Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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By the light of the moon (Leon and Maria)

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By the light of the moon (Leon and Maria) Empty By the light of the moon (Leon and Maria)

Post by Leon Becker Mon Jul 23, 2012 7:14 am

Leon was walking through his door after a very tough day at work. He'd been having meetings all day about what direction the country should take. It was honestly not surprising how many people high up in the ministry wanted nothing more than to destroy Britain so that it would never be a threat again.

It wasn't the answer of course. Thinking like that was what bred the conditions necessary for the second world war in the muggle world. No, what they were debating was the merits of a pre-emptive strike on Britain during the period of truce. He honestly didn't know where he stood on the subject.

But now that was over. He was home now so that meant it was time to spend the night with his love,

"Maria?" he called out with a happy smile as he moved into the kitchen and poured himself a glass of wine and Maria a glass of blood from a chilled bloodbag, "Maria where are you? I'm home!"
Leon Becker
Leon Becker
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By the light of the moon (Leon and Maria) Empty Re: By the light of the moon (Leon and Maria)

Post by Maria Arceneau Mon Jul 23, 2012 7:25 am

Maria had been cleaning the home that she and Leon shared together, she was very happy to do it because it meant that Leon didn't have to stress about the state of the home as well as the state of the country, after all it wss the least she could do to make him happy.

Placing the duster down on the tabletop nearest her, Maria smiled happily and ran towards the entrance where Leon would be, shimmying as she did so, her little maids dress now hung up in the closest Maria could wear what she wanted around the house, and she wore her favourite dark blue slip.

"Leon!" she smiled happily "You're home, you look like you've had a bad day...." Maria pouted gently "Are you okay?"

Taking the blood from her, Maria smiled gently and hugged Leon across the shoulders; "Or do you want to leave work at the door like normal my love?"
Maria Arceneau
Maria Arceneau

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By the light of the moon (Leon and Maria) Empty Re: By the light of the moon (Leon and Maria)

Post by Leon Becker Mon Jul 23, 2012 7:29 am

Leon chuckled a little bit when Maria greeted him happily and then immediately began to worry about him. It was nice to know that someone worried about him so much. He smiled a little bit and kissed Maria gently on the lips,

"It's been a long day, I make no secret of that, but it's all worth it to come home to you my darling." he assured her with a smile before kissing her again, quickly, "So yes, I'm okay. More than okay now I'm home with you."

He hugged her back, nuzzling her neck lovingly as he did so. Leon enjoyed just being able to hold her like this,

"At the door please." he chuckled, "How was your day then babe?"
Leon Becker
Leon Becker
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By the light of the moon (Leon and Maria) Empty Re: By the light of the moon (Leon and Maria)

Post by Maria Arceneau Mon Jul 23, 2012 8:00 am

Maria smiled happily and she returned the kiss that Leon gave her, she was so glad that they had managed to tell each other how they felt about each other, after all if they hadn't they would be alone now, as Momo would have left Leon for Crepens...

"I love you Leon." she smiled gently "Let's get us a little warm by the fire, or, well you get a warm by the fire and I'll just sit there." Maria smiled gently "I'd lit it for you a while ago, to warm the room for when you came home."

Holding him by the hand, Maria tugged Leon happily along into the living room and sat down on the sofa, patting the seat next to her for Leon to sit down.

"My day was boring, but it has only just started so theres plenty of time for that to change! I wish that I was able to have some friends outside of the Ministry though." she sighed.
Maria Arceneau
Maria Arceneau

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By the light of the moon (Leon and Maria) Empty Re: By the light of the moon (Leon and Maria)

Post by Leon Becker Mon Jul 23, 2012 8:20 am

Leon smiled into the kiss that they shared. It was amazing to him that she could love him so much. He was a man of many flaws after all. Many people would call him a bad man, a terrible man. Maybe they were right. Or maybe Maria was right, he was worthy of love,

"I love you too Maria." he told her warmly before smiling and nodding, "Yes that sounds like a good idea. You're so very thoughtful Maria! What would I do without you? I know! I'd die in a hole somewhere."

Following her as commanded, Leon sat down on the sofa beside Maria. Grinning, he pulled her onto his lap as he held her closer to him, loving having her in his arms,

"That's true enough Maria! Your day starts now after all." he grinned before pausing, "What about Charlie? And other vampires? You're a very likable person, I'm sure they like you."
Leon Becker
Leon Becker
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By the light of the moon (Leon and Maria) Empty Re: By the light of the moon (Leon and Maria)

Post by Maria Arceneau Mon Jul 23, 2012 8:39 am

Maria grinned happily and she was glad that Leon appreciated her work that she did for him, maybe he would even notice that she had done the cleaning for him, wondering if he had eaten as well, Maria pouted slightly as she thought and then, asked;

"Have you eaten any dinner today Leon, because I would be very glad to make you a meal if you haven't yet, I know that sometimes you don't eat and..."

Biting her lip gently Maria sucked on it as she shook her head, Maria knew that she would always be able to talk to Charlie, but she didn't want to see her for anything but business.

"Charlie used to be someone I could talk to but now...now she's just so driven for death and war, I just can't talk to her any more, but I was thinking about meeting up with Leonardo." Maria hummed.
Maria Arceneau
Maria Arceneau

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By the light of the moon (Leon and Maria) Empty Re: By the light of the moon (Leon and Maria)

Post by Leon Becker Mon Jul 23, 2012 8:45 am

Leon had to admit that without Maria in his life he'd be in a very dark and lonely place. And that would just be the state of his home. His personality probably wouldn't have been able to take her leaving. It would have hit him too hard for him to ever have recovered to be who he used to be,

"Um...." he looked a little bit sheepish before deciding to try his luck with a little white lie, "Yes? Yes... yes I ate dinner today. I totally did."

