Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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A Day To Relax (OPEN)

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A Day To Relax (OPEN) Empty A Day To Relax (OPEN)

Post by Guest Tue Feb 07, 2012 10:32 pm

Alcyone's brown hair twirled around her, strands flying into her face as a strong gust of wind brushed past her. She pushed her hair away, and exhaled as the wind died away, before she dug her hands into her jeans pocket and moved along to the edge of the water, her eyes that were haunted by the ghosts of her past reflected at her by the water's surface.

Alcyone studied herself carefully. Getting down onto her hands and knees, she frowned as she noticed a new scar, and this time it rested on her cheek. She hated her scars, each and every one of them. They were a mark of her enslavement by her parents. She thought it cruel that she should even have to think that, but it was true. Yes, she was free to wander, so long as she had her parents permission. Everything required approval from her darling parents who she loved oh-so-much. Sarcasm.

Her face was a perfect mask of calm, yet with a look that stated 'I could kill you in a heartbeat'. And indeed she liked to think that with her battle skills, she could. Alcyone wished she could've learnt the normal way how to battle, by going to school, but her parents deemed it wise to have a German assassin teach her his ways. She hated it, every last move, but she followed and obeyed, practicing and being tortured until she got every single move perfect.

Alcyone slipped back onto her behind, pulling off her sneakers and socks so that she could dip her toes in the water. She rested back on her elbows as a wave of calm rolled over her, and she could feel her body slightly loosen up from its tense position that had been poised for attack. Her eyes shifted to where her 8 year old brother played with her 6 year old sister. She pitied her sister, being so beautiful meant that her parents would surely subject her to terrible things. Things that thankfully, Alcyone had been able to miss out on.

"Alcy! Alcy come play!" Caelum called as he splashed Capella, whose caramel locks of brown shimmied in the sunlight as she jumped back and let out a shriek of laughter. Alcyone smiled for the briefest of moments before her features were schooled back into her mask of indifference. "I'd rather not." She replied to Caelum, her eyes returning to the lake as she ignored his look of disappointment. It was not that she didn't wish to have fun with her younger siblings, it was just that she wished to be alone after her recent torture for failure to complete an essay.


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A Day To Relax (OPEN) Empty Re: A Day To Relax (OPEN)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 09, 2012 9:08 pm

Damien and taken off from his house he was not in the mood to listen to them go on and on about what he was going to need to do when he got to Hogwarts.

Damien was set to head off to Hogwarts this upcoming year and it wasn't a point as to which house he was going to be it, it was an automatic thing. I was going to be sorted into Slytherin and there was no doubt.

What his father did for the Ministry was a big mystery and he really didn't care and hoped it would stay that way. But his family had always been in Slytherin and he was sure it wasn't on the level.

He had started his walk at one end of Willow Lake and many times he had seen many different people, but today there was not a lot of activity. Walking around the lake he saw a couple of kids playing, and kids younger than him were not the ones he liked to mess with, no matter what his father said.

He had received a few beatings and curses over that fact too. "Never underestimate anyone" his father would tell him.

Continuing his walk around the lake he finally found the person that was with the children. From a distance he would have sworn he saw and Angel. As he got closer he noticed it was a girl about his age. She had the most beautiful brown hair, and this was someone he needed to know.

Damien had been promised since the day he was born to a girl name Tabitha Ann Prewett. So they has basically grown up together so everything that could be known they knew about each other. They probably could have been great friends if it wasn't being stressed that they were an item.

Tabi could not stand him and he could not stand Tabi, now don't get him wrong he would defend her if it was needed.

But this girl was different he could feel it just by looking at her, this was to be his Angel, now he just needed to convince her of that. Time to turn on the ladies charm.

"Hello there, enjoying the beautiful look of the lake? Mind if I have a seat with you?" Damien smiled that charming smile only he could do.


