Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Parker Emery Sat Mar 10, 2012 11:44 am

Parker shook his head. "I still don't get it...hire him for specifically that then, not to help fix up scrapped knees and stuff..." he shrugged. He supposed adults had their reasons for things, even if they didn't make much sense to him.

He realized only moments too late he'd not thought over what he asked. Though looking at her, she didn't seem to upset with him for asking. She lowered her voice, nearly whispering,"Uhm...will you promise not to tell anybody if I tell you?"

"I absolutely promise." He nodded, slowing down a bit as they walked. "You have my word."

Parker Emery

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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Charlotte Smith Sun Mar 11, 2012 5:03 am

Charlotte thought that it was more likely that the guy would have taken off your whole knee cap and replaced it if you came to him with something like that, although there was member of staff who had liked him if she remembered.

"Yeah I didn't understand it much either although I am just glad we have someone as nice as Healer Henley here now to help us when were ill, I feel safer with her here."

Stopping for a moment Charlotte took a deep breath, she had no idea what to say to Parker she didn't even know him that well but here she was telling him one of her most private secrets.

"Okay then, I've had a degenerative heart condition, it's a curse that I've always had since I can remember, I thought Healer Henley would have fixed it when I was attacked last year but it just returned to normal..." she said quietly "It's scary sometimes..."
Charlotte Smith
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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Parker Emery Sun Mar 11, 2012 8:28 am

"Yeah, me too. I don't think I'd be interested in healing half as much if this other guy was still here." parker shrugged simply. He didn't even want to think of what he'd have done differently with his nose.

Parker then stopped walking when Charlotte did, seeing how uneasy she seemed as she took a deep breath. He realized they still hardly knew one another and was about to tell her she didn't have to explain if she didn't want to, but by the time he opened his mouth she started to speak.

Parker furrowed his eyebrows a bit with a concerned expression, trying to figure out in his head exactly what that meant. He'd heard it before. Parker then looked down with the mentioning of the attack, trying to remember if he'd seen Charlotte at all. That wasn't exactly important though.

"So..." he began quietly. "your heart is..weak or something?" He looked up at her again. "And do you mean curse as in..." he trailed off, thinking he may have been asking stupid questions. He wanted to understand though.

Parker Emery

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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Charlotte Smith Sun Mar 11, 2012 10:47 am

Charlotte smiled lightly and was interested by the fact that Parker had mentioned that he was interested in developing his healing skills, it would be a nice thing she was sure to have an apprenticeship especially with someone as nice as Healer Henley.

"Have you gotten an apprenticeship with Professor Henley? Its fantastic if you have such a great opportunity!"

The reaction from Parker was one that she had imagined but Charlotte still wasn't ready for what he asked, the truth was she knew very little about the condition apart from it was getting worse.

"Well...yes it is, and during times of intense pressure or stress it gets a little sore...but as for the curse...I was often told that I was born with it...but I don't believe that, I think someone put it on me when I was small."

Charlotte conveniently left out the explaination why she was told she was born with it. That was far too personal.
Charlotte Smith
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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Parker Emery Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:22 am

He smiled brightly at Charlotte's question, looking back down to the ground. "Well- well actually, I did. I asked her about it and...I think I'm going to start helping her next year. I'm honestly really excited." He sighed, pleased with himself that he actually got together the courage to ask her.

Seeing that Charlotte seemed to be upset, Parker reached his hand out to her arm to try to comfort her. He had no clue if it helped at all, but with others it had seemed to. "You're going to be okay though? You said you thought Professor Henley had fixed it? Does that mean that...there is a counter curse?"

He didn't get why a curse would have been put on a baby to begin with. And the idea of being born a curse on them flew over his understanding. He felt like he was asking too many questions about something he didn't exactly feel that he deserved to know, and that he was making Charlotte feel uncomfortable. "I-if you want we can just drop it..."

Parker Emery

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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Charlotte Smith Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:06 pm

Charlotte was happy that she could find something out about Parker that she hadn't known before, it was something she had never looked much into because she knew what she wanted to be and it had nothing to do with schooling or magic.

