Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Forgive and forget (Anne and Damien)

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Forgive and forget (Anne and Damien) Empty Forgive and forget (Anne and Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Wed Mar 07, 2012 10:20 am

Anne was tring to find Damien, she knew better than to look in the library. so she started outside. She had to explan why she was so rude it was only right. She knew he may not forgive her but she had to try.

She was a good person, and she need to make things right it was the best thing to do. she was just about to give up when she saw his head in the distance. she slowly made her way toward him trying to find something to say.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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Forgive and forget (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: Forgive and forget (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Wed Mar 07, 2012 12:29 pm

Damien had been spending time out at the Whomping Willow because Tessa seemed worried about things.

Damien was thinking other places when he heard someone approaching he thought maybe it was Tessa, but when he turned around he noticed it was Anne walking towards him.

"I really am not in the mood to fight with you, go away."


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Forgive and forget (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: Forgive and forget (Anne and Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Wed Mar 07, 2012 12:39 pm

Anne sighed she didn't have the energy to fight. "Good because I don't want to fight." she tried to remain calm and look him in the eye. "I want to appoligize for my actions, I really shouldn't have goten angry with you." She was trying to be the bigger person.

"I'm sorry I hexed you, I was in a bad state of mind." she didn't mind telling people, it didn't matter she needed to work on it. She debated asking him if he ment what he said about jumping off a tower. she decided to wait and see if he would accept her appolgy.

Anne held out her hand, and said, "Please forgive me I turly am sorry." Her mother had always said forgive and forget. She was going to try and live by that.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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Forgive and forget (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: Forgive and forget (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Wed Mar 07, 2012 2:09 pm

Damien just sighed it looked as if Anne wanted to apologize for yelling at him.

"Actually Anne you had every right to yell at me, I was being a real jerk."
Damien turned around and looked at her.

"You want to come over here and have a seat and talk to me." Damien goes and sits on the bench and wonders if she will join him.

"I am trying really hard not to be rude to people but it is not as easy as it looks." Damien sighed as he laid his arms across the bench.


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Forgive and forget (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: Forgive and forget (Anne and Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Wed Mar 07, 2012 2:19 pm

Anne goes and sits next to Damien, it was hard to change. "I know it's hard to change, but you're trying and thats what matters. I know that you didn't mean to yell I was just upset.

Anne hesatated, "did you mean it when you said, you wouldn't care if I jumped off a tower?" She had to know, it was eating at her. She looked at her feet and waited for an answer. Attemting to hide her tears. She didn't know what to do. Life with out her parents was so hard. It was even hardder when She had to see it.

Forgetting She was crying she looked at Damien.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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Forgive and forget (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: Forgive and forget (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Wed Mar 07, 2012 2:35 pm

Damien was glad that she knew that he didn't mean to yell.

"I still have very bad habits that are hard to grow out of. When your raised in the pureblood life style you do not know how else to act with people."

Damien thought about it. "Actually when I first started with Tessa it was just to annoy her. I didn't think about ever having a relationship with her. We will be lucky if I make it through the school year when they find out."

Damien could not believe that he was telling her these things, but he felt he needed someone from the outside to understand him

Damien could not believe this girl was crying and he did the only thing he could do and that was hold her. He pulled her into his arms and started to rub her back.

"I am so sorry I said that, and I didn't mean it at all I was just mad and when I get mad I lash out and try to hurt the other person."

Damien just felt the need to hold Anne, woman crying were always his weakness.

"I would have felt completely horrible if you would have done that."


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Forgive and forget (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: Forgive and forget (Anne and Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Wed Mar 07, 2012 2:45 pm

Anne just looked at him "I'm fine really it's just, My mom and dad just died. I don't know what to do they were my everything." She didn't know what to tell him. She wanted it to work out for Tessa and Damien. They were good for eachother. Should she tell him that she had considored it, she hated everything that her curse had done to her.

She sighed, "Somethimes I think I'm going crazy. I hate my 'Gift' if you could call it that, I call it a curse." She really didn't care anymore about what she looked like, not around him anyway.

Her stupid big mouth opened and she said the thing she should have kept to herself, "I considered it." She was still considering it, she didn't how to manage without her parents.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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Forgive and forget (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: Forgive and forget (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Wed Mar 07, 2012 3:08 pm

Damien listened to her talk about her parents and her gift and he was feeling for her. He hated his parents most days but he wouldn't wish them dead for anything.

"I am really sorry about you parents, but you can't blame yourself for what happened."

