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Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt)

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Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt) Empty Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt)

Post by Cobalt Smith Fri Apr 20, 2012 4:45 am

Cobalt had called his daughter to his office to talk about the recent problems they'd been having. Charlotte had seen him leaving the ball with Raziel and had drawn conclusions. Some of them were correct and it seemed this had made her rather annoyed at him. Cobalt sighed a little bit as he sipped at his coffee. He needed to clear the air. He didn't want to lose his daughter and their relationship over this, especially when it was not something that made her any less important to him. Nothing could make her any less important to him. She was his whole world after all.
Cobalt Smith
Cobalt Smith
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Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt) Empty Re: Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt)

Post by Charlotte Smith Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:05 am

Charlotte walked into the office after her lesson, and she sighed lightly, shutting the door behind her quietly and standing with her back against it, her eyes remaining fixed on the floor, and she waited for Cobie to say something, she had things to do after all, there was her painting to get on with and she had hoped that she would be able to get some of her homework done.

"What?" she asked quietly, without looking up still "I have work to do."
Charlotte Smith
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Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt) Empty Re: Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt)

Post by Cobalt Smith Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:09 am

Cobalt could tell by the way Charlotte sighed that she didn't want to be here. It was going to make it that little bit harder. The fact that she refused to look at him made him very sad. Was he that disgusting to her now? He stood up and moved round to her side of the desk,

"I wanted to talk Char..." he told her quietly, "I've noticed that our relationship has become rather rocky since the ball. I can tell that you're angry at me. I want to work through that. I..."

He sighed and looked down at the floor as well,

"I don't want my daughter hating me."
Cobalt Smith
Cobalt Smith
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Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt) Empty Re: Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt)

Post by Charlotte Smith Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:14 am

Charlotte heard Cobalt moving to her side of the desk but she still did not look at him, her emotions were all over the place, not only with herself but with Older Char too, it was so hard having two lots of pain running inside of her at the same time, it was bad enough when it was just one, herself, now she didn't seem to be able to escape it, no matter how much she wanted to.

"Okay then, so talk to me about what ever you want to, because then I can go." she said, in the same quiet voice

When Cobie said that he didn't want his daughter hating him, Charlotte stayed quiet, the way that she was feeling now, definately pointed to very strongly disliking the man in front of her, for multiple reasons.

"Then talk." she muttered.
Charlotte Smith
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Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt) Empty Re: Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt)

Post by Cobalt Smith Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:22 am

He could tell that she was hurting, and was probably incredibly angry at him, and it was probably safe to say that her older self was annoyed too. There was another stab of pain and he scowled slightly. His younger self was definately pissed at him. He paused when she kept the same level tone,

"I want to talk about me leaving the ball with Raziel." He said quietly, "I want to talk about how upset it's made you. What I've saying, in a strange way, is that I'm sorry that I hurt you."

Cobalt flinched, as if physically slapped in the face, when she stayed silent. It was worse than a thousand shouts, that she stayed silent at that point. He felt some pain in his heart at the rather blatent, to his mind, show that she disliked him enough to hate him. He paused for a second,

"Charlotte I want you to tell me how you're feeling." he told her, "I want you to tell me what you think of me. I want to know if you think so much less of me for what I did."
Cobalt Smith
Cobalt Smith
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Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt) Empty Re: Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt)

Post by Charlotte Smith Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:29 am

Charlotte kept her gaze looking at the desk behind Cobalt, she knew that was what she was brought here to talk about, but she truly did not know where she should start, there were just so many things going around in her head, that it was hard to pick a point to pause and begin from.

Taking a deep breath she looked up into Cobalt's eyes, her own red ones flaring with anger and growing deeper in colour to a blood red;

"She's not even human. That makes it worse. How could you with someone that's not even human? We learnt about her in DADA, I KNOW what she is! What she could have done to you! I could have been alone and without you if she had chosen to take all fo your energy then! Then where would I be?! Did you THINK at all Papa?! DID you?" she all but screamed.

