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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) Empty Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:38 pm

Damien could not believe that he let his angry get the best of him. Even in all the years he had known Tabi he had never hurt her like that before, he was just like his father and he felt terrible, and the worst part was Tessa had been there through everything, how was he ever going to explain it too her.

He sent her an owl in the hopes that she would meet him up here so he could talk to her, now he would just have to wait and see if she comes.


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Wed Feb 22, 2012 10:56 pm

Someone who shared a dorm with her read the owl to her. At first she wasn't sure if she wanted to go. She remembered how he yelled and treated Tabi. Tessa really wasn't sure if she liked Tabi, but nobody should be treated like a slave. She then grabbed the handle on Yasmina and decided that she was going to see him.

While Yasmina was leading her, Tessa was trying to think of what to say. But after about ten mintues she then could feel Damien.


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 2:37 am

Damien was sitting on a bench that was in the tower when Tessa walked into the room. He knew she was probably scare of him now after what she had witnessed at the lake.

Damien stood up and walked towards where she was standing.

"Hello Tessa" Damien said very softly

"You do not know how much this means to me that you have come" Damien smiled.

"Would you allow me to lead you over to the bench?"


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 2:43 am

Tessa stood there, she was scared when she heard Damien. And it was most likely what happened at the lake.

She opened her mouth but words didn't come out.

" I can do it myself." Tessa didn't know if she trust Damien to touch her or not. She was still scared that he might treat her like he did to Tabi."


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 3:38 am

Damien watched her walk over to the bench and he waited for her to sit down then he went over and stood against the wall and just watched her for a moment, she truly was beautiful.

"Tessa first of all I would never intentional do anything to hurt you." Damien sighed he knew that there was no way he would believe her.

"What happened with Tabi and I has never happened before, I was just really mad at her and just reacted the way I have always been trained when it came to her. I really know that she is not my property, and I do not want any person as my property."

Damien started to pace across the floor.

"There are just things about my life you have to understand. Some wizarding families believe in the old ways where the man is the ruler of the castle and that the woman is to respect and obey him, with no regards to her own way of thinking." Damien sighed again

"As a man I am trained since I could understand things that Tabi was to be my wife and it was my responsibility to keep her in line and follow the rules. When she told you about my father, I snapped."

At this point Damien slid down the wall he ended up at onto the floor with his face buried in his hands.

"As far as I was taught she had broke one of the main rules: Slytherin Wife rule number 4: A wife never talks about her husband to anyone. When she told you what my father did to me it was my place to remind her where she belongs. By the standards I have been taught."

Damien was hoping she was understanding cause there was a lot more to tell.


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 3:51 am

Tessa had sat down on the bench as Yasmina was right next to her.

" Muggles used to think a man was the head of the house. And women where good for only being housewives. But that all changed when muggles started to go into war world II. This cause that system to break."

She then sighed and didn't know if he understood anything she had just said.


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 4:16 am

Damien felt a little better because that was exactly the way that things still worked in his family.

"Unfortunately that idea still works in my family." Damien sighed

"Even though Tabi and I are not married we still have to obey the rules of the Slytherin family we have. I know I should have talked to her calmly but that stuff with my father is terrible." Damien got up off the floor and went over to the bench she was sitting on.

"A Slytherin man is taught when a woman breaks the rules we must remind her of her place, normally I would have just talked to, but she is so stubborn and head strong I figured the only way to get her to understand was grabbing her and forcing her to listen to me."

Damien could not help himself as he laid his head in Tessa's lap and started crying "I didn't meant to hurt her. I may not want to marry her, I don't hate her. She would be my best friend if it wasn't for this contract." Damien hated it when he was weak like this.


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 6:32 am

Tessa was shocked when he laid his head in her lap.

She then smiled a little bit, even though she didn't agree with that life.

Tessa then started to run her fingers through his hair.


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 6:54 am

Damien felt her running his fingers through his hair, well at least she hadn't pushed him off I guess that was a start.

"I didn't mean to kiss her either, it was more of a control thing" Damien really did not know why he had done that other than to make sure she knew he still had control over her.

Damien was enjoying her running her fingers through his hair but he needed to sit up.

"Can you please tell me what I need to do, I do not think I can live without your forgiveness."


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:00 am

Tessa sighed. " I might not understand what you are going through." She really didn't know what to say.But she then remembered what her and Professor Slytherin was talking about.

" Controling over a person, I just don't get. Some muggles do that and I really don't see the point."

It seemed like this was the second misunderstanding. " I will forgive you Damien."


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:12 am

Damien could not help but hug her tightly and then kiss her forehead.

"Thank you, I am really sorry about what happened. I can't promise you that I wont loose my temper again but I can promise you I will never touch another woman in anger again."

Damien was going to tell her story about his father, after he calmed down a little more


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:17 am

Tessa then hugged him back and was smiling.

She smiled a little bit. " Swear that this will never happening again, swear that you will never kiss Tabi again." Tessa knew that she was asking for a lot.

Tessa knew that this could happen again, but didn't want to think about it. She knew that she should tell him the reason she was in a muggle orphanage.


