Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa)

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Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa) Empty Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 16, 2012 11:41 am

Tessa knew that she had to tell Damien. But she didn’t' really know how. This was something that she couldn't keep from him. And maybe he would let Damien spend the summer at there house. Tessa wished that she could spend time with her dad. She had just gotten him back, and there was so many questions that she wanted to ask. Tessa would have to tell Lotus, Salina and Agatha about this. She felt so bad. But this was her real father. They had just lost Richard, this would be hard for them.

She was still working on what she was going to say to Damien. And nothing sounded right, but she knew that it was a good choice. Now that her father was back, she could learn a little bit about her past. Why they left her? What was her blood status? Why was she in Gryffindor? There was so many questions she wanted to ask.


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Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa) Empty Re: Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 16, 2012 12:22 pm

Damien was not sure why he was going to the lake, just because she sent the owl did not mean he had to go. Yes it did. Damien just loved arguing with himself over things, it made the time go by.

Damien slowly made his way to the lake and seeing Tessa he slowed down a little more. Going up to Tessa he thought maybe he would say something first. He didn't want her to jump.

"Well I got your owl, what did you want?" Damien said snippy.


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Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa) Empty Re: Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 16, 2012 12:29 pm

Tessa just sat there. Yas was laying beside of her, in case she was needed. She really didn't know how to start this. But she was going to have to, and she knew that she couldn't do it without crying. Which would be hard for her to told.

“ Well I found out my adoptive father died. But there is something more shocking. I was supposed to go back. Because there was a man looking for me. He is my real father, he had no choice. But him and my mother was captured and they left me at the orphanage.”


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Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa) Empty Re: Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 17, 2012 2:36 am

Damien sat down next to Tessa and placed his arm around her and pulled him close to her.

Running his hand down her hair. "I am really sorry Tessa I know how much you father meant to you."

Damien knew he just needed to hold her and show her how much he cared for her. He hated it when they fought, and the last thing he knew she was mad at him for the Anne incident.

"So your real father huh, that has got to be exciting."


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Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa) Empty Re: Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 17, 2012 3:01 am

When Damien placed his arms around her and pulled her closer. She started to cry. She missed Richard, and was sad that he wasn't going to be teaching Charms anymore.

She was still crying, Tessa knew how this was going to affect her sisters and her mother. But since her real father came back. They wasn't her family. But she still felt bad for them.

Tessa was just letting Damien hold her while she was still crying. Her world was know upside down. And nothing was making sense to her.

“ Yeah my real father, I guess it is exciting.”


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Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa) Empty Re: Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 17, 2012 3:13 am

Damien continued to hold Tessa as she cried and he did the best to comfort her while she did. He still felt a little weird holding her because she had not forgiven him yet, but she was still his girlfriend and he would still act as such.

"Well tell me about him, what is he like?"


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Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa) Empty Re: Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 17, 2012 4:58 am

Tessa was still crying. She was upset that Damien thought that she was still mad at him. Tessa learned that she can't stand mad, cause it would be bottled up. And she didn’t' want that, it wasn't healthy for her.

She then blinked a little bit. “ I don't know what he is like yet Damien. I haven't actually meet him.”


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Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa) Empty Re: Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 17, 2012 5:12 am

"Well hopefully you will get to meet him soon." Damien was not sure what else to say to Tessa. He was glad she could be happy with some family.

Damien just sat there holding her and rubbing her back and running his hands down her hair. It always felt so perfect with her in his arms but there were many things that had to change for that to ever happen.

damien was wondering how much longer he should sit here he had things to do and he was trying really hard not to yell at her he was still angry at her but she was traumatized at the moment and didn't need to fight with him.


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Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa) Empty Re: Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 17, 2012 5:34 am

“ I hope that I can meet him too, maybe learn more about my past.” She wasn't really sure what to say. But she was still upset and didn't even know who she was anymore.

Tessa loved being in Damien arms. It felt right, but a lot had to change. She was feeling a lot more relax and calmer than she was. It was like she wanted to fall asleep outside. But she knew that this couldn't happen.

She could tell that Damien thought that she was still mad at him. Tessa then sighed. “ I had an older brother who was killed.” This only made her more upset.


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Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa) Empty Re: Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 17, 2012 7:57 am

Damien looked around as he listened to her talk about meeting him and learning about her past.

"Well at least you can learn about where you come from and that will help you feel better." Staring out at the lake. He was not sure if Tessa could feel the tension coming off of him but he was trying not to release his feelings.

Damien was in a little shock about hearing her brother was killed. "If you found out that information why didn't you find out anything else?"

Damien knew that pretty soon he was going to have to say something it was just boiling inside of him.


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Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa) Empty Re: Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 17, 2012 8:20 am

Tessa sighed. It was hard talking about her past. Because she really wasn't sure what happened. But she wanted to know more about it. Because she felt like this was the missing key. Maybe this could make her have a better future.