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A Day To Relax (OPEN) Empty Re: A Day To Relax (OPEN)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 09, 2012 10:02 pm

Alcyone's eyes had fallen shut as the peacefulness here enveloped her, a rare feeling of safety accompanied it. Her hand fell to her wrist, massaging the sore there and scratching as it itched. It was a strange spell that the assassin had used on her today, one that tortured like the cruciatus curse, but left a mark that itched like mad.

Her eyes shot open at another squeal, and she failed to recognise it as one of enjoyment rather than fear. She did recognise it was Capella's, however, and defence mode flicked on as she leapt up and flicked out her wand, looking for the danger but only seeing other random people and Capella being tickled by Caelum.

A sigh of relief that it was not her parents, Alcyone fell back and let her feet dip back into the water, that same contentment from before resting on her. Alcyone looked up at the sky, admiring the light grey clouds that drifted through the perfectly blue sky, sun shining down on the earth and make the water twinkle as if its surface was covered in tiny, sparkling diamonds. It was a day where it seemed as if everything was simultaneously saying 'Ahh.' in a relaxed tone.

The sound of approaching footsteps - slightly muffled by the grass - alerted Alcyone of someone approaching and she looked up in alarm, her golden brown curls falling out of her face as she looked up at a boy, who smiled back at her with charm. He looked nice enough, friendly smile, handsome looks, polite tone, but their was a mischief in her eyes that Alcyone knew meant he was not at all what he seemed. Deciding, however, to amuse him she sat up and waved to the spot next to her vaguely. "Go ahead." She said, her features hardening as she drew her walls up.


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A Day To Relax (OPEN) Empty Re: A Day To Relax (OPEN)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 09, 2012 11:03 pm

Damien took his seat on the ground. He would spell the ground but he was not at home so it couls cause problems.

"Thank you, I am Damien Greene." Looking at the girl he noticed how her defenses came up. He could understand that completely he used that a lot.

He is used to keeping his guard up at all times.

"It is such a beautiful view, don't you think." He was trying to geet this girl talk a little.


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A Day To Relax (OPEN) Empty Re: A Day To Relax (OPEN)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 10, 2012 10:08 am

Alcyone examined him closely, before her eyes wandered beyond him to her younger siblings. When he introduced himself, she smiled a very rare smile, a foreign feeling of warmth flashing through her as he said his name, but she ignored it as she let the smile slip off of her face. Massaging her wrist lightly, she turned herhead to look at the water with sad eyes.

"Alcyone. Alcyone Malfoy." She introduced, keeping her eyes fixed firmly ahead.

She felt a light, but cool breeze brush over her and she sighed in contentment. She looked at him when he commented on the view, thoughts of how to respond flashing through her mind as she nodded in agreement and admired the twinkling lake. The laughter of children and adults alike was all around them, along with the constant murmur of voices.

"It is. Such a nice day as well." Alcyone responded, her tone soft and quiet.


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A Day To Relax (OPEN) Empty Re: A Day To Relax (OPEN)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 10, 2012 12:49 pm

Damien just kept looking from her to the lake, she just seemed to have the beauty about her he could not help but think about.

"Well Ms. Alcyone Malfoy is is nice to meet you."

After he said that he noticed that she kept rubbing her wrist and he had a feeling it had to do with some spell or curse used against her.

Damien reached into his pocket and pulled out a cream that he had his dad's Potions Master make for him.

"Here, let me apply this cream to your wrist" as he reached for her wrist and started rubbing the cream in on it.

"I have the same problems all the time and this was made special for these problems." As he continued to rub it in.

As Damien let her wrist go. "Does that feel better?"


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A Day To Relax (OPEN) Empty Re: A Day To Relax (OPEN)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 10, 2012 1:08 pm

The corner of Alcyone's lips twitched upwards in the smallest of smiles as she turned her head to face him when he took her wrist and began to soothingly rub a cream over the sore. Her eyes fell down to his hand on her wrist, and her cheeks turned a light tinge of pink, her smile widening just slightly. She almost grabbed his hand when he dropped her wrist, but the urge was resisted and she felt her smile fall when he released her.

