Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Worried (Tessa & Damien)

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Worried (Tessa & Damien) Empty Worried (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 02, 2012 1:35 am

Damien had heard that Leshia had passed out and was in the hospital wing. He wanted to go and check on her but was unsure if he would be welcomed.

Apparently she had been not feeling very and when she walked into the common room she fainted and they have not been able to wake her up.

He was looking out the window when someone else walked into the room.


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Worried (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Worried (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 02, 2012 1:42 am

Tessa decided that she was bored and Yasmina wanted to get out of the Gryffindor towers for a while. She knew last time she had seen Damien, she pretended to be sick.

Yasmina decided to take her up to the Abandoned Tower. Tessa had walked into the room, she didn't want to think about Alcyone or the fact that she wanted to see Damien by herself.


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Worried (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Worried (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 02, 2012 1:51 am

Damien turned around to see Tessa coming in the room, he was almost disappointed that it was her, he wished it would have been someone he didn't know. He knew that Tessa would know that something was bothering him.

Damien had thought about the last time they were together and the disagreement about Alcyone and now he was worried about Leshia and how he should be their for Tabi because she is proably hurting. Damien wondered if this problem in Leshia's head had anything to do with their connection. Not many people new about that.

Damien looked up and tried his best to smile.

"Hi Tessa." he said as he turned back towards the window.


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Worried (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Worried (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 02, 2012 1:59 am

When Tessa walked into the room. You could tell that she was still thinking over and over about Damien and Alcyone. She knew that she really shouldn't be worried, but there was something there. It looked like she hadn't been sleeping that good. But it was like this was on her mind. She knew nothing would happened because Damien loved her. But she knew that they both still had feeling for each other and this could be bad for Tessa.

She then smiled a little bit, when she found it was Damien. “ Hello Damien.”


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Worried (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Worried (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 02, 2012 2:05 am

He continued to look at the window he was afraid that she would see the tears in his eyes. He was not always as hard as every one thought. Still staring out the window.

"So what brings you and Yas up here on a night like tonight?"

Damien was trying so hard for his voice not to crack as he talked to her. He really wanted to just grab her and cry on her should be he was tougher than this. Leshia and Tabi were like his sisters and he loved them both just as much as if they were.


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Worried (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Worried (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 02, 2012 2:17 am

Tessa started to yawn a little bit. She was tired, but she didn’t' want to lay down. It seemed like she had so many night of not sleeping. It came right after she discovered Alcyone and Damien still had feelings for each other. She knew that she would have to sleep sometime. But she knew that it won't happen anytime soon.

“ I couldn’t' sleep, so Yas and I decided to go out for a walk.”

She wanted to so badly tell Damien what was keeping her awake. But she feared that he would think that he would leave her for Alcyone. And then the trust issues would come back up. Tessa wasn't really in the mood for another fight right now.


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Worried (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Worried (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 02, 2012 2:28 am

"Sounds just like how I feel, no sleep, and it probable will not come for awhile."

Damien knew he couldn't go back to the dorm room because he could not see Tabi right now. His thoughts were more on Tabi than Alcyone at the moment. He was sure Tabi was in the hospital wing, he really wanted to go see them but now it was gona be past curfew.

"So would you like to tell me why you can't sleep?" Damien was still facing the window with the tears running down his cheeks. But he knew she could see him, but he hoped she could hear it in his voice.


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Worried (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Worried (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 02, 2012 3:01 am

Tessa sighed, she knew that there was ways to make a person fall asleep. But she didn’t' feel like anything right now.

She could tell that something was wrong with Damien. But she had no idea, she didn't want to ask. Tessa hated it that something was bothering him. And that she couldn’t make it better. She could tell that he was crying, Tessa knew that she would do anything just to make the tears stop.

“ I really don't want to talk about it right now. I am sure that it will lead to us arguing about something.” It seemed like they was always fighting or arguing over something. And Tessa wasn't up to doing much anything right about now.


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Worried (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Worried (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 02, 2012 8:15 am

When she said she didn't want to talk about it Damien wished she would it would give him something else to think about.

"I could care less about Alcyone at the moment if that is what your worried about." Because he knew that was the last thing they talked about the last time they saw each other.

At that point Damien couldn't hold in the sobs any more and he started full fledged crying. He laid his head on the window sill.


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Worried (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Worried (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 02, 2012 8:26 am

Tessa then walked over to Damien. She knew that he was crying, but she didn’t' want to say anything. She then remember what some people would do when she was crying. Tessa then hugged him and started to rub his back.

There was this song that always calmed her down. “ Dancing bears, painted wings. Things I almost remember and a song someone sings. Once upon a December.” She then hoped that this was enough to calm him down.


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Worried (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Worried (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 02, 2012 8:44 am

Damien felt her hand rubbing his back and then she started to sing. Damien had loved her singing ever since the first time he had heard it. He was sure their children would love it.

Damien decided that he would sit down on the floor. "Come down here and sit with me." Damien pulled her hand to have her come down the wall.

"I just found out that Leshia is in hospital and they don't know whats wrong." Damien laid his head on Tessa's lap and cried again.


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Worried (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Worried (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 02, 2012 9:18 am

Tessa could tell that Damien loved it when she would sing. She thought that maybe his mother never sang to him when he was growing up. Every night before going to sleep, someone would always sing to her. It would make her sleep better. She knew one day when she had children, she would always sing to them.

