Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Feeling a little under the weather

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Feeling a little under the weather  Empty Feeling a little under the weather

Post by Guest Sat Jan 21, 2012 2:45 am

Alys wasn't exactly sure if this was the right thing to do. She had only ever visited Medic Lange before and if rumor was true, the new medic was a man. The blonde had personally never seen him around school and she was thankful for that. Alys rarely ever felt sick and when she did, she just waited it out because she always held to the fact that she wouldn't run off for a bit of pepper up at the first sign of a sniffle.

But lately, she had been feeling a lot worse than just sniffles.

At first the witch had assumed that stress of the wedding preparations and their upcoming exams had been the cause off her slightly feverish skin and sudden shivering episodes. She had even thought the snows were to blame for the cramps she'd been feeling in her stomach lately. But then, just yesterday, the witch had been at the dining table and when someone had passed by with fried egg on their plate, she had almost gagged - very embarrassing in a room full of people by all counts.

Her mood had also been on edge lately, making her snap at pretty much everything. As a result, the witch had resolved to speak very little for fear of offending her friends.

Until this morning when one of the older girls had found her curled up in a fetal position on her bed. When she had asked her what the matter was, all Alys could say was that her stomach really hurt. The girl had kindly suggested Alys see the new medic and that he was a very nice man.

Taking a deep breath, the witch knocked on the door, waiting to be allowed in.


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Feeling a little under the weather  Empty Re: Feeling a little under the weather

Post by Guest Sat Jan 21, 2012 8:06 pm

Zara's thoughts were a million miles away as she walked down the fourth floor corridor to the Medic's Office. When Sabrina, a Muhe fourth year, told her that her friend had taken the hike up to see the medic, she was instantly worried. Alys would never see a medic if she didn't have too, so she left immediately to join her. Of course, she'd noticed that Alys seemed a little off-that was her best friend and sometimes she knew Alys better than herself-she had just thought, or hoped, that it was only a cold.

She spotted the straight, blonde hair immediately after she'd turned the corner, and called out to her. Alys seemed surprised to see her there so perhaps she should explain.

"Sabrina said you weren't feeling well and you had come up here. I figured you must be dying if you intend on speaking to a medic. So, I came to offer you my support, if you'd like it."


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Feeling a little under the weather  Empty Re: Feeling a little under the weather

Post by Guest Sat Jan 21, 2012 9:04 pm

Alys brightened up marginally at the sight of the redhead, automatically reaching out an arm to hug her best fiend. A warm smile appeared on her face at Zara's joking. She was about the only person who really understood the blonde's reluctance to see medic and take potions or pills.

"I don't think I'm dying, though I've been having cramps like you wouldn't believe. Sabrina was the one who told me to get off my feet and see the medic before I drive myself into a coffin," she replied. "I'm just about sick of it and the fact that I can hardly eat anything. I've literally been living on the fruits you've been... securing for me - well, that and the chocolate."

Alys wasn't sure what sickness she had but she was just about ready to get rid of it, and if we she needed to swallow a disgusting potion for it, then she would even do that.


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Feeling a little under the weather  Empty Re: Feeling a little under the weather

Post by Guest Sun Jan 22, 2012 5:36 am

"I've literally been living on the fruits you've been... securing for me - well, that and the chocolate."
Another thing Zara had noticed on her own.

She felt helpless in situations like this. She briefly remembered when her Papa had gotten real sick after her Momma died and the doctors were afraid that he wouldn't make it. Honestly, nothing scared her more than the thought of loosing someone else she loved. She tried pushing her worry to the side, fully intending on doing everything she could to make her friend feel better.

"Chocolate is an all powerful substance. That alone should have made you better." She put a hand to her friends cheek and morphed her face to mock pain.
"I'm going to miss you," she whispered somberly.

They always said laughter was the best medicine.


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Feeling a little under the weather  Empty Re: Feeling a little under the weather

Post by Guest Sun Jan 22, 2012 5:57 am

"I'm going to miss you," she whispered somberly.

"Zara!" Alys exclaimed before bursting into a giggle at the expression on the other witch's face. "You can return the funeral robes, I'm going to stay alive even if it means eating chocolate every minute of every day." Making her own somber face, she continued "It will be hard, but I'll do it for you, I'll swallow down each bite of chocolate for you and you alone."


