Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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The Truth (Anne and Damien)

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The Truth (Anne and Damien) Empty The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Sun Mar 11, 2012 8:46 pm

Anne had sent an owl to tell Damien to meet her in the room of requirement. She was going to tell him what really happened, the full story. She walked towart the room then paced in front of the door. She pulled it open and saw exictly what she wanted. She was now in a small room with two couches. There were blandets and pillows, Anne knew that she might need them, seeing as she was going to relive the worst experance of her life. But he had the right to know.

She sat on one of the couchs and waited for him. She was hugging a pillow to her chest mentally preparing herself for this talk.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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The Truth (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:50 am

Damien had received an owl from Anne and thought he better head down right away.

When he made it to the room he opened the door. Walking into the room he noticed how it was set up and then he noticed that Anne was sitting on the couch hugging a pillow.

Damien went over to where Anne was sitting and sat down next to her taking the pillow away from her and pulling her to him.

Taking his hand and rubbing down her hair and back trying to make sure she knew she was safe.

"Tell me whatever you want to tell me, and take as long as you need to tell me."


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The Truth (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Mon Mar 12, 2012 11:07 am

Anne held on to Damien, not sure if she could do this without breaking down. She prayed she could, she needed to be strong. She sighed and released Damien. She began the long story of how this came about.

"Damien, if you didn't catch on, I didn't tell the truth when i met you and Parker in the hall." She really hoped he wasn't that thick. "So because you are helping me so much, and you are my brother. I'm going to tell you the truth the whole truth." she said to him. "This is going to be very hard on me, hence why the room looks like it does." she paused thinking for a moment before adding, "You can ask questions, mainly because I want you to understand." She then looked at Damien and wondered if she should start.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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The Truth (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Mon Mar 12, 2012 11:42 am

Damien just listened to her talk a little. He stretched out his legs and placed them on the table that was in front of him then moved Anne to have her head on his lap so he could run his fingers through her hair.

"This position always calms down Tessa, so I want to try it on you." Damien continued to comb her hair with his fingers

"You just start talking when you are ready, there is no hurry and classes do not start for a couple of days. So we have plenty of time."


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The Truth (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Mon Mar 12, 2012 12:03 pm

Anne smiled as Damien ran her finger through her hair, it calmed her down quite a bit.

"This whole thing starts with my vision of my mothers death. In my vision, I saw a man torture and kill her, I could tell from his accent that he was German. So a while ago I went to Germany, hoping to find him. I did, and I stupidly tried to actack him. He got the better of me and used the torture curse on me." Anne paused for a moment, It was bad in Germany, but it was worse here. "I managed to stun him, and his son who was there as well, and got away." She stopped again. Closing her eyes.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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The Truth (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Mon Mar 12, 2012 2:02 pm

Damien just listened to her tell her story. He did not have anything to say at this moment.

By listening to the story and he could stand wanting to fins the ones who tortured her mother.

"I imagine I would have done the same thing. I love my mother very much, its my father I cannot stand." Continues to rub her hair.

"So let me understand this, the attack in the Shack was the son." Damien sighed. This was a mess and he was going to kill this guy


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The Truth (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Mon Mar 12, 2012 2:26 pm

Anne continued her story, this part was a bit harder. She had been very stupid.

"A few days ago I got a letter, I thought it was from Parker." Anne stopped how, had he known her friends name? She probably screamed it asking him for help, she decided. "It said to meet him in the Shrieking Shack. I didn't question it, I told Parker how to get in there. So I went there to meet him. When I got there I knew something was wrong, but you know me. I had to check it out. when I got in the room where he was waiting, he disarmed me. He dragged me across the floor and said 'I'm going to teach you a lesson. I was taken off guard, he was a kid no older than us. I knew who he was. He then pointed his wand and....h...he..."

Anne had to stop she was remembering it so vividly in her mind. It didn't help that she dreamed of it. It didn't help that the time in the shack were what all her visions were now about.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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The Truth (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Tue Mar 13, 2012 3:39 am

Damien listened to her tell and when he found out the guy tricked her by using Parker he was totally pissed off, so much he clinched his fists.

