Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Kick Back & Relax (The Girard Sisters)

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Kick Back & Relax (The Girard Sisters) Empty Kick Back & Relax (The Girard Sisters)

Post by Jacqueline Girard Sat Jan 07, 2012 3:56 pm

Jacqueline 'Jaqui' Girard opened the door to the Leaky Cauldron and winced at the creaking sound it made, but luckily the noise of people conversing over drinks in the Leaky Cauldron was enough to mask the sound of a creaky door. Jacqueline held the door open so her younger, twin sisters could walk through, before shutting it behind them. Jaqui smiled, for ever since they had moved to England a year ago, she had always adored coming here. It was so comfy, and though some would call it old, she called it beautiful. She adored it here, but she was positive her younger sisters would despise it. They were what you could call 'The Status Quo' for pure-bloods. Of course, being a jerk of a pure-blood wasn't common anymore, but it was still what many expected of them, and her sisters were very rude, snobbish and thought that they were the Queen's of the world universe.
"Come on you two, Maman will be most displeased eef I loose you," said Jaqui, heading over to a 4 seater table by the fireplace.
She made herself comfortable, sitting in the chair closest to the fire. She wasn't selfish- she just liked taking things from her younger sister's to irk them. "What do vou both want to dreenk?" Jaqui proceeded to ask.

Jacqueline Girard

Posts : 131
Join date : 2012-01-07
Location : Girard Manoir

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Post by Corinne Girard Sat Jan 07, 2012 4:08 pm

Jaqui held open the door for Corinne and her sister, and Corinne's nose instantly wrinkled in disgust as she looked around. "Comment belle," Corinne muttered sarcastically under her breath, taking in the dusty counters, the old people, the creaky floorboards, the cobwebs in the corners of the room and the very ancient looking furniture.
"Nous sauver, Maman," Corinne whispered to her twin, who seemed to be in the same state of disgust as herself. Corinne looked at her eldest sister and was surprised to see a happy expression on Jaqui's face as she took in the place with a smile.
The ways my sister works. I'll never understand, Corinne thought sourly, wishing that their mother would hurry up and finish shopping already so she could save them as she had earlier whispered to Salina. "Et, à penser Jaqui sera un enseignant!" Corinne wailed, but not loud enough for Jaqui to hear.
"Come on you two, Maman will be most displeased eef I loose you," said Jaqui, already walking over to the 4 seater table by the fireplace. Corinne dragged her high heel'd feet across the floor to where her sister was.
Jaqui grabbed the chair closest to the fireplace, and Corinne shot her an annoyed look before sitting down opposite Jaqui, a sour expression fixed on her features.
"What do vou both want to dreenk?" Jaqui asked, and Corinne just folded her arms.
"Butterbeer," Corinne responded.
"Ma sœur, why do vou inseest on speaking zis language?" Corinne asked, and awaited an answer with an arched eyebrow.

Corinne Girard

Posts : 68
Join date : 2012-01-07

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Post by Guest Sat Jan 07, 2012 4:15 pm

Salina's annoying, frustrating, irritating older sister opened the door to the ugliest, shabbiest place she'd ever seen in her entire life- i'd she'd been in a public toilet! "Oh lá lá!" Salina gasped, her hand clapping to her mouth at the horrific site before her. Everything was dark, all the people were middle aged or old, everything was filthy, the furniture was ancient and she could see several spider webs.
She heard her disgusted twin mutter 'How lovely' under her breath in French, and she sniggered. Her sœur seemed quite taken with the place, from the content expression splayed across her features. Salina's twin leant into her ear and whispered 'Save us mum' in French, causing Salina to nod in agreement.
Oh how Salina wished she was shopping with her mum instead of being dragged to, filthy places such as this. Jaqui said something, but Salina was too busy staring around in disbelief at the filthy mess to hear it, all she saw was her sisters wandering over to the fireplace, and she quickly followed suit, hoping that the chairs were clean- for she did not wish her new cream mini-skirt to be covered in dirt and such. She clutched her black cardy closer to her and wiped a delicate finger across the surface of the chair and finding that it was clean enough, sat herself down and wrinkled her nose.
"Oui, sœur, ze language ees not as sophisticated as our own," Salina said in agreement with her twins comment.


