Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Resting Up (OPEN) Empty Resting Up (OPEN)

Post by Briony Romain Tue Jan 31, 2012 2:10 am

Briony hadn't thought that the cold war would break so quickly but she knew now that she was going to have to step everything up in terms of the schooling of the children, maybe start a duelling club and scrap the drama programme.

Taking out the bottle of firewhiskey, Briony uncorked it and took a deep gulp from it, hoping that it would help her relax above everything else.

The fight was tough and she knew the Doctor would be on the way to developing his own strength so she herself would have to start work on her own spells she had been attempting to create.

Deep in thought she sighed.
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Post by Sofia Slytherin Tue Jan 31, 2012 2:43 am

Sofia had all of her things packed. She was going to just Apparate home but she thought a nice relaxing ride in the carriage was the best. It would give her time to think.

That battle with Konig had been a hard one, lots of feelings involved with that one. She was in shock when he came into the trophy room because he was the last thing she expected. She had not seen him in years and when he called her by name he thought he knew who she was, but it was till the end of the fight.

The last time she saw him she was going by the name of Serena Duaphner and she had blonde hair. It was back when she didn't know what she wanted or what she was doing. It was almost a rebellon thing. The last time he saw her was at the Battle of Lübeck, that was so long ago.

Making her way into the carriage she saw the headmistress sitting there.

"Care for some company?"
Sofia Slytherin
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Post by Briony Romain Tue Jan 31, 2012 7:12 pm

Briony slowly surfaced from her thoughts when she heard someone asking her if she wanted company, turning her head up she saw that it was in fact Sofia, nodding with her slight smile on her face briony gestured to any of the empty seats around her.

"Please do, sit." she said in a quiet but resolved voice.

The battle between her and the Doctor still weighed heavily on her mind, true both of them had strengths but it was which one would actually win in an all out battle...if she didn't have the stone...

"How are you? Back to normal after the shambles that was the End of Year Ball?"
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Post by Lucia Henley Wed Feb 01, 2012 8:48 am

Lucia saw both Sofia and Briony sitting in a compartment together. She knocked and smiled.

"Mind if I join you?" she asked with a smile.

She was beyond happy that both Sofia and Briony, the two colleagues she had befriended most, had managed so well in the battles. Lucia knew she shouldn't underestimate anyone of them, but though she knew them, she had never seen the extent of their powers. She was just grateful.
Lucia Henley
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Post by Sofia Slytherin Wed Feb 01, 2012 10:34 am

Sofia made herself comfortable and was about to answer Briony's question when Lucia walked in the room.

"Hey sure, lots of room." Sofia at this point had taking off her shoes..Her feet had really been killing her. After slipping off her shoes she slid her feet under her and leaned up against the window.

"Yes I feel much better, and thanks to Lucia here my scratches and bruises are about gone. I was so worried about keeping the kids safe I didn't give it one thought about having to fight one on one. My energy was completely depleted. Thats why I hate to fight wand-less, unless I have too."

Lucia said looking out the window remembering the way she had gotten away, it was actually pretty easy.

"So Lucia I heard that Corrine Girard was still in a coma, how is she doing?"
Sofia Slytherin
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Post by Briony Romain Wed Feb 01, 2012 7:20 pm

Briony smiled as Lucia entered the carriage and she gestured to the seats still empty around her, with a smile she took another large swig from the bottle of firewhiskey before putting it on a small table next to her.

"Come in come in, the more the merrier I should say."

Nodding when Sofia said that she was alright, much better than on the night, Briony felt a little relaxed, all the staff really had pulled together for the fight, it was further cementing she had made good choices.

"Well then, I'm glad that you're doing well, all thanks to our amazing healer over here, you must have been quite drained after using all that magic? Hopefully you're back to normal also?"

With the chaos of the last few days of term Briony raised her eyebrow, she had somehow not heard about this and frowned slightly;

"A coma? How did that happen?"
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Post by Lucia Henley Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:27 am

Lucia smiled and took a spot next to Sofia. She sighed and nodded as Sofia said what she said.

"Wandless fights... they're not the funniest to fight, to say it like so, no," Lucia agreed.

Lucia smiled gratefully at Briony when she praised her. Sure, Lucia knew she was a very good healer, but still, it always lifted her mood to hear it. As for her energy.

"Yes, I am fine. A good night's sleep was all I needed, but in the midst of it all, it sure took its toll," she said, sighing and growing tired just by thinking of it.

Then she looked at Sofia as she asked about Ms. Girard. Lucia smiled softly and was about to reply when Briony asked what had happened. So she turned to Briony.

"Exhaustion. It's not a coma because of all the damage and wounds she took, those are fixed up neatly, but her psych is another thing entirely. She will hopefully be all right. She is in something we call a hibernation coma. And, well, she only needs to rest up so she regains her strength again. But it's all up to her. Medicine won't help, but I have charmed her bed into giving her energy when she should need it, so it will be easier for her to recharge and wake up again," Lucia explained.