"Wow that's wondeful! I bet you'll love it and you have a great teacher, who knows maybe by fifth year you'll be healing people up left right and center." she said cheerfully

Then, Charlotte slowly became less enthused and nodded her head when he asked if she wanted to drop it, she did, and she was glad of the fact that Parker had been the one to suggest it.

"Yes please...I um, don't like talking about it much because it's not something I like to draw attention to." she smiled.
Charlotte Smith
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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Parker Emery Mon Mar 12, 2012 5:00 am

Parker smiled, a far away look in his eyes. "Fifth year...it seems so far away. At least I hope it stays far away for a long time." He looked around as they passed an open courtyard on their way to the stairs to the dungeons. "If it turns out I really do want to be a healer I'm going to be in school for a long time. A downside for most I think." He smiled, giving a small shrug. "I don't think I'd mind though."

He nodded when she agreed to drop it, taking a deep breath, "Yeah, I imagine. A-and I won't bring it up again, I promise." He looked at her, and returned the smile.

"So..." He tried searching his mind for something else to talk about. "So...what do you want to do? Art I'm guessing?"

Parker Emery

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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Charlotte Smith Tue Mar 13, 2012 12:50 am

Charlotte smiled lightly, she knew that she was going to be counting the days until she left school, however she was aware how precious each day was going to be for her especially as she didn't have that many years left. Each school year would remind her of that.

"Well I don't really mind school, and if you really want to do something then I'm sure you won't even notice it when it comes to the extra work."

Glad that they had dropped the subject now she tried to move her thoughts away and stop dwelling on it, that would be no good and she would just make herself ill again.

"Thank you, I appreciate that so much."

Charlotte smiled broadly and nodded enthusiastically:

"That's right! I'd love to have my own studio one day, and do commissions for people and basically just enjoy what I do now but get paid for it, who wouldnt want that?" she grinned
Charlotte Smith
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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Parker Emery Tue Mar 13, 2012 10:28 am

Parker smiled back at her enthusiasm of the changed to topic. "That does sound really wonderful, I've got to say. And since you like it so much, it's hardly even a job! Smart choice on your part," he nodded.

"And also, it's a shame if you aren't getting paid for your stuff. I've hardly seen any, but you should definitely charge, even if it's cheap. Because then next year you can go buy things from Hogsmeade without having to ask your dad." He shrugged and smiled a bit more, it would be another level of independence he figured. She has her own house she could buy her own things and she seemed very strong. He found he sort of admired her strength and independence and wished he could have some of it himself.

Parker Emery

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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Charlotte Smith Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:51 pm

Charlotte smiled happily at Parker, she was glad that she could talk to him about these things so easily, and she began to realise why Pyxis hung out with him so much, he was a nice person. She could tell. Even if she didn't speak to him all that much, she would do in the future since they got on well together.

"Yes I could never see creating art as a job, and it's also very theraputic, I mean, you can let all your feelings out onto one canvas so you don't end up getting it bottled up inside."

Thinking about that, Charlotte thought that she would still probably have to ask her Papa to let her buy the thigns but the money would be hers, she had actually thought about saving it up so that she could perhaps buy something bigger like a T.V....she'd always wanted a T.V.

"I was thinking of getting some muggle technology with the money I make, you know like saving it up, but I'd have to ask Papa of course whether he would allow it and to help me set it up because I have no clue!" she smiled
Charlotte Smith
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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Parker Emery Wed Mar 14, 2012 4:59 pm

Parker let out a content sigh, it had felt like ages since he last had a nice talk like this. Nothing too abrupt was dumped on him, and when things got a bit uncomfortable they both moved on. He smiled to himself hoping that as the rest of them got older conversations would go easier, like this. He figured that the independence given to her made her more mature, which could be arguable if that was a good thing or not at their age.

"Is it? I've never really thought myself too creative of a person, but I have heard about how artists are more in tune with their emotions and all that." He looked at her. "That's good though, cause bottling things up is how everyone seems to be dealing with things lately, and it sure isn't good."

