Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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By the shadow of the moon (Leon and Charlie)

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By the shadow of the moon (Leon and Charlie) Empty By the shadow of the moon (Leon and Charlie)

Post by Leon Becker Fri Jul 13, 2012 5:55 am

Leon sat at his desk with his hands steepled in front of him. He had been in meetings and talks with almost all of his advisors for about a week now about how to combat the British Rebels. He couldn't send Luther and his military, no matter how much Luther would like that, because it was still, technically, a military attacking civilians.

In the end Maria had given him the idea. Apparently some of the creatures had been riled up by British Rebels recently. This was good for him because it meant that if he could get a group of creatures on side he could use them as a deniable source of attacking forces. Maria had contacted a vampire named Charlie for him and he was now waiting for her to arrive with two goblets on the desk. One was filled with blood from a blood bank and the other filled with white wine. Wouldn't want them to get mixed up.
Leon Becker
Leon Becker
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By the shadow of the moon (Leon and Charlie) Empty Re: By the shadow of the moon (Leon and Charlie)

Post by Sehkmet Nassiri Fri Jul 13, 2012 5:59 am

Charlie walked through the German Ministry, it was a few days after the run in she had with the man from the British Rebels, now she had 'slept on her feelings' she found that she felt no differently than she did when it had first happened, her heart was still filled with hate.

It was one move too far, creatures had gone too far, they had been pushed and pulled, killed by these humans for too long, and this man had done it all for sport. Now it was time for the old Charlie to return, the one before she had met Marcus.

It was time for the Queen to return.

Her trouser suit snugly fitting her, Charlie walked through the corridors, and knocked on the door to the office, her eyes still glowing a deep red, and her skin much paler than normal, her vampiric features including her fangs were on permenant display.
Sehkmet Nassiri
Sehkmet Nassiri

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By the shadow of the moon (Leon and Charlie) Empty Re: By the shadow of the moon (Leon and Charlie)

Post by Leon Becker Fri Jul 13, 2012 6:07 am

Leon felt the wards alerting him gently to Charlie's approach. Vampires were very good at being stealthily to the human senses but magical detection they could not evade. So it was of no surprise to him when the knock came at his door.

Rather than simply wave it open, Leon stood from his chair and opened the door himself, holding it open wide for Charlie. It was a bit of manners that most wizards usually forgot,

"Good evening Miss Disneur." he greeted her with a friendly smile and a slight bow of the head, "It's a pleasure to meet you after Maria told me so much about you."

When Charlie was inside he closed the door and locked it. They didn't want anyone to know what was going on here. Kind of defeated the object of having a stealthy attack force. He gestured to the goblet on her side of the desk,

"I didn't know what type you preferred so I prepared a solution. Tap the side of the goblet and say what you wish it to be filled with. Right now it is A-negative."
Leon Becker
Leon Becker
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By the shadow of the moon (Leon and Charlie) Empty Re: By the shadow of the moon (Leon and Charlie)

Post by Sehkmet Nassiri Fri Jul 13, 2012 6:11 am

Charlie smiled gently when the door was opened for her, and when Leon bowed to her slightly, she was glad that manners had not escaped the whole of the wizarding population. Apparently just the Irish population of wizards.

When he mentioned Maria, Charlie smiled gently again and stepped inside his office, looking around to examine the decoration, it was very nicely done indeed.

"I hope that she only told you the best of things." she said with a small friendly nod "Indeed it is a pleasure to see you also, thank you for agreeing to see me on such short notice."

Seeing that he had gotten her some blood, Charlie smiled even wider and sipped the chalice; "Ah, perfect. Thank you very much for your kind hospitality." she said with a bow of her head "What did Maria...tell you of me?" Charlie asked.
Sehkmet Nassiri
Sehkmet Nassiri

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By the shadow of the moon (Leon and Charlie) Empty Re: By the shadow of the moon (Leon and Charlie)

Post by Leon Becker Fri Jul 13, 2012 6:19 am

Leon smiled slightly as he lead Charlie to her chair and pulled it out for her to sit down. He wasn't even really putting on an act. To be honest this was just how his mother had taught him to treat a woman who was to be respected and Charlie was to be respected to be sure. Maria had told him some things about Charlie, just general things really, but they painted a picture of a strong woman who would walk all over you if you let her but at the same time wanted a person to be polite. Leon fit the bill perfectly. His manners were the reason she was meeting with him and not Luther,

"Oh she made sure to tell me only those things that would speak highly of you." he assured her with a small smile, "She's kind like that. It's not a problem at all Miss Disneur. My time as Minister is not in much demand at nine in the evening and Maria is willing to wait up for me. Marvelously understanding woman that she is."

