Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien)

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Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien) Empty Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Thu Mar 08, 2012 10:40 am

Anne walked into the library and found a table out of sight of Professor Sollmann. She had to find out if there was a way to get Damien out of this contract she, sat down and waited for him,he said he might bring Tessa as well.

She pulled all the books she could find on magical contracts, and so far no luck, but she wouldn't give up. she glansed over at the restricted section and wondered if she could sneek in there.

Last edited by Anne Jones on Fri Mar 09, 2012 9:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien) Empty Re: Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 08, 2012 11:32 am

Damien was in the library once more to work on something. Good thing he loved Tessa the way he did or he wouldn't be staying in here. He went on the look for Anne, she had sent him a note stated to met her in the library to look for something to break this marriage contract.

After looking in all the private areas he finally found her in the middle of what looked like a mess. She had all sorts of books and papers all over the table.

Damien walked over to the table and sat down and looked at Anne.

"So sis are you having any luck with this mess?" Damien liked calling her sis and he hoped she didn't mind.


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Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien) Empty Re: Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Thu Mar 08, 2012 11:44 am

Anne sighed, she was looking but no luck. "Nothing yet, but I haven't been to the restricted section." She smiled when he called her sis. "Take a seat, bro," she sighed it didn't sound right. She tossed him a book about eyesight, "You can look for Tessa."

She stood up and pulled out her wand, Taped her head. adn looked over at Damien "So can you see me?" She asked hoping it had worked. She needed to get into the restirted section. For Damien and for Tessa, she needed to do this.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien) Empty Re: Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 08, 2012 7:59 pm

Damien had to laugh when she called him bro, it didn't seem right to him..He took a seat and then she threw a book at him. He looked at the title and it talk about eye sight.

As he was skimming through book he heard her ask if he could see her. It appeared that she had placed a disillusionment charm on herself and wanted to make sure she couldn't be seen.

Damien shook his head, "No, I can't see you. Here I thought I was the rule breaker." Damien just laughed.

While Anne was away Damien looked over the books. He kept coming across what can cause it, ways to deal with it. But nothing that would help to get rid of the cause.

Damien just placed his head on the table, it just seemed like they would never find anything.


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Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien) Empty Re: Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Thu Mar 08, 2012 8:09 pm

Anne walked into the restricted section she knew what to look for, having stolen the book list eailer. She walked up the isle, and found the two books that might contain information on magical contracts. she also grabed the book on eyes, apperently it had hexes that could do horendise things.

She walked back to Damien with the eyesight book open, she found what she needed already. She got back and removed the charm.

"I found something for Tessa." she read

"Blindness is very uncommon for witchs and wizards, however it is not unheard of. The only way to permently regain sight is by using a unique charm and giving someone else your blindness."

"she looked up from the book and sighed, "We need someone to give her blindness to in order for this to work." She put the other two books down. She then opened them and began looking for a way to break a marrage contract.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien) Empty Re: Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:03 pm

Damien had his face buried in a book when Anne got back and about scared him to death when she reappeared and started talking.

"Geez Anne a little warning next time." Damien said placing his hand on his heart.

When Anne read the charm to him he could not help but laugh. "That my dear it totally evil. I am beginning to think that you have some Slytherin in you."

Damien took the book from her and reread it again. "But the problem is who are we going to find to give the blindness too?"

"Well now that we have that part of the problem figured out, we need to figure my marriage contract."

Damien grabbed another one of the books that she had sat down and then he opened it.


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Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien) Empty Re: Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:17 pm

Anne laughed at Damien, "Sorry." she said chuckling. he seamed to scare easliy.

Anne shook her head. She didn't come up with this charm. "For your information the hat let me pick, it said I would do well in all the houses." She didn't know who would take blindness. As much as she wanted to help Tessa, she wouldn't take her blindness, not if she had to have her second sight as well.

Anne continued to look through all the books, she sometimes found some small mention of a mariage contract, but nothing on how to break them.

