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Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 6:32 am

Leshia could not understand why she took Muggle studies unless it was just to upset her parents. She really didn't know much about them. She was lucky she could answer the question the teacher asked.

She wished she knew where Tessa was so she could help her on this assignment.

But since didn't have the muggle brains she went in search of some books that might be able to help her out. Finding some books that might help her she sat down at an empty table and pulled out her parchment and some papers and began her notes.


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Study Help (Open) Empty Re: Study Help (Open)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 6:41 am

Tessa had decided that she was going up to the library, she really didnt' have a reason. Yasmina was barking because she was happy. It meant that she got a break from the common room.

After a couple of mintues both Yasmina and Tessa walked into the library.


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Study Help (Open) Empty Re: Study Help (Open)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 6:51 am

Leshia was write in the middle of a paragraph when she thought she heard a dog barking. Well the only one she knew that had a dog was tessa so she looked up and saw her.

She ran up to Tessa probably scaring the girl cause the dog barked.

"Tessa, Tessa, I am so glad your here. You have so got to help me with my assignment. PLEASE!!!PLEASE!!" Leshia was practically begging.


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Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 6:54 am

Tessa blinked as she heard Leshia beg.

" Sure, I mean I can try and help you." She hoped that it wasn't with potions because that was her weakest subject.


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Study Help (Open) Empty Re: Study Help (Open)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:06 am

Leshia was so glad she wanted to help so she practically drug her over to the table she was sitting at.

"Sorry didn't mean to drag you.." Leshia smiled

"I have to write an essay about muggle transportation and all I know about them is there are airplanes, cars, and trains. But that is it. She also wants to know what they are run on."

Leshia almost sounded like she was in a panic.


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Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:09 am

Tessa started to laugh. " How long does this essay have to be?"

She couldn't help but laugh. " It can run off of diseal fuel, it can run off gas."


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Study Help (Open) Empty Re: Study Help (Open)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:28 am

Leshia smacked her head with her hand. "I forgot, I was sorry worried about what the assignment contained I forgot."

Leshia was trying hard to think about it.

"50 to 100 words I think. A basic summary of the different types of transportation and the different fuels they run on."


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Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:30 am

Tessa smiled. " There are subways and trolleys. But it seems like everything runs off gas." She was glad that she could help in any way.


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Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:45 am

Leshia was writing all of these ways down. The she looked into the book and she read something about running on electricity.

"Wait what about this here." She flips the book around and places it in from of Tessa just like any friend she has when she wants to show her something.

"It says here that there are cars that run on electricity, how is that even possible.


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Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:47 am

Tessa smiled. " I am not sure how it works, but I guess it is good for the envirement."


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Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:01 am

Leshia had to laugh at what she had said.

"Good for the environment, that's funny. I guess I have never thought of doing things for the environment, Does that happen a lot in the muggle world?"

Leshia had been in the muggle world a couple of times when she wanted to got to the beach but other than that she had known nothing about it.


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Study Help (Open) Empty Re: Study Help (Open)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:04 am

Tessa started to laugh. " No. I wish more people would do it. I mean you have to think about global warming, how this affects it."


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Study Help (Open) Empty Re: Study Help (Open)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:27 am

If Tessa could see she would see a look of dumbfounded on Leshia's face. She had no idea what she was talking about. It seems like it should be a concern for everyone but that was not something that Leshia never learned.

"Remember I live in a strict Pureblood house, I have no idea what you are talking about. I am so confused."

Leshia felt really stupid right now, she felt like her parents only taught her the things they wanted her to know.

"I hate feeling stupid" Leshia hit her head on the table.


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Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:33 am

Tessa smiled. " It is alright that you don't understand."

" Globel Warning not only affects muggles, but also the wizarding word."


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Study Help (Open) Empty Re: Study Help (Open)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:00 am

Global Warming what the heck is that Leshia was thinking.

"Does that have something to do with over heating the planet." That kind of seemed like it would mean something like that.

"Sorry I kind of got off of my summary. It has been interesting."


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Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:03 am

Tessa smiled. " Yeah I think so, never really understood it myself. I know at the ophanage the older girls would try and explain what was going on in the world."


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Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:34 am

Leshia was putting the finally touches on her summary so she could turn it in to Professor Valentine.

"So I haven't talked to you in awhile, how are things going with Damien?"

Leshia still had no idea what was going on with Tabi because she had not seen her.