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Post by Jacqueline Girard Sat Jan 07, 2012 4:20 pm

Jaqui was amused by her sisters most disdainful looks directed at the Leaky Cauldron, but could also feel her debating self ready to fight on its behalf and had several reasons to toss at her younger sisters as to why this place was so beautiful.
"I inseest on speaking zis language, so zat mine English should improve, and zat I should loose zis 'orrid accent vhen I speek eet," explained Jaqui, fixing them both with a 'really? your that stupid?' look. She stood up and ushered Salina off of her seat. "Move," Jaqui demanded, and once Salina was off of the seat, she flicked out her wand and pointed it at the seat, murmuring, "Scourgify," so that it was perfectly clean.
"Zere vou are, princess," Jaqui teased lightly, sitting back on her own seat.
"So, vun butterbeer et?" Jaqui turned her full attention to Salina.

Jacqueline Girard

Posts : 131
Join date : 2012-01-07
Location : Girard Manoir

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Post by Guest Sat Jan 07, 2012 4:33 pm

Salina stood up and her sister's demanding voice, it was her do-what-I-say-or-else voice, and Salina was in no mind to find out the 'or else' part, for it was sure to be something horrible, like perhaps Jaqui would get her new dress muddy and dirty. Salina almost shuddered at the thought, so she quickly jumped up out of her chair. Jaqui got out her wand and muttered a spell that made it look so clean Salina almost thanked Jaqui.
Jaqui then sat back down with a small smile on her face, and Salina also sat herself back down. She felt gratitude for her sister and had to bite back a smile, instead keeping her disgusted and bored expression on her face. "Zere vou are, princess," Jaqui said teasingly, but Salina's expression still soured and she restrained the urge to turn her head away.
"So, vun butterbeer et?" Jaqui asked her.
"Pumpkin juice," Salina spat at her sister, still annoyed for her little jab. Salina did not appreciate being teased, nor being called a princess. Salina turned to Corinne once Jaqui had gone to get the drinks. "Zis is 'orrible! Comment pourrait elle aime ce lieu?" Salina asked in horror, as if the thought of liking the Leaky Cauldron was deadly. To her, it was.


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Post by Corinne Girard Sat Jan 07, 2012 4:40 pm

Corinne blatantly ignored her sisters exchange as she turned her eyes over to the only young person at this place, he was a handsome looking boy that seemed around the age of 14, and she hoped to converse with him and find out his name and perhaps agree to meet up again. Corinne was caught up in a fantasy of a dashing 14 year old boy and her on a romantic quest to save the world from a vicious monster, and fantasy boy was about to bestow a kiss on Corinne's lips when her fantasy was interrupted by her twin.
Corinne turned her head as Salina leant over and began talking to her.
"Ah oui! C'est horrible! Je veux aller accueil," Corinne whined, wrinkling her nose, before deciding to attempt to improve her english. She did not wish to be laughed at by her peers for incorrect grammar and pronunciation. "I 'ate it here! I 'ate zis 'ole country! I wish ve could go back to France. I vanted to go to Beauxbatons, not zis 'Ogwarts Maman and Papa are sending us too!" Corinne sighed dramatically and looked at her sister for an answer.

Corinne Girard

Posts : 68
Join date : 2012-01-07

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Post by Guest Sat Jan 07, 2012 4:51 pm

Salina nodded vigorously at Corinne's complaints, and clucked her tongue. "Oui oui, ma sœur. Zis 'Ogwarts does not sound at all as sophisticated as zee magnifique Beauxbatons!" Salina sighed wistfully, thinking of the school that she wished to go too. "Beauxbatons is a magnifique palace, not a dusty, old, 'orrible castle zat has none of ze beauty or sophistication of zee Beautxbatons," Salina snarled, thinking sourly of her parents who had uprooted them from their previous, glorious life and thrown them to England that did not appreciate their social standing.
Salina had of course noticed Corinne's gaze on that boy before she had conducted conversation with her and so she leant forwards and rested her head in her hand which was propped up by the elbow leaning against the table. Salina's eyes flickered to the boy and she casually smirked at Corinne's. "Ah, mine Corinne 'as ze 'ots for zat boy, oui? Vat a looker. Per'aps I shall pursue him," and before Corinne could protest, Salina snickered. "I am joking, mine sister. Per'aps though, we shall get vou a lovely dress so zat vou catch ze attention of ze boys. Let me tell vou, zat outfit doesn't do much, unlike mine," said Salina, smirking at her sister before looking down at her outfit. She was wearing black, leather boots that ended at her knees, which was followed by a cream skirt that was mini, a pastel blue tank top that had criss-cross straps and finally the outfit was complete with her black, drapey cardigan that complimented the entire outfit.
"Vou see, Corinne? All zat vou need is a little tweaking and vour outfit ees a man catcher," Salina said cheekily.