Then as Anne continued he was still rubbing her back and then when she started to get to the heart of the torture she couldn't continue so Damien pulled her up into his lap and just held her while she cried.

"Shhh, its all over now. I will never let him hurt you again." Damien started to cry a little he hated that this girl had been hurt like this. Damien could never imagine harming a woman physically. He can do enough damage emotional with being physical.

"Anne you do not have to continue, I completely understand. You have to relieve it to tell it." Damien just sighed in her neck as he rubbed her back all the while plotting on how he could hurt this man.


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The Truth (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Tue Mar 13, 2012 3:58 am

Tessa walked into the room. She was actually been looking for Damien. Yas has been taking her all around the castle. She was glad that she had finally heard Damien. But he wasn't alone, he was with Anne. She then started to feel jealous, because Damien only comfort her like that. Was this saying that she was just being tossed aside.

“ I can't believe you Damien, you tossed me aside for my roommate.” Yas and Tessa left the room in a hurry.


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The Truth (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Tue Mar 13, 2012 4:07 am

Anne looked at Damien after Tessa come into the room, she knew he should go after her. She needed him, she needed her brother. She wondered what he would do. She looked after Tessa and ran after her, she had to explain.

"Tessa, Wait. You don't get it." She caught up to her, and pulled her around. "Stop Tessa, let me explain."

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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The Truth (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Tue Mar 13, 2012 5:01 am

Damien was in shock when Tessa came into the room he was sure they had put up wards to keep people out, but then maybe Anne had invited her.

damien knew that Tessa didn't understand what was going on and he had to explain it to her.

"Tessa stop, let me explain." Damien knew that Anne was stopping her too

"Tessa this isn't what it looks like?" Damien sighed.


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The Truth (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Tue Mar 13, 2012 5:11 am

Tessa then glared. “ I don't need sight to see what is going on.

She knew that Damien and Anne was trying to stop her. “ Let me go now.” She then sighed, she couldn't believe what had just happened.

Yas then started to bark at both Damien and Anne.


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The Truth (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Tue Mar 13, 2012 8:12 am

Anne looked at Tessa. She could see that right now she hated her with passion. Tears welled up in her eye, she was hated for needing someone else. She looked right at Tessa she was not going to be hated for, this. She wasn't going to be hated for her pain.

"Tessa, you're wrong, for once you need to see to understand. If you don't listen you will regret it." She told her. People would talk.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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The Truth (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Tue Mar 13, 2012 11:07 pm

Damien never in a million years thought that Tessa was gona show up, but it shouldn't have mattered.

"Tessa, come on after everything we have been through I would not go for Anne." Damien was trying to remain calm.

"Tessa there was nothing going on, will you please listen."


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The Truth (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Wed Mar 14, 2012 12:12 am

Tessa then started to cry when Yas started to bark.

There was nothing more to say, she had wished that she didn't come up here.

She then quick started to head toward the Gryffindor dorms.


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The Truth (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Wed Mar 14, 2012 1:01 am

Damien was not sure what to think about Tessa taking off but her knew this time he could not let her get away from him so he chased after her and grabbed her arm to stop her from moving.

Yas was still barking and Damien knew that he had to get Tessa to listen to him so he had to quiet the dog. Damien took out his wand and pointed at the dog. "Petrificus Totalus"

Damien knew she was going to be pissed at him but he had to shut the dog up so he could talk.

"Tessa I need you to hear me out, please." Damien sighed, he knew he was desperate.

"Nothing is going on between Anne and me, she had some problems and I was helping her with them. That is all."


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The Truth (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Wed Mar 14, 2012 1:06 am

Tessa was still crying, she couldn't believe what Damien just did. Nothing was making since to her now. And crying seemed like the best idea.

" Damien my father left in the middle of the night, and I have no idea where he is. If he ran, then I will have to go back to the orphanage."


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The Truth (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Wed Mar 14, 2012 3:55 am

Anne looked between Damien and Tessa, he needed her right now. Damien's life revolved around her. Tessa needed him, but so did she, but she knew who he would choose. He loved her, she was just a girl on the side. She didn't matter as much.

