Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:48 pm

That is when Tessa wanted to here. “ Ok I like that.” She then was being lead by Damien to go sit back on the bench. “ I am glad I am in Gryffindor. I plan on staying out of trouble, because I don't need my father to be mad at me. But also the head of my house, I really hate it when people are disappointed in me.” She smiled. “ I am sure that it really isn't that bad, you just think it is.”

Tessa smiled when he started to talk about Yasmina. Truly she was an amazing dog. And she was lucky to have her. “ I am sure she is like that with every person. Until you give her something to believe otherwise. But I guess that is just her been protective of me.” She then started to pet Yasmina again.

She then noticed that he was playing with her hair again. But she loved it when Damien did this. Tessa felt relaxed. “ I can tell that you love it, because you are playing with my hair all the time.” She then started to grin when he laughed. Tessa didn’t' know why but she always wanted to be around Damien.

“ I remember that day, because you were the first guy to ever make me blush.” She then tried to recall that day on the train. “ At the time I didn't think I would fall for you, or that you would be in most of my classes with me.”


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:56 am

Damien hoped that Yasmina would always like him, and as far as he was concerned he would do the best he could to keep it that way. But he knew it was only their second year and there was going to be many bumpy roads ahead.

"I just hope I always stay on her good side." No though by looking at her she would hurt him too much right now, but she was awful big for a puppy.

Damien stopped playing with her hair when she mentioned that he seemed to do it all the time. "Sorry I didn't realize I was doing it that much, I will try to stop."

When she talked about him being in all the classes she was in he could not help but laugh.

"I did that on purpose, I just felt the need to annoy you, so when I happened to get a look at your schedule I arranged to be in all of your classes."

Damien just smiled that at first he just wanted to be a pain in her butt and make her think she couldn't do anything because she was blind. She had totally amazed him.

"But, I took Muggle Studies because you basically asked me too."


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:44 am

So far, Tessa could tell that Yasmina liked him. But she knew that could change in a second if she thought that he would ever hurt her. She was trying not to think to much ahead, Tessa just wanted to focus on her first year.

“ I think that you can stay on her good side, just don't hurt me and you will be fine.” She then started to laugh when she could tell that Damien was worried. She knew that Yasmina wasn't going to bite him or tried to hurt him. “ No please don't stop, I really enjoy it.” She then started to pout.

Tessa couldn't help but laugh when he did. “ If you did that on purpose you would be in all of my classes. There is four of them that I am taking and you are not.”She knew why he did this, so that he could always keep an eye on her. And that she needed someone to do everything for her since she was blind. But she proved him wrong every time.

“ Well I didn’t' think that you would say yes. I mean you are a Slytherin. I didn't think that you was interested in muggles.”


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 24, 2012 8:55 am

Damien thought about the dog. "No worries there, I will always be a perfect little angel." Damien could not help and laugh at his comment. Him a perfect Angel that would never happen, he might be trying to change for her but he will still always be a jerk to everyone else. But then there will be times he will be mad at her too.

Damien thought about the classes. "Well dear, I didn't to overload myself like you did, I have to have to to flirt with the girls. If I have tons of homework how can I do that." Damien could not help but laugh.

Damien had been thinking about why he took the class.

"I suppose I figured it would benefit me not to mention pissing on my parents." Damien smiled when he imagined the look on his fathers face.


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 24, 2012 10:32 am

Tessa then started to laugh at this. She knew that Damien was far from being a perfect little angel. Maybe she would have to point out that there is horns holding up his halo. But this only made her laugh louder. She knew that Damien wouldn't change for her, he was from being perfect. And this is why she loved him.

“ I didn't do an overload on classes.” She would never admit it, but she did. “ I just wanted to take as many as I could. Nothing wrong with learning something new.” Tessa then pretended to look like she was hurt. “ Flirting with other girls? What am I not that important.” She knew that she would have to keep the looking hurt up.

She then smiled. “ So taking the class had nothing to do with me. I didn't want to be the only first year taking it. But there is another Slytherin but I don't talk to him.”


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 24, 2012 10:44 am

Damien could not help up laugh when she said she didn't take an overload. "You practically took every class that was offered, I would say that is an overload. You didn't have to start school and prove to everyone that the little blind girl could do what they could do." Damien figured that sounded a little harsh, but she would have to remember that was how he was sometimes.

"Well of course your important, your my best girl, but you know I have to keep up appearances. Everyone just loves to look at this face." Damien smiled a proud smile.."If you could see it you would never stop looking, my eyes just pull you in."

"Yes you silly girl, I would not have taken the class if you had not been in it, I just found a benefit in taking the class."