She then felt when he grabbed her hand and pulled. Tessa then let herself, just slide on down the wall. She could feel that the ground was cold. But Damien wanted to sit.

“ Oh my! What been happen and start from the beginning.” She then tried to remember that medical book that she read before coming to Hogwarts. Tessa was sure that nothing would change. She then started to play with his hair as he cried.


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Worried (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Worried (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 02, 2012 9:36 am

Damien relaxes a little when she started playing with his hair he finally stopped crying.

"I really don't know, I just heard through other people that she had not been feeling well all day and she walked into the Ravenclaw Common room and just collapsed."

Damien thought about it and all he could do was worry.

"Everything probably got to her"


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Worried (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Worried (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:00 am

Tessa was still playing with his hair. She knew that this was calming him down. Tessa smiled and was glad she could help him.

She then sighed because she wasn't getting enough details. “ Well anything can cause you to faint.” Tessa was frustrated because she didn't know what was happening. She knew that Leshisa was her best friend.

Tessa then kissed his cheek. “ I know that you are worried about her. But that isn't going to help her now?”

She knew what it was like that everything was getting to her.


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Worried (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Worried (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:28 am

Damien could not but worry, but the more Tessa played with his hair the calmer he felt..

"I can't help but worry, she is Tabi's sister, and I love them both like they were my sisters. I mean how can I not."

Damien placed his arm around Tessa legs as to hug it, he was so glad he had her.

"I didn't want you here when you first got here, cause I didn't want you to see me like this." Damien hugs tightly

"But I am so glad you stayed."


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Worried (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Worried (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:55 am

Tessa continued to play with her hair. It was also helping her feel relaxed.

“ I know that you can't help but worry. But you shouldn't worry as much. I know that I am worried for Leshia. But I know she would want me to go on with my life.” She smiled as Damien hugged her leg. It reminded her of when the younger kids at the orphanage would run up and hug her leg.

She then sighed a little bit. “ Damien there is nothing wrong with letting someone see you cry. It only means that you are human. And once in a while you need someone to lean on. And I am glad I stayed too.”


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Worried (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Worried (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 02, 2012 1:22 pm

Damien felt so much better after having Tessa just hold and comfort him.

"Well I know I shouldn't worry but Tabi has got to be a mess at the moment, I hope Ivano is comforting her." he sighed

"Have I told you recently that I love you, and if you do not want me to met with Alcyone I won't"


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Worried (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Worried (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 02, 2012 1:36 pm

"Have I told you recently that I love you, and if you do not want me to met with Alcyone I won't"

Tessa smiled as she continued to hold Damien. She was enjoying this moment with him. Tessa could tell that he was feeling a lot better. Just by her holding him and telling him that everything would be alright.

“ I am sure that Ivano is doing the same thing with Tabi. There is nothing to worry about.” She really had no idea what Tabi was doing, but she was going to tell him anything that made him feel better.

“ You haven't told me that lately that you loved me, and if you still want to meet with Alcyone I will be alright.”


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Worried (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Worried (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 02, 2012 2:01 pm

Damien sat up and turned so he was facing her, while she had her back against the wall and he did the only thing he could think of at the moment and that was kiss her.

He kissed her as if it would be the last time he saw her very passionatly basically trying to suck the life out of her.

Pulling back he cupped her face in his hands "I will always love you, and I want you to never forget that."


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Worried (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Worried (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 02, 2012 2:11 pm

Tessa then was watching Damien as he sat up. She really wasn't shocked that Damien had kissed her. This was something that they was always doing.

But they had never kissed like this before so she really didn’t' know what to do. Tessa just kissed him back.

She then loved it when he would cup her face. “ I will always love you too Damien.”


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Worried (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Worried (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 02, 2012 2:25 pm

Damien was enjoying the comfort so he just snuggled in with Tessa and just sat there in the moment. It was in this moment that he forgot the rest of the world exsisted.

He started to think about the future again and all the happiness that he would give Tessa as long as she put up with him.


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Worried (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Worried (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 02, 2012 2:32 pm

Tessa loved it when Damien would snuggle with her. She then sat there thinking about all the years that she still had left in school. And she wanted to spend them with Damien. It was like nothing else mattered.

She could tell that he was starting to feel happy. And Tessa was glad that she could make it happen. A small yawn escaped from her. She knew she was tired but didn’t' want to leave.


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Worried (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Worried (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 03, 2012 3:53 am

Damien knew they probably should get down to bed but he really didn't want to leave her just yet.

"I wish we could stay like this forever, it is like the worlds problems and our own don't exist." Damien sighed

Damien sat up and pulled Tessa to her feet. "But unfortunately real life calls and we must answer."


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Worried (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Worried (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 03, 2012 4:04 am

Tessa smiled. “ I wish that we could stay like this forever. It would make life a lot easier.” She knew that she should go to bed, but she didn't want to leave Damien. She just wanted to keep him calm.

Tessa sighed. “ Yes I know, that which doesn't kill me. Only makes me stronger.”


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Worried (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Worried (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 03, 2012 4:11 am

Damien leaned forward and kissed Tessa, it seemed she always knew how to make him feel better.

After release the kiss he had a hold of one hand while he made she Tessa had Yas's handle in the other.

"Come on Yas, lets get this beautiful lady but to her tower and back to bed shall we."

Damien started to lead her down the stairs making sure to take his time.

Damien had to laugh. "The last time we were here I was carrying you down these steps. So be careful.


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Worried (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Worried (Tessa & Damien)

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