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Post by Jacqueline Girard Sat Jan 07, 2012 4:57 pm

Jaqui got up and left the table, leaving her twins to whinge about their lives without annoying her, for Jaqui had no interest in what her sisters had to say. She walked up to the bar and smiled at the bartender. "Bonjour, John," she greeted him, and he nodded his head at her in response. "I vill have, a butterbeet, pumpkin juice et a shot of fire whisky," and she watched as John wondered off to get her drinks that she had ordered. She took a seat on one of the stools at the bar and leant back against it, watching people come and go and converse with one another. The soft murmur of voices twisting together reached her ears, and she let out a deep sigh.
Entertaining the 'devils' was a hard job, and she had long since given up. Instead, she just dragged them somewhere and if they wandered off she would rip one of their favourite dresses. It was all a laugh, well to Jaqui anyway. She was honestly very excited for her new job as the Care of Magical Creatures teacher at Hogwarts, though she had heard her sisters muttering about how terrible a teacher she would be.
Jaqui would've been offended if she wasn't used to everyone judging and putting her down. She no longer cared what people thought of her, and most would tag only what her family thought of her after such a sentence, but that was not the case. Jaqui only cared what she thought of herself, for she had discovered that everyone else's opinion meant nothing in the long run, only her own would keep her going.
She cast her eyes over to her twins, where Salina had that look in her eyes that she got when discussing shopping, and her eyes kept flicking to the young boy at the counter.
He was alright, Jaqui told herself, but not very attractive up close. From a distance, she could see how her day-dreamy little sisters could mistake him for a hotty. John returned then with her drinks, and she took them in her hands, strutting back over to the table and placing the pumpkin juice and Butterbeer in front of the girls.
"Stop your gossiping," said Jaqui to the girls as she took her own seat and raised her glass to her lips, downing the shot in one go and feeling the Fire Whisky burn her throat as it went down.

Jacqueline Girard

Posts : 131
Join date : 2012-01-07
Location : Girard Manoir

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Post by Corinne Girard Sat Jan 07, 2012 5:14 pm

Corinne was offended by her sisters comment that she was not fashionable enough to catch mens eyes. She looked down at her denim shorts with her plaid button up black shirt and realised it probably wasn't the most attractive thing she had ever worn. "Ah, mine sœur vou must aid me in being more attractive!" Corinne begged sarcastically, before laughing at her sister. "I am fine, thank vou. I understand zat vou theenk my outfit needs improving, but I feel fine. Thanks, but no thanks," Corinne said, hoping she hadn't hurt her twins feelings too much. Contrary to popular belief, Corinne did care about Salina, she just often didn't let it show.
When Jaqui placed her Butter beer in front of her, Corinne grabbed it quickly and drank most of it. She'd been dragged around Diagon Alley all day by Jaqui, and been bored out of her mind. She finished it right after Jaqui finished her own, and ignored Jaqui's request for the twins to stop gossiping.
"Jaqui, ven can ve go 'ome?" Corinne asked.

Corinne Girard

Posts : 68
Join date : 2012-01-07

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Post by Jacqueline Girard Sat Jan 07, 2012 5:19 pm

Jacqueline checked her wrist watch and smiled at Corinne and Salina. "Actually, ve can go now! Eet is time to go 'ome, come along girls," said Jaqui, getting up and tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She waited for both of the girls to leave, before leading their little group out of the Leaky Cauldron and into Diagon Alley, where she offered an arm each to the girls. The twins placed a hand daintily on her offered arm, before Jaqui turned and they apparated back to the 'Girard Manor'.

Jacqueline Girard

Posts : 131
Join date : 2012-01-07
Location : Girard Manoir

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