"I have another question for you, I know it might sound weird, but have you heard of anything happening to my sister, I haven't seen her since classes got out."

Leshia knew that she should go look for her but if she was locked away in the room she couldn't get in there.


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Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:30 pm

Tessa blinked when she wanted to talk about Damien. She knew that she couldn't tell her everything. And that was one thing that bugged her. Because she knew Leshia was her best friend, and she didn’t' want to keep anything from her. But in this case she knew she would have to. Only because Damien told her not to tell anybody.

She then remembered the fight that she over head the other day. Tessa wondered if this is was Leshia was talking about. But she smiled a little bit. “ Yeah the other day she was talking to me in the library. “ I guess she told me stuff that Damien didn’t' want me to know.”

She knew that she already knew, but didn’t' really feel like repeating any of it to Leshia. But I told Damien that Tabi told me and then he went and took it out on her. How he was yelling at her and treating like she was no better than dirt. But then Professor Valentine came down and gave everybody detentions.”

“ And then Damien owled be, asking me if I could meet him. Just so that we could talk about what had happened. Because he knew that I heard everything and didn't want me to be scared of him. At first I was really tempted to not go, but Yasmina thought that she would take it on herself to make sure that I went.”


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Study Help (Open) Empty Re: Study Help (Open)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:44 am

Leshia was surprised that Tessa didn't tell her anything about her and Damien and she found that odd, but knowing Damien he probably threatened her within an inch of her life is she talked about them that's how he was.

"Well I guess I will have to go and chat with Damien myself then and maybe he will tell me the story, cause I know there is one it is written all over your face." Leshia smiled

Leshia listened to the rest of the story about Tabi and Damien. Well she figured it was something bad.

"Oh I cannot believe that Tabi told you anything." Leshia just shook her head, didn't she learn anything with those hundreds and hundreds of lines we had to write.

"Tabi knows the rules all too well, a Slytherin wife does not reveal anything about her husband, or in Tabi's case husband to be." Leshia would have though that rule first and foremost would have stuck out in her mind.

"I believe I might have to have a chat with him over that too, not to mention Tabi" Leshia thought she should try using her telepathy with her sister. They had worked on it over the summer and gotten it to work at great distances, but they agreed not to bug each other on it all the time.


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Study Help (Open) Empty Re: Study Help (Open)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:09 am

It wasn't that Tessa didn’t' want to tell about her and Damien. It was the fact that he made her promise not to tell anybody. She didn't even want to tell her sisters, and she was sure that Tessa would tell them anything. Because one thing she hated was to keep secrets. And that was because she wasn't good at it. She remembered that Damien had promised her that he would never hurt her, and she had to keep believing this.

“ I don’t' think that he would tell you either.” She knew that she wanted to tell Leshia. And she knew that she wouldn't be upset. But she didn't want it to get back to his father. Because Tessa was scared what he would do to Damien. She then remembered what Tabi told Tessa, that he father would be glad if he broke a Gryffindor heart. And that is one thing that Tessa couldn't even think about right now.

She then started to sigh when she told what happened to Tabi and Damien. Tessa was actually feeling sorry for Tabi. And after the library talk, Tessa didn’t' think that was possible. But she felt like nobody should be treated like that, pureblood or not. “ Tabi is just a human, this is something normal in the muggle world. But we don't act like the old pureblood families. I don't remember when we stopped using that practice.”

Tessa smiled. “ That sounds nice.” She decided that she might try and have another chat with Tabi. Maybe she wasn't all the bad, and maybe Tessa could tell her how sorry that she felt. She knew that she didn't understand any of these rules. But if Tabi thought how bad Tessa felt, it might make things better.


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Post by Guest Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:12 pm

Leshia almost laughed out loud when she said that Damien would not tell her either. It was obvious that Tessa did not truly understand the relationship that Tabi and her had with Damien.

"Thats is ok I really do not want to know anyway.' Leshia lied she really did want to know but was not going to press the issue it appeared she wasn't going to tell her anyway.

Leshia did laugh out loud when she made the comment about Tabi being human.

"I am not sure about that, she might be human some of the time."

Leshia was listening to her talk about what purebloods do in comparison to muggles. It always happens this way though. Unless you live the life you do not understand how it works.

Leshia started to get her things together to head back to her dorm.

"I just hope you understand that until this marriage contract is gotten rid of the Tabi will always be in the picture when it comes to Damien. They still have a show to put on for our parents."


