Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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The Truth (Anne and Damien)

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The Truth (Anne and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Thu Mar 15, 2012 11:17 am

Anne sighed and looked at him. She knew that they loved each other, a lot. Tessa just needed time. As for trying to get her to stay and listen, what was she suppose to do. She was in her own living hell. What could she do.

"Damien, I know you love her. Your reationship matters to her too, but. She's going through a rough time right now. " she told him, then added,"So am I" under her breath. She knew he cared more for her, but never the less it hurt. Knowing that her best friend didn't care more about the fact that she was tortured than his relationship.

"What was suppose to do Damien, would you like me to say, 'Sorry Tessa that your dad left, but I need your boyfriend right now. I would tell you but I cant, sorry.' She would hit me, an I've had enough of that." She huffed. She wouldn't be blamed. She was now tramatized angry and sad. She was in a frenzy of emotions. She needed someone to help, but as it seemed Damien was too worried about Tessa.

She curled into a even tight ball and started to cry again. She knew she would be tortured again, should she tell him that. She didn't want to go through it all again.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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The Truth (Anne and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 15, 2012 12:49 pm

Damien was torn on which girl needed him the most but he had dealt with girls so much lately maybe he should stay single.

"Well it may sound insenstive to Tessa, but I don't care where her dad is right now, as far as I am concerned he is an adult and will take care of himself." Damien sounded a little harsh.

Then he turned to look at Anne and she was curled in a ball crying again so he placed his arms around her and held her tight.

"Anne it will be ok. We will get it figured out. He will get his when I am done." Damien was so pissed about this guy.

"As for Tessa, she will just have to get over herself. My world does revolve around her. She wanted me to have a sensitive side, so here it is."


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The Truth (Anne and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:11 pm

Anne looked at him and knew that if he was going he had to know that, She was going to go through this all again.

"Damien, I know you're torn, and I'm sorry it's just you are the only person I can talk to." She told him hugging her pillow even tighter. She wanted a parent, but because of this god damn family she didn't. She hated them, that whole family that her made her life so much harder.

"What if something bad happened to him? would you still want to say that?" She asked him, she liked her charms teacher.

"Damien I don't want him dead, I can't wish ill upon another human." She was good, she was raised with good morals, and believed in them.

"He's not the only one that has or will hurt me. I've seen myself tortured another time, But the voice was not German." She told him. She had a feeling he was going to overreact. She chanced a glance at him hugging her pillow tighter still.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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The Truth (Anne and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 16, 2012 1:58 am

Damien looked at Anne "Currently I am only worried about you. If Tessa was the one in trouble and not her father then I would worry about her. But right now it is you I choose" Damien sighed.

"Well this is the way I look at it. He is a grown adult and there is nothing I can go out and do about it anyway. The same with her. In fact your problems would help her keep her mind of of her father. Besides her father had a wife, its not like she would go back to the orphanage anyway." Damien noticed a bottle sitting on the table so he picked it up and threw it across the room

Damien was just a little irritated at Tessa for not looking into the areas around her. IF she wants not to talk to assume something was going on, maybe he could make something happen. Damien looked over at Anne, it was so tempting, but he told himself he wasn't going to do it.

When Anne told him that she was going to be tortured more he just got even more pissed than he was and found another bottle to throw across the room.

"Can't we just use these visions, and stop it from happening, I know it can be done. People get visions for reasons, not just to let the act happen." Damien said a little too harshly.


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The Truth (Anne and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Fri Mar 16, 2012 3:45 am

Anne was still curled tighter. Damien was throwing things. She wondered if she should have told him, it all went so wrong. She and Tessa were suppose to be friends. She wasn't suppose to hate her. She held her knees and waited for Damien to calm down.

"If I interfere, it only gets worse. I tried to warn my mother and she only died sooner." she told him, she wished it wouldn't happen.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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The Truth (Anne and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 16, 2012 10:51 am

Damien knew he needed to calm down, he wasn't doing Anne any good this way.

Plopping back on the couch he took the pillow away from Anne and just held her tight.

"I am sorry, I am just mad at everything right now." Damien sighed

"Just because you interfer once and things went bad doesn't mean it wouldn't happen the next time."

Damien thought that with his help maybe things would work different. "I don't care what you think we have to try."


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The Truth (Anne and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Fri Mar 16, 2012 11:05 am

Anne rolles her eyes, she wouldn't base her beliefs on one peice of evidance. She knew better. She had tried many times to stop bad things from happening. Everytime she did, it ended up worse. More people got hurt. She shook her head at him. It wouldn't work.