Damien didn't really understand what this gift was but it must be bothering her really bad.

"Would you like to talk to me about why it is your fault these things happened?"

Damien was in shock that she was still considering jumping from the tower and that worried him a lot.

"I wish you would not think like that, there is still much of your life left to live."


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Forgive and forget (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: Forgive and forget (Anne and Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Wed Mar 07, 2012 3:20 pm

Anne sighed, "I can see the future, I saw my mother die in a vision. I tried to stop it but it just shortened her time." She started crying again, she didn't know who to balme so herslef seemed like the right person.

"I couldn't save her, or my dad. Everyone I ever love dies, and I wittness it." Anne looked over at Damien, she didn't know what to say, she wasn't sure whether or not she wanted to live. It was so hard. She had seen beyond her years.

"I've seen so much pain and death. I've seen people murdered, Touchered, I've even seen myself touchered. It's so diffacult, The only control I have is I can chosse to end my life."

Anne sighed she didn't have many friends. "I don't have many friends, because, who wants to be friends with the crazy girl, she knows your secrets, and hates herself. It makes it so much harder."

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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Forgive and forget (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: Forgive and forget (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Wed Mar 07, 2012 3:41 pm

Damien continued to hold Anne while she cried, it seemed to cold not to do it.

"I can't say that I understand what you are going through, but I can tell you from experience that it hurts no one but yourself when you take the blame for everything." Damien sighed

"I carry everything on my shoulders all the time and I think that is why I am so hateful to people."

Damien was thinking about everything she was saying and he could not imagine having to know everything about everyone all of the time.

"There is a reason that you have this gift, and the gods would not have given it you if you could not handle it."

Damien could not help but smile. "I will be glad to be your friend."


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Forgive and forget (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: Forgive and forget (Anne and Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Wed Mar 07, 2012 3:51 pm

She smiled at Damien, the first real smile since she had gotten the news, "Thanks I needed that." she said to him and leaned into his embrace, She liked having friend they made it easier. "Do you want to talk about anything, I can keep any secret, I already am keeping plenty."

She wondered if he would be there for her. She needed someone to remind her that life was worth it. She loved Parker as a friend but he wasn't great in these situations. "Thank you Damien for reminding me that its worth it."

"So what do you do in your spare time other than snog Tessa?" She was always blunt and seeing the silver lining was helpful.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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Forgive and forget (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: Forgive and forget (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Wed Mar 07, 2012 4:31 pm

Damien thought it would be nice to have someone outside the circle to talk to.

"I believe it would be nice to have someone to talk to that is outside of my group" Damien wondered how much she really wanted to hear.

"But my life in complicated how much do you want to hear?"

Damien love the fact that she was smiling again, and he hoped that she would continue. "Well as long as you continue to smile, like this I will remind you daily on how important life is."

'Oh come on I do not snog Tessa all the time, sometimes I think we spend more time fighting." Damien stated.

"But beyond popular beliefs I do enjoy a good book."


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Forgive and forget (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: Forgive and forget (Anne and Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Wed Mar 07, 2012 4:38 pm

Anne smiled it felt nice to have a smile back on her face. "You can tell me anything, anything you want to get off you chest." Anne laughed at his comment about Tessa, "It just ptroves that you guys are willing to fight for eachother. You know Ron and Hermione Weasley they fought all the time."

Anne tried to act shocked when he said he liked books, "No," She sighed in fake drama, " Damien Greene Likes books. Did the world just stop spinning." She looked around wildly as if wondering if something drastic had just happened. It felt nice she was becoming more like herself.

She smirked at him, it was fun, she could be herself, because he knew she wasn't always nice.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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Forgive and forget (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: Forgive and forget (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 08, 2012 1:54 am

Damien thought about it a little and then decided maybe he would give her the back ground history.

"Well I was thinking why I don't I just tell you a little of the back ground. The Prewett twins and I have grown up together so we all know each others secrets. Tabi and I were promised to each other by or parents and in a Slytherin Pureblood contract that is the type of marriage that cannot be broken unless someone dies. We act like we hate each other, but we really don't, we just don't like each other in the way needed to get married." Damien took this moment to take a breathe.

"I can continue if you want more" Damien smiled

"HAHA very funny." Damien pushed her arm slightly "I also like a good run, and I don't mind some good friends who can understand me."


