Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) Empty The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Charlotte Smith Sat Feb 25, 2012 12:11 am

Charlotte had left the common room, supporting Parker on their way up to the Hospital wing, and as of yet there had been very little talking at all, it seemed the only time that he did talk was when Pyxis was there, which was a little bit unusual.

Maybe he had been effected by the fight at Hogwarts more than other people? Most certainly herself, for, once her wounds were healed she was up and about, worried in fact about Viktor more than anything.

"So, have you had a nice holiday Parker, everything gone okay at home and things?" Charlotte asked conversationally, trying to make the silence on their way up a little less pressing.

Last edited by Charlotte Smith on Tue Feb 28, 2012 7:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
Charlotte Smith
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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Parker Emery Sat Feb 25, 2012 6:40 am

As they walked, Parker kept the tissues up to his nose. Even if it had already stopped bleeding, there was always the chance it could start bleeding again. He really hoped that the Madam Henley could fix- well, no, he knew she could fix it, but he wanted it to be completely healed, no pain, nothing, not like the doctors back home.

They hadn't really talked on the way there, as Parker was just sort of drifting along in his thoughts, trying to figure out what he'd done wrong so he could talk it through with Pxyis later. But right now he needed to worry about getting his nose fixed up. He definitely wanted to thank Charlotte as well, but he didn't know what to say.

"So, have you had a nice holiday Parker, everything gone okay at home and things?" He looked at her, moving his hand with the tissues to talk un-muffled. "Erm, well, as good as it could be. I like it a lot more here, at Hogwarts..."

Parker Emery

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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Charlotte Smith Sat Feb 25, 2012 8:00 pm

Charlotte waited until she heard Parker talking and quickly found out that this was going to be like getting blood out of a stone, however, she would persist and ensure the fact that she was at least trying to make some sort of conversation.

"Oh really and why is that?"

Looking around the corridors to see if there were any Professors about, Charlotte smiled when it seemed like there was nobody coming to shout at them for being up out of bed.

"I went on holiday in my break, I went with Papa to Rio, it was so amazing, I didn't think we'd be going on holiday at first though."
Charlotte Smith
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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Parker Emery Sat Feb 25, 2012 8:08 pm

Parker gave a small shrug. "I dunno. There's just not much to do...Me parents are always at work. Plus, it was kind of hot and the air conditioner had decided to break." He sighed, hating such hot weather, especially where there wasn't anything he could do to make it any cooler.

They continued walking down the empty corridors, and he listened to their echoing footsteps as they walked.

"Really? Where's Rio? A real vacation like that must have been nice..." At least much more interesting then sitting around a hot house all day, he figured. Though it might have been hot wherever Rio was too...

Parker Emery

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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Charlotte Smith Mon Feb 27, 2012 9:08 pm

Charlotte nodded her head lightly, she knew that sometimes being lonely ruined a holiday, she would have been awfully lonely if some of her friends hadn't decided to come and help her out...and if she didn't have Airen.

"You could have come to my house you know if you were lonely, I would have accepted you gladly, because my Papa was away a lot too..."

Smiling happily Charlotte was glad to talk to someone about her holiday, because nobody had even asked her as of yet what she did on her holiday.

"Rio is in Brazil, it was really hot there you could almost taste the air, but it was beautiful, and I wouldn't have missed it. It was my first time out of Britain too..."
Charlotte Smith
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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Parker Emery Tue Feb 28, 2012 1:28 pm

Parker smiled a bit at the invitation."I probably would have gone out, but me parents didn't let me go anywhere..."

He hoped they would this year though. He was getting older, and they'd probably rather him go out then have people come over. Not that he'd ever want to have people over, but still. "That would have been nice though...maybe next summer? If I can find a way to get there."

Parker held the tissue up to his nose again, smiling as she smiled and went along to talk about her vacation. "I've only ever been out of Ireland for school, actually. Between Diagon Alley, King's Cross, and then the school itself. Though I think if I went to Rio, I'd be miserable, no matter how beautiful." They then walked into the hospital wing, and he looked around for Madam Henley.

((OCC: Do you want to invite her too?))

Parker Emery

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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Charlotte Smith Tue Feb 28, 2012 7:29 pm

Charlotte nodded her head, she understood, her parents had been like that too at one point but now that Professor Smith was her father it was a lot better for her, she felt trusted and important when she was allowed to go out on her own.

"For sure you can come to mine next summer, I will be glad to have you, hopefully I'll have my house fixed up by then too so you can see it rather than Cobie's house."

Wondering just how Parker would be miserable if he went to Rio, Charlotte thought that it might be because he was averse to heat, if so, it was probably best if he didn't go. It was abnormally hot there.