Looking up at him, Alcyone was confused. Never had she felt so happy when being touched, though this could be due to the fact that she was always either abused or tortured when touched, if she was. Most often a wand was carelessly pointed at her, with a 'Crucio.' that sounded bored and dull.

When asked if her wrist felt better, she focused on that and noticed that the itching was gone, and the redness was beginning to fade from it. She looked back up at Damien, noticing now that he was attractive in a bad boy kind of way, she nodded once.

"Yes. It does. Thanks." She mumbled, folding her hands over each other in her lap as she crossed her legs.


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A Day To Relax (OPEN) Empty Re: A Day To Relax (OPEN)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 10, 2012 1:52 pm

Damien smiled as he noticed that the problem she was having was gone, he was glad he could make her feel better. Something told him he would do anything to help this girl feel better and to not hurt.

"You are more than welcome to keep this tube, I have an endless supply at home." He handed her the tube of cream. "I know all too well the other end of a parents anger, or their friends." Too many times had he been used as target practice and he was glad that school was starting so that would end for awhile.

"So this coming year I am going to be attending Hogwarts, and I am pretty sure that I am going to be in Slytherin house." Damien smiled. "I am pretty sure my father has paid enough money to someone to make sure it would happen."

"What are you going to do when school starts up again?" He was hoping that she was also going to be attending Hogwarts, not that if she attended Durmstrang would be a big deal. His German was really good.


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A Day To Relax (OPEN) Empty Re: A Day To Relax (OPEN)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 10, 2012 5:14 pm

Alcyone looked down at the tube in his outstretched hand, taking it quickly from his hand with a small smile. She was very appreciative for Damien now, as already he had proved to be quite a charmer. She couldn't wait to see his real personality, for boys always hid behind their charming personality until they truly got to know a girl. They acted normal around their closest friend, and Alcyone wondered what he was really like.

"Thanks, Damien. It's very nice of you." Alcyone smiled gratefully, slipping the tube into her pocket. Alcyone frowned when he expressed knowing what it was like to be on the end of a parents wrath, but she stayed silent. No one could know what it was like being her.

When he changed the subject, Alcyone felt a surge of relief, and she pursed her lips when he informed her that he would attending Hogwart's, and also told her in a rather proud tone that his father had paid the school enough money to get him into Slytherin.

"What a waste of money. If you really desire to be in Slytherin, you'll be in Slytherin. I too, hope I am in Slytherin. I have to uphold the Malfoy name, after all." Alcyone sighed. She wondered what it would be like in Ravenclaw, or perhaps even Hufflepuff, but Slytherin wasn't that bad. At his next question, she laughed.

"I'm going to attend, aren't I?"


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A Day To Relax (OPEN) Empty Re: A Day To Relax (OPEN)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 10, 2012 7:17 pm

"My father loves to flaunt his money, he seems to think it will buy anything and everything for you." Damien snorted out a laugh. It can't buy love that for sure, thought Damien.

Damien love the idea of having money and it did get him things he wanted, but he hated it being used as a manipulating tool, well maybe a little he did.

When she talked about Slytherin he realized she would also be attending Hogwarts which he was glad it would give him a chance to get to know her.

He felt really stupid when he asked her about what she was going to do when school started. He hadn't even realized what he said.

"I meant to ask which school you would be attending, it just came out wrong" this was the first time he actually turned away from her a little. Damien just didn't say stupid things and he was slightly embarrassed.

Damien looked out at the kids she was with, sometimes he let his guard down to enjoy the better things in life. He hoped maybe one day she would see that he was not superficial when it came to his friends.


