Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Clearing my head (open)

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Clearing my head (open) Empty Clearing my head (open)

Post by Lucia Henley Sat Feb 25, 2012 4:32 am

Lucia walked out and saw many students sitting around the park. They all looked so happy. She had to smile at that. Lucia, compared to many of the teachers and some of the students as well, thought herself to be very lucky. She might not have a family anymore, but she was happy. She was happy 24/7. It only happened on few occasions when she wasn't. And this just wasn't her day.

She was still happy, and glad that students looked so joyous and laughed loudly into the sunny day. She sighed and walked towards the lake, finding a spot near the Dark Forest. She took of her shoes and dipped her toes in, her wand very reachable if any creatures should jump up. The water felt really nice, and the energy flushed up over her body, making her feel stronger.

The wind blew in her long hair, that she had wrapped up in a pony-tail. She breathed contentedly, closed her eyes and turned her head up to the sun, enjoying the warmth it radiated.
Lucia Henley
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Clearing my head (open) Empty Re: Clearing my head (open)

Post by Ebony Summers Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:54 am

Ebony wandered around the grounds aimlessly, just wanting to explore. She managed to end up by the forbidden forest, she scanned around the perimeter of the forest before walking off.
'I must go and explore the forest some time soon, at night maybe' she thought as she walked over to the black lake, sitting on the edge she removed her shoes and let her feet play with the water slightly, looking around at the rest of the students and the brushed a strand of her silky black hair behind her ear. The wind blew it around her in cascades of shimmering black. She wanted to go for a swim, the water was perfect and it was a hot day. She stood up and stripped off her cloak and skirt, revealing the short shorts she had under it, before jumping in, smiling as the cool water lapped at her body. She knew she would be in trouble but she didn't care.
Ebony Summers
Ebony Summers
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Clearing my head (open) Empty Re: Clearing my head (open)

Post by Charlotte Smith Fri Mar 16, 2012 11:08 pm

Charlotte had been casually sitting by the lake, sketching it as she so often did, and she wondered what it might be like to possibly in the future go under the water to sketch the places where the creatures lived, especially the mermaids.

Seeing that there were several students out and about now she tilted her head to one side and she thought about joining them, but it wasn't until she saw a girl begin to paddle in the water that she thought she should go over to her.

So picking up her bag she walked over to her with a small smile on her lips:

"Hey there, you'd better make sure that Healer Henley doesn't see you, she might shout." Charlotte said in a friendly manner.
Charlotte Smith
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Clearing my head (open) Empty Re: Clearing my head (open)

Post by Ebony Summers Sat Mar 17, 2012 9:19 am

Ebony looked up when she heard someone talking, looking up she saw a girl stood over the water, she swam over to her. "Oh, right, it's my first year here and the water looked really nice" she replied a little sheepishly as she quickly pulled herself up onto the grass. She quickly cast a spell to dry her clothes and then stood up and held out her hand. "I'm Ebony" she told the girl. She wanted to make friends and this girl seemed really nice so she thought she would try making at least one friend.
Ebony Summers
Ebony Summers
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Clearing my head (open) Empty Re: Clearing my head (open)

Post by Charlotte Smith Sun Mar 18, 2012 7:28 pm

Charlotte watched as the girl clambered up out of the water and sat down on the grass, she too sat down next to her and took off her shoes so that she could dangle her feet in the lake, she didn't think that would get them into any trouble.

"Don't worry about it, I think the worst thing that would have happened is that you would have had to get out, Professor Henley is really nice so."

Still smiling Charlotte took hold of Ebony's hand and shook it lightly, happy that she like so many others here didn't seem to mind her almost albino like appearance, perhaps it was just the people that she used to hang out with.