"Is it because it's too hot? You shouldn't let that stop you, maybe there's a cooling spell or something to keep your body temperature down? I don't know. Is Ireland nice?" she asked, wanting to know a bit more about him.

As they walked into the Hospital Wing, Charlotte looked around for Professor Henley.
Charlotte Smith
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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Parker Emery Wed Feb 29, 2012 11:48 am

Parker gave a slightly confused look. "Your house?? You mean you own it, you live by yourself?" and Cobie was her...father, right? He thought that a bit strange, but the freedom and independence she had he assumed was very pleasant.

"Well, yeah, the heat, I imagine the bugs too. I don't really like sweating." he scrunched his face a bit. He'd always rather be too cold then too hot. One could always grab more blankets if they were too cold, but there wasn't really anything to do for heat. "Hmm, a cooling spell would be interesting. I never thought of anything like that."

Parker sat one of the empty beds, kicking his feet. "Well, I just live in a little suburb, nothing too special. It's a bit warmer then London, I've found and there are some nice parks nearby...so, I guess so." He said with a shrug. He knew there were some beautiful places in Ireland, and one day he hoped he could visit them. For the time being though, he was stuck where he was.

Parker Emery

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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Charlotte Smith Thu Mar 01, 2012 12:36 am

Charlotte smiled lightly and she kicked her feet as she sat on one of the empty hospital wing beds, this was a question that very few people had actually asked her, and it seemed a pity that they hadn't, but she didn't mind.

"Actually my house was my family's home, but now I live with Cobie because he adopted me, so yes I do own the house, but no, I don't live there."

Smiling widely Charlotte hadn't really had time to think about the bugs while she had been in Brazil, but looking back she would have thought there would be lots, being alright around bugs however she didn't think that it would have been a deal breaker for her.

"Ahhh I see, well then it's definately not the place for you, I think there would be quite a few bugs, although I didn't see any myself."

Glad that her idea might prove useful, Charlotte listened to Parker as he explained about Ireland, it sounded lovely, well, everywhere that wasn't Silent Close sounded lovely to Charlotte she was just happy to be away from there:

"Well that sounds nice, at least you have places you can go out to."
Charlotte Smith
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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Parker Emery Thu Mar 01, 2012 5:04 pm

Parker tilted his head a bit, listening curiously as she explained her situation. Another person he knew who'd been adopted? At least it seemed that these girls he knew of were loved in their homes, he'd heard of plenty of instances where the kids weren't so lucky. "Well, I wish you luck in fixing up your family's house. I really hope I can be able to see it."

"You didn't see any bugs? Hmm. Well, I may not ever travel there, but I think I'd be fine visiting anywhere." He looked down at his feet, scuffing the ground and itched one ankle with the other foot. When Charlotte said, Well that sounds nice, at least you have places you can go out to." He shook his head a little bit to himself, and didn't look to be all to believing in what she said.

"Mm...well, it's not all that great where I live. But I guess, like I said, the park in the next town over is nice when I can walk there." He looked back up, feeling like he really should shift the subject off himself. "What's your house like? ...and Professor Smith's?"

Parker Emery

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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Charlotte Smith Fri Mar 02, 2012 7:52 pm

Charlotte smiled lightly when Parker wished her well in fixing up her house, she too wished that she would be able to do it quickly, and have all of her stuff refurbished so that it wasn't so...scary. At the moment, Cobie's house was much better.

"Thank you, I'm hoping to have it done by next summer holidays, and Airen is helping me so I am quite sure that it'll be done."

Hoping that in the future Parker would be able to have more freedom than he appeared to have now, Charlotte merely nodded her head at what he said to her.

"Maybe sometime we can go somewhere together, I know some good places that I've sketched."

When Parker asked her about her home, Charlotte gulped lightly and looked at her feet, shuffling slightly, there were words that she could describe her house but they weren't very positive:

"Well, my house is a little bit dark and run down, it needs cleaning and refurbishing but Cobie's house is lovely, it's partly a bakery too so it smells great and we live in Ireland, but my house is in England."
Charlotte Smith
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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Parker Emery Sat Mar 03, 2012 6:38 pm

Parker raised his eyebrows a bit, impressed. "You and Airen are fixing it up all by yourselves?? Wow, that sure sounds like a lot of work. It'll be well worth it in the end I'm sure." He smiled. "Your own house...that must be nice though. Even if it's a huge responsibility."

He looked down at his feet, scuffing them on the floor. he smiled and nodded "That's right, you draw...I hope we could one day. If they were worthy enough to sketch I'm sure they're beautiful." While Parker was no where near an artist himself, he did like to think he could have a great appreciation for it, especially of the nature landscapes, being a fan of nature himself.