"It wont work. I've tried many time, it always ends up worse." She told him leaning in to his embrace. She needed her brother at the moment. Shewanted nothing more than for life to be simple. She wanted to be normal.

"I see so much bad, I don't know how I still believe in good, but I do. I know it doesn't make sence, but.. If I stop seeing the good in people. Life wouldn't be worth it." Goodness was one thing she had to believe in she had too.

Anne needed a destraction she wanted to go flying. Stupid first year rule. not being aloud to fly. "I need a destraction." She stated more to herself than to Damien.

Anne looked at the room and saw that it had changed slightly. It had several more things for Damien to throw. It also had a door. She stood up and moved toward it wondering what was behide this new door.

When she pulled it open her jaw dropped. There was a huge Quidditch Field. She beamed then spotted the brooms. She loved this room.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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The Truth (Anne and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 17, 2012 3:25 am

Damien could not believe that she would even try to make the visions not become to. But he continued to hold her and she thought about whatever she was thinking about.

"Have you ever thought of going an talking to Professor Slytherin, I know she goes through the same things that you do, she must have an idea on how to help you. " Damien didn't understand why she had not talked to her yet.

When she mentioned something about needing a distraction he could not agree more and that was when he noticed as she noticed a door appear off to the side that wasn't there before, along with more things for him to throw.

He moved over to the door with Anne when she opened it and there appeared a quidditch Field.

"That is too cool, I didn't know you like quidditch. Not really into the sport, but I love to fly. Feel up to a race?"


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The Truth (Anne and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Sat Mar 17, 2012 4:13 am

Anne smiled at the field. She look slightly shocked when Damien said he did like the sport. "You don't like the best sport in the world?" She asked. It was his lose reallly. She loved everything to do with it.

When he asked to race she smirked and looked up. "You're on, but I'm going to win." She said. She knew she was going to win she could just feel it. This would be fun. "how about a bet a gallon each ya?"

Anne went over to the brooms and grabed one, she then walked to the center of the field, and mounted her broom. She kicked off and felt more relxaed, nothing cheered her up better than flying. She did a few moves than turned to Damien. "When ever you're ready." She said smirking

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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The Truth (Anne and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 17, 2012 5:00 am

Damien was just excited to get to fly with someone who enjoyed flying as much as he did.

"You on. From these hoops to the other side and back." Damien grinned and climbed on the broom.

He looked over at Anne.."Alright Sis, ready set go." Damien pushed off and took off fast. Looking behind him to see where he is.


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The Truth (Anne and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Sat Mar 17, 2012 5:09 am

Anne smirked when he took off, the cheater. She put in a huge burst of speed. They were now neck in neck. She loved this the energy, the speed. She was back where she truly belonged, in the air. She turned and smirked at Damien taunting him. They were now on the final strech. Anne decided to stop playing nice and upped her speed she pulled ahead slightly. She crossed the finsh line with Damien a foot behind her.

She flew to the ground and smiled at him "Now pay up. You are silly for betting against a seer." She said holding out her hand for her winnings. She loved this. It was too bad he didn't like Quittich, she loved it.

"Do you want a rematch?" Knowing it might bruse his ego that he had been beaten by a Gryffindor girl.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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The Truth (Anne and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 17, 2012 5:31 am

Damien pulled the money out of his pocket and handed it to Anne. "Its not fair to use you powers for that, and you call me a cheater."

"Yeah we can have a rematch if you wear a blind fold" Damien had laughed. He really was enjoying the distraction.

"How about a nice slow paced fly around the field?"


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The Truth (Anne and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Sat Mar 17, 2012 7:06 am

Anne smiled at his comment. "Sure, and I'll still beat you." She joked with him then nodded at flying around slowly. She took off on her broom again. She needed this so much.

She looked at Damien and asked what had been bugging her for the longest time "Am I weak, for needed other people, for not being able to do this alone. Am I weak for letting this happen?" She needed to know if she was weak. It had eating at her for a long time.

She looked down at the ground and wiated for an answer. She wondered what it would be.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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The Truth (Anne and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 17, 2012 7:36 am

Damien jumped back up on the broom and took off. It had been so long since he felt so free not a care in the world.

Flying next to Anne was a blast, he was missing Tessa a little but he knew to fly with Tessa he would have to convince her to trust him to have her on a broom high in the air.

Damien flew up close to Anne and was a little disappointed when she talked about being weak.

"How can you even say you weak, your the strongest person I know." Damien still flying through the air feeling the wind against his face.