Scowling even more she moved closer and pointed her finger at her father;

"I'm feeling angry. Sad. Betrayed. I think that you're....gross, I don't want you to touch me with those hands that touched her, or kiss my cheek with those lips that kissed her." she said with a scowl.
Charlotte Smith
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Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt) Empty Re: Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt)

Post by Cobalt Smith Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:51 am

Charlotte couldn't even look at him. What kind of a relationship as father and daughter could they have if she couldn't even look at him? The red flash of her eyes alerted Cobalt to the fact that she was very angry. The shade of red showed that she was reaching new levels of anger,

"I know what she is and what she is, is a person." he replied, feeling the need to defend Raziel a little bit. It was hard enough as it was without his daughter becoming convinced he'd done something on the same level as sleeping with an animal because she was technically a 'creature', "She wouldn't do that and even if she had tried it wouldn't have worked Charlotte. And I always think of you Charlotte, you're everything to me. I would never leave you."

He was glad that she had moved closer to him and was looking at him now, even if she was jabbing her finger at him,

"Would you rather I have left her crying?" he asked, quietly, "I'm sorry I've hurt you so much but she was in pain Charlotte. Was I supposed to let her die inside?"
Cobalt Smith
Cobalt Smith
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Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt) Empty Re: Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt)

Post by Charlotte Smith Fri Apr 20, 2012 6:00 am

Charlotte growled a little bit and she turned away from Cobalt, her hair turning red as she thought about how angry she was becoming, how dare he try and defend her?! How dare he? When it was becoming a choice between her and the demon that he was sleeping with.

"UGH! I hate you! I hate you so much! You always make me feel this way, you always make me upset, you hardly spend any time with me and then think that one night of conversation is enough to have a relationship?! Well it's not Cobalt. It's not!"

Slamming her hand against the door she turned and glowered at Cobalt; "How was I supposed to know she wasn't?! Huh?! How am I supposed to know that she wont make you sick?"

Deciding since he was stepping up on the guilt card, that she would do it too, and she couldn't convey the waves of anger that were coming off of her, she wanted so desperately to punch him, or do something like that but she held it inside of her;

"I would have thought you would have stayed with me. If you had taken the time to ask me, I was afraid that there was going to be another attack like last year, and did you stay with me? No. You left me. Like you did last year. Viktor talks to me more than you do Cobalt! So stop pretending to be my dad if you don't really want to be!"
Charlotte Smith
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Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt) Empty Re: Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt)

Post by Cobalt Smith Fri Apr 20, 2012 6:12 am

He could tell that his defence of Raziel, his insistance that she was a person, was something that Charlotte venomously disagreed with. He blinked a few times when she brought up the time he spent with her,

"I can't be with you as much as I'd like, both because of the fact that you live at school and because of my work." He winced a little bit, "You say I don't spend enough time with you? I know that alright? I know I don't spend enough time with you but I know that I do try."

Cobalt frowned a little bit when she hit the door, she was getting angrier and angerier with each breath it seemed,

"You want to know that she won't be able to hurt me even if she tried?" he shook her head, "Because you know that thing that I guard? It won't let her. And even if she tried I'd snap her neck for trying to keep me from you. I won't ever leave you Charlotte!"

When she started talking about her fears that there was going to be another attack, Cobalt frowned. He had not spent seven hours before the ball setting up every kind of ward he could think of to be told that he hadn't tried to make her safe,

"I spent all day with Richard ensuring that the castle had more wards than gringots to make sure that you were safe Charlotte. I would give my life to protect you and you know that!" he told her before he flinched. She really thought that? He took a step back, "I knew you were still seeing Viktor, you're not sneaky enough to sneak it past me Charlotte. But... do you really think I don't want to be your father? I love you more than anything else in the world Charlotte, how can you say that?"
Cobalt Smith
Cobalt Smith
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Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt) Empty Re: Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt)

Post by Charlotte Smith Fri Apr 20, 2012 6:21 am

Charlotte stood perfectly still and looked at Cobalt, the anger had gotten to such a point now that it seemed to juts fade away from her features, and she returned to normal, all apart from her eyes, which remained the same dark crimson colour.