After looking and making notes she opened one of the restricted sections books and saw a small peice on loves endurance. she read it, Love is considered the most powerful forse in the universe, it can break even the most powerful magic. If love could break the most powerful magic, it had to be able to brake this.

She handed the book to Damien and pointed to the section and asked "What do you think? Should we look into it?"

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien) Empty Re: Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 08, 2012 10:32 pm

"Yeah your sorry my butt." Damien shook his head.

"Well I think you picked wrong, I think you would have done great in Slytherin, I mean we already have one Slytherin Seer, we could use another." Damien smiled at her.

When Anne was reading to him what she found in the book, it amazed him the power of love has, then she wanted to know if he thought they should look further into it.

"Well I mean I love Tessa, but I don't believe it is at the stage that it is powerful enough to brake a spell like this." Damien had thought about getting married to brake it but he was not sure that would work.

"Well this is one of many ideas that we have to keep in mind?"


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Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien) Empty Re: Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 09, 2012 4:17 am

Tessa had walked into the library with Yas. She got an owl saying that Damien and Anne wanted her to come to the library. Tessa was trying to stay away from it, at least a day. Next year she wouldn't take as many classes.

She was yawning, and it was getting late. Tessa would have been asleep if Damien hadn't asked her to come. Yas then led Tessa over to where they were.


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Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien) Empty Re: Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Fri Mar 09, 2012 6:58 am

Anne stuck out her tounge at Damien, "I don't want to be in slytherin, then I would be in the same house as you." she teased.

Anne looked at the page on love again. If both Tabi and Damien fell in love, they could break this.

She saw Tessa come into the library, and smiled.

"Hey Tessa we have good news for you." She called to her.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien) Empty Re: Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 09, 2012 10:41 am

Damien feigns hurt. "But then you could see me all the time, and have even more of those dreams about me." Damien started to laugh as he had to duck the book she threw at him.

Damien laughed so hard he fell out of his chair just in time to see Tessa walk up to them.

Damien stood up and then stuck his tongue out at Anne, then walked over to Tessa kisses her on the cheek.

"Hello beautiful, we have wonderful news."


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Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien) Empty Re: Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 09, 2012 10:57 am

Tessa smiled when Damien kissed her cheek.

She then started to blink. “ What is the good news?”


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Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien) Empty Re: Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Fri Mar 09, 2012 11:04 am

Anne Smiled and considered throwing another book at Damien. She looked over at Tessa, but said, Damien why don'y you do the honners." She said. she gave him a look that said, It's the best gift you could give her. She then continued to look through papers trying to find out how to break the Maggage contract.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien) Empty Re: Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 09, 2012 11:58 am

Damien was still trying hard to stop laughing at Anne when she told him to tell Tessa the good news.

"Well I could say that I was the one who found the information, cause that's how I am." Damien laughed earning a glare from Anne he was sure.

"But alas it was Anne's hard work paid off, we found a spell that can give you back your site." Damien watched the look on Tessa's face.

"The downfall from the spell is we have to find someone to pass you blindness to. Its like a switching spell."

Damien looked at Tessa waiting for a reaction. He could not see her being one of those who wouldn't do that do a person


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Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien) Empty Re: Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 09, 2012 12:10 pm

Tessa smiled as she heard Damien and Anne. It made her happy they was getting along. It made thing a lot easier on her, and also up in her room. Since she shared a room with Anne.

She then stood there listening to what Damien was saying. They found a cure for her blindness, she was so excited till they told her what had to be done. “ Damien I think what you and Anne did is nice. But I couldn't live knowing that I caused someone to be blind. I took there sight from them, that would be very selfish of me.”


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Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien) Empty Re: Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Fri Mar 09, 2012 5:00 pm

Anne looked at Tessa, she should have known she would never go for it. She was too noble. Anne sighed, "I'll try and find something else, but in the meantime do you want to help us look for a way to break Damien's marriage contract?" She asked the more people helping the better.

