Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Sorting. (Parker and Damien)

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Sorting. (Parker and Damien) Empty Sorting. (Parker and Damien)

Post by Parker Emery Fri Mar 02, 2012 4:23 pm

Parker was sat on his bed, his legs crossed, rifling through some small boxes, ones he'd started to put together while on walks around the grounds of the castle. He collected interesting stones and and pressed plants, occasionally even little animal bones he'd found scattered once around by the lake. The things here looked different and when he was home he wanted a piece of this place when he couldn't be here over breaks.

He'd emptied out the boxes, and took his garden snake from it's tank, setting it on the back of his neck, as he was going to reorganize. He had moved over a few of his larger books, taking out some new and rather interesting pressed plants from between the pages. He carefully started to set the things in the boxes. One of the pressed flowers he thought about giving to Pxyis next time he got the chance, though he wasn't sure if she even liked flowers or not.

Next he was arranging the little bones he had collected, trying to see if they all belonged to the same small creature. It was like a puzzle, he thought. And figured he needed to take another walk soon. Maybe along the edge of the forbidden forest. There were often interesting stones and such that way.

For a long time, Parker arranged the little bones in different ways, feeling bored out of his mind, too tired to want to study as he usually did, thinking of the handmade gifts he'd be making his friends. He looked up when he heard the door handle turn and click open.

Parker Emery

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Sorting. (Parker and Damien) Empty Re: Sorting. (Parker and Damien)

Post by Guest Wed Mar 21, 2012 1:03 pm

Damien had a long and tiring day and was ready to lay down in his bed, but upon entering his room he was in a little shock as to who was in there when he got there.

Walking into his room he discovered the Parker had been moved into his room, and had practically moved in a museum by the looks of things.

"So why did they decide that you needed to invade my space? Not to mention the mess you brought with you."

That was the one thing Damien was always good at was keeping his area cleaned it was almost like an obsessions. But he wanted Tessa to think he couldn't clean at all and he wanted an elf. It made for fun times with her.


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Sorting. (Parker and Damien) Empty Re: Sorting. (Parker and Damien)

Post by Parker Emery Wed Mar 21, 2012 1:15 pm

The moment he saw who it was he sighed and looked back down at what he was doing. He remembered him from when he hurt his nose and when he'd seen Anne outside the Hospital wing. He'd also heard he wasn't the nicest guy, and knowing they would be room mates now didn't seem the least bit fun. Even if Parker was a year older, he knew Damien would certainly seem to be in charge of everything.

He didn't look up when Damien addressed his being there and his stuff. "Because I had no roommates, people are supposed to have roommates...and it's not a mess, it's a collection." he added the last part a bit hesitantly, not sure if it was taking a small step too far with this guy to 'correct' him.

Parker glanced at the few large books stacked to his left, the few small boxes set on the foot of the bed and the stuff laid out before him. He didn't fancy himself a necessarily messy person, though he knew he wasn't exactly the cleanest of people either. He often found a lot of obsessive cleaning to be pointless since things often just got dirty again.

Parker Emery

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Sorting. (Parker and Damien) Empty Re: Sorting. (Parker and Damien)

Post by Guest Wed Mar 21, 2012 2:50 pm

Damien was trying to remember what this kids name was..

"Parker isn't it? I suppose ones persons mess is another persons collection." Damien sighed

Damien goes over to where Parker is and looks at all of his stuff, might as well get to know the guy if they were going to be roommates.

"So what exactly is all of this stuff, you don't consider junk?"


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Sorting. (Parker and Damien) Empty Re: Sorting. (Parker and Damien)

Post by Parker Emery Wed Mar 21, 2012 2:58 pm

Parker glanced up at him, a but surprised he actually knew or remembered his name, he certainly didn't recall what his name was. "Erm, yeah...I'm sorry, I don't remember your name. Something with a...D?"

He kept his eye on him as he walked over, looking over all his stuff. Trying not to sigh at him calling his stuff junk.

"Well...I suppose that some of it could be considered junk..." He grit out. Even if they had just been things he found around the grounds, he still spent a fair amount of time trying to find them.

He motioned to the small bones arranged in front of him. "This, I think might be a rat. At least most of it. Some of the bones might be a bird's though." he shrugged a little bit, glancing back up at Damien as Parker reached over for the small boxes. "And these are just some stones and pressed plants I thought looked interesting..."

Parker Emery

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Sorting. (Parker and Damien) Empty Re: Sorting. (Parker and Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 22, 2012 1:16 am

Damien glanced at the boy and thought maybe the boy was too far into his own little whole, everyone always knew his name. "Damien is the name, and maybe if you came out into the world instead of your small box you might have remembered that."

Damien began to wonder what type of kid this was when he started explaining everything he had been collecting in his boxes, what type of guy was he going to be living with.

"What exactly are you going to be doing with all these things, we so need to get you a different hobby."