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The Truth (Anne and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Sat Mar 17, 2012 7:50 am

Anne nodded her head but said nothing. She was thinking about what he had said. She wasn't that strong. She was broken.

She flew around a bit more. Trying to relax. She just wanted to be 11 again. She wanted normal kid proplems. She didn't want to worry about being tortured. She wanted to worry about the guy she was crushing on.

"I don't know Damien, I'm not that strong." She said. She didn't believe she was the strongest person he knew.

She flew higher still and felt a brezze on her face. This room was increadable. She thought. It was perfect. It had everything she could ever want other than food.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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The Truth (Anne and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 17, 2012 8:22 am

Damien heard what she said as she soared higher into the air, so he went up after her he was a little upset that she would even think she wasn't strong.

"How can you even think that Anne, that boy tortured you and you got right back up." Damien said to her a little irritated.

"People usually die during torture sessions or end up hospitalized forever, look at you, your up here flying with me." Damien flew as close as he could to her and reached for her broom.

"Never, and I mean never admit to being weak to anyone." Damien spat out. It was the one thing you learn first off being a Slytherin never admit to your weaknesses.


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The Truth (Anne and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Sat Mar 17, 2012 8:44 am

Anne shook her head. She didn't believe him but dropped it knowing it was bugging him.

"Ok, I'm not scared of having a weakness. It proves that I'm human. I don't plan to advtise it, but I trust you." She said.

She wondered why it was irritating him. She knew he didn't like what had happened. She knew she could handle it but, she wanted to know if she was beter off alone.

"Damien, Tell me what happened with your dad." She didn't ask she told him to tell her. She had told him her horrors it was only fair.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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The Truth (Anne and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 18, 2012 7:10 am

Damien let go of Anne's broom and took off a ways in front of her. He was listening to her talk about not caring about having a weakness and then she wanted to know what happened with his father. Damien hated what his father did to him and the twins. and now having to talk about it was going to be hard.

"Because when someone finds out your weakness they use it to torture you worse."

Damien started to circle around her while trying to to think of all the bad things that had happened to him.


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The Truth (Anne and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Sun Mar 18, 2012 7:20 am

Anne nodded at what Damien had said about weaknesses, it was true. She waited for the story about what happened between him and his father.

"Damien, I told you about the darkest moment of my life. If you don't want to tell me you can show me." She said flying to the ground and going back into the main room. As she expected her pensive was there. She looked at her swirling memories. Her worst nightmares, her visions.

She looked at Damien. "This is what keeps me sane, It also helps me focus in class and study." She told him gesturing to the pensive.

"Everything bad I have ever seen is in here, as well as many things I'm ashamed of. These are my secrets. I promise if you tell me or show me I will take it to the grave." She said bravely.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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The Truth (Anne and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Guest Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:44 am

Damien flew around and was facing her and stopped to looked at her.

"I know you want to know, and I am getting around to it. It is just not a very easy thing to talk about." Damien sighed and turned around so they could fly some more.

Slowing down so he was flying right next to Anne he started to talk.

"I cannot even remember when everything started I will little maybe 8. It was when I could understand things a little better. The twins and I were basically raised together and their training started before mine did. Their father was too busy with his potions that he left it up to my father to do their training." Damien slowed even more down with his flying.

"He used to use curses on us and when he found out my weakness was the girls crying he would torture them more just to get me to do what he wanted me too." Damien came to a stop in midair.

"He believed that torture was a good training tool. So it is going to take a lot to get this marriage contract ended even if we have true love. We will be tortured just when he hears about our thoughts."


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The Truth (Anne and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

Post by Anne Jones Mon Mar 19, 2012 9:04 am

Anne nodded, She knew his weakness already. She growled when she heard about the twins being tortured. Leshia was way to good for that. It wasn't fair. 8 years old. She was near a breakdown and she was 11. They trusted him too.

Anne looked at her feet. This had hit him so close to home. She was bringing back bad memories. She was hurting him. That was the last thing she wanted. She was 11 she didn't want to go through all of this. She just wanted it to end. She didn't want aything to happen.

Anne made up her mind she couldn't let her brother deal with her problems while he had his own. She was going to disconect herself from him. He had way too much on his plate for an 11 year old. She knew she did as well, but she had been forced to grow up a long time ago.

"I'm so sorry Damien, I shouldn't have dumped my problems on you. I'll leave you alone from now on." She said running out of the room. She couldn't believe how horriable she had been. She was such a bad person.

Anne Jones

Posts : 649
Join date : 2012-02-22

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The Truth (Anne and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Truth (Anne and Damien)

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