Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien)

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Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien) Empty Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 08, 2012 2:10 am

Damien was trying to get Tessa to get out of her state of depression that seemed to have placed herself in. Damien felt Tessa thought herself to be stupid for taking so many classes and making mistakes so Damien thought this was the best time to take her for a walk through Hogsmeade.

Damien knew that her would take her to the pet shop and buy her that kneazle that he was wanted to buy her, maybe that would brighten her day and maybe on to Zonko's or even a bookshop. He will just have to see what see wanted.

Damien made it to the entrance hall a little earlier than she did so he decided to wait off to the side and watch her come in. He always loved to watch her from a distance, thee was something wonderful about watching her when she knew Damien was suppose to be there but of course she couldn't see him so she was always looking around trying to sense him and it was interesting to watch.


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Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 08, 2012 2:21 am

Tessa sighed, she was now regretting taking so many classes. And she couldn't believe that she was making mistakes in muggle studies. She grew up like a muggle, so that class should be easy. But she was having a hard time. She just needed another vacation.

She really had no idea what Damien had planned. But after she dropped her books off, she went down to the entrance hall to meet him.


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Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 08, 2012 2:56 am

Damien did not have to wait long for Tessa to arrive because the next time he looked up. He just smiled as he watched her approached.

"So are you ready for a little trip?" Damien said as he snuck up behind her and placed his arms around her


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Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 08, 2012 2:59 am

Tessa smiled as she could tell that Damien was waiting on her.

She was still smiling cause she loved it when she was in Damien's arms. " Yeah I think that I am."

After a couple of seconds. " So were are we going."


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Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 08, 2012 3:51 am

"Now where is the fun in telling you where we are going." Damien smiled as he stood at her side with his arm around her waist.

"Well let us go, its a beautiful day outside and we have a long walk." Damien thought of something.

"Do you think since I will be with you that maybe Yas would enjoy sometime away ?"


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Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 08, 2012 7:02 am

Tessa then started to pout a little bit. " But you should still tell me." She has never had much of a suprise. Expect when her father gave her Yas.

She smiled. " I can tell that it is a beautiful day." Tessa loved going on long walks when it was nice outside.

When Yas heard this , she ran back up to Tessa's room. " I think she already decided that since you are here that she could take a break."


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Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 08, 2012 10:44 am

Damien laughed at her again. "There you go with that pouting and its not going to work on me this time. Sorry dear."

Damien started to lead her outside where it was a beautiful day.

"Well I am sure Yas will enjoy her time away from you. You talk way too much, she will enjoy the quiet." Damien could not help but laugh, knowing she was going to pout again.

Damien lead her through the doors and down the trail.

"Well I am sure you can feel the sun on your skin, feel the breeze on your face, but there are no clouds in the sky today. It is a clear day for our walk."

Damien lead her down to the gates then through them.

"I thought that since we had nothing to do today we would sneak down to Hogsmeade and do some shopping." Damien laughed as he pulled her hand and down they meant towards town.


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Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 08, 2012 11:09 am

Tessa was stilling pouting. She knew that he hated it when she would, because of something that it wasn't her.

She could tell that it was a beautiful day. Tessa could feel everything and was enjoying being outside. This was the first time in a couple of days. Because she was shut up in the library with homework.

“ I am sure she will enjoy her time off. She does everything, wake me up. And I don't talk to much.” She then had a small pout.

Tessa hated not knowing where they was going. “ Can you give me a small hint?” But he then told her, she had never been to Hogsmeade before. “ That sounds like it shall be fun.”


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Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 08, 2012 11:24 am

Damien continued their walked down to Hogsmeade.

"There are so many sites to see along this path. The trees seem to go for miles up to the sky. Plus there are so many rocks and beautiful mountains."

Once they made it into Hogsmeade he decided to ask her where she would like to go first.

"So which shop would you like to visit first? Anything particular you want?"


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Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 08, 2012 12:10 pm

She then started to pout. “ But I can't see any of them.” How she wished she wasn't blind. Tessa knew that he was describing, but it wouldn't be the same.

Tessa blinked a little bit. “ No not really.”


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Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 08, 2012 1:27 pm

Damien was at a lost at what to do he thought that bringing her here was a good idea but apparently it wasn't. He looked around for a place for them to sit down. After finding a bench he pulled Tessa over to the bench with them.

"Tessa how am I suppose to make this a nice day if your gona pout." Damien wandered if the day of site her father gave her had ruined her

"I know you can't see remember I used to point it out to you. Now I suppose since your father gave you site for a day, your going going to be a pain about everything I wanted to do."

Damien was a little upset, he thought she would enjoy him describing things too her he was now at a loss.


