Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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A Study Area (Open to all) Empty A Study Area (Open to all)

Post by Humphrey Williams Mon Jan 23, 2012 2:30 pm

Humphrey climbed the staircases, and he finally reached the seventh floor. Once on the seventh floor he decided to explore the old Prison Tower. He was trying to find a place of solitude. The library was not a bad place to study and think and the librarian was nice, but it was still too loud for him. He desired complete isolation. He looked into the prison tower, nobody had been here for years as far as he could tell. He muttered, "Alohomora." and the locking mechanism on the door clicked into the unlocked position. Pushing on the door, he encountered resistant. It had been so long since the last time the door had been used, that the hinges were almost completely rusted shut. Lowering his shoulder, he drove with his legs, and eventually with a loud cracking sound of rust the door gave and swung inward. Next time he would bring oil and grease to apply to the hinges. Since he intended to use the place as his personal study area, he did not want to have to force his way in every single time. And it would fix the problem of the loudness of the door. It would drive him insane if it was loud regularly when he was using it three or four times a week to study.

He decided to put the prison tower to the test as a place where he could think. Pulling out one of his journals and the quill and ink pot he always kept on his person, Humphrey imagined himself int he imaginary fiction world he had created. He put himself in his main character's shoes and lost himself writing in his journal. At that particular point in the novel it was especially exciting. The middle of one of two main battles in the book was taking place. It was the first of the two, and his main character was dueling a highly skilled opponent, and he became famous for his victory against her after events calmed down a bit. People looked at his main character with a new-found respect for him. They now knew that he was very powerful indeed, and dangerous as well.

After writing seven pages in his story Humphrey looked up. The sun was setting and from his view on the second-highest tower he had a spectacular view of the pinks, purples, reds, and oranges in the sunset sky. They were also reflected on the glass-like smooth surface of the lake. He decided he would take Charlotte up here one night. But first he would ask her for a canvas and painting supplies. He would make the excuse of drawing a color portrait of you that he wanted to do all himself. And he would only let her see his painting of the sunset once he had completed it. He decided he would make it a silhouette of Charlotte as well so the story he concocted to fool her wasn't a complete lie.
Humphrey Williams
Humphrey Williams
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A Study Area (Open to all) Empty Re: A Study Area (Open to all)

Post by Parker Emery Mon Jan 23, 2012 6:19 pm

Parker was taking yet another stroll through the castle as curfew drew nearer. He thought it safer then wandering the grounds outside since his last incident, and knew no one would be around to help him if his foolish curiosity got the better of him again, getting him into life-threatening trouble. He found his way to another tower, much like the abandoned one he'd gone to where Charlotte and that Gryffindor boy had met. Well, this one also seemed abandoned, but something seemed a bit different. It didn't seem quiet as ill used as the other.

As he approached the top of the tower he noticed a door which was slightly opened. He would have assumed it had just always been open, but the dust being disturbed around it and some rust crumbling off the hinges told him otherwise. He wondered who else could be out in the towers at this time. Surely not Charlotte again.

He slowly walked towards the door, trying very hard not to make any noise, though he wouldn't doubt his foot steps could be heard in the very still silence. He hope that he wasn't heard though. As he neared the door, he very carefully peeked inside, trying to get a look to see if there was anyone in there whilst trying not to be seen. Being so sneaky got his heart racing a little, anticipation of something or someone being inside. Even if there was no one, sneaking around after curfew was a bit exciting in and of it self. Well, the hat did say that Slytherins had a bit of disregard for the rules. The thought made Parker smile a bit, trying to keep his slightly quicker and heavier breathing silent as he tried to get a better look inside the room.

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A Study Area (Open to all) Empty Intruder Alert

Post by Humphrey Williams Mon Jan 23, 2012 6:24 pm

Humphrey heard the sound of breathing, and then he heard it disappear. Trying to sneak up on him, was he? He would give him a surprise. He shifted into his Animagus form, a large Hippogriff. Then he charged out the door into the cool evening air and took off into the air. Wheeling around the tower in a circle, he spotted Parker. He would make a dive at him, and then land next to him. He did so, and once he landed he transformed back into Humphrey. "Never sneak up on me again! It is bad manners, Parker." he told the shocked Slytherin.
Humphrey Williams
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A Study Area (Open to all) Empty Re: A Study Area (Open to all)

Post by Parker Emery Mon Jan 23, 2012 6:36 pm

Looking inside of the room he suddenly saw a very large animal, and jumped out of the way of the door as it flew out. Parker knocked back into the wall of the tower, gripping it with his heart pounding, his breathing ragged, and knees weak. He watched as it flied around wondering what in the world it was, frightened. As he saw it dive down at him, he slid down the wall, bringing his knees up, wrapping his head over his arms.