Anne was still in her state her torture still playing in her head. She was broken and she needed someone to pick up the pieces. she collapsed on the floor in the middle of the hall. She curled up in a tight ball. She needed to finish her story, she needed to tell the whole story to move on.

"Damien, h..he laughed, four times he put that spell on me, he hit me, and cut me. I know Tessa needs you, but you are all I have."

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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The Truth (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:33 am

Damien was torn between his girls, he loved Tessa and needed to be there for her, but then Anne was his new best friends and she was going through things that only he would understand.

Damien decided that he would deal with them both at the same time. He grabbed ahold of Tessa hand and then Anne's hand and pulled them back into the room of requirement.

After sitting the two of them on the couch he went back to get Yas. He picked Yas up and carried her back into the room and released the spell on her.

"She barks again and I am shutting her up again." Damien looked at Yas then back at the girls.

"First of all we need to finish Tessa's story. Granted your father disappearing is very important, but he is an adult and can take care of himself. Anne on the other hand is being attacked by people and she needs to protected."


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The Truth (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:42 am

Tessa looked at Damien. " You don't get it. I am leaving Hogwarts. Means I am going back to the orphanage.Maybe I might get lucky and someone would adopted me. Who just up and leaves in the middle of the night. She then started to cry. Yas then walked over and tried to comfort Tessa the best she could.

" Just let me go Damien."


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The Truth (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:55 am

Anne stood up, Tessa would not leave. "No Tessa, you don't have to go back. Talk to the headmistriss. She helped me out. I won't let you leave. You may not believe me, but I'm happier, than I have ever been in my life. I will not let you go back there, not alone." Anne was still hurting and she still needed people, but Tessa ccouldn't go back there. She had been abused and beaten there, she would not go back.

"Tessa, I'm sorry about your father. I also have no intrest what so ever in Damien, he's like my brother. I do need him though. You don't know because you can't see but Tessa...." Anne was trying to stay calm, but it was hard now she had to do this all over again because Tessa didn't understand.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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The Truth (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:10 am

Damien listened to Tessa talk about the orphanage and then about your dad.

"Tessa honey your not going back to that place, and I promise you someone will be looking for your dad. There has to be a reason for him just leaving like that and we will figure it out, I promise."

Damien took the crying Tessa in his arms.

"Now as for Anne, she has some issues we need to work through, and she needs my help."


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The Truth (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:02 am

Tessa then started to cry even harder. She knew that her father would never leave her. Someone must have forced him to leave. And she knew that she was going back to the muggle orphanage. She didn't know the reason why. Because they never told her why. Maybe her real parents finally came back.

" Damien I have to go back. I have no other choice."

She then grabbed Yas and was walking out of the room again.


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The Truth (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Thu Mar 15, 2012 10:19 am

Anne watched Tessa leave. and curled up on her chouch, once again hugging a pillow. She knew that Damien might go after Tessa agian. She waited wondering what to do she still had no clue. She needed people in her life she needed a family. She needed friends. She was strong but she couldn't go through life by herself. She started crying. She wasn't weak, but she needed to cry, she needed to be human, not the robot she used to be.

Now that she had seen what it was like to have people, who aren't related to her, care for her. She couldn't not have them. She needed the love that she got. She both loved the time wih them, and hated the fact that she needed someone. She sat in her ball, wondering she had heard many things about this curse, she knew it could kill you if you let it, she also knew that it could drive you to maddness. She had the will to stay sane, and to keep living. She was strong.

"I'm strong, I can get through this." She said to herself. Not knowing if Damien was still there.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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The Truth (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 15, 2012 10:58 am

Damien shook his head, he was getting tired of chasing her, she wants to be stubborn and not listen he was not going after her again she could just go.

"I am not chasing you again Tessa, you don't want to listen then just go." Damien yelled hoping she would hear him.

Walking back over to where Anne was sitting Damien through himself on the couch.

"I refuse to chase her again, if she doesn't want to listen to reason, I am not trying again." Damien sighed as he placed his head on the back of the couch.

"Anne, I love her..But it seems like I am the one doing all the work here."


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The Truth (Anne and Damien) Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

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