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Feeling a little under the weather  Empty Re: Feeling a little under the weather

Post by Guest Sun Jan 22, 2012 7:03 am

"It will be hard, but I'll do it for you, I'll swallow down each bite of chocolate for you and you alone."

Zara placed her hand on the blonde's shoulders before speaking, her tone desperate, though she wash trying her best to supress the fit of giggles rising from her gut.

"Do it! Eat that chocolate, for me. BE WELL, MY CHILD!"

The last part had practically been yelled and she and Alys burst into a chorus of giggling.


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Feeling a little under the weather  Empty Re: Feeling a little under the weather

Post by Guest Sun Jan 22, 2012 7:28 am

"Do it! Eat that chocolate, for me. BE WELL, MY CHILD!"

The blonde burst into giggles at the same time as Zara succumbed to a fit of them too, both girls holding on to each other so as not to fall down from laughing so hard.

"Ow, you're awful," Alys complained mid giggle. "All this laughing isn't helping my cramps any." Still a huge smile on her face she said "come on, cough up the chocolate I know you must have brought over. I need it to tide me over until the medic can get me something to get rid of this stomach pain."


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Feeling a little under the weather  Empty Re: Feeling a little under the weather

Post by Guest Sun Jan 22, 2012 8:53 am

"You know I always have chocolate with me." A still giggling Zara said, reaching into her bag and pulling out Alys favorite candy bar as well as one for herself.


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Feeling a little under the weather  Empty Re: Feeling a little under the weather

Post by Guest Sun Jan 22, 2012 9:40 am

"Why do you think I keep you around?" the witch joked back, taking the candy bar and unwrapping the foil. The witch hoped the medic wouldn't choose this moment to open the door, because eh would be greeted with the sight of two witches indulging in very unhealthy food choices.


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Feeling a little under the weather  Empty Re: Feeling a little under the weather

Post by Deito Dozvettes Sun Jan 22, 2012 7:26 pm

Deito whistled as he strolled into his office. Adrynn was dead-asleep bouncing about in his sling that he carried her in. He should've been there waayyy before lessons or anything started but it was boring and Adrynn needed her pacifier. So he took his sweet time getting there when he arrived he noticed two girls there, much to his surprise.

"Hello there ladies." Raising a brow and stuffing his hands in his pockets he looked at them through the glasses he decided to wear. "What seems to be the problem? Or let me rephrase that; problems?" Tilting his head he kept a brow raised.

Deito Dozvettes

Posts : 13
Join date : 2012-01-15

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Feeling a little under the weather  Empty Re: Feeling a little under the weather

Post by Guest Sun Jan 22, 2012 10:03 pm

"Uh... hello sir," Alys began cautiously, wrapping the rest of her candy and hastily shoving it in her pocket guiltily. "I'm Alys, Diederich sir, and I wasn't feeling very well. This is Zara, my housemate and she just came with me."

The blonde looked at the man nervously, wondering if he would be angry, and then she realized that he was actually carrying.... "is that a baby?" she blurted out.


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Feeling a little under the weather  Empty Re: Feeling a little under the weather

Post by Deito Dozvettes Sat Jan 28, 2012 3:53 pm

Deito smiled and cradled Adrynn's head as he walked over to his desk and pulled out a 'Pepper Up' potion. Thinking about it he reconsidered it. The girl wasn't in any harmful mattered but she certainly wasn't eight or nine so... He reached in deeper and tossed her a chocolate bar and a bag of cookies.

"Enjoy." He smiled before pulling the curtain to the other bed and unstrapping Adrynn to place her on the pillow and taking off his sweater and lying it on the baby who squirmed a little.

"Oh and you are free to stay if the pain hurts more." He called over before comfortably settling beside Adrynn.

Deito Dozvettes

Posts : 13
Join date : 2012-01-15

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Feeling a little under the weather  Empty Re: Feeling a little under the weather

Post by Guest Sun Jan 29, 2012 1:24 pm

Alys was sure the medic was going to give her a horrible potion for the pains but when he tossed her chocolate and cookies, she couldn't believe her luck. Sabrina had been right in telling her to see the medic.

"Thank you sir," she said brightly, giving one of the packs to Zara. "I thought I would need something nasty like a pill but these work great. And your baby is very beautiful," she added truthfully before taking his leave and dragging Zara along with her.


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