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:33 am

Damien knew he could promise that he never wanted to kiss Tabi in the first place. He just hoped at the family gathering that the situation would not come into play. They always had to act happy with each other.

"I do want to tell you about my father though, its a hard story to tell but I want you to know about it. If you have the time to listen."


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:35 am

Tessa smiled as she was facing Damien.

" I will always have time for you." She knew that sounded cheezy, but it was the truth.


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 8:02 am

Damien smiled back at her as she smiles at him. He really loved her smile.

"I have already told you about being a Slytherin, and in my family we train early on to fight and about the dark arts. I have learned so many spells."

Damien hand learned so many spells he would need 3 sheets of parchment to write them all down.

"Tabi, Leshia, and I were always trained together and when they would get a spell wrong I always tried to protect them for the punishment. I can take to torture but I do not think they should take it." Damien sighed and stood up to pace again.

"My father was very abusive when it came to punishments, and most of the time I would take them all, it should not hurt the girls, they are too young for his punishments."

Damien knew as they got older the punishments would get stronger and more painful.


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 9:03 am

Tessa was shocked. " I am so sorry." She then hugged him.

" I was told that when my real parents found out that I was blind, they decided that they didn't want me. So they put me up for adoption."


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:11 am

Damien had never about adoption before in the wizarding world. It was something that was not thought about. Most families just hide their children from the public if they had issues or disabilities. At least that was the way he wanted to think about it.

"So do you know anything about your real parents other than that."

Damien was not sure if he would rather have that life or the one that he had.


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:15 am

Tessa sighed. " Nope, all I was told when I got my letter. That I was a witch."

She then smiled. " But then I got adopted and have the best parents ever."


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:37 am

Damien was happy listening to Tessa tell happy stories. He cannot remember any time he had happy family stories.

Damien walked back to the bench that Tessa was sitting at then sat back next to her and placed his arm around her shoulder and started playing with her hair.

"So tell me all about you happy family." Damien just wanted some happy thoughts in his head before he went to bed.


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:41 am

Tessa was still smiling.

" Well I have two older sister. One is in Ravenclaw and the other is in Hufflepuff. Salina is very protective of me, and I haven't really got to know Agatha yet. Well you know my father teaches Charms, and I am not sure what my mum does."


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:08 am

Damien just smiled as she listed off everyone on the list.

"You sure have a house of a different color, maybe you can find room for a Slytherin too. Then the house would be complete." Damien laughed

Damien wondered what it would be like to live in a happy family that didn't consist of doing things you didn't want to do to be happy.

"So is everyone adopted?"


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:10 am

Tessa then started to laugh. " My mum said something like that."

" Yes all my sisters are adopted like me."


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:24 am

Damien yawns and wonders what time it was, but he guessed it was getting late.

"You know we probably should get back to the dorms before the Prefects start making their rounds." Damien said and he stood up and stretched.

"Thank you for coming up here and listening too me, there for awhile I didn't think you were going to come."

Damien hugs Tessa really close and then tilts her head and places a soft kiss on her lips.


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:52 pm

Tessa could tell that Damien was tired. But she didn't want to leave him, because she loved every second that she got to spend with him. She knew that she would have to. That wasn't going to happen any time soon.

“ Couldn't we just stay a little bit longer? I know that it is almost curfew. But I don’t' want to leave you.” She was telling the truth, it was only yesterday that Tessa thought that she never wanted to talk to him again. That she didn’t' want to give him another chance. But she knew that she couldn't live without Damien. And they had a lot of classes together and it would make it hard. She then yawned a little bit, cause she knew that she was getting tired. But it was so hard to think of leaving Damien

“ I know that I don’t' want to get caught out of bed. Because I am sure that I will get a detention and I don't want to explain that one to my father. That the reason I wasn't in my bed was because I was spending my time with you, Damien.” She knew that she never wanted to see what detention was like. And she was going to do her best to stay out of it.

She was smiling. “ Your welcome, I am glad that Yasmina made me come up here. If it wasn't for her, I would still be in my dorm. I wasn’t' sure if I wanted to be around you, actually I was still scared. But I am glad that I came and that we got to talk.” Tessa wasn't expecting him to kiss her again. But he drew her into a hug. Her only reaction was to kiss him back. She thought that it would never happen again, but she loved it.


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:29 pm

Damien could not help but laugh, "I suppose we can stay a little longer" Damien took her hand and set them back on the bench they were just sitting at.

"Be glad you are not in Slytherin, if we get caught doing anything wrong besides our own head of house we get deep crap. " Damien hoped he would never have to deal with that.

Damien was looking down at the dog in his opinion this really was amazing dog.

"Maybe some where deep inside this dog she knows I am a good guy." Damien reached down and petted the dog.

Damien reached his arm around Tessa's shoulder and started playing with her hair.

"You know I really can't help but play with your hair, the little curl at the end makes it easy for it to go around my finger." Damien knew it sounded cheesy.

Damien could help but laugh when he started to think about the first day he met her.

"I was just remembering the day I told you that you would fall for me and you told me you didn't think so." Damien was such a charmer when he wanted to be.


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