Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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We're friends. NOT! (Anne and Damien)

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We're friends. NOT! (Anne and Damien) Empty We're friends. NOT! (Anne and Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Sun Mar 04, 2012 11:36 am

Ann ewas walking around the black lake her head down, trying to comprehend what was happening in her life. At least i have friends now She thought. Ya friends but no family her mind argued back. Anne sighed she was having an argument in her head, maybe she was crazy.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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We're friends. NOT! (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: We're friends. NOT! (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 04, 2012 12:02 pm

Damien had taken time by himself for a change, he was unsure of what she was doing. He was doing his best to honor what he had promised her. He had been seen with her and even sat with her in a couple of classes. He was trying and with the stuff with Tabi and Leshia he knew she understood.

Damien was throwing rocks into the lake and as he bent down to pick one up when someone ran into him and knocked him over.

No one knocks Damien over and gets away with it.

"Can you not pay attention to where you are walking, I happen to be standing here." Damien yelled at the girl


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We're friends. NOT! (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: We're friends. NOT! (Anne and Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Sun Mar 04, 2012 12:10 pm

Anne was too busy with her own thoughts, to ntice the boy she had walked into. She fell to the ground, and looked up at the boy. He was Tessa's boyfriend, Damien. He was now yelling at her, for an accident. What a Git. she couldn't help but think.

"Sorry, I didn't see you."

She prayed he didn't bring up anything about her parentage or her blood stais.

"You don't need to yell you know. I'm right here." She added. Wondering why he was so rude.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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We're friends. NOT! (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: We're friends. NOT! (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 04, 2012 12:25 pm

"Thanks for being miss obvious there. Of course you didn't see me, you were too busy watching your feet while you walk." Damien huffed at her.

"Well I would hope you are right here seeing that I am right here." Damien smirked at her.

"I yelled becasue I assumed if you couldn't see you couldn't hear either." Damien spat.


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We're friends. NOT! (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: We're friends. NOT! (Anne and Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Sun Mar 04, 2012 12:35 pm

Anne was suprized at his actions, she had appolgized. She raised her eyebrows as stood up. Why was he so rude to her?

"Well I can hear you fine, and I said I was sorry." Anne replied her voice now cold. People did not walk all over her.

"So if you are done being a arse I have better things to do, like set my head on fire." She spat back at him, her eyes narrowed in dislike. what did Tessa see in this guy?

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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We're friends. NOT! (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: We're friends. NOT! (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 04, 2012 12:54 pm

Damien knew he was being an arse and this was the way Damien was unless Tesa was around. Damien like to let his inner Slytherin come out from time to time.

"Sorry, I don't need your sorry's, I need you to pay attention to where you are going." Damien smirked a little.

"But if your truly sorry, I am sure I can think of ways for you to earn my forgiveness. Perhaps carry my books, wait on me. All those options are possible." Damien still smirked.

"Did you need some help setting your hair on fire?" damien asked with a laugh.


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We're friends. NOT! (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: We're friends. NOT! (Anne and Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:05 pm

Anne growled, how dare he. She was no slave, who needed forgiveness. "No I don't think I do at least not from slime like you." she snarled at him.

Anne pulled out her wand, if he insulted her one more time she was going to curse him into next year. "Now slytherin maybe you should be a bit nicer, or it will come back to bite you."

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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We're friends. NOT! (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: We're friends. NOT! (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:20 pm

Damien could not help but smirk, he was Slytherin he would have no trouble taking down this little Gryffindor.

Damien had to laugh at her "I am a Slytherin to the core, and do not forget it, everything you see is just for show."

Damien was working really hard to scare this little girl. He noticed that she had her wand out.

"Do you really think you will be able to do anything too me, I could disarm you right now if I wanted too. You have no idea the kind of things I am capable of."

Damien loved to watch people squirm, it was part of his charm. These people have no idea how he was trained at home.