Seeing that Charlie apparently liked her blood, Leon sipped at his wine before setting it down on the table,

"Not much. Said that the two of you had met a few times." he looked at her with a soft smirk, "That you had been around longer than any other vampire she knew. I don't pretend to be an expert on the relationships between vampires but I assume that means that you are a... what is the term in english...? Pillar of the community? Very much respected."
Leon Becker
Leon Becker
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By the shadow of the moon (Leon and Charlie) Empty Re: By the shadow of the moon (Leon and Charlie)

Post by Sehkmet Nassiri Fri Jul 13, 2012 6:26 am

Charlie was not really interested in hearing about anything other than the business she had come here to take care of at the moment, however, she always had time and patience to listen about Maria, she had liked the girl when she had met her those few times, however brief their meeting.

"Well you would be surprised how late vampires can wait up for their loved ones to return home." she said with a faint smile "I believe Marcus will probably be waiting up for me, despite the fact he would be OD-ing on caffiene to do it."

With a small smile growing on her lips Charlie waved her hand to one side, she was powerful that was true, and many vampires when they met her looked up to her, but it wasn't all like that. In fact, quite the opposite on most counts;

"Most vampires who have things to hide, or who have done things wrong, avoid me. But I suppose I am influencial in the society, yes." she smiled gently "So, what do we discuss first then Mr. Becker?"
Sehkmet Nassiri
Sehkmet Nassiri

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By the shadow of the moon (Leon and Charlie) Empty Re: By the shadow of the moon (Leon and Charlie)

Post by Leon Becker Fri Jul 13, 2012 6:34 am

Leon knew that Charlie was not here because he had asked to talk to her but because Maria had asked Charlie to come and talk to him. He wasn't put out or anything. After all it was almost like they were part of a special club. He wasn't a member, they were, so they were bound to listen to each other more than him,

"Oh no I wouldn't. Maria waited for twelve hours when there was an assassination scare." he replied with a small smile before chuckling, "Sounds like a dedicated man. He must love you dearly."

He liked how she didn't soak in the praise for her abilities and her position, it suggested that she wasn't too obsessed with them and that would make her a lot easier to work with. Leon smiled a little bit,

"That's a lot of modesty from what I know about you Miss Disneur." he replied casually before frowning faintly, "First is to assure you of something. You have probably been assured this by your lover, Marcus, but I would like to remind you that not all humans are going to be as ignorant as Jack Irvine. You can still trust humans."
Leon Becker
Leon Becker
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By the shadow of the moon (Leon and Charlie) Empty Re: By the shadow of the moon (Leon and Charlie)

Post by Sehkmet Nassiri Fri Jul 13, 2012 6:43 am

Charlie waited to hear what Leon was going to say about the business aspect of what they had met up for, she meant the man no offense but he was a human, she did not like humans much at this moment in time, and she really wanted to make sure she could kill as many of them as vampirically possible.

When he mentioned that she could still trust humans, Charlie smirked a little bit, but it was quickly wiped from her face when he mentioned Jack Irvine. He had deeply insults and offended her in a manner that she could not endure in any way shape or form.

"I can still trust humans?" she asked, her eyes flashing as she dwelled in the anger that she held in her heart "No offense Leon but I have not seen much evidence of human trust in the last few years, so you'll have to work harder, if it's trust you desire. I don't mean to be offensive, however, when you've seen so much destruction by human hands, it's hard."
Sehkmet Nassiri
Sehkmet Nassiri

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By the shadow of the moon (Leon and Charlie) Empty Re: By the shadow of the moon (Leon and Charlie)

Post by Leon Becker Fri Jul 13, 2012 6:51 am

Leon could tell that the reason Charlie wanted to get to the business aspect of this meeting was that he was human. Normally this probably wouldn't have mattered to her, according to Maria, but she was angry at humans at the moment and an angry, old, vampire was not a good enemy to have.

When he mentioned Jack Irvine the temperature in the room seemed to drop and Leon was glad that he was not that british man right then,

"Yes you can still trust humans. You still trust your lover don't you?" he asked her with a small smile, "Humans are, by nature, rather destructive creatures I admit. But if you can trust humans in one thing it is that they wish their enemies destroyed by any means. I would like to ask for your help in taking the fight to my enemies. To your enemies as well."
Leon Becker
Leon Becker
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By the shadow of the moon (Leon and Charlie) Empty Re: By the shadow of the moon (Leon and Charlie)

Post by Sehkmet Nassiri Fri Jul 13, 2012 6:58 am

Charlie wondered if Leon was attempting to get her to trust him enough to make a deal with him, from what Maria had told her he was a good man, but then again she was sure people thought that Jack Irvine was a good man, when he was far from it.

