue Feb 07, 2012 9:32 pm

When Cobalt held up his hands Charlotte stopped eating but had a little bit of egg hanging down from her mouth, blushing lightly she licked it up and placed the plate back on the table.

"Sorry Papa." she said in a quiet voice.

Charlotte, at Cobalt's suggestion to go and pack, jumped up off the table, hit her knee on the wood but proceeded to hobble out of the room and up the stairs.

Getting her small suitcase Charlotte began to fill it with her paints and pads and art supplies and then pouted as she heard Cobalt say to pack clothes too.

"Oh but I don't have a big enough suitcase!" she sighed and put in two tshirts, two pairs of shorts, underwear and a swim suit. "There, that's enough." she said with a grin.

Rushing down stairs, paintbrushes sticking akimbo out of the suitcase Charlotte grinned.
Charlotte Smith
Charlotte Smith
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We're going on a summer holiday (Cobalt and Char) Empty Re: We're going on a summer holiday (Cobalt and Char)

Post by Cobalt Smith Sun Feb 12, 2012 3:54 am

Seeing that his daughter had a little bit of egg hanging out of her mouth, Cobalt tried to hold in his laughter. It wasn't good for a father to laugh at his children after all. He shrugged a little bit, smirking,

"Don't worry about it." he smiled softly, "Didn't want you to be having indegestion later or anything."

Cobalt winced in sympathy pain when Charlotte whacked her knee against the table in her hurry to go pack but Cobalt just shook his head with a bemused expression when she hobbled away quickly. He rolled his eyes a little bit. Trust Charlotte to be more concerned with art than wearing clothes,

"Alright... pack the bare minimum of clothes!" he told her, giving in, "I'll buy you more clothes when we're there mkay?"

Seeing the state of her suitcase, Cobalt waved his wand once. The suitcase sorted itself out to appear as neat as possible. He grinned,

"You ready then?" he smirked, "Pick the first place then and take the portkey out. When we're both holding it, say 'Summer holiday'."
Cobalt Smith
Cobalt Smith
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