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The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina)

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The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina) Empty The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 10, 2012 7:23 pm

Salina had slept well that night, excited for what was to come. She had sent off an owl to Tessa, and she hoped Anne had sent one to Damien, informing them both to meet her in the Room of Requirement. She dressed quickly and took in everything before her. This was the last time she would see her common room, and it made her sad yet happy. She would remember what things had looked like, so she could visualise it in her mind. Perhaps, she could use a special book like Tessa and find the cure for blindness so she could cure her own.

Salina made her way to the Room of Requirement and went inside quickly. She looked around and saw four chairs, 2 red, 1 blue and 1 green. She sat down on the blue one and waited for them all to arrive.


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The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina) Empty Re: The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina)

Post by Anne Jones Sat Mar 10, 2012 7:31 pm

Anne was excited she had owled Damien, and he was meeting them in the room of requirement. She nearly bounced there she was so happy for Tessa. Anne was trying to always look on the bright side. She reached the room and walked pass the place wherew the door should be three time. She pulled open the door and smiled at Salina. She then sat in one of the red chairs and waited for the other two.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina) Empty Re: The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 10, 2012 10:57 pm

Tessa had gotten an owl that her sister wanted to see her. She then grabbed Yas and headed up there. It was all exciting because she had no idea what Salina wanted. And she was trying to guess what it was. She knew that she could of came to the common room. Yas lead her up there and she waited.


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The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina) Empty Re: The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:10 am

Damien received an Owl from Anne telling him where to meet them. He knew what was going to happen and he told him that he would be the one to stun her. If she loved him as much as she claims that she did she would forgive him for what he was about to do.

Damien wished when the girls told him of the plan he wished they would have told him how they wanted to do this. He thought about going right in there and stunning her, but then did they want to talk first. If it was up to him he wanted to stun her and get it out of the way.

Finally making it to the room of requirement he stopped at the door and then took a deep breathe, then opened the door. Walking in the room he noticed all the players were there so he decided that he was not going to waste any time.

Walking in the door and straight towards Tessa he pulled out his wand and shouted "Stupefy maxim" right at Tessa and watching her fall over then providing a cushioning charm so it didn't hurt when she fell.

Looking at the other two girl who seemed a little in shock. "Well it made no sense to talk about it lets just get this done. The extra part I placed on the spell should give us the allotted amount of time that we need.' Damien stated very roughly. he didn't like this idea but they all knew this was the only way this was going to work.


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The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina) Empty Re: The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina)

Post by Anne Jones Sun Mar 11, 2012 6:30 am

Anne was in shock. Damien had just walked in here and stuned Tessa. She looked at him sure she wanted to do this. But they should have told her what they were going to do.

"Ok Damien, lets get this started." She said pulling out her wand. She had spent all of last night learning the spell, it was more complacted than a normal switching spell.

She looked a Salia "whenever you're ready."

Anne looked over at the other two and relized that it wasn't fair. Tessa had a say in this. She looked down at her feet.

"I can't do this. I have to go." she said and ran out the door. She ran for Moaning Myrtles bathroom. She hated this.

Last edited by Anne Jones on Sun Mar 11, 2012 8:40 am; edited 1 time in total

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina) Empty Re: The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 8:27 am

Salina was bewildered when Damien just stunned her straight away, but relieved. It meant that it would be more of a surprise for Tessa, to open her eyes and see everything. Salina felt fear within her, and she drank in her surroundings as tears ran down her cheeks. She looked at Anne as she ran away, and reached out to grab her but she was already gone.

Salina looked down at Tessa and cupped her little sister's face tenderly, tears falling onto it. "You're going to see forever, now. It's all going to be fine, I love you ma sœur." Salina whispered, examining Tessa's face carefully and lodging it in her mind. Now, it was up to Damien.

"Don't even try to run away." She hissed at him. It would be harder to do this on her own, and she would prefer Damien did it. She handed him the book and opened it to the right page, where the spell was. With her eyes shut, she waited. "Do it."