Parker smiled when she mentioned wanting to get muggle technology. "Really? Not all of it is all that great, though the telly is a good time waster if you've nothing else to do, I suppose." he shrugged. "You should ask Pxyis if you can play with her muggle phone that she bought over summer. I don't think she brought it with her, I don't think it'd work anyways, but I'd suggest it next break or something. Even for muggles it's really cool."

Parker Emery

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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Charlotte Smith Wed Mar 14, 2012 10:57 pm

Charlotte smiled happily and nodded her head, the idea of the art that she created helping her tame her feelings was correct and she really did enjoy sometimes just scribbling all over a piece of papaer and seeing what would come out of it.

"Maybe you should try it sometime, one of my more chaotic peices was just me splattering paint all over the walls and seeing what came out of it, it looked quite good in the end actually."

When she heard that everyone was keeping their emotions bottled up Charlotte frowned lightly, and looked down at the floor: "That's sure not the way to do things, they'll all end up getting really upset at each other."

Parker mentioned one of the things that she most wanted to get and Charlotte was intrigued about it even more, she was excited to go to Airen's and watch the T.V. there too.

"I was thinking about getting a TV myself, although, this phone sounds interesting too...what would I use it for do you reckon?"
Charlotte Smith
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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Parker Emery Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:48 pm

Parker laughed a bit. "I'm not too sure, I'm terrible at art. It might make me more frustrated then I already am," he said lightly, but then his smile dampened very slightly. "The whole splattering of paint around sounds really fun though." he added.

He frowned a bit, shrugging. "That's what's been happening. No one is very pleasant to be around right now... so much seems to be going on." He sighed looking back at Charlotte.

"Over the summers I think I watch way to much telly. A bit of a brain rotter me mum says. But it's entertaining, certainly better than nothing at all. We only get a dozen or so channels though, so it's a lot of the same stuff." Parker thought for a moment about the new phone Pxyis has gotten. "Well, neither you or Pxyis really need one. Actually I don't see why anyone would need something so fancy. Usually you call other people's phones with it. But on one's like what Pxyis got, you can play little games, listen to music, and it's like a little computer pretty much."

Parker Emery

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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Charlotte Smith Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:48 pm

Charlotte smiled happily, of course she understood, she remembered when she had tried to give Humphrey art lessons and he had ended up getting a little bit frustrated about it all. Shaking thoughts of the boy, who had mysteriously vanished, from her mind, Charlotte smiled.

"Yes it really is fun! You know something I'm hoping to try in the next break is filling balloons up with paint and hanging them on a wall then throwing darts at them to make a nice picture."

Wondering just how many channels there were, and what kind of stuff was on the tv, Charlotte began to get a little excited and jumped around a lot, hoping that she could buy one of these things soon.

"Oh it just sounds amazing, I'm going to Airen's house in the summer and hopefully then we can watch some TV and I can see if I like it enough to buy one."

Charlotte frowned slightly and wondered exactly what a computer was: "What does a computer do?"
Charlotte Smith
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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Parker Emery Fri Mar 16, 2012 5:06 pm

Parker smiled. "That sounds like it would be a lot of fun, though I'd not be able to trust myself with throwing darts. I can hardly even toss a ball." he laughed a little bit at himself. He didn't want to even think of the disaster he'd probably make of a project like that.

"You know, thinking about it now, I am creating a little something. I was making gifts for me friends for the holiday. And I've not any money so I figured I'd make them something special each. Would you like one?" He then felt a little self conscious about give a creative-like piece to someone as great of an artist as she seemed to be, so he added, "I mean, it won't be all that great, but they were going to be all personalized...and the thought of it..." he trailed off, now sounding a bit unsure of himself.

Parker laughed a little bit seeing how excited she got. "Yeah, be careful, you might get hooked on it." he smiled. "You, know, I've never really talked to him, but I always thought Airen wasn't raised muggle at all. He seems to just hold himself so...regally like I've seen some of the purebloods..." he shrugged.