He smiled at her descriptions of the two places. "I'm sure by the time it's fixed up it'll be bright and amazing." He then tilted his head to the side a bit. "Ooh, a bakery? Where is it?" He smiled, his face brightening up a bit more, but he winced slightly, bringing the tissue to his face gain. "Hey, if it's close enough to where I live, I may actually be able to visit!" He was hopeful, even if it was unlikely. There were so many placed in Ireland it would have to be more then coincidence if it was in walking distance.

Parker Emery

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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Charlotte Smith Sat Mar 03, 2012 10:56 pm

Charlotte grinned and nodded her head enthusiastically, she was very happy that she was having help in fixing it up because it woul take her a long long time to do it on her own without the help of magic.

"Yes we are! We almost finished painting up the outside of the house in the summer, we've got the inside to do though and that's going to be the worst thing..." frowning a moment Charlotte waved away the thought "But I'm sure we can do it, hey, do you want to help?"

The places that she had been were truly beautiful and she really enjoyed painting and sketching them, even though it took her a long time it was completely worth it.

"They are beautiful, there's one not too far from my house actually that we could go to if you fancied in the next school break."

With a large smile Charlotte thought hard, "You know I don't know I think it might bs around Dublin, although I'll have to ask Cobie and get back to you, I'm sure you'll be able to come."
Charlotte Smith
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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Lucia Henley Sat Mar 03, 2012 11:15 pm

Lucia heard some talking out in the infirmary and she rose from the desk where she was doing some paperwork, taking off her glasses. She then walked out of her office and saw Ms. Smith and Mr. Parker there. She noticed Mr. Parker's nose was bleeding badly.

"What--?" she said surprised and then walked over to him, studying his nose.

It wasn't so bad, just a few broken bones. She'd be able to fix that in an instant. But she wanted to know what had happened. Though she didn't usually ask many questions, this nose looked like it was broken by someone punching him, and she surely hoped that was not the case.

She fished out her wand and smiled to him. "No problem, though. I'll fix that up right now," she said.

She pointed the wand to his nose and said: "Episkey."

A crack sounded and the nose straightened out again. She then took the tissue from him, as it was completely bloodied and washed it with a simple water spell. Then she conjured up a cloth a bit more solid than the tissue and gave it to him.

"Wash up your face. Now, what happened?" she asked him seriously.
Lucia Henley
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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Parker Emery Sun Mar 04, 2012 5:41 am

Parker shrugged and smiled a bit at her question, "I don't know, I think I would just mess everything up. I really don't think I'd be all that much help unless I was bringing you guys drinks or food or something." He laughed a little.

At the mention of a place near her house, Parker nodded. "Yeah, if I'm allowed, I'd love you." He then furrowed his eyebrows. "Hmm, Dublin's pretty south from where I am...You know, maybe I should just give you my address so you can write me and we can figure something out over the break. I don't have an owl though so yours would need to stick around for me to write back..."

Just then, Lucia came out of her office. Parker looked over at the footsteps approaching, the blood covered tissue still held to his nose. "Hi, Madam Henley..." he mumbled.

He smiled a little when she said she'd be able to fix it right up. It would be a lot fast and would yield better results then the muggle doctors when it happened over the summer too. He closed his eyes and lowered the tissue from his nose when she pointed her wand. When she said the spell there was a loud crack and he cried out in pain, tears welling up in the corners of his eyes. While the pain was terrible when it happened, it died down almost immediately. Though his still felt it was a bit sore.

He gladly took the clean cloth she'd conjured, wiping the rest of the blood off his face, and wiping his hands off too. He looked up at her, looking a bit unsure. "I-I tripped up the stairs to the dorms..." He figured that that had just re-broken it this time and most of the damage had been from over the summer.

Parker Emery

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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Lucia Henley Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:47 am

Lucia was a bit relieved when Mr. Emery told her that he had taken a fall. But it was a bit weird.

"Then you've recently broken it, am I right?" she asked him curiously.

A nosebone was hard, it wasn't easy to break it. So he had to have broken it not so long ago.
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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Parker Emery Mon Mar 05, 2012 9:11 am

"Uhm..."He seemed a bit hesitant to reply at first. But there was no point in avoiding it. His nose was all fixed up now.

He lowered his head a bit. "Well, yeah, near the end of summer. The muggle doctors tried to fix it up, but it still wasn't completely healed I guess."

He wanted to be vague about what happened, he didn't want to bring up the whole run-in with bullies story with Charlotte.

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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Charlotte Smith Tue Mar 06, 2012 1:32 am

Charlotte giggled slightly when Parker said that he would 'love' her, although and thought she might have heard him wrong so didn't comment on it, it would be nice to have someone to write to over the holidays, she hadn't had much occasion to letter write in the past.

"I would like that, I'll give you my address when we get back to the common room when you're all fixed up."