Why him? Even inside the castle he wasn't safe from weird things attacking him. He let out a scared noise as he felt it come nearing, thinking it was going to attack him and inevitably kill him. When it didn't hit him and felt the large presence leave, Parker still didn't look up. He was frozen in fear which was a terrible thing to be, he felt so vulnerable. He stayed like that for a few brief moments until he heard a voice.

"Never sneak up on me again! It is bad manners, Parker." His head shot up and Parker looked at the boy. It took a few moments for his mind to process what had just happened and he blurted out in one startled breath, "I-I had no clue anyone was in there!!" He took a deep breath, lowering his hands and gripping his knees tightly, trying to calm down his wildly beating hard and frazzled nerves. What the hell had just happened to him?

Parker Emery

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A Study Area (Open to all) Empty Animagus

Post by Humphrey Williams Mon Jan 23, 2012 6:44 pm

"You did so know someone was in there. I heard your breathing disappear and knew you were sneaking up. And to answer that puzzled look you are giving me I am a registered Animagus. That means I can transform at will to that form and back." he explained. "I won't hurt you. In fact, you are welcome to hang out a bit if you want to.
Humphrey Williams
Humphrey Williams
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A Study Area (Open to all) Empty Re: A Study Area (Open to all)

Post by Parker Emery Mon Jan 23, 2012 6:53 pm

Parker raise his voice a bit at his accusation. "I did not know! If I did see you there I would have left right off!" He took another breath, trying to calm down more. He wasn't usually so harsh sounding and loud, but he did just have an awful fright. Parker looked at him when he said he was an Anim-something, whatever that meant. He'd perhaps ask someone or look up about it later.

Parker gave Humphrey a confused and disbelieving look when he said he wouldn't hurt him. "Why in the world would you turn into that bloody thing and try to attack me then!?"

Parker Emery

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A Study Area (Open to all) Empty Just Having Some Fun

Post by Humphrey Williams Mon Jan 23, 2012 6:59 pm

"I was just having some fun, Parker. I'm sorry if I upset you. It won't happen again." he told him. Couldn't this kid take a joke. "Listen, an Animagus is a witch or wizard can transfigure him or herself into an animal. They can switch back and forth between animal and human shape." he explained to him.
Humphrey Williams
Humphrey Williams
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A Study Area (Open to all) Empty Re: A Study Area (Open to all)

Post by Parker Emery Mon Jan 23, 2012 7:02 pm

Parker slowly stood up, not taking his eyes off him as he kept his back to the wall. "I'm sorry but I don't think that's very funny... I've never even heard or seen anything like that before."

Parker Emery

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A Study Area (Open to all) Empty Lesson Learned

Post by Humphrey Williams Mon Jan 23, 2012 7:38 pm

"Sorry. It won't happen again Parker." he told him. "I assure you I learned my lesson."
Humphrey Williams
Humphrey Williams
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A Study Area (Open to all) Empty Re: A Study Area (Open to all)

Post by Parker Emery Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:17 am

"Right...so what was that thing you turned into anyways?" He felt bad that he had to ask such a question, being so ignorant of the wizarding world. From all the research he'd been doing in the library as of late, he thought he should know more.

Parker Emery

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A Study Area (Open to all) Empty Hippogriff

Post by Humphrey Williams Tue Jan 24, 2012 12:13 pm

"Haha, a Hippogriff. It is a cross between an eagle and a horse. Somehow it seems to me to be my animal personality. Proud, noble, and dangerous if prodded. Also symbolizes my Gryffindor affiliation I think." he explained to him.
Humphrey Williams
Humphrey Williams
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A Study Area (Open to all) Empty Re: A Study Area (Open to all)

Post by Parker Emery Tue Jan 24, 2012 12:24 pm

Parker nodded, "A hippogriff...interesting." He'd remember that name for if and when he looked u about it later. From just the glimps he caught of Humphrey in that form, it seemed a magnificent animal. Parker looked back at the door.

"So...what were you doing in there? "

Parker Emery

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A Study Area (Open to all) Empty Writing My Novel

Post by Humphrey Williams Tue Jan 24, 2012 12:46 pm

"Writing my novel. I am working on a time-travelling science fiction novel. And a wizard fantasy novel I started before I found out I was a wizard. I always loved stories about wizards for some reason, and then I found out I was one. My stories are titled Wizard's Crash Course, and Stellar Steve. I plan to publish both of them when I complete them. Hopefully by my favorite muggle Publisher Random House." he told Parker.
Humphrey Williams
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A Study Area (Open to all) Empty Re: A Study Area (Open to all)

Post by Parker Emery Tue Jan 24, 2012 12:54 pm

Parker nodded again, finding it quite interesting. "So...kind of artistic like Charlotte? Besides you two I don't really know any one else who draws or writes. That's kind of cool."