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A Day To Relax (OPEN) Empty Re: A Day To Relax (OPEN)

Post by Guest Sat Feb 11, 2012 9:50 am

Alcyone rolled her eyes at his comment that his father enjoyed flaunting his money, for she knew the feeling. Her parents would not exactly flaunt their money, actually instead holding it close to their non-existent hearts, but they enjoyed throwing the Malfoy name around. Still, after all these years, the Malfoy name meant something to people. To Alcyone, it was a curse to be a Malfoy, expected to always be on the wrong side of the war.

It outraged her what her parents were doing, for even in a war when it was ALL of Britain VS Germany, her parents must be on the side that their homeland will hate. It annoyed her, and when Alcyone carried on her family name she truly intended not to allow that to happen to her. She was drilling it into Caelum's head, also, for he would be the one to continue with the last name 'Malfoy', so she wanted to make sure he was a good and kind person, along with Capella. She fully intended on making sure the Malfoy name was cleared of evil in the next generation.

Alcyone smiled at the embarrassed way he turned away from her, obviously due to his stupid question. It made her feel warmer towards him, that he was not constantly acting as if he were perfect.

"That's alright, and im attending Hogwart's in case you didn't pick up on that."


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A Day To Relax (OPEN) Empty Re: A Day To Relax (OPEN)

Post by Guest Sun Feb 12, 2012 9:32 am

After she had told him it was alright he felt a little better. He did not care if this woman saw that he was not perfect. He knew he was not perfect he just didn't like to show to just anyone that he was flawed.

"Well I am glad you will be attending Hogwarts, maybe it won't be as boring in the common room. Well if we at least are in the same house." He was pretty sure that they would be in the same house, but it different make a difference to him, he would follow this beautiful creature anywhere. There was just something about her that drew him in.

"So do you have any favorite subject? I love potions, maybe someday I can be a potions masters."


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A Day To Relax (OPEN) Empty Re: A Day To Relax (OPEN)

Post by Guest Mon Feb 13, 2012 10:15 pm

Alcyone nodded in agreement, for though the solitude did not faze her - in fact she thoroughly enjoyed solitude - she believed that human contact was a vital and important part of growing up. It was why her eyes instantly flicked to her brother and sister, who were know sitting by the waters edge with their feet dipped into it, talking happily. Her eyes were filled with sadness, for she knew of the horrors that would soon befall Caelum, and then even worse to Capella.

Pulling her face back into its stony expression, she looked back at Damien. "Indeed. It will be nice to have someone to talk to, even if we aren't in the same house." Alcyone said in a dull monotone, her face and voice void of all emotion. To some, it was un-nerving. To her parents, it was something they were proud of - her ability to control her emotions so easily whereas most her age could not.

Her eyes moved down to her scars as she looked at her arm, twisting it this way and that. She had carefully made a sleeve that covered her arms up to the elbows, so that most of her scars would be hidden from view. Tugging it upwards a bit, for most of the scars were more towards the upper then lower arm, Alcyone sighed.

When asked what her favourite subject was, her eyes became happy and she smiled softly. It was something she loved to do at home, and it often saved her from a beating in her lessons. "Potions. I love potions." She murmured in agreement to his comment. "I also hope to be a potions master one day."


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A Day To Relax (OPEN) Empty Re: A Day To Relax (OPEN)

Post by Guest Tue Feb 14, 2012 4:38 am

Damien really noticed that she had no emotion when she talked and that was fine with him. Maybe getting her at school away from whatever happens at home she will change a little. Damien just learned a long time ago no to be stone cold to the ones you want to be friends with. Enemies were find but not friends.

Damien looked at his watch and knew he better be getting back home soon.

"Well Alcyone seeing is it is getting late, I better be on my way. It was nice to meet you and I will see you tomorrow on the train."

Damien stood up and smiled down at her. "Well bye, I guess. see ya later."

With that Damien started to walk away looking back over his shoulder every once in awhile. He wanted to learn everything he could about this angel, and protect her from her evils. Doing what his parents thought was necessary to do to him is one thing, but not to a lady. A lady should never be cursed for fun and practice.


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