"We BOTH live at the freaking school Cobalt!" she said, in a calm voice, merely putting an emphasis on the word both, she had enough of shouting at the man, and there was someone else who would like to continue in that vain in a second anyway.

"No I don't know about the thing you guard. Not really because you have never told me. I only know that you're probably let me be killed to protect it, which must mean it's very special for you, which is great, I hope you and your artifact are very happy together." she growled.

Seeing Cobalt frown, was not the best move that the man could have done at that moment in time and she looked athim as if he had just slapped her in the face, why would he be frowning when he was the one in the wrong she began to pick holes in his argument as she stood there in silence;

"But you didn't tell me. How was I supposed to know and feel safe when you didn't tell me? I can think that very easily. You would rather go off killing people than spending an evening at home with me? The only time you spent on the Wii with me was when you weren't you. By the way. Older Char wants to speak with you when I'm done. You only talk to me when YOU want to, you left me alone for most of the summer holidays when you promised last year we would go away."

Scowling Charlotte glared up at Cobalt; "I would like to think I'm patient, given what my last father was like, and I've waited more than long enough for you to do something about this."
Charlotte Smith
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Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt) Empty Re: Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt)

Post by Cobalt Smith Fri Apr 20, 2012 6:36 am

He could tell that she was beyond angry now but this whole conversation needed to continue. How could they ever look at each other is anger of this magnitude ever went unsaid? It needed to be said,

"Yes we do but we both know that our work keeps us busy." he sighed and looked down at the floor, "I regret not spending as much time with you as I should do Charlotte!"

When she mentioned the idea that he would let her die, Cobalt's eyes widened. She thought...? No! She couldn't think that! He would never do that! He paused and swallowed,

"I would never let you die over it or anything else Charlotte. Do you know why?" he stopped here. It was finally going to come out. He looked her square in the eye, "I sacrificed my wife and my son for it. I would not sacrifice you for it... because I love you more than both of them combined. You are more precious to me than anything else Charlotte... than anyone else."

He saw her flinch when he frowned. Apparently she didn't expect him to come back with anything. He admitted that he probably shouldn't have frowned though. It made it seem like he was the victim,

"Do you really trust me so little as to think that I would let anything like that happen to you again Charlotte?" he asked her quietly. He winced again when she brought up the lack of time spent with her, "I go away because I have to Charlotte. We're at war and I get called upon to go and fight. And I fight so that you won't have to in the future. I fight so that you are safe. I regret not spending more time with you than anything else Charlotte..."

When she compared him to her last father, Cobalt's eyes flashed once in anger. To be compared to that monster? He calmed himself immediately but it was enough to show how hard the comment hit. Especially when the anger was replaced with sadness,

"Do you really think so low of me as to compare me to him?" he asked her, honestly in disbelief, "I love you more than anything in the world Charlotte! I care more about you than anything else in the world! Why did you never come to me with these problems before Charlotte? Why didn't you talk to me about this before? I would have changed immediately."
Cobalt Smith
Cobalt Smith
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Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt) Empty Re: Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt)

Post by Charlotte Smith Fri Apr 20, 2012 6:46 am

Charlotte opened her mouth and laughed lightly in disbelief, she shook her head and couldn't quite believe that Cobalt had said what he had just said;

"Well excuse me, but I have no work to do, I have no work that can't be put on hold for you Cobalt! But it seems as if you don't feel the same way about me, I come second after the artifact, after Raziel, after you going out killing people, after you marking essays and probably after going out and spending your money on other people too." she snarled "Was the last long talk we had before term let out a goodbye present for 6 weeks?" she growled.