Noting that Professor Henley was coming over to help Parker, she hurriedly decided that she would comment on one last thing before falling into a respectful silence:

"I'm sure you wouldn't be useless Parker, but don't worry about it, I'll just be happy to have you around when it's finished." smiling lightly, Charlotte scuffed her feet on the floor.

Listening to the conversation half heartedly, Charlotte was glad that Parket now had his nose fixed up properly.
Charlotte Smith
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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Parker Emery Tue Mar 06, 2012 2:41 pm

((OOC: haha, whoops. I should check over more carefully! that was supposed to be "I'd love to." xD Let's just say his nose was clogged up so it sounded like that or something. haha))

Parker glanced up to Charlotte, giving a small smiled.

He wanted to get out of there now, as fast as possible, before Madam Henley started asking more questions. He looked up at her, then stood. "Thank you so much, Madam Henley." he smiled, gingerly reaching his hand to his nose, pleased to have the pain gone. "Hopefully I won't need to see you again 'till next year!"

He felt himself smile a little bit bigger. Helping her out in here is going to be so much fun, he thought. This was a nice place as long as he wasn't the one in need of healing, and he just could not wait.

He then looked at Charlotte, ready to go.

Parker Emery

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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Charlotte Smith Wed Mar 07, 2012 4:18 am

(OOC: Okay xD)

Charlotte smiled and she too got up off the infirmary bed she was sitting on, glad that they now had such a lovely healer whereas the one that had been here before her had tried to cut Charlotte open on one of these beds, she couldn't be happier with him gone.

"Thank you Professor Henley, I'll see you in DADA class soon, thank you for healing Parker up."

With a small smile Charlotte began to walk out of the Hospital Wing, there was a very odd feeling about how Parker had first broken his nose but she didn't want to pry.

"You feeling better now? I'm so glad that we have Madame Henley as the healer now, the old one was terrifying!"
Charlotte Smith
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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Lucia Henley Wed Mar 07, 2012 6:25 am

Lucia noticed that Mr. Emery got slightly uncomfortable when he told her how it happened, but she took his word for it. She then sighed.

"All right. Off you go," she said with a smile.

"Thank you Professor Henley, I'll see you in DADA class soon, thank you for healing Parker up."

Lucia smiled to Ms. Smith. "It was no bother. Please come should anything bother you," she said to the both of them and then retreated to her office.
Lucia Henley
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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Parker Emery Wed Mar 07, 2012 9:38 am

Parker started to walk with Charlotte out of the hospital wing, turning back and giving a small wave to professor Henley as she retreated back to her office.

Parker smiled as they walked, watching his feet. "Yeah, it's been a bother with it being sore all the time. I'm glad I won't have to worry about it anymore." Episkey...he should remember that just in case.

He looked over at Charlotte when she spoke " I'm so glad that we have Madame Henley as the healer now, the old one was terrifying!" He raised his eyebrows a bit. "Huh, really? I never met the old one. What was wrong with the old healer?"

Parker Emery

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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Charlotte Smith Wed Mar 07, 2012 11:12 pm

The very memory of that old man made Charlotte's heart tremor painfully, and she remembered that getting stressed out about the man, when he had been gone from the castle so long, was silly and calmed down again.

"Yeah he was...horrible...his name was Healer Stein, and I came to see him one day about my condition and then he strapped me down to the table and was going to dissect me!" she said, biting her lip

"And, he had dead bodies in his office, I heard him dissecting a German while he was still alive, I'm just glad that Cobie managed to come and save me before he managed to do anything." Charlotte shivered.
Charlotte Smith
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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Parker Emery Thu Mar 08, 2012 3:45 pm

Parker felt her uneasiness before and during she talked about the old man.He felt himself pale at the terrible thing she had told him and he furrowed his eyebrows. "Wait..wh-why on Earth would the headmistress hire someone like...that to work at a school with children!"

Parker continued walking with her back towards the dungeons, shaking his head a bit. "That's terrifying," he glanced at her, "you're lucky..."

Something then clicked in his mind, and he asked before even thinking if it was appropriate to ask or not. "Wait- what condition?"

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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Charlotte Smith Fri Mar 09, 2012 11:29 pm

Charlotte shrugged her shoulders when he asked her why Briony would hire someone like that to work in a school, apparently he had been a leading expert in the feild he worked in.

"Well she said that it was because he was a leading innovative medic that she got him...but she should have dismissed him a lot faster than she did do."

Frowning slightly Charlotte nodded her head as she moved with Parker back to the dungeons.

Charlotte's gaze lightened a little bit when he asked her about her condition, she hadn't told anybody about that, only Airen, not even her father yet...

"Uhm...will you promise not to tell anybody if I tell you?" she said quietly.
Charlotte Smith
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