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The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina) Empty Re: The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 8:50 am

Damien could not believe that Anne just ran away from them. They both were even in shock that I stunned her.

"Anne, get back here." Damien yelled but it was too late

He was about to go after her when Salina yelled at him and told him not to leave and handed the book at him.

"NO." He said as he threw the book down

"This was your two's idea, I stunned her first because it was the fastest and easiest way to do things. Now she takes off, I am not going to take all the blame for this especially when this wasn't my idea to start with." Damien huffed.

Damien had agree to help but not take the blame, so he went after Anne.

"Anne you get back here, this was your idea too." Damien finally reached her a grabbed her. "Get back in there so we can discuss this."

Last edited by Damien Greene on Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:43 am; edited 1 time in total


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The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina) Empty Re: The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina)

Post by Anne Jones Sun Mar 11, 2012 8:57 am

Damien was chaseing her but she didn't turn back. She wanted to help Tessa but no aginst her will. It wasn't right, she should have never agreed. She only did becuase, she wanted to do some good, give her life a purpouse.

Damien pulled her around to face him she didn't have time to dry the tears that had formed nor compose her face. She looked at him, and his expresstion then noticed her bare wrist was exposed at his eye level. Her heart nearly stoped he could see her scars.

She pulled her arm back not wanting to talk about her. Today was about Tessa.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina) Empty Re: The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 9:10 am

"This was Salina and your idea, now you need to get in there so we can discuss it. Both of you told me it was going to be my job to stun her and that is what I did." Damien sighed a little as he took a breathe.

"No one bothered to discuss with me how we going to do it, big deal I stunned her, that doesn't mean that we have to go through with anything." Damien grabbed her arm again

"Now let us go back into the room and talk about this, one quick spell and Tessa will be awake again."


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The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina) Empty Re: The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina)

Post by Anne Jones Sun Mar 11, 2012 9:13 am

Anne was dragged back to the room. She was mad but it didn't mater. "Damien wake her up." Tessa had the biggest say in this. she had the right to chosse. "Salina Tessa should know what we're doing." she said to the ravenclaw girl.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina) Empty Re: The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:49 am

Damien was glad he got Anne to come back into the room with him, not that she had a choice in the matter.

Damien knew that the mintue he woke Tessa up that shite was gona hit the fan.

"Everate" Damien said as he pointed his wand at Tessa.

"Hay Tessa dear how you feeling?"

Damien braced himself waiting for the yellling to start.


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The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina) Empty Re: The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:00 pm

Tessa slowly came around, she then grabbed her head. She knew that she wasn't feeling good. The last thing she remembered was walking through the door. And then Damien stunned her.

She wasn't sure if she wanted to believe it. Cause the only people that were in the room was Salina, Anne and Damien. Salina wouldn't do that to her sister. And Anne had to share a room. But why Damien, she loved him.

“ DAMIEN!!!!! I swear I maybe blind that doesn't say that I won't try and smack you.”


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The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina) Empty Re: The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:45 pm

Salina groaned as Damien woke Tessa up, and immediately she had a fit at Damien. Quickly, Salina moved to her sister's side and placed both of her hands on her shoulders, staring her right in the eyes. Even though she knew Tessa couldn't see her, she just did what she would do with anyone else. She didn't want to talk this through, but she knew that she needed too. She would convince Tessa that she wanted to do this.

"Tessa, hunny, we need to talk to you about something that can cure your blindness. Don't get mad at Damien, just hear us out, okay?"


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The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina) Empty Re: The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:53 pm

Tessa knew what they was going to say. But she really didn't' want to hear it. They wanted to do the switching spell even after she told them no. She really felt like nobody was listening to her. She knew that Salina was going to talk her into it.

" No I don't want to do it."