Laughing again, rather coldly Charlotte shook her head again, leaning against the wall and wondering when he was actually going to say something that wouldn't make her more angry at him;

"And how am I, supposed to believe that? I suppose you told your son that you loved him more than anything too, then look what happened, I'm not even yours, I'm some scarred broken kid you took in so you;d feel good about yourself, be honest for a moment, why else would you have given me two seconds of attention? Hm?" she asked, her tone sarcastic.

This point was something that he had said before, and it looked like he was running out of things to say; "Look how well that's turning out. I'm fighting Cobalt, regardless of whether you intend for me not to, look around, look what Hogwarts is conditioning us for!" she said loudly "If you regret it, do something about it, instead of doing nothing!"

"I didn't mean it like that, I just meant he had made me patient and able to deal with things without kicking off for a very long time, but things haven't changed, so now this is it, the result fo so much waiting. Why? BECAUSE YOU WEREN'T HERE. Do I want to waste the potenial only time I have with you having an argument? No!"
Charlotte Smith
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Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt) Empty Re: Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt)

Post by Cobalt Smith Fri Apr 20, 2012 7:19 am

He looked at her when she laughed in disbelief. She really did seem to hate him. Over this one extra thing the damn had burst and she was venting every last bit of her frustration out at him,

"Everything could have been put on hold for you if you'd but asked Charlotte!" he told her desperately, "You come second to nobody! You are the only person I care about! I care more about you than I care about the artifact, more than I care about Raziel, more than I care about this entire country full of people! You are the only person I care about!"

The way she laughed, so coldy, made Cobalt flinch. He had admitted one of his most shameful secrets to her, that he hadn't even loved his son, and she didn't care,

"I never loved my son. I don't know why... I just never did." he told her quietly, ashamed. When she continued, mocking the reasons why he took her in, Cobalt felt himself becoming more and more hurt, "You want to know why I took you in? Because the moment I say you the love was instant and unconditional! Just like every other parent!"

When she mentioned what Hogwarts was conditioning them for he looked at the floor,

"You act as if it's my fault that the Ministry wants you able to fight." he looked her right in the eyes, "I'll do exactly what I should have done when I first adopted you then... and resign my position in the ministry. To devote all my free time with you."

He was still angry about what she said. She hadn't meant it like that? There was no other way it could have been interpretted. He waved a hand at the papers on his desk,

"Do you know what they are Charlotte? Pages upon pages of notes. Of book pages. All to do with counter curses. All to make sure that you will have all the time in the world!" he looked her in the eyes, unable to stop a few tears, "I want to spend as much time as possible with you as my daughter Charlotte... I want to take away that which hurts you so much. I want you to live a long and happy life but I guess I've drifted out of touch searching. I... I want to thank you. For reminding me that I need to cherish every moment instead of working and preying that there would be moments in the future. I love you Char."
Cobalt Smith
Cobalt Smith
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Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt) Empty Re: Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt)

Post by Charlotte Smith Fri Apr 20, 2012 7:59 am

Charlotte shook her head for a moment, she wanted no more to do with this argument and at the moment she wanted nothing to do with Cobalt, she was just so annoyed by the almost pathetic excuses that he seemed to be giving to her as a result fo what had happened to get her in such a state.

"I shouldn't have to ask you, you should do it anyway, because you love me and want to spend time with me, I shouldn't have to remind you to take me downstairs and watch a film with me, or bake cookies like we used to, I didn't think I had to, anyway."

Raising her eyebrow, Charlotte felt herself becoming even more distant from Cobalt, so he hadn't even loved his son? What kind of a parent was he? Surely there must have been something wrong with him, every parent was supposed to love their child;

"Then I guess you're more like my father than I realised. He didn't love me either. But at least he never pretended that he did, why if you didn't love your family are you upset to talk about them? Why would you care?" she asked, a little interested.