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Sorting. (Parker and Damien) Empty Re: Sorting. (Parker and Damien)

Post by Parker Emery Thu Mar 22, 2012 1:32 pm

Parker furrowed his eyebrows and frowned slightly, why was he being so rude? It wasn't like they exactly had a proper introduction before, nor did they share classes. So why would he care to remember his name before now? Parker obviously didn't say this outside. But as he looked back down to his stuff all he said was "Well, sorry."

He looked up and over to where Damien's stuff was, then looked at him when he asked him what he was planning to do with his stuff. "Well, I don't know. I thought they'd be nice to have when I go home for break and..." He paused for a brief moment. "...I might us them for some handmade gifts for my friends. As silly as it sounds, I think they'd like it-"

"There's not much to do, and it's better then sitting around the library all the time. What do you even do in your spare time?" He looked down again, realizing that the way he just said that could have sounded a little rude. He really hoped this guy wouldn't take offense easily.

Parker Emery

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Sorting. (Parker and Damien) Empty Re: Sorting. (Parker and Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 23, 2012 3:45 pm

Damien listened to his new roommate and wondered how he ever got sorted into Slytherin House. He was as far from being a Slytherin as a person could get.

"I suppose to each their own." Damien stated as he walked over to his bed and flopped on it.

Damien watched Parker for a few minutes playing with his stuff, then he reached over to his table and picked up a book.

"Well there are many things I like to do, first and far most I actually enjoy a good book." Damien stated pretty plainly.


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Sorting. (Parker and Damien) Empty Re: Sorting. (Parker and Damien)

Post by Parker Emery Fri Mar 23, 2012 3:55 pm

"Yeah...to each their own." He muttered back, lowering his head a bit. Parker sorted through the rest of the little stones, closing up the box, and then he set the bird bones separate from the other ones. He took the boxes off his bed and knelt down, pushing them under the bed. He stood back up, moving the books onto his bed, flipping through to the pressed plants he had.

He looked over when Damien said he liked a good book. He raised his eyebrows a bit, lifting up the blue flower form the pages. "Oh? What do you like to read?"

Parker Emery

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Sorting. (Parker and Damien) Empty Re: Sorting. (Parker and Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:39 pm

Damien looked over at Parker and he didn't seem to be the type of kid that ran around telling every one the things so Damien thought he would share a little.

"I will be glad to tell you many things about myself, but you have to promise me that what happens in this rooms stays in this room" Damien tone changed a lot, he was trying to drop the facade that he carried to everyone.


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Sorting. (Parker and Damien) Empty Re: Sorting. (Parker and Damien)

Post by Parker Emery Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:42 pm

He put the flower back in the large book, closing it, and then setting the two books he had on the floor beside his bed as he went to sit on his, leaning back against the headboard.

Parker looked at Damien a bit curiously, wondering why he'd want to be so secretive, not like Parker ever really had anyone to tell anything to, even if he wanted to. But he nodded. "Of course, I promise." Why he'd start being like this over the mentioning of a favorite book type was beyond him, however.

Parker Emery

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Sorting. (Parker and Damien) Empty Re: Sorting. (Parker and Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 23, 2012 5:01 pm

Damien put down the book that he had and then looked over at Parker. He knew this part of him was going to probably throw Parker for a loop.

"I tend not to be the same here in private that I am out there around everyone. If my father was to find out I was being nice to someone like you it would not bode well for me." Damien smiled at Parker "But I choose not to spend the next 6 years stress out while I am in my own room."

Damien knew he was placing trust in this kid but he hoped it would be fine.

"I actually like to read many different things, and I take my studies very seriously."


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Sorting. (Parker and Damien) Empty Re: Sorting. (Parker and Damien)

Post by Parker Emery Sat Mar 24, 2012 2:28 am

Parker furrowed his eyebrows as Damien started talking. Why anyone would try to live a double sort of life was beyond him. He found that lying often brought him into more trouble than necessary .

He inwardly cringed when Damien said he shouldn't have been nice to someone like him. "Well, there shouldn't be any problems. I won't bother you as long as you don't bother me."

He nodded "Well, good. I'm much the same. What sorts of things do you read?"

Parker Emery

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Sorting. (Parker and Damien) Empty Re: Sorting. (Parker and Damien)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 24, 2012 7:57 am

Damien nodded to Parker it was very true that they should have any problem. "Well you never know, we might actually grow to be friends." Damien smiled. "Just because certain ideals are my fathers does not mean I think the same way just so you know."

Damien was thinking about the kind of things he liked to read.

"Well I really do enjoy a good thriller novel, Vampire stories always interest me too. It is always interesting to see people take on what a vampire is." Damien laughed a the thought


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Sorting. (Parker and Damien) Empty Re: Sorting. (Parker and Damien)

Post by Parker Emery Sat Mar 24, 2012 10:01 am

When Damien commented about them possibly becoming friend's Parker stayed silent, but nodded. Considering how rude he seemed it didn't seem too likely, but he'd give him a chance to give a better impression of himself.. Parker felt a little better when Damien said he didn't exactly believe what his father did. Which meant there was a good possibility of their not having problems.