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We're friends. NOT! (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: We're friends. NOT! (Anne and Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:25 pm

Anne Was fourisus she decided a stinging hex would suffice. Foucusing all her energy on hexing him she shot a non verbal hex at him and smiled.

"Don't mess with me, You don't scare me. you are not that tough, I've seen you cry." she threw at him. hoping to unnerve him.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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We're friends. NOT! (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: We're friends. NOT! (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 04, 2012 2:35 pm

Damien took the little girls stinging hex in stride and then laughed it off.

"Is that the best you got. My dad shoots worse stuff than at me." Damien looked down at her. He loved that he was tall.

"I really do not care that you have seen me cry." Damien moved in close to whisper into her ear.

"Let me fill you in on a secret, there is nothing, and I mean nothing that you can throw at me that I haven't gotten ten-folds from my father."

Damien turn and was going to walk away, but stopped.


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We're friends. NOT! (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: We're friends. NOT! (Anne and Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Sun Mar 04, 2012 2:49 pm

Anne knew he only ment that she haddn't hurt him. But his simple words hurt more than anything else he could throw at her. He mentioned his father, the only thing that could break her, her family.

A sob went through her whole body. She was compleatly alone she had gotten proof of that this morning. Tessa would never be her friend now that she hexed her boyfriend. Parker wouldn't be her friend he was too close to Damien. She was alone.

Anne fell to the ground, crying, no longer carring what happened, she wanted to die right now.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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We're friends. NOT! (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: We're friends. NOT! (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 04, 2012 3:10 pm

Damien had stopped because he had heard the girl crying and the one thing that always broke him was a crying girl so shaking his head he turned back around and he went and sat down next to her.

After the way Anne came at him he never imagined that she would be this sensitive.

"Hay, Anne" bumping her with his shoulder.

"Are you ok" Damien leaned down to get a look at her face pulling her hair back so he could see it.


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We're friends. NOT! (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: We're friends. NOT! (Anne and Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Sun Mar 04, 2012 3:19 pm

Anne was shocked that he had come back to try and comfort her it didn't make sence.

"of course I'm not ok," She manged to say through sobs. " I'm completly alone, I have no friends or family."

Anne had finaly broken, after years of watching horriable things. She didn't want her gift, her curse, she had witnessed her own mothers murder, before it had happened. She didn't want to live and be the crazy girl that know too much.

"I have no one. not even the teachers like me."

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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We're friends. NOT! (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: We're friends. NOT! (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 04, 2012 7:17 pm

Damien was unsure how to respond he wanted to be an arse but the lady was crying and that was always a hard spot.

"What do you mean your alone, you seem to have friends to me."
Damien was completely in a different place with this

"Well its not the end of the world if the teachers hate, besides what teacher hates you?


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We're friends. NOT! (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: We're friends. NOT! (Anne and Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Sun Mar 04, 2012 7:23 pm

Anne was angry he wasn't alowed to change his attutde half way through "Why do you care, a minute ago you were just a jerk." Anne would not take pity, she hated showing weakness. "why don't you just leave, or hex me. i don't care." She didn't care anymore.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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We're friends. NOT! (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: We're friends. NOT! (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 04, 2012 7:41 pm

Damien stood up off the ground and wiped off his pants.

"Fine sit there and have a pity party." Damien just spat

"I was just trying to help, but I don't have too."


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We're friends. NOT! (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: We're friends. NOT! (Anne and Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Sun Mar 04, 2012 7:47 pm

Anne wished he would just leave he had no clue. "Go!" she spat at him "Or better yet I will." Anne stood up still crying and walked away from the lake. She was alone and now she had an emeny. A popular enemy, she could kiss Tessa's friendship good-bye.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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We're friends. NOT! (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: We're friends. NOT! (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 04, 2012 7:54 pm

Damien would never understand girls they were just crazy.

"Fine go, jump off the tower for all I care." Damien yelled at her retreating body.


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We're friends. NOT! (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: We're friends. NOT! (Anne and Damien)

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