She smiled. Tessa was glad that she knew that little bit. And it made her feel a little better knowing that he didn’t' abandon her because she was blind. She knew that something didn't feel right. But everything was messed up to her right now. Her world was right, and she wanted to put it back together.

She then sighed again. “ Well I got to learn very little. They told me at the orphanage that my real mother was dead and so was my older brother.” When she thought about it, it only made her even more sad. Because she was missing someone that she never got to meet and will never get to see again.

Tessa didn’t' know when to say she was sorry, so she keep her mouth shut. She knew that he was going to be mad either way. And in the end it would make her cry. But she thought that she cried all of her tears. But she knew that a fresh one would come when she needed it.


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Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa) Empty Re: Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 17, 2012 8:52 am

Damien got up off the ground and started to pace he couldn't take it any longer he was about to blow his top. He knows her problems are important but so is the problems they were having and he wasn't going to put it off anymore.

"Tessa how long are we going to skate around what is really going on? I understand you family has issues and problems, but I cannot stand by and keep acting like there is nothing wrong between us." Damien stopped pacing and stood in front of where Tessa was sitting.


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Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa) Empty Re: Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 17, 2012 9:01 am

Tessa knew that Damien had got up. And this was the part where he was going to start yelling at her. She could feel fresh tears that was going to come out. And Damien wasn't helping. She was wishing that she would have left Hogwarts and never came back.

She then stood up extremely fast, making herself dizzy. “ No I should ask if you understand. My adoptive father is dead, only to find out that I have a real father. I lived a lie Damien, he had no choice but to give me up. And it seems like Anne is the only one who understands cause clearly you are going to get anger and start yet another fight with me.” Tessa then started to cry. “ And I can't take it anymore.”


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Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa) Empty Re: Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 17, 2012 3:05 pm

Damien just looked at Tessa when she told him that he needed to understand. Damien could not understand what she wanted. The last time they talked they got in a fight over him and Anne and she now acting that nothing happened.

"Did you forget you haven't talked to me in days since you found Anne and I in the ROR." Damien stated. "And you expect me to sit here and act like everything is ok."

"I understand that your adopted father is dead, what do you want me to do I can't bring him back. " damien was a little upset and couldn't fix things,

Last edited by Damien Greene on Sat Mar 17, 2012 3:12 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa) Empty Re: Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 17, 2012 3:11 pm

Tessa could tell that Damien didn’t' understand her. But she expected this. “ Because I thought that you was mad at me. That is why I haven’t' talked to you. And I haven’t' been in a talking mood for a while. Why don't you find out that everything you thought was right was just a lie? I don't even know who I am anymore.”

She then started to cry, this wasn't easy for her. Tessa had to admit that she was wrong, but she didn't want to. Maybe he would drop it and it would be nothing. But this was Damien, he would make it into something.

“ Damien have been dealing with a lot of stress. My adoptive father dying, my real father appearing in my life. Finding out my blood status. My life isn't easy and you could be a little more understanding.”


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Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa) Empty Re: Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 18, 2012 8:23 am

Damien could not believe what she had said. "I was mad at you because you stormed off mad at me, and wouldn't listen." Damien sighed.

Damien was starting to calm down a little realizing that they were both at fault because neither of them would talk to the other.

"Tessa I understand what you are going through, but Anne is going through stuff too. And the kind of things she is going through I understand."

Damien completely understood but how was he suppose to divide his attention between Anne and Tessa.


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Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa) Empty Re: Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 18, 2012 1:37 pm

Tessa didn’t' really feel like talking right now, but knew that she had to. She had to tell Damien what was going on. They were dating, so it was only right to let him know something important like this. It was neither one of their faults that day. Because they didn’t' want to speak, now things might go back to normal. And he would sit beside of her in class again.

She understood that Anne was going through a tough time. But this is when she needed Damien the most. Tessa was going through a tough time and really didn't know how to handle it. And after what Damien said, it wasn't helping her much. She was dealing with a ton of stress and she had no way to release it. And Damien was only making her madder than she already was.

“ I know that Anne is having a tough time. And you say that you understand what I am going through. Damien you can't even imagine. I just lost someone who took me in when I thought that I had no family. And now he is dead, and my real father shows up. And I find that I always had a family, and they didn't give me up because I am blind. And for the first time in my life, I find out that I am a pureblood. And if that isn't enough, I been stressing because of school. And you haven't been making it easy, by avoiding me. Not sitting by me in class, I am a person who lives on being used to something.”

Tessa then broke down crying. She couldn't believe what she had just done. But it was the stress of everything and loosing Damien. Tessa knew that he would spend more and more time with Anne. And less and less time with her. Maybe it was right for her to transfer to Durmstang. After this little fight, she was sure that Damien would leave her.


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Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa) Empty Re: Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa)

Post by Guest Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:30 am

Damien listened to Tessa talk about how she was feeling, or should he say yelling at him. He was still so confused on what to do. He loved Tessa, but it was still all new and he was just almost 12. He had people pulling him in all directions.