Anne looked over at Damien to judge his reation. She wouldn't give up, and he doubted he would.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien) Empty Re: Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 09, 2012 11:56 pm

Tessa smiled a little bit when they said they would keep looking. That meant that she wouldn't have to steal someone else sighed. She then knew that they was trying to break the marriage contract. But she really didn't know how she could help. None of the books where in braille.

She knew that they would tell her how she could help.


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Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien) Empty Re: Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 10, 2012 1:28 am

Damien just hung his head when she said that she wouldn't do it. "Tessa there are lots of people that could be dying or anything we could find to switch eyes with them." Damien thought of something, the girls would probably think he was morbid but he had to ask.

"Anne, does it say that the person has to be alive? I mean eyes work even if the person is dead." Damien waited for the comments to start.

Damien looked over at Tessa when she sat down with the books in front of her when Anne asked her to help researching books. Damien almost started to laugh because he could see the confused look on her face.

"Tessa I thought I taught you that spell I learned just for you, you can change any textbook into braille by pointing at the book and stating incohare Braille." Damien did the spell for her and the next thing they had was a book that she could read.


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Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien) Empty Re: Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 10, 2012 2:00 am

Tessa looked at Damien and sighed. “ I won't even do it if the person is dying.” She knew that she was going to have to explain. But she really didn’t' know how or where to even start. “ A person should die with dignity.”

She knew that Damien just wanted for her to see again. But she won't do it dying or not. She then sat down at the table. Yas then laid at her feet.

“ You didn't teach me anything.” She then could feel that he changed the book for her.


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Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien) Empty Re: Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Sat Mar 10, 2012 3:03 am

Anne sighed and pulled the book towark her once again. She reread the page, "They have to be alive." She told them shakeing her head sadly. She didn't know what to do. There had to be another way.

Anne continued to read more about marriage contracts having finally found a book that explains it fully. She smiled, it also said how to break one without death.

There is only two ways to break a marriage contract, one is very simple, the other complex. The easiest way is the death of one of the parties. The second way to break a contract this strong is by using true love. If both parties, fall in love with someone outside of the contract, it can be broken. However, in order for the contract to break they need to confess to loving someone else, to the bonder (the person who set the contract). she read to herself, then smiled and passed the book to Damien.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien) Empty Re: Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 10, 2012 10:12 am

Damien just shook his head he wished Tessa would at least consider it, but he knew that it was a hopeless cause.

Then Anne cut down his last idea by saying the person has to be alive, this was so frustrating. Why can't things just work out like he wants them too.

Anne handing him the book about the marriage contracts and reading it and noticed that it has to be true love..Know it is true love is not something that can just happen.

"So basically I should just die, it would probably be easier.' Damien sighed


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Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien) Empty Re: Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Sat Mar 10, 2012 10:23 am

Anne smiled he didn't understand what true love is, "No Damien, it doesn't have to be romantic love. If you truely love someone you will do anything to protect them, even at your own risk. If you care about anyone that much we can break this. For Tabi it will be easy she loves her sister.

Anne pulled more book toward her now she needed to find another way to give Tessa her sight.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien) Empty Re: Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:17 am

Listening to Anne talk about the spell not requiring true romantic love then he really didn't understand what that meant.

"So are you talking about the love I have for Tabi and Leshia, would work? Those two are like my sisters and I protect them from everything as much as I can." Damien sighed, he hoped that is what they were meaning.


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Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien) Empty Re: Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Sun Mar 11, 2012 6:23 am

Anne nodded at Damien, he understood. "Well Leshia would work." Anne was rather happy, she had done a lot to help her friends.

She looked at her watch it was still early, she really need a nap.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien) Empty Re: Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 7:51 am

When Tessa was helping them, she found a piece of old parchment. She then slide it in her bag, hoping that nobody saw what she did.


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Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien) Empty Re: Freedom (Anne Tessa Damien)

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