"I don't really read those sorts of books, but..Let me guess, vampires are real too? Considering how many other weird things I've seen and heard of I shouldn't be too surprised."

Parker Emery

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Sorting. (Parker and Damien) Empty Re: Sorting. (Parker and Damien)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 24, 2012 4:00 pm

Damien looked at Parker a little and he suppose because of where he comes from that he would have lived in a world that didn't believe such things existed.

"Sure, all those types of creatures that you were probably taught growing up were not real, they very much are. We have vampires, werewolf's, Sirens. They all exist."

Damien looked back at his book and read another page. "So what types of books do you like?"


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Sorting. (Parker and Damien) Empty Re: Sorting. (Parker and Damien)

Post by Parker Emery Sat Mar 24, 2012 4:10 pm

Parker had been a bit weary of this guy at first, but he was starting to relax a little. He didn't seem to jump on him for not knowing and that was good.

"Wow, I really hope I don't come across any of those any time soon. Though I'm guessing they're not much like how stories tell them to be?"

"Uhm, well, I don't read stories much. I don't really find them all that enjoyable, I don't think I've much an imagination for it. But..." He shrugged, realizing it was a nerdy thing to actually enjoy reading a good text or non-fiction books. "I spend a lot of time in the library..researching. So, I guess texts and stuff. I like learning. And, I want to know as much as anyone one else. " Those in his year and especially in his house were all so much more knowledgeable about all this stuff, and he just wanted to be able to catch up with them.

Parker Emery

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Sorting. (Parker and Damien) Empty Re: Sorting. (Parker and Damien)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 24, 2012 4:56 pm

Damien had to smile because it wasn't fair to laugh at Parker right now because he didn't know.

"My dear Parker, we go to school with many a creatures, you just don't know it. They have blending in very well." Damien just waited to see the look on Parker's face because he was probably clueless to the fact.

"I have to agree with you on the learning, I also enjoy learning. I just choose not to stay buried in the library to do it." Damien glanced over to see what Parker was doing again.

Damien had decided that maybe Parker was not as bad as he thought it was going to be. He believed that maybe Parker was just a shy guy. He might have to pull him out of that.

"Well I know many things that most kids in third years already know, so if you have questions I could always help you out."


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Sorting. (Parker and Damien) Empty Re: Sorting. (Parker and Damien)

Post by Parker Emery Sat Mar 24, 2012 5:54 pm

Parker raised his eyebrows a bit and sat up straight. "What? Are you serious? How do you know if they're apparently so good at blending in!" He was genuinely surprised. He had thought that most such creatures would be considered lower then people, or didn't want to be educated with them. He really didn't know a thing. How interesting...

"Well, why not? I think the library had a really great feeling to it when there's hardly any people. It seems to just stretch on forever, and there's so much you could learn." He sighed, thinking back on the restricted section and how badly he wanted to get his hands on some of those books.

Parker leaned back against his headboard again. "Thanks, if..I ever need anything I guess I'll ask?" He turned his head and glanced out the window. "Though..." He looked back at Damien. "You wouldn't happen to know anything that's not in the defense book about Banshees would you?" he brows were furrowed and Parker looked more serious with his question.

Parker Emery

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Sorting. (Parker and Damien) Empty Re: Sorting. (Parker and Damien)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 25, 2012 9:55 pm

Damien was trying hard not to laugh at Parker, he seemed honestly nervous about being with these creatures.

"Relax Parker man, it will be ok. They are not going to hurt you, trust me. For the most part they are not evil."

Damien knew right off hand a girl who was part Siren, not that he was going to release that information.

"Well I understand that you like to hang out in the library, but when I hang out in the library everyone can find me if they want. I like to be in the privacy of my own room." Damien smiled

When Parker asked about Banshees he had to chuckle a little. "You can't believe that creatures are here at school but you want to know about Banshees. What exactly do you want to know about them? Other than their scream is loud."


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Sorting. (Parker and Damien) Empty Re: Sorting. (Parker and Damien)

Post by Parker Emery Mon Mar 26, 2012 5:22 am

Parker frowned a bit. He had just been curious and interested in the fact that creatures went here, he didn't want to be laughed at. "I didn't think they would...but that's sure comforting to know..." Most. That wasn't ever really a good thing to say.

He sighed and looked away, out the water window in the room. "Oh, well, I guess I can understand that." He looked back over to Damien. "So I take it you've got a lot of books here to do that reading?"

Parker felt his face heat up a bit and he looked down. "I was just a little surprised these 'creatures' went here was all. Though if they're just like us then I wouldn't really call them creatures." He then gave a small shrug. "I don't know...there's only so much a book can tell me. Especially when I get different information from different sources..."

Parker Emery

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