"It's nice to meet you Ebony I'm Charlotte Smith, how are you finding Hogwarts then?" she asked, looking out over the lake.
Charlotte Smith
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Post by Ebony Summers Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:50 pm

She smiled softly. "I really like it so far, a lot better than being at home, and most of the people here seem nice" she replied.
"What year are you in?" she asked, curiously. She hadn't seen Charlotte at the sorting ceremony being sorted so she assumed she was in one of the higher years but she wasn't sure which, either way she was really nice and Ebony really liked her since she wasn't very good at making friends or getting people to like her this was a drastic change.
Ebony Summers
Ebony Summers
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Clearing my head (open) Empty Re: Clearing my head (open)

Post by Charlotte Smith Mon Mar 19, 2012 7:35 pm

Charlotte smiled softly and was glad that Ebony was enjoying Hogwarts, after all some people didn't really like it here at first because they missed their home, but she was glad this wasn't the case.

"I'm glad that you're having fun here, and yes you have quite a nice year, sometimes there are horrible people in the years, but you've got really nice people. Lucky." she grinned.

When she was asked what year she was in Charlotte's grin stayed on her lips; "I'm in second year, I think I saw you being sorted this year, you're a Slytherin like me right?" she asked, maybe she would have someone in the common room to talk to now.
Charlotte Smith
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Clearing my head (open) Empty Re: Clearing my head (open)

Post by Ebony Summers Mon Mar 19, 2012 7:40 pm

Ebony nodded and smiled.

"Yeah, I am, but the newer people in Slytherin don't really seem like they want to talk too much or make loads of friends" she replied frowning a little.

"But you're in second year, cool, how was your first year here, any tips?" she asked, the smile back on her lips, she really liked talking to Charlotte, she was really nice and actually wanted to talk to her unlike most people.
Ebony Summers
Ebony Summers
Slytherin Sixth Year

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Clearing my head (open) Empty Re: Clearing my head (open)

Post by Charlotte Smith Mon Mar 19, 2012 7:45 pm

Charlotte frowned lightly, she had talked to a lot of people when she had first gotten here, but perhaps that was because they had all met on the Hogwarts Express, hoping that Ebony would meet some other students through her classes Charlotte smiled kindly;

"Well that's the case with my year too, people tend to have their own friends that they talk to and they don't talk to anyone else, it's a shame really."

Sighing a little Charlotte thought about any advice that she would give to Ebony, sucking a little on her lip peircing in concentration she smiled;

"Well I would say that you need to mix with other houses, and try and make friends through all of your lessons that way you'll see them every day."
Charlotte Smith
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Clearing my head (open) Empty Re: Clearing my head (open)

Post by Ebony Summers Tue Mar 20, 2012 7:03 am

Ebony looked over at her and blinked, her parents had taught her that Slytherin's were the only people to mix with, but Charlotte seemed like she actually cared about her so Ebony decided to take her advise instead.

"Ok, i'll try" she smiled a little and nodded.

"We'll just see how that goes" she replied laughing gently.
Ebony Summers
Ebony Summers
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Clearing my head (open) Empty Re: Clearing my head (open)

Post by Charlotte Smith Tue Mar 20, 2012 7:11 am

Charlotte smiled lightly and wondered if Ebony was from a different background to her, Charlotte of course had grown up with her birth parents being almost tyrannic, however, the other wizards and witches she had been in contact with were very aimiable and open minded about other blood status'.

"Well you know if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here, sometimes it can get a little much here away from your home, I'm lucky though because my Papa teaches here so I'm never without him if I need him." she said happily, hoping that this wouldn't upset Ebony as an afterthought.

Turning to look out across the lake, Charlotte asked:

"So what lessons did you take?"
Charlotte Smith
Charlotte Smith
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Post by Ebony Summers Tue Mar 20, 2012 7:18 am

"Oh cool... my dad works at the ministry... I don't see him a lot... but in a way... that's a good thing" she replied before she thought for a second, remembering what she was doing.

"Um... Potions, Care of magical creatures, flying lessons, Astronomy, defense against the dark arts..." she replied trailing off as she thought the list was getting a bit too long.