When he mentioned Marcus again, her eyes flashed, it was none of his business to be quite frank but for the moment she would entertain him and his attempt to gain her favour;

"He will not be human for much longer." she smiled toothily "And he has always meant to be a vampire, it has just taken me this long to find him."

At the thought of killing Jack Irvine, Charlie grinned, her fangs showing through as she did so, it was a beautiful idea and she would love to have the change to kill the man, slowly.

"He killed many of my kind...for no more of a reason than for fun!" she growled "Who would I be having to fight if I decided that your cause was something I wanted to be able to join?"
Sehkmet Nassiri
Sehkmet Nassiri

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By the shadow of the moon (Leon and Charlie) Empty Re: By the shadow of the moon (Leon and Charlie)

Post by Leon Becker Fri Jul 13, 2012 7:06 am

Leon was trying to at least make Charlie hate him less because of his nature as a human. He didn't want her to hate him. He recongised that she might not be able to trust him completely but it would be a lot smoother if she at least didn't hate him.

He saw her eyes flashed when he mentioned Marcus and his eyebrow almost rose. While he might not be a 1000-year-plus vampire he was a strong wizard with intense training in taking down massively powerful opponents. It would get messy if she decided to go against his hospitality and attack him,

"Oh really now?" he raised the eyebrow this time before smiling a little bit wider, "Well congratulations. From what Maria has told me that means that you are willing to spend all eternity with him and he with you."

Leon could see the bloodlust in Charlie's eyes and for once it wasn't for drinking. Oh no, she wanted to killed Jack Irvine. He could accomodate her there,

"I have the number here actually. Brace yourself... it's rather sickening he would kill this many for amusement." he paused before reading the number, "Four hundred and fifty seven. I'm sorry. If you decided to help me and Germany then you would be fighting the British Rebels. Jack Irvine is a key member of this faction, as well as his twin brother. Help me and you will be given everything you need to fight them."
Leon Becker
Leon Becker
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By the shadow of the moon (Leon and Charlie) Empty Re: By the shadow of the moon (Leon and Charlie)

Post by Sehkmet Nassiri Fri Jul 13, 2012 7:22 am

Charlie listened intently to the Gott Des Assisstenten as he spoke about Jack Irvine, it would be amazing to be able to finally kill him for what he had done to her kind, and when she found out how many her had actually killed, Charlie's jaw dropped open, before it steeled itself shut and she growled a little.

Her hands dug into the desk and almost broke right through before she realised what she was doing and moved them away with an apologetic look at the finger shaped dints now in the table.

"My apologies about that, I...I was just unaware of the numbers he had managed to kill, how was this not brought to my attention sooner?" she asked herself more than anyone else.

When she was told that she would be given all of the things she needed to kill the two twins, Charlie grinned devilishly and she could not wait to get started killing those two boys, even though she felt bad for Jack's twin, perhaps she'd kill him first.

"You, Leon, have a deal." she purred "The British Rebels will fall, I guarentee it."
Sehkmet Nassiri
Sehkmet Nassiri

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By the shadow of the moon (Leon and Charlie) Empty Re: By the shadow of the moon (Leon and Charlie)

Post by Leon Becker Fri Jul 13, 2012 7:28 am

Leon had been expecting her to react poorly to the news of just how many of her people Jack Irvine had killed. He had to admit that he was surprised that a human could kill that many vampires. That, combined with the limited population of vampires, meant that Charlie was probably beyond pissed.

He waved it off when she gave him an apologetic look about his desk. Repairing it with a wave of his wand, he refilled Charlie's glass and pushed it closer to her. She might need a drink after hearing that,

"Don't worry, I understand." he told her quietly, "Jack Irvine, no matter how dispicable, is a smart man when it comes to killing. From what we know he managed to make them all appear to be accidents when the bodies were found."

Leon was not a man to smile at the misfortune of others but at this moment in time he made an exception and grinned as he raised his goblet,

"A toast then... to our new arrangement. May death come swiftly to our enemies." he smirked darkly, "Or perhaps not too swiftly."
Leon Becker
Leon Becker
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