Charlotte shrugged her shoulders; "I'm not saying it's your fault I'm saying your point is worthless because I will grow up and have to fight anyway, and then I'll die, a life of fighting and then finished with a slow, painful death at the end of it."

Seeing that he had made all those notes made Charlotte feel a little bad about what she had said, he obviously did care about her, but she didn't let it stop her from saying what she thought needed to be said;

"You never once asked to do it with me? No? All these things are wonderful, but they would have been better if you had included me in them, you should spend time with me while you can, if you love me like you say you do, and you have Older Char to deal with now."
Charlotte Smith
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Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt) Empty Re: Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt)

Post by Cobalt Smith Fri Apr 20, 2012 8:41 am

The fight was draining out of Cobalt quickly. He was being hit constantly and Charlotte didn't seem to care how much damage she did to him. He sighed a little bit and took a few steps back,

"I know Charlotte, I know." he agreed quietly, "I guess that's just an easy way for me to say why I didn't. I guess I was also a little bit... I don't know... afraid, that you wouldn't want to spend time with me if I asked. I mean, it's not cool to spend time with your father but I guess I worried for nothing."

Cobalt flinched at her look. He knew why he hadn't loved his son, he'd immersed himself too much in blood and death at the time. All he had felt at the time was fear and death and he hadn't been able to feel the love until his son was dead. When she compared him to her father again his fist clenched,

"I am nothing like that... that monster!" he declared firmly, before the fire left him again, "I was blinded by all the killing I was doing. I didn't feel the love until I lost him."

He sighed a little bit and looked out the window. She was right, she would have to fight anyway but it didn't mean that he should stop trying to make sure she never had to,

"You may have to fight but I won't let you die." he promised her, "Not from battle and not from the curse."

Cobalt had been working so hard on trying to counteract the curse on Charlotte that he had neglected to spend time with Charlotte herself,

"I know I should have brought you in on this. To spend time together as well as to give you hope about beating the curse." he nodded, trying to wipe away the stray tears, "Older Char... before she comes out I'd like to tell you that Younger Cobie didn't want it. He is still trying to give me brain damage for doing it now so please let their relationship continue. They need each other."
Cobalt Smith
Cobalt Smith
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Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt) Empty Re: Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt)

Post by Charlotte Smith Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:32 am

Charlotte nodded her head to whatever Cobalt said, she didn't want to fight any more, and she had said everything that she personally needed to say to him, now however he just had the wrath of older Charlotte to deal with, it was something that she didn't think that even she would be able to handle....

She was scary when she was angry.

"Well it's up to you now Cobalt, I'm not going to do anything, it's all up to you, do whatever you want to make it different but you need to do something it can't continue the way that it's going on." she said quietly, before running her hand through her hair to calm herself down "I didn't mean a lot of what I said, I don't hate you, I'm sorry I said that, but I was just so angry."

With a small smile, Charlotte nodded her head again;

"I don't think that's going to make much of a difference, it's not him she's angry at." Charlotte grimaced a little, now that her anger was out of the way, she was beginning to feel a little for her Papa, now that he had the wrath of two women to endure.

"Are you ready?" she asked.
Charlotte Smith
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Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt) Empty Re: Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt)

Post by Cobalt Smith Sun Apr 22, 2012 5:19 am

He could tell that Charlotte was tuning out what he was saying now. She was moving into a defensive mode, having said what she felt she needed to say. Another spike of pain rushed through him and he winced. He swore for a second that he had seen red but it was probably just his imagination,

"I realise that I have to do a lot more and I honestly intend to." he sighed a little bit, smiling weakly, "You meant what you said at the time Charlotte. I am thankful that you don't hate me now however."