"You know...I'm not to sure how to describe what a computer does. I don't have one at me house, though most people do. So I've not spent all that much time on one." He stuck his hands into his pockets.

Parker Emery

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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Charlotte Smith Fri Mar 16, 2012 11:21 pm

Charlotte giggled slightly, and she hoped that if she ever did do a project like this that he would like to come and at least have a go, although, maybe she would have to make sure that nobody else was in the room:

"I'm sure you're not that bad, after all, I'm not much for sports, and I can't really do anything bar swimming, except tennis, I'm okay at that."

When she was asked if she wanted a present that Parker had made Charlotte smiled happily and nodded her head, she would be really grateful to have such a lovely present.

"Thank you so much! I would really love one, I'd treasure it always, and I'm sure that it'll be lovely and it's the thought that counts I think, so don't worry about anything like that." she smiled reassuringly "I think it's sweet the way that people make little homemade presents, I should do it more I think."

With a small smile, Charlotte shrugged her shoulders:

"I wouldn't know, we don't really talk about our pasts much, they weren't the greatest so we aren't quite ready to talk about them just yet."

Making a small humming noise, Charlotte thought about having to try one of these computers out, and wondered if Pyxis would have one for her to have a go on, or maybe she should borrow her phone.
Charlotte Smith
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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Parker Emery Tue Mar 20, 2012 5:31 pm

He shook his head, smiling a little bit. "Oh, no. I promise you. I'm terrible. The only thing I'm half decent at would be...I guess running for distances and going over low fences." He let out a small laugh. "Even then I'm clumsy and nearly always trip."

He smiled warmly at her enthusiasm at getting a handmade gift. "You-you really think so? It was sort of Haley's idea, so you know. I think she was going to make homemade gifts too." He nodded, feeling a little bit better about the idea. "Plus, what would you even buy for someone if they already had the money to buy whatever they wanted. If...you made them something, it is one of a kind."

Parker nodded understanding, "I see. That's good though, no need to just unload everything. It does take time to get to those sorts of things." He let out a small sigh, glancing out a window they passed by.

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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Charlotte Smith Tue Mar 20, 2012 8:10 pm

Charlotte smiled happily and thought about how she herself was not very good at either of those things, she was only good at running when she shifted her form to an animal, and that was cheating.

"Well they are two things I can't do, and I can't do headrolls either, I don't like the idea of cracking my neck while I roll or something." she shuddered.

Nodding happily Charlotte loved the idea of a homemade gift, and she was excited to see what it might be, perhaps it would be a small ornament, or a hand drawn picture?

"Well it's a lovely idea, maybe I'll make Papa something homemade again for his birthday, I learnt how to metal weld for his last birthday so I could make him a present."

Looking out of the window as Parker did, Charlotte couldn't help but note the beauty in what she saw outside of it, and remembered how she had lived most of her life looking out of a window.

"What a beautiful view, I must go and paint that some time." she mused.
Charlotte Smith
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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Parker Emery Mon Mar 26, 2012 5:55 am

"Well, I suppose with enough practice at anything, you can get a bit better." He then cringed slightly and rubbed the back of his neck, "Ow, yeah. that's not the best image."

Parker raise his eyebrows a bit. "Metal Welding? Wow, you can just do everything even slightly artistic can't you?" he smiled. "That sounds really cool though, so I'm sire he'd like it." While the man did seem quite intimidating, his soft spot for Charlotte made him far less scary. He seemed to just be so protective of her, it was sweet.

He continued to look out the window with her. Being able to capture the moment seemed like it would be a wonderful skill to have. Being able to do it properly would seem most satisfying too. He could understand why a lot of people would be drawn in by art. He thought it was great, but he lacked any talent for it whatsoever. "Hey, so...you said you'd show me some of you're work. Maybe- if it's alright- we could meet back here when you feel like painting it? I'd love to watch. I won't talk much either if it would bother you..." he glanced at her, smiling a little.