"Why are you making me choose between who's problems are more important." Damien sighed and started to pace.

Looking at Tessa he asked. "So basically your saying that because your father died I should be here with you letting you cry all over my shoulder when there is nothing I can do about it."

Continuing to pace around. "So I am suppose to tell Anne to go fight her own demons alone, because you want my undivided attention."


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Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa) Empty Re: Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa)

Post by Guest Mon Mar 19, 2012 9:09 am

Tessa was feeling a little bad that she was yelling at him. But there was no other way to get her point across that this was important. He knew that he would have to make a decision, and she hoped that he choose her.

“ Damien it is easy to tell, you are going to spend more and more of your time with Anne. And leave me with all of my little problems. Just because you understand Anne just a little bit more.” She was still a little hurt by this. “ I guess I come second when it comes to my roommate. I can see how much you love me now.”

She then started to cry. “ I am sorry that my problem isn't as exciting as Anne. I am sorry that death isn’t' that important.” Tessa was crying even harder. “ Yes there something you could have done, tell me everything going to be fine. We are dating, unless after this you decide to replace me with Anne.”

“ Anne isn't alone, she has Salina and Agatha. She didn't tell you Lotus adopted her. Since my sisters found out they want nothing to do with me. Damien I am all alone and it scares me.”


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Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa) Empty Re: Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa)

Post by Guest Mon Mar 19, 2012 9:49 am

Damien turned around to look at the lake just listening to Tessa talk about her feelings and Damien was so torn, he didn't want Tessa to feel her problems be less important than Anne's because they aren't.

Damien walks over to Tessa and sat down and placed his arms around her. "I am so sorry that you feel that way. How about I just stay in the background and by around if she needs me? Will you be ok with that, you will always be my first priority."

Damien was close to tears he didn't mean for it to come to this. "Please forgive me and I never want you to feel like second place again.


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Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa) Empty Re: Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa)

Post by Guest Mon Mar 19, 2012 11:35 am

Tessa was still crying. She knew that it was from everything that was going on. Tessa was an emotional wreak. This evening she would go back out into the forbidden forest to talk to Cain. She wondered if Damien was getting any of this. And she wondered if he even cared what was going on.

She was shocked when Damien placed his arms around her. Tessa was sure that he was going to yell at her some more and just leave. “ I been feeling this way, you haven’t' noticed it.” Anne letting Damien be in the background wasn't going to happen. “ Damien she is going to tell you her problem is just as important or she needs you way more than me.”

She was crying even harder when Damien said that he didn't mean to put her second.


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Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa) Empty Re: Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa)

Post by Guest Mon Mar 19, 2012 11:42 am

Damien just rubbed Tessa back. He didn't know how to make this all better but he was going to try.

"Tessa I cannot say I understand how you feel about your father because I never had a father who cared enough about me to miss him when he is gone. Help me to understand how you feel." Damien was never one to completely cry but he could not take this girl crying anymore because of what has happened with her father and because of him.

"Let us not worry about Anne anymore, she not even talking to me anymore. So let us worry about you." Damien knew it would be for the best if Anne and him went back to the way things used to be, he would miss there talks though.

"Tessa I love you and you are very important to me and I don't want to loose that. I am sorry for getting mad and yelling at you. I am still working on my temper."


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Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa) Empty Re: Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa)

Post by Guest Mon Mar 19, 2012 12:20 pm

Tessa loved it when he was rubbing her back. It was like he was telling her that everything was going to be alright for know.

“ I finally had something someone to call father. And then it is taken away from me. I never had much growing up to call my own.” She then started to sniffle. Tessa knew Damien hated when she would cry. He was like most of the guys she grew up with. They hated to see her cry.

She was still sniffling. Since she came to Hogwarts, she found that people was always worrying about her. Tessa knew that it would start back up again. It was like a never ending cycle. And it would never end.

“ I love you too Damien.” She listened to Damien tell her how important she was to him.


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Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa) Empty Re: Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa)

Post by Guest Mon Mar 19, 2012 12:54 pm

Damien was trying to work really hard to be understanding when it came to Tessa. Tessa was more senstive than the girls he was used to.. What was he saying the only other girls he new until coming here we're Tabi and Leshia and they were used to him and his attitudes and mood swings.

Damien knew it had to be different with Tessa. "Well how do you feel about your birth father and what does he want?"


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Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa) Empty Re: Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa)

Post by Guest Mon Mar 19, 2012 1:04 pm

Tessa knew that she was an emotional wreak. And knew that she wanted to put the pieces back together. She knew that it had to deal with where she was brought up. And for the longest of times she didn't think that anybody wanted her. Until her adoptive parents decided to adopt her.

That was when Tessa then started to cry. “ I am not sure, I never got to meet him. He tells me that it will be soon.”


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Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa) Empty Re: Telling the past ( Damien and Tessa)

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