Cobalt nodded a little bit. Made sense that it wasn't him that she was angry with. His younger self was now almost breaking free he was so angry at him. Apparently making Older Char mad got Younger Cobie pissed,

"Yes I imagine I'm the target." he agreed, resigned, "I'm as ready as I'll ever be. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned... but two? I'm going to be lucky to surive this."
Cobalt Smith
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Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt) Empty Re: Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt)

Post by Charlotte Smith Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:14 am

Charlotte smiled lightly and when Cobalt said that he was ready for it, she nodded her head and let her older counterpart take over, it was almost instant the way that her body also changed, she was now in her older form, not just mentally but physically too, it seemed that you could not have one without the other.

For a moment while the change was being completed, Older Charlotte just blinked for a moment, but now realising that she was able to act of her own free will, bar Younger Char's constraint of 'Dont kill him' she stepped forwards and slapped older Cobalt across the face. Hard.

"What do you think you are doing?!" she asked in a high voice "Did you not think about the other parts to us before you went off and did what you did? What did you think I felt like, when I saw you and the other part of you, who I love, going off to shag some other woman?"

Almost fuming Older Charlotte had to calm herself down, she could feel herself getting upset and close to tears, but she had to say what she needed to first, then she could cry.
Charlotte Smith
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Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt) Empty Re: Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt)

Post by Cobalt Smith Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:20 am

Cobalt smiled faintly when he saw that Charlotte was at least trying to smile. Seemed that she had gotten most of it out of her system but Older Char was sure to give him a piece of her mind. He paused as her body shifted, mentally trying to prepare himself for it. The slap was loud and he worked his jaw after it,

"Initially I went to go and try to cheer her up. It got way out of hand from there." he admitted, another spike of pain rushing through his head. Gritting his teeth against the pain, Cobalt looked at Older Char, "My other self was not involved. He had no say. A fact he continues to remind me with pain."

He could tell that she was already close to tears so he resigned himself to being her verbal, and perhaps physical, punching bag for the next few minutes until she tired herself out. Cobalt sighed a little bit. Young Cobie was trying to reach out to Older Char but he knew that doing so as Older Cobalt would result in another slap so he waited.
Cobalt Smith
Cobalt Smith
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Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt) Empty Re: Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt)

Post by Charlotte Smith Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:10 am

Seeing Cobalt rubbing his jaw afterward her slap she made a small noise of triumph, after all she had just managed to do some damage to the big assassin, deciding that there were more important things to think about at this moment in time, Charlotte crossed her arms across her chest and she looked at Cobalt with her eyebrows raised;

"Yeah it did go way out of hand from there! You're an adult Cobalt you should think of these things before you do them, look at what happened to Charlotte, and look at how you've made me feel! It's completely unfair that you get to discard us when it suits you, both of you have made your bed and now you have to lie in it, unless you don't feel the same about me then that's fine."

Sighing a little bit Charlotte turned away and rubbed at the bridge of her nose;

"I don't care if he was involved or not, that body, your body like it or not is his body also and I do not appreciate you sharing it around without even asking me, I'm not stupid I knew what you would be getting up to, and the fact that you prevent us from doing so is just a little bit tyrannical don't you think?" she said, getting a little bit calmer now, being an adult, she was able to talk more rationally than her younger self.
Charlotte Smith
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Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt) Empty Re: Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt)

Post by Cobalt Smith Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:16 am

The small noise of triumph she made would have been short lived if he revealed that it was quickly losing it's sting so he stayed quiet on the subject. When she crossed her arms in front of her chest, assuming the position of angry women everywhere, he swallowed a little bit nervously,

"I think after that point the alcohol started flowing a bit too freely." he admitted, ashamed, "I wasn't fully aware of what I was doing but it's still no excuse. I shouldn't have gotten drunk in the first place, would have saved us all from this position."

He sighed a little bit and looked away,

"Yes I guess it is a shared body." when she continued he raised an eyebrow, "Prevent you from doing so? I do believe that is Charlotte's rule. I just respect it."
Cobalt Smith
Cobalt Smith
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Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt) Empty Re: Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt)

Post by Charlotte Smith Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:40 am

Charlotte made a small noise in the back of her throat which was very much like a noise of belief, she didnt believe that Cobie had made such a rash decision without the use of several bottles of alcohol, there was something that always had to involve that, it made men complete idiots and they always tended to make mistakes while they were under the influence.