The whole business with Ms. Girard was heartbreaking. Just after a year at healing, not even that, had one of the students ended up in a coma. It didn't sound good, but Lucia wasn't backing down on the job. It had become much too important to her. All three of them.

"So, who here is up for some serious recharging until next semester?" Lucia asked, expecting them both to say yes to that.
Lucia Henley
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Post by Sofia Slytherin Thu Feb 02, 2012 9:25 pm

Sofia was glad to hear that Ms. Girard was going to be ok. Sofia had been really worried about her when she found out because she sensed how much it was bothering her sister. She knew that with the two sets of twins that were there great things could happen.

"I am glad that she will be ok. I just hope that Salina and Leshia will be able to show Corrine and Tabi the best parts of themselves. Great things will happen if these four become good friends."

When Lucia was talking about the up coming break Sofia was so ready.

"I am so ready to do some recharging. Some long walks around the lake at my estate sounds like the best plan off the day." Smiling at the thought

"What about the two of you?"
Sofia Slytherin
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Post by Briony Romain Thu Feb 02, 2012 9:47 pm

Briony nodded her head slightly she didn't know much about healing so she would take Lucia's word for it, she didn't know that you could go into a coma simply from being too tired, only from someones magical core being depleted to a large extent.

"I certainly do hope that she returns to us soon, the summer break will do her good I think."

Unsure of what really do say on the subject briony was glad when it was changed, she smiled slightly and picked up the bottle of firewhiskey, taking another large gulp.

"Cheers to that, I'll be doing some recharging as soon as I get home, I've been pulling double shifts to get this paperwork done so I'll be free for this holiday."

Thinking about what she was going to be getting up to, hopefully with Richard:

"I might go on holiday, get away for a while, I'm sure the Ministry can cope without me."
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Post by Sofia Slytherin Fri Feb 03, 2012 9:22 am

"Working with the Ministry can be very trying. Sometimes I believe working with them is just like working with the students. Although most of the time the students are more mature. Sofia had to smile

"I know I need rest but I am sure I have a house that needs some spring cleaning. I have a house elf, but she knows sometimes I like to do things myself. Sofia thought about Ali and wondered if maybe next year she would like to come to Hogwarts with her.

Thinking about a holiday would be nice too. "Maybe a trip to Venice would be in the stars."
Sofia Slytherin
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Post by Briony Romain Fri Feb 03, 2012 7:16 pm

Briony smiled lightly and she nodded her head at the comment about the Ministry Workers being childish, it was true, they all needed spoon feeding and it was a little unbelievable to be fair.

"That's exactly how I feel, and I have no mood to entertain their childish prattle, especially after all this that has just gone on."

Thinking herself about Kendra Briony wondered how she was getting on without her, after all it had been a while since she had been around her and Finley.

More than a little shocked when Sofia said that a trip to Venice is in order Briony chuckled softly:

"You know that is exactly what I was thinking of, a nice trip to Venice, that's where I had my Honeymoon you know."
Briony Romain
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Post by Sofia Slytherin Sat Feb 04, 2012 12:04 pm

"Venice would be the prefect place for a honeymoon, but I do not see that in my future. I have no love interest right now."

Sofia someday would like to have a husband and maybe some children, but it was not in the cards, at least not this year.

"But the one thing I am going to do is take my nightly strolls around my lake. It is beautiful and peaceful."

Sofia looked over at Lucia. "You are being awful quiet over there, what do you think? Ever been to Venice?
Sofia Slytherin
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Post by Briony Romain Mon Feb 06, 2012 12:50 am

Briony smiled softly when she remembered her wedding it was one of the most perfect things that she had ever done in her life, it was wondeful and she wanted to go again very badly but she didn't know if her husband would be up for it.

"A perfect place for a honeymoon indeed, but don't you go copying my idea now. Any other place in Italy."

With a grin Briony nodded her head, it sounded lovely there: "It sounds lovely around your estate, I myself spend very little at Philosophers Close...it's a shame really."

Turning her attention to Lucia Briony wondered why she was so quiet: "Yes why are you so quiet?"
Briony Romain
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Post by Lucia Henley Mon Feb 06, 2012 6:26 pm

Lucia looked up as they called on her. She blinked.

"Oh, sorry, I'm just ... thinking about home and all," she said softly.

Then she shook her head. "No, I haven't been to Venice. It seems to be the only major place in Europe I still haven't been to," Lucia said with a soft smile.

"So, Sofia, what calls you to Venice?" she then asked, curious since she hadn't really thought about the city that much.
Lucia Henley
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Post by Briony Romain Mon Feb 06, 2012 7:08 pm

Briony subsided into silence for a while, not wanting to share her memories of Venice as they appeared to be one of the most precious things she held, and she made a note that she should definately return there this summer. No matter what.

Holding the bottle of firewhiskey Briony tipped it up and took another long gulp from it, sighing, she placed it back down on the coaster and made a note that she should probably stop drinking.
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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