2What subjects do you do?" she asked.
Ebony Summers
Ebony Summers
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Clearing my head (open) Empty Re: Clearing my head (open)

Post by Charlotte Smith Tue Mar 20, 2012 7:40 pm

Charlotte's ears perked up when Ebony said that her father worked at the Ministry and she wondered what it was that he did there, but the second part of her answer made her realise that it was not a comfortable topic.

"Ah, I see." she said quietly.

Happy that there seemed to be some similarities between the classes that they were taking, Charlotte reeled off all the class that she was taking:

"I am taking potions, care of magical creatures, DADA, transfiguration and infiltration."

Wondering what she thought about each of her lessons, Charlotte asked: "What do you think about the classes that you've taken? Do you enjoy them?"
Charlotte Smith
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Clearing my head (open) Empty Re: Clearing my head (open)

Post by Ebony Summers Wed Mar 21, 2012 9:32 am

"Yeah, they're all really interesting, I'm not so sure about DADA but I really like all the others" Ebony replied smiling a little, she saw Charlotte perk up when she mentioned the ministry and she really wanted to know what it was but she thought she shouldn't ask.

"Do you like all of your subjects?" she asked as she looked out at the lake quickly and then back to Charlotte, her mind going to her dad and brother for a brief second before her attention went back to the conversation a small smile on her lips again.
Ebony Summers
Ebony Summers
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Clearing my head (open) Empty Re: Clearing my head (open)

Post by Charlotte Smith Wed Mar 21, 2012 7:35 pm

Charlotte nodded her head with a small 'Ah' sometimes she thought that the lesson could be a little risky and especially the last lesson because it was on the boggart and she didn't want to have to face what she was most scared of.

"DADA can be quite scary at some points, but we learnt how to do the patronus charm two lessons ago so, that was interesting, although we've just finished learning about the boggart." she shuddered.

Humming while she thought, Charlotte sucked on her lip peircing and smiled:

"I enjoy them all pretty much, apart from the latest Care of Magical Creatures lesson because we're doing about the flying horses and I hate heights so."
Charlotte Smith
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Clearing my head (open) Empty Re: Clearing my head (open)

Post by Ebony Summers Wed Mar 21, 2012 8:04 pm

"Ah, that sounds pretty cool, the horses... not the fear of heights..." she replied. "Are they the ones you can only see if someone has died in front of you?" she asked curiously.

Her mind wandered to her father again and a small frowned spread on her lips, she tried to hide it though, not wanting to show it but she couldn't help it.
Ebony Summers
Ebony Summers
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Clearing my head (open) Empty Re: Clearing my head (open)

Post by Charlotte Smith Wed Mar 21, 2012 8:37 pm

Charlotte smiled softly and shook her head, they were Thestrals and although Charlotte couldn't see them yet, she had a feeling if this war continued then she would, so many people were dying after all.

"No they're from France the horses, the ones Beauxbatons use to pull their flying carriage, I think the things you're thinking of are Thestrals, although I haven't seen one."

Seeing the frown on Ebony's face, Charlotte tilted her head to one side and asked: "Whats the matter?"
Charlotte Smith
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Clearing my head (open) Empty Re: Clearing my head (open)

Post by Ebony Summers Wed Mar 21, 2012 10:16 pm

"Oh yeah, those horses... I've seen a Thestrals, there pretty freaky" she replied.

"Oh... Um... I was just thinking about my dad and brother... sorry I'm just really worried about my little brother, i don't really trust my dad" she replied still frowning.

"My dads not a very nice man... ever since my mum died" she explained, still frowning.

"Sorry..." she replied
Ebony Summers
Ebony Summers
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Clearing my head (open) Empty Re: Clearing my head (open)

Post by Charlotte Smith Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:36 pm

Charlotte sort of wanted to see the thestrals because they were apparently really nice creatures once you got past their apperance and it was something that Charlotte had always wanted to know about.

"A part of me would really like to draw a thestral, but I dont want to have to go through what you have to to see them."

With a small nod, Charlotte knew how Ebony felt with the idea that her father was not a very nice person, her father wasn't a very nice person either, but it was a lot better now she was with Cobie.