"It would have saved us all a lot of heart ache yes, but you can't be blamed entirely, there should have been more done on your part since you knew what was at stake, but then again the woman also should have known better to do what she did." she sighed lightly.

Raising an eyebrow, Charlotte pointed her finger at Cobalt with a frown on her face;

"It is Charlotte's rule because she has a boyfriend, which is understandable, but without that rule in place you wouldn't allow us to be together, would you? Look at how long you kept us apart!"
Charlotte Smith
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Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt) Empty Re: Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt)

Post by Cobalt Smith Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:23 am

Cobalt heard the noise Charlotte made and he had to agree that alcohol, when consumed in rather large amounts, did make fools out of everyone. It was probably why Cobalt was not going to ever be able to have a drop in front of Charlotte without being glared at. Not that he didn't deserve it considering what he had done under the influence,

"Yeah... what was at stake and that which I could have lost over this." he sighed a little bit and shook his head, "Does it really matter too much about who's fault it was? Either way the damage has been done and we'll have to work hard to repair it."

He merely looked at her finger when she pointed it angrily at him. With his own finger, he moved her finger slightly to the side so that it wasn't within an inch of his eye,

"If there was no rule then I would agree to give a 50/50 split of my body to him. He's almost like a best friend." he looked at her, "The last time he was outside for any extended period of time Charlotte woke up and had to be calmed down by me. I'm sorry that it took so long to reunite the two of you but I wanted to be sure that his reappearance wouldn't hurt Charlotte."
Cobalt Smith
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Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt) Empty Re: Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt)

Post by Charlotte Smith Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:46 am

Charlotte made a small noise of disbelief and she nodded her head, when Cobalt asked if there was really a point to saying who was wrong in al of this, there was certainly a point to it, everything had happened because of Cobalt and that was a big part of the thing that had hurt Charlotte, he was supposed to be her father and her protector after all, and he had hurt her.

"You're just trying to get out of having your ass whooped again arent you?" she asked with a wry smirk "Well I'm not going to indulge your ass in a whooping, I just feel like saying that yes, it does matter to Charlotte that it was your fault, you're her father, and that's a big wrong in her book."

Sighing, Charlotte wondered if Cobalt was asking for a poke in the eye when he moved her finger away, and, with a small sigh she lowered it, and she knew that her younger self was the one driving all of this, but it was something she couldn't control.

"Well she's a 13 year old kid, she doesn't understand all of this, in time she will and the rules will dissappear, hopefully, I don't know how much longer Cobie can take the no kissing rule." she smirked.
Charlotte Smith
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Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt) Empty Re: Clearing the air (Char and Cobalt)

Post by Cobalt Smith Wed Apr 25, 2012 3:24 am

When she made the comment that he was just trying to save his own skin from another argument he had to admit that the idea had some merit in hindsight. But it had not been his intention at all so he just shook his head a little bit,

"No no if I was trying to avoid that I probably would have gotten smart and run away." he replied with the same type of smirk as the older version of his daughter, "Why thank you, it's rather tender at the moment. As for what I said, I believe it was poorly worded. It was my fault, I know that. I just didn't really see the need for varying degrees of being at fault. I accept that it's all my fault."

He chuckled weakly when he noticed how she seemed to be more inclined to poke him in the eye now more than before. When she sighed he simply sighed with her,

"I don't want the two of your separated, I want the two of you to be happy together. You're a version of my daughter and I always want what's best for my daughter but until she's accepted the 'birds and the bees'..." he chuckled a little bit as his younger self pretended to cry, "There ain't gunna be any of your sexy times."
Cobalt Smith
Cobalt Smith
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