Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Clearing my Head. (Open)

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Clearing my Head. (Open) Empty Clearing my Head. (Open)

Post by Eric Laterman Mon Apr 23, 2012 5:24 am

Eric grabbed his broom. It was a gift from his grandmother. Well she gave him money and told him to get a broom at least. She was a muggle so she couldn't go in the wizarding world. Eric sighed as he flew through the sky. He wasn't very good. He wouldn't ever be picked for his quidditch team. He was doing this to clear his head. To get that horrible image out. Her lifeless body.

He wanted to feel happy, but it seemed like it would never happen. How could it, a girl was dead. Who could be happy when someone so young could suffer so much. She didn't deserve it. No one did. What if that had been Sam. He shook his head, he shouldn't think like that. He was too absorbed in his own world to notice someone come on the field.

Eric Laterman

Posts : 48
Join date : 2012-03-25

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Clearing my Head. (Open) Empty Re: Clearing my Head. (Open)

Post by Parker Emery Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:31 pm

Parker sighed, his eyes firmly glued to the floor. This....just wasn't fair. Not in the slightest. She hadn't tried to talk to him, or anyone. She was always so insistent on keeping everything inside, that she could take care of it. She was a year younger then him and he ha considered her such a good friend. He has walked out of the castle needing some air. He found himself coming to the Quidditch Pitch, and the last time he'd been there he'd been the happiest he'd been in a long time. Maybe it would help to be there, watch a few free fliers.

As Parker approached the stands to sit next to, he wiped at his red eyes with the back of his sleeve. He took in a breath, but could feel them coming on again. He didn't care what people would say if they saw him crying. His friend was dead and he hadn't been able to do anything to help her. She must have felt so alone...if he had just been there for her, if he only noticed the signs....he-he might have been able to do something- anything.

He kept his head lowered, and sat on the grass, leaning again the pillar of the stands, not wanting to look up yet.

Parker Emery

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Clearing my Head. (Open) Empty Re: Clearing my Head. (Open)

Post by Eric Laterman Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:46 pm

Eric saw a slytherin third year that was a friend of Anne's. He flew down. He didn't want to talk about it he just wanted to help someone, he could almost feel the grief coming off the boy. He walked closer to him he had met him once at the dance. He shook his head. He couldn't think about that. He had pushed the last time he had seen Anne alive out of his mind.

Eric sat next to Parker. He was feeling shy. "Hey." He said to him his voice rough. "Are you ok. I know you were friends." He said. He couldn't bear to say it. He had no clue what to say. Could he ask if he had seen the note or not. Should he ask if it was for him. All he knew is that he wanted to hurt the boy who pushed her away. Who made her feel alone. He only knew about the German boy, not the boy who had caused her to feel alone.

Eric Laterman

Posts : 48
Join date : 2012-03-25

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Clearing my Head. (Open) Empty Re: Clearing my Head. (Open)

Post by Parker Emery Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:22 pm

Parker, sniffed, lifting his head a little bit when he heard a soft landing and then foot steps come closer. He just wanted to be left alone right now... He couldn't even stand to be around Pyxis at the moment, which was why he was out there.

His head was still lowered, but his eyes followed the legs that walked closer. As the boy sat down he saw that it was guy he saw at the ball... When he said hey, Parker looked away, saying nothing in reply. He couldn't be bothered to try to force his voice to work.

He furrowed his eyebrows, when he said he knew 'they' were friend. "Leave me alone...." He choked out. He didn't want to talk about her, not yet. It was still all so fresh. He still couldn't wrap his mind around it. In his mind he still said 'is' and all present tense about her...

Parker Emery

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Clearing my Head. (Open) Empty Re: Clearing my Head. (Open)

Post by Eric Laterman Tue Apr 24, 2012 6:41 pm

Eric sighed and looked at his feet. He understood. Not many people would want to talk. But people needed to. He wouldn't push him. He really wished people would talk to him.

"Well I understand why you might not want to talk but, you have to eventually. If not me to the counsellor. I'm just here if you need me to be." He said sighing. He still didn't move. He couldn't, not yet anyway, he wanted to know who he had to blame. Other than Anne, someone had hurt her, and who was Hugo.

"Umm. Did you see her note?" He asked than added, "Who's Hugo."

Eric Laterman

Posts : 48
Join date : 2012-03-25

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Clearing my Head. (Open) Empty Re: Clearing my Head. (Open)

Post by Parker Emery Thu Apr 26, 2012 4:33 pm

Parker drew his eyes down, a frown set on his face. Parker felt a slight quivering, and he willed himself to just stay composed long enough to deal with this for the moment. He shook his head a bit. He never thought they had a councilor...he had already thought of talking to the Headmistress but he'd kept putting it off....

"I hardly know you." was all he said, very quietly, as his reason for not wanting to talk to him. That was definitely a part of it. He felt so pathetic being like this to a near stranger. He couldn't even recall his name at the moment.

Parker looked at him, his eyes sad but another emotion was just barely masked. He shook his head silently when he asked if there'd been a letter. "I didn't know there was one..." he then stopped when he asked about Hugo. He just shook his head again and looked away.

Parker closed his eyes. Damn it. If Hugo did something else to her that cause this...he would....he didn't know. There wasn't anything he could. He was a coward. He hated he'd not been able to do anything to help her while alive, and he couldn't try to get her any justice after she was gone either...why did it have to be like this??

Parker Emery

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Clearing my Head. (Open) Empty Re: Clearing my Head. (Open)

Post by Eric Laterman Sat Apr 28, 2012 9:46 am

Eric sighed and looked at his feet again. Why was this so hard to talk about. He wanted to help, to help her friends. He remembered how Alcyone was when she found her. "I know you don't know me, but maybe I can help." He said sighing. "You know being sad an crying over your friend doesn't make you weak." He said recalling how a first year had told him about Damien destroying a room.

Eric looked at his feet. "So it wasn't for you then. Alcyone said she knew who it was for and was going to give it to them." He said shyly. "Well there was one, I found her, well I found Alcyone who found her." He said sadly. She thought of the poor girl in his year.

Eric looked up at Parker. "So who is this Hugo and what did he do to her?" He asked not noticing how tense he got at the name.

Eric Laterman

Posts : 48
Join date : 2012-03-25

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Clearing my Head. (Open) Empty Re: Clearing my Head. (Open)

Post by Parker Emery Sun Apr 29, 2012 8:48 am

Parker sniffed. He didn't really want help. He needed time to grieve on his own. He needed to come to terms with this...though he'd not had to deal with such close death before. So maybe talking would be good? He wasn't sure. He just really didn't want to talk at the moment. He wiped his eyes. "I know that-" he said, almost snapping. But he frowned, feeling bad for wanting to. He was just trying to help. he would have just stayed in his dorm if it weren't for the fact he was a bit frightened of Damien and how he'd destroyed their room.

He wiped his eyes again, his voice cracking slightly. "What did it say...?" He asked quietly, not sure if he even wanted to know.

Parker grit his teeth together and shook his head. "I don't want to tell you. It's not my place.." Parker brought his knees up, hugging them, and resting his head down on them, sniffing again.

Parker Emery

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Join date : 2012-01-10
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