"Don't worry, I know what you mean, my father wasn't a very nice person either...but I got adopted so everythings better now." she smiled "I'm sure that your brother will be fine, how old is he?"
Charlotte Smith
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Clearing my head (open) Empty Re: Clearing my head (open)

Post by Ebony Summers Fri Mar 23, 2012 1:55 am

Ebony nodded. "They are really cool animals but I wouldn't wish for anyone to go through what you have to to see them, I don't really think it's worth it" she replied as she looked over at Charlotte again.

"I'm glad you don't have to put up with what ever your father did, do you like your adoptive parents?" she asked.

"He's 10... so he can come here next year but... I don't think that's quick enough, I wish he could just come here now, I hope dad doesn't do anything to him while I'm gone" she contiued, frowning as she thought of what might happened to Aiden.
Ebony Summers
Ebony Summers
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Clearing my head (open) Empty Re: Clearing my head (open)

Post by Charlotte Smith Sat Mar 24, 2012 4:10 am

Charlotte nodded her head, she didn't think that it would be worth it either, the loss of someone elses life was not equal to seeing some creature that was probably not worth it in the first place.

"I agree with you, although especially now with the war it might become more and more accepted that deaths will occur." Charlotte frowned lightly.

When Ebony asked her if she liked her foster parent Charlotte nodded and her smile grew wide on her face just thinking about Cobie, he was the best and made her feel so safe.

"Yes I do! He's a Professor here, Professor Smith, he teaches infiltration." she said proudly.

A little glad when Ebony said her brother could come here next year, Charlotte smiled reassuringly:

"The end of school is only a few weeks away, he'll do just fine I know it."
Charlotte Smith
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Clearing my head (open) Empty Re: Clearing my head (open)

Post by Ebony Summers Sat Mar 24, 2012 10:47 am

Ebony smiled.

"Ah... cool, wait I think I' doing infiltration too, so maybe i'll meet him" she said as she looked out at the lake again and saw the giant squid.

"Yeah... I guess it is, at lease it won't be long until Aiden is safely here with me so i can look after him and make sure dad doesn't do anything, as for now i just get lots of letters from him letting me know what's going on" she continued as she pulled out a mass of letters and post cards.
Ebony Summers
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Clearing my head (open) Empty Re: Clearing my head (open)

Post by Charlotte Smith Sun Mar 25, 2012 6:09 am

Charlotte smiled a wide smile, she always loved it when people met her Papa Because she was so proud of him and she knew that he was a very nice person when it came down to it.

With a happy hum she said: "I think you'll enjoy the class, he's a little strict but if you show up on time and behave he's the best Professor you could ask for."

Glad that it seemed that Ebony was keeping in touch with her brother, Charlotte smiled gently and looked over at the large wad of letters and postcards fondly.

"It's good that you keep corresponding, it'll help keep your mind at rest! What house do you think he will be in when he arrives?"
Charlotte Smith
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Post by Ebony Summers Sun Mar 25, 2012 6:19 am

"Cool, I can't wait to meet him" Ebony replied smiling.

"Most definately Slytherin... father would disown anyone who went anywhere else" she replied frowning again.

"He hates anyone who isn't a Slytherin pure blood... he's an idiot" she continued.
Ebony Summers
Ebony Summers
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Clearing my head (open) Empty Re: Clearing my head (open)

Post by Charlotte Smith Mon Mar 26, 2012 12:52 am

Charlotte nodded her head slightly, hoping that she would get a chance to meet Ebony again once she had met Cobie, and she wuld ask her than what she thought of him.

When she said that her brother would be disowned if he got any other house than Slytherin, warning bells started to go off in her head, then it was completed when she said that he was a supremisict.

"Oh dear, that's not good at all! Because that is certainly not true, at least that you know that his beliefs aren't right? Yes?" she smiled lightly "Being at Hogwarts could so of be like an escape if you looked at it that way."
Charlotte Smith
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