Parker Emery

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A Study Area (Open to all) Empty Re: A Study Area (Open to all)

Post by Humphrey Williams Tue Jan 24, 2012 12:57 pm

"Yea, she is giving me art lessons too. I always have my three notebooks on me. One for drawings. One for Wizard's Crash Course, and one for Stellar Steve." he explained. He drew out his notebooks and showed him to Parker, proving his statement.
Humphrey Williams
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A Study Area (Open to all) Empty Re: A Study Area (Open to all)

Post by Parker Emery Tue Jan 24, 2012 1:02 pm

Parker remember what the two had talked about concerning art up in the abandoned tower. He suddenly realized how sneaky he'd been a bit recently. "Oh, is she? That's nice of her to do.."

He looked at the note books smiling a a bit. He knew he'd never have the patience to write a short story, let alone a novel, not to mention the talent he lacked.

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A Study Area (Open to all) Empty Yeah

Post by Humphrey Williams Tue Jan 24, 2012 1:06 pm

"Yeah, I am sure she would be willing to teach you if you asked her nicely." he told her.
Humphrey Williams
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A Study Area (Open to all) Empty Re: A Study Area (Open to all)

Post by Parker Emery Tue Jan 24, 2012 1:08 pm

He shook his head. "Oh, no. I've not an artistic bone in my body. I've only ever talked to her once anyway..."

Parker Emery

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A Study Area (Open to all) Empty Re: A Study Area (Open to all)

Post by Humphrey Williams Tue Jan 24, 2012 1:12 pm

"Okay, fair enough. Would you like any writing lessons. I would be willing to teach you if you wanted to. I would also let you borrow one of my novels if you want to." Humphrey said kindly.
Humphrey Williams
Humphrey Williams
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A Study Area (Open to all) Empty Re: A Study Area (Open to all)

Post by Parker Emery Tue Jan 24, 2012 1:15 pm

Parker shrugged a little. "I've got no talent for writing either I'm sure. Though I wouldn't mind reading through a bit of what you've got written." Parker smiled a little, realizing this Humphrey guy's outgoing nature was a bit refreshing. Being so absolutely open and uninhibited about everything must be pretty nice.

Parker Emery

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A Study Area (Open to all) Empty Alright

Post by Humphrey Williams Tue Jan 24, 2012 1:23 pm

"Alright Parker. Here is Stellar Steve. I am in the middle of writing a battle scene in Wizard's Crash Course. Hopefully you enjoy it. If you have any questions or critique or anything let me know. Tell me what you think. That is the only way I will know what I need to improve upon and use more of, etc., etc..." he told Parker Emery. He handed him the slightly less worn notebook of the two story notebooks. The art notebook was still new and fresh, still hardly used. "Enjoy, you can keep it however long you want. If I need the notebook I will ask for it." he said.
Humphrey Williams
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A Study Area (Open to all) Empty Re: A Study Area (Open to all)

Post by Parker Emery Tue Jan 24, 2012 1:28 pm

Parker took the notebook from him, opening it and looking inside the cover briefly before closing it and smiling a bit. "Thanks, I'll let you know what I think. And I wont take too long with it, don't worry, I'm a pretty fast reader."

Parker Emery

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A Study Area (Open to all) Empty All right

Post by Humphrey Williams Tue Jan 24, 2012 1:48 pm

"All right. Well, I gotta go, bye Parker." he said and ran quickly down the steps. He was running late and he knew it...
Humphrey Williams
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A Study Area (Open to all) Empty Re: A Study Area (Open to all)

Post by Parker Emery Tue Jan 24, 2012 1:51 pm

Parker watched him leave, forgetting to say goodbye, curious as to what he was going to be late for. Setting back to his original plan, he took a few steps to go into the room where Humphrey had just been in, scanning around the dusty, empty, and cold room.

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A Study Area (Open to all) Empty Journal

Post by Humphrey Williams Wed Jan 25, 2012 7:43 pm

Humphrey entered his private study area that only Parker knew about. He sat down and started crying over last night. Charlotte still wasn't treating him the same way she had been before the ball. How could she not believe he was sincere? He didn't know. He decided to write all his thoughts and feelings down in his journal. Ten pages and lots of uncontrollable sobbing later he closed his journal. He felt better, and if Charlotte ever thought he didn't care about her he would show her his journal. He had evidence now.
Humphrey Williams
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