Watching his lover biting her lip a little bit, Leon was a little bit concerned. He wanted Maria to be able to have friends other than him after all. But at the same time it seemed that some of her friends were not too good at being friends,

"So you don't think of her as a friend anymore? I must admit she didn't seem like the kind of person you'd like when I spoke to her..." he agreed quietly before smiling and asking, genuinely curious, "Who's Leonardo?"
Leon Becker
Leon Becker
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By the light of the moon (Leon and Maria) Empty Re: By the light of the moon (Leon and Maria)

Post by Maria Arceneau Mon Jul 23, 2012 8:51 am

Maria's eyes flashed lightly when Leon told her that he ate dinner today, it was so obviously a lie to her that she didn't even bother to hear if he had a different answer to the one that she already knew was correct.

Leon would have been working right up to when he left then come right home to be with her, no time for eating at all.

"Leon Becker, don't you try to lie to me, now what do you want to eat? It's important you know to keep your strength up, what would you say to me if I stopped feeding?" she asked, a cutely stern look on her face as she tapped her fingers on her waist.

Shaking her head, Maria said quietly; "She used to be really quite mellow and pleasant to talk to, but she's changed. Oh!" Maria exclaimed, zooming off to her room, and returning in an instant with a portrait in hand.

"That's Leonardo, and obviously that's me." she grinned "He's my sire."
Maria Arceneau
Maria Arceneau

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By the light of the moon (Leon and Maria) Empty Re: By the light of the moon (Leon and Maria)

Post by Leon Becker Mon Jul 23, 2012 8:57 am

Leon knew that she didn't believe him. After all, she knew him almost as well as he knew himself. And he was so obviously lying that he'd have been a lot more surprised if she hadn't actually figured it out. He looked a little sheepish in the face of her cutely stern expression,

"Well it was worth a shot to keep you from worrying wasn't it? But if you insist... I don't know... how about a toastie or something? Cheese toastie would be lovely." he told her before frowning, "But if you stopped feeding I'd be very distressed so please don't stop it alright?"

Leon smiled sadly, "People change when things prompt them too. Seeing as what happened... I'm not surprised that Charlie changed the way that she did."

When she zoomed off, Leon chuckled a little bit at her enthusiasm. She came back with a portrait of her and a man. He chuckled a little bit,

"So he's the one who made you a vampire huh?" he smiled, "You keep in contact with him?"
Leon Becker
Leon Becker
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By the light of the moon (Leon and Maria) Empty Re: By the light of the moon (Leon and Maria)

Post by Maria Arceneau Mon Jul 23, 2012 9:20 am

Maria laughed her light and free laugh when Leon told her that he only wanted a toastie, standing up she kissed his forehead and smoothed back his hair gently, she enjoyed taking care of the man that she loved, and she hoped that Leon liked being taken care of, he needed to relax after all.

"Well you just sit here and I will make you my best croque moinsieur, it tastes lovely...or it did when I last ate it." she giggled "Don't worry, it was just an example, I won't stop feeding as long as you keep eating properly Mr."

Nodding her head, Maria shuddered a little bit, she was glad that she wasn't one of the vampires that the insane man had managed to kill, she wouldn't know what Leon would have done if she was.

"Yes he is, he's lovely, of course we keep in contact, mostly through letters though, I miss him very much..." she sighed.
Maria Arceneau
Maria Arceneau

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By the light of the moon (Leon and Maria) Empty Re: By the light of the moon (Leon and Maria)

Post by Leon Becker Mon Jul 23, 2012 9:32 am

Leon blushed ever so slightly when he heard his lover's bright and breezey laugh. It was a sound that he absolutely loved to hear because it told him that she was actually happy. He smiled a little bit when she kissed his forehead and moved his hair back. It was nice to be cared for so completely by Maria, the woman he loved. He grinned a little bit wider than before,

"Ah you are the absolute best Maria!" he told her happily, "I bet it'll taste absolutely divine! And we'll both just keep up on eating alright? That way we both stay around after all."

Seeing her shudder, Leon wasn't sure what to say. Honestly, if Jack Irvine had attacked Maria... he would have brought a vengence down upon Britain a thousand times worse than anything Charlie had done. He smiled a little bit more,

"Well if you miss him so much then how about we invite him round for you to catch up?" he suggested with a smile, "I'll have wine and the two of you can have blood and catch up."
Leon Becker
Leon Becker
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By the light of the moon (Leon and Maria) Empty Re: By the light of the moon (Leon and Maria)

Post by Maria Arceneau Mon Jul 23, 2012 9:48 am

Maria smiled happily and she skipped off into the kitchen to start making the sandwich for Leon, after all it was the least that she could do to make sure that he was happy and well fed. In a few minutes she hopped back with a freshly made cheese and ham toasty on a plate for Leon.

"Here you go Leon, I hope that you like it, it's been a while since I've made this, I just hope that the cheese is still as good as it was when I made it in France." she grinned happily.

When Leon told her that he would be here for her and she could invite Leonardo around to catch up, Maria scratched the back of her head and she didn't quite know how she would be able to quite tell him that she didn't want him there.

"Uhm...Leon I don't really think that it's a type of thing that you could come and be with me around..."
Maria Arceneau
Maria Arceneau

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By the light of the moon (Leon and Maria) Empty Re: By the light of the moon (Leon and Maria)

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