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Forgive and forget (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: Forgive and forget (Anne and Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Thu Mar 08, 2012 7:08 am

Anne sighed it would be hard not to have a choise in who you love. "Isn't there a way to break the contract without death? I could look into it if you like." she asked. She knew love was stronger than any magic, there had to be a way to stop this.

Anne nodded for him to continue. She wanted to understand him.

Anne smiled, "Running is always fun, me I prefer exploring, finding the castles secrets. I'm too damn courius for my own good." she then sighed, "I can't pretend to understand what it's like to be promised to someone. I know alot about wizarding history, despite being muggleborn." She smirked "Mudblood and proud."

Anne Jones

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Join date : 2012-02-22

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Forgive and forget (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: Forgive and forget (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 08, 2012 8:52 am

Damien hung is head and buried his face in his hands as she asked about the marriage contract.

"Anything anyone can do would be perfect, maybe we could look in the library for some answers." Damien didn't care how they did it, he just wanted it done.

Damien wanted to tell her about his father but was not sure where to start.

"When the twin and I get together for training and we make a mistake, I usually take the punishment for them. I do not like to see them whither in pain. My father can be very nasty with his curses." Damien sighed still with his head in his hand.

Damien thought about it when she said exploring the castles

"Maybe sometime we could go exploring the Castles together." Damien sigh again because he wished that Tessa could do it too.

"Many times I wish Tessa could see, I believe she would enjoy a good exploring too." Damien wiped a tear from his eyes.

Damien listened to her talk about not understanding and then when he heard her say the word mudblood he got a little upset.

"I will never understand why we are the way we are." Damien looked up and grabbed her hand.

"NEVER, and I mean NEVER, use that word again, that is a dirty word and I hate it."


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Forgive and forget (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: Forgive and forget (Anne and Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:15 am

Anne nodded she would do what she could to find the answer for him. "We'll look, but it will be in the restricted section. I can do a dislusment charm, so I might be able to get us in there."

Anne was fourius that his father would curse him, she remember that he had said that last night but, she had been so upset, that she had forgoten. "thats wrong, Can anyone help, can I?"

She would like to have someone to travle the castle with, her other friends were no the type to expolre. She wished Tessa could see to it would be so much better for her, She could experance life. "I wish we could help Tessa see, but she could always come with us anyway. I know plent already including where the chamber of secrets is." She desided to add, he was a Slythering after all.

Anne was suprised that he reacted so badly, but she understood, he grew up with pure blood belifes. "Sorry, it never bugged me. It's just a word. Anyways, I have a gift that is all magic. I'm powerful, it doesn't matter who my parents were."

She looked at their hands, and thought maybe she did have people who cared. "Damien, thank you. This time yesterday I believed I was alone, now I know I'm not." She looked at the boy who had suported her like a brother. "You're like my pureblood broher." she laughed, She knew he would never be more than her brother, her friend.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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Forgive and forget (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: Forgive and forget (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 08, 2012 11:18 am

Damien listened to her and how caring she was and that she truly wanted to help him with the problem.

"I would love you to provide any help that you can, that would be great." Damien thought

Damien could tell that she was a little upset about the thing with his father. "It is best for all parties that no one gets involved with what my father does. It is the pureblood Slytherin way for us and it cannot be stopped." Damien looked at the ground.

When they got on the topic of the castle again he was glad because he did not like to think about his father and what he does.

"You know maybe when we look for something for this marriage contract maybe we could look for Tessa's eyes. I know that Professor Devante has tried and only achieved one day."

Damien shook his head at how comfortable she was with the name. "You can be as powerful as you want but that is not a good name to call yourself, only sets you up for bad things."

Damien could not believe that Anne thought of him as a brother, he was in shock.

"Well besides Tab and Lesh I have no other sisters, I would be honored to be your brother." Damien smiled as he gave her a hug.


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Forgive and forget (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: Forgive and forget (Anne and Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Thu Mar 08, 2012 11:32 am

Anne smiled, She was glad to help him. she was planinng to look in to sight magic anyway. "I was planing on looking into it anyway."

Anne didn't like that she couldn't help him with her family, but she dropped it, he clearly didn't want to talk about it. She tried to find he good in it but came up with nothing.

She smiled and laughed when he hugged her. "who would have thought," she laughed, "two complete opposites, a Gryffindor and a Slytherin, A pureblood and a muggleborn, Friends. If the founders could see us now."

Anne looked at damien, "For me family is conected by love not blood," she said then added, "and don't get the wrong idea." she said, lightly punching his arm.

Anne Jones

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Join date : 2012-02-22

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