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Study Help (Open) Empty Re: Study Help (Open)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:28 pm

Tessa smiled, she knew that Leshia would never tell. But she couldn't trust anybody with this, not even her two older sisters. Which she knew that Leshia knew Salina, because they was in the same house. She you tell that Leshia wanted to hear all of the details. And maybe one day she would tell her. But she knew that Leshia wouldn't press her just yet.

She couldn't believe that she laughed at that part. “ Well it is true, Humans are homo sapience. And it doesn't matter if you are pureblood or not, that part is true. I am sure that she doesn't act that way all the time.” She then paused for a couple of seconds. “ Every person has a bit of good inside of them. It just sometimes you have to go dig for it.”

Tessa knew that she really didn’t' understand what it was like to be a pureblood. And she would probably never know. Because she didn’t' even know what her blood status was, because her parents put her up for adoption at a young age. But she decided that she would try her best and understand Leshia and Tabi.

“ Yes I understand that, Professor Slytherin explained it to me. Which somethings I just don't get. But she says there is a way for it to be broken. And I know I have to remember that Tabi is going to have to stay in the picture. And that I must understand this and not push Damien away.”


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Study Help (Open) Empty Re: Study Help (Open)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 24, 2012 2:21 pm

Leshia smiled at Tessa.

"Tabi and Damien are both very strong and stubborn people and neither of them likes to be pushed around and told what to do. Tabi is weak when it comes to Damien and that is all, anyone else better watch out if they tick her off." Leshia knew this part all too well.

"I can talk freely because they both know I will kick both their butts in a second if they tried anything with me." Leshia knew with the three of them it has always been throw spells first and ask questions later, but they did love each other, how could they not.

"I am going to give you a little piece of advise about Damien. He is a very hard shell to crack and he will push you away many times just to real you back in. If you want to be with him you will need to keep coming back to him." Leshia smiled at Tessa.

"You just have to figure out if your heart can make it, because believe me it will brake many times before Damien's shell will."


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Study Help (Open) Empty Re: Study Help (Open)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 24, 2012 2:35 pm

Tessa then sat there and listened to Leshia talk about Tabi and Damien.

“ I could tell that about Tabi when I first saw her. She reminds me of this girl I grew up with. She would never take no for an answer. That is why I always tried to stay on her good side. But when it came to me she had more patients. But that was because I was blind. I know some of the girls would pick on me and Hannah would be the first person to stand up for me.” She couldn’t' believe that she told that story to anybody.

There was no doubt that they all wasn't close. Because Tessa guessed that they had to be because of what they went through. And if Tessa was in the same situation, she would do the same thing. She then remembered this muggle song that said lean on me. She had to remember that she couldn't do it all by herself.

She then listened closely to the advice that Leshia was giving about Damien. “ Why would he push anybody he loves away. Is it because he gets this thrill of watching them come running back to him. Like the person can't go on living without him?” When Leshia said the last part, she knew that it was true. It seemed like every time they would get into a fight it would break Tessa's heart.


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Study Help (Open) Empty Re: Study Help (Open)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:01 pm

Leshia was not sure how to explain what she was talking about with Damien.

"I really do not know how to explain things about Damien. His parents have always kept him at a distance. As in not held him too close so feeling love is something that is new for him. So his first reaction is to push it away."

Leshia knew she would take heat for this, but he would just have to get over it she was trying to help.

"Damien seems to need attention and when he doesn't get it he moves on. Let me give you an example.." Leshia was unsure how much she should reveal but she decided just to go for it all.

"Damien spent a lot of time around the lake this summer and while he was there he met a girl and he was instantly attracted to her and he had a great time spending time with her. Tabi and I had to listen to him go on and on for days." Leshia and Tabi spent a lot of time with him during the holidays and they still met in secret to discuss things so they always knew what was going on.

"Anyway he was all excited for school to start so he could see this girl. When he met you on the train his goal was to drive you crazy and make you hate him. Thats why he took all of the classes he took was to annoy you."

This was such a long story she had to keep taking breaks to breathe.

"Anyway it was in potions that it was a final breaking point, he tried to talk to this girl and she ignored him. He had tried a few times to talk to her and she ignored him. Everytime he talked to you, you didn't ignore him."

Leshia could not believe she was going to say this. "He wants attention, because he has never gotten it at home, so where he can get the attention he will go."


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