Parker Emery

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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Charlotte Smith Wed Mar 28, 2012 9:34 pm

Charlotte smiled lightly, she even blushed a little, after all she did seem to have a natural talent for doing things with metal and welding, however, she had paid for the course and had to take it twice because she often messed up on the simple things getting started, and she had ruined many peices on her way to making them a success.

"Well I had to go on a course, and I had to take it twice because I didn't manage to do it in the first go, I kept messing it up, but now I know how to do it properly and I can make all sorts of cool things, like plates, and tankards and different sculptures, although I haven't done that yet."

A large smile cracked on Charlotte's face and she was glad that Parker would like to meet up with her sometime soon and that he would like to see her painting in action, it was always nicer to have someone sitting with you because you could get their opinion on what they could see, which sometimes you couldn't yourself.

"I would love that Parker, I'll probably come here next week to paint it, once I have all the materials, I think it's nicer to have someone with you when you're painting it gets awfully boring and lonely."
Charlotte Smith
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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Parker Emery Fri Mar 30, 2012 2:49 pm

"Oh wow, that sounds really cool." He said, smiling, then letting out a small sigh. "Very lucky, that you could take a course like that. " Such things like that always costed money. It was unfortunate a lot of great experiences required so much money.

He smiled back at her, seeing that she seemed glad that he'd want to come and watch her paint. That was good, he didn't want to seem like he was intruding. He heard some artists were very personal and private with their work and didn't like to be watched.He hoped he would be able to make good company for her.

He nodded "Alright, great. And...if we can't get back here, then next year, yeah?"

Parker Emery

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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Charlotte Smith Fri Mar 30, 2012 10:40 pm

Charlotte nodded her head happily and began to move back towards the common room, she didn't want to be caught out of bed when she was supposed to be in the common room, she had never gotten into trouble and she wasn't sure that she would like it very much.

With a small smile she turned to Parker and held out her pinky finger to him;

"I promise that next year when we're settled in we can both come back to that place together and we can paint, deal?"

Gesturing with her finger for him to do the same also, Charlotte waited outside the door to the common room, so that she would know that they would definately meet again sometime when school restarted.
Charlotte Smith
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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Parker Emery Sat Mar 31, 2012 2:02 am

Parker walked with her back to the common room. he hadn't realized how late it had gotten. As the got down to the dungeons, Charlotte turned to him, holding out her pinky finger.

The stopped right before the commonroom door, when she said she'd promise to meet him back to paint.

He smiled and nodded, holding out his own pinky and wrapping it around hers. "Alright, it's a promise then. I can't wait."

He then added as an after thought. "And I'll give you my address when we get in so that we can write over summer too. Is that alright?" He asked, now lowering his hand.

Parker Emery

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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Charlotte Smith Sun Apr 01, 2012 6:52 pm

Charlotte waa glad when Parker wrapped his pinky aroound hers and she waited for him to promise her with a large smile on her lips, it was something that made her very happy to know that she now had a new friend out of something that was so very traumatic, after all having Parker hurt himself was not the way that would have been the best for this to happen.

"Me neither," she said with a grin "It's been a long time since someone has sat with me while I paint."

Nodding her head for a moment, Charlotte muttered the new password for the common room and stepped inside of it, looking around and seeing nobody there that she knew.

"Oh and I'll just write mine down for you."

Getting a scrap of paper, Charlotte scribbled down her address at Cobie's bakery and handed it to Parker.
Charlotte Smith
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The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Two Slytherins (Char, Parker Lucia)

Post by Parker Emery Wed Apr 04, 2012 8:32 pm

Parker smiled when she agreed that she couldn't wait. "Great, I've never sat and watched anyone paint before, so it'll be something new."

As she muttered the password and stepped in, he walk in after her, seeing a few other people. He nodded when she said she'd give him her address.

"Thanks...though, I don't have an owl. So...just send me one first and I can send it back with your owl. Is that okay?" He asked with a small unsure smile as he took the address from her.

He then wrote on another scrap his and handed it to her. "Here's mine."

"So, I'll talk to you later, Charlotte. Thanks again for helping me." he said as he gave a small wave, making his way to the boys dorm.

Parker Emery

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