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Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 08, 2012 2:26 pm

Tessa tried to smile a little bit. She knew that Damien was only trying to cheer her up. And she loved that he was doing this. She then sat down beside of him on the bench.

“ I'm sorry Damien.” She sighed. “ I know that you brought me out to cheer me up.” Tessa then started to feel bad. “ I really will try and have a good time.”

She then smirked a little bit. “Guess I will have to get over it, and I was pouting because I can't see it.” Tessa knew that it was beautiful.


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Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 08, 2012 2:52 pm

Damien thought about it and she was going to try and have a good time but he could still see the hint of sadness in her eyes so he thought it would be best to go to the pet shop.

"Well seeing I really only wanted to take you for one thing. Do you know what that one thing is?"


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Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 08, 2012 2:57 pm

Tessa did her best to be happy, but she was still said that she couldn't see permanently. She thought that had to be a charm or potion out there. But she would have to tell with it.

She then started to blink. “ No really I don't.” Agatha took her to get candy at one time. But she didnt' tell her where she was going.


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Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:50 pm

Damien had to smile when Tessa said she had no ideas where they were going they had only talked about a zillion times.

"Ok fine lets go before that pout on your face stays there." Damien pulled her to her feet and walked her down the street into the local pet shop.

Walking into the pet shop Damien could not believe all the different animals that there were. Looking around the shop he found where the Kneazles were at.

Damien pulled Tessa over to where the cage was. The cage was open but it had a magical barrier over the top to keep them in but allow customers.

Taking Tessa hands." Here let me see your hands" he placed them in the cage.

"Pick one"


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Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 09, 2012 4:03 am

Tessa was smiling, she could tell that Damien was excited. And she loved it when he was happy, because that made her even more happy.

She couldn't help but laugh when he said the pout might stay on the face. Growing up she heard the same thing. Tessa was still letting him take her wherever he wanted to go.

Tessa was excited, but also curious at the same time. She hated not knowing where she was going. Tessa then heard a cage open. Tessa then let him grab her hands as he placed them on the cage. She then reached in and found out that it was a Kneazle.

She was grinning ear to ear. “ I think I will pick this one.” Tessa then was holding one like she had in class.


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Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 09, 2012 10:05 am

Damien was so excited watching her face as she choose the Kneazle that she wanted. He would get her things like this anytime if this was the reaction that he got.

"So do you like your gift. You have been so sad I could not wait any longer to give it too you." Damien smiled

"That was the main reason I do not want Yas along, didn't want her to get upset yet."


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Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 09, 2012 10:16 am

Tessa was so excited as she was holding the Kneazle. She still wasn't used to getting a lot of gifts. But she loved when she got them.

“ I love the gift!” She was grinning thinking of names to give it. “ Well what is it? A boy or a girl?”

She was still grinning. “ I am sure that Yas won't get upset.”


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Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 09, 2012 1:00 pm

Damien had to laugh, "How the heck am I suppose to know?" Taking the kneazle from Tessa he basically flipped the thing upside down Trying really hard not to get scratched.

"Well if I am correct it is a girl". Damien handed it back to Tessa.

"Do you fell like going and getting some candy, or do you want to just head back?"

Damien walked them over to the counter and paid for the purchases and then walked them out the door.


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Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 09, 2012 11:31 pm

Tessa then wanted to laugh at Damien, if she could have she would have check herself. She knew that he really didn’t' like Kneazle all that well. Tessa couldn't believe that she had actually got one.

“ A girl? Well I think I will call her Chloe”

She then heard the word candy. And her eyes light up. “ Yes, I would love to get some”

Tessa was still holding Chloe.


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Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 10, 2012 1:33 am

Once again Damien had made her happy and that made him happy. So Damien took Tessa in one hand while she had the dang rat in the other.

"Chloe, why on earth did you choose that name?" Damien asked as they walked to the Honeydukes.


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Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 10, 2012 2:02 am

Tessa was smiling as she held Chloe in her other hand. She knew that Damien really didn't like her. But Tessa loved her.

" There was this homeless kitten that some girls took care of at the orphanage. And that was the name."


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Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 10, 2012 10:57 am

Damien just smiled as he listened to the story about the cat. He walked with her to Honeydukes and lead her into the store.

"So any special type of candies you like or want to try?"


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Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 10, 2012 11:59 am

She then started to blink when he asked her what candy she wanted.

" I think I will try something new."


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Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:14 am

Damien was pulling her along as they were looking at all types of candies. He decided just to grab a bag and started to fill it with all sorts of candies it was great.

He walked by a counter that had some interesting looking chocolates on it so Damien decided to pick some of them up.

"Well I have a huge bag of assorted candies and some chocolate, is there anything else you wanted?"


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Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien) Empty Re: Trying to Forget (Tessa & Damien)

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