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The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina) Empty Re: The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina)

Post by Anne Jones Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:00 pm

Anne went and picked up the book and sliped it in her bag. She wouldn't do this against Tessa's will. She could do the spell with out the book but they couldn't.

"If Tessa doesn't consent I'm out. I wont do this if she doesn't want us to." she said then added as an after thought, "I'm taking the book with me."

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina) Empty Re: The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:03 pm

Salina sighed and felt tears slide down her cheeks. This was so hard, she'd made up her mind and she didn't want to force Tessa too, but she wanted her to be happy. Tessa had a loving boyfriend, a beautiful family, a brilliant life, plenty of friends, and she needed to see it all. Salina didn't have anything anymore, Tessa, her sisters and her new maman and papa were it. She wanted Tessa too be happy, she deserved it.

"Tessa. Please, just do this for me. I love you so much, Tessie. You 'ave so much to see, you 'ave so much to live for, I don't 'ave zat much anymore. I want you to see everything for ze rest of your life. I can cure my own blindness, Tessie, but until zen I want you to be able to see."


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The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina) Empty Re: The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:07 pm

Tessa then started to cry. Because Salina want her to do it, but this was something that she didn't' want. She been blind all of her life, and didn't really mind it. But she couldn't live knowing that Salina was blind because of her. She couldn't do anything.

" I need more time."


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The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina) Empty Re: The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:15 pm

Salina wiped away Tessa's hands with her finger, and she pulled Tessa into her tight hug, her tears falling into Tessa's hair as she tucked Tessa's head beneath her chin. She just wanted Tessa to see, but she wouldn't force Tessa to do anything she didn't want to do.

"Think about eet, hunny, please? You are my sweet, leetle sœur and in France, ze older seester will do anyzing for 'er leetle seester. Ees zat not 'ow it works 'ere?"


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The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina) Empty Re: The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:19 pm

Tessa was still crying. " I don't' want to do it. I don't want you to be blind Salina." There had to be a cure out there, something that she didn't' have to switch with anybody. And she wouldn't stop till she found it.

" I know Salina, but I don't want to do this."


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The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina) Empty Re: The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina)

Post by Anne Jones Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:20 pm

Anne looked at the interaction between the two. She wished she had someone to do that for her, someone to do that for. She smiled at Salina, glad she wouldn't force her.

"Tessa, this is up to you, but she is volentering." She said clearly she would not want to stay blind.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina) Empty Re: The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:23 pm

Tessa loved how close she was to Salina. " I don't' want to do it. Don't make me please." She then started to act like she wasn't even there. That she was back at the orphanage, and she hated when she had flashbacks.

" Please please don't make me."


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The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina) Empty Re: The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:23 pm

Damien smirked when she yelled at him because he was used to getting yelled at and it didn't bother him.

" Tessa, your sister wants to do what's best for you, this is as much her choice as it is yours."

Damien knew she would be mad for awhile at him, but he knew she loved him.


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The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina) Empty Re: The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:26 pm

Tessa knew that Damien was talking. He was trying to talk her into it. And she wasn't about ready to change her mind. Not even for Damien.

" NO please don't' make me."


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The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina) Empty Re: The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina)

Post by Anne Jones Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:30 pm

Anne relized what was going on, and said "Shut up." and walked over to Tessa. She wraped her arms around her, "It's ok, we wont make you. We can find another way." She rubbed her back, they wern't close but watching her in pain was too much, she had to act.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina) Empty Re: The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:32 pm

Salina could see it in Tessa's face, she was frightened. Salina clutched Tessa tighter and pulled her away from Damien, grabbing Anne's hand to pull her along as well. She eased her into one of the chair's and sat down beside her, still holding the girl tight. She hushed her and ran her hands gently through Tessa's hair.

"You don't have to, you don't have too!" Salina exclaimed, murmuring words of comfort in french to Tessa.


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The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina) Empty Re: The Gift of Sight (Anne, Tessa, Damien & Salina)

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