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:19 am

Tessa smiled. “ Ok so I did take a lot of classes, but I wanted to do it. I wanted to make sure that I was learning something new everyday. Because if I don't then that day was just waste.” She loved the way that she was thinking, if only everybody thought that way. “ I didn't take every class, there was a couple that I didn't want to take.” She was still smiling. “ I have a point to prove, and you don't have to like it.” She knew that he was trying to push her to see if she would get mad.

She sighed a little bit. “ I guess I am not that important to you, if you have other girls. Tessa made a good point. But she knew that Damien wouldn't give up flirting, not even for her. Which made her feel, she really didn’t' know how to feel about it. “ If I could see right now, I would slap you for even saying that.”

Tessa then rolled her eyes. “ But you just said that you took it, only to make you father made. Now which is it.”


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:44 am

"Really I don't care you you want to make a point or not. I just don't feel that just because you are blind you have to do it all in one year." Damien sat with his arms folded in from of him. He just didn't understand the need. But then he never had to prove anything so he probably didn't understand.

Damien wasn't too scare when she said she would slap him.

"Oh come on now, you know you wouldn't slap me, you would hurt my beautiful face." Damien had to laugh. "Trust me I am just a flirt, you are the only girl for me."

Damien had to get her to understand she did take the class because of her.

"Well let me explain this too you. I took the class because you asked me too, but taking the class for you I realized it also gave me the change to piss off my father."


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:02 pm

Tessa smiled. “ Maybe I want to make a point to myself. And I really don't mind taking all the classes. I means that I am always busy.” She hated it that Damien made it all out that she need to make a point, which was part true. She could tell that Damien didn't understand why she had to take a lot of classes. And she didn’t' expect him to.

She knew that it didn't scare him when she told him that she wanted to slap him. “ I would to slap you, but then I might end up hurting myself. But I can't be you only girl, if you are flirting. That means that I must not be that important or can even keep your attention.”

She knew that Damien was only taking all these classes because of her. And that he felt like he had to watch her all the time. “ I asked because I thought that you might enjoy what a muggle does in their lives. Not really different from being a witch or a wizard, expect they can't do magic.”


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:36 pm

Damien didn't care whether or not she felt she needed a to prove a point he just didn't feel like she needed to make one just cause she was blind. Anyone that knew anything could tell she was smart and could do anything she put her mind too.

"Whatever you say dear, you can do whatever it is you want to do." Damien just smiled even though how he said it may not have been that too convincing.

Next she was going on about him flirting with other girls, and even though he was a flirt he was still sitting here about to be late for curfew, but she didn't think she was important.

"Well I told you, you were the most important girl to me, its your choice whether or not you believe it." Damien stood up from the bench. Damien was not going to argue that point with here anymore.

"I believe if we do not head back we will not make it before curfew."


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:58 pm

Tessa could tell that Damien didn’t' care if she was trying to prove a point. Because he felt like she didn’t' need to. But most important she was trying to prove to herself that she could do anything. And she didn’t' mind taking all of the classes. She actually welcomed the idea. Tessa could tell that Damien thought that she was smart and that she can do anything that she set her mind too.

“ I know I can do whatever I want, because I am not going to let you tell me otherwise.” She was confident in herself at this point. Tessa hoped that she had gotten her point across. She knew that he was a bigger flirt and knew that he would never stop, not even for her.

She then started to sigh. “ I know that you say that I am important now, you may not think that way. There is a lot of stuff that I can't do that normal girls.” Tessa had no idea how she could stress her point anymore. And she didn’t' feel like arguing till she was blue in the face.

“ Yeah I guess we better be getting back to our dorms.”


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:24 pm

Damien knew he could start an argument really easy if he wanted to, but he was too tired to fight any more today.

"Well last time I looked I was not your boss, so you can do what you please." Damien arse side was starting to come out.

When she made a comment about her not being able to do what other girls could do it just floored him.

"Well if that is how you feel." Damien got right up next to her so she could feel his breathe on her face. "Last time I checked I was with you and not some other girl." Damien kissed her one more time and then turn to start to walk away.

"I suppose since you are such a Miss. Independent, you can walk yourself to Gryffindor tower without my company. You have made that point clear."

Damien knew he was being kind of harsh, but she basically had made him feel worthless, he had told himself he was going to stop flirting with girls he just like to make Tessa Jealous..He just loved to goat her.


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:48 pm

Tessa didn’t' like that she had started another fight. It seemed like this was more and more common. She was tired, but she knew that this would happened. It seemed like every time they would see each other this would happen.

“ Well last time I check, you don't own me. I am not just some property.” Tessa knew that he could be a jerk and he was just proving her point. She could careless at this point if she was making him more mad at her.

And she hated it when they would fight. “ I know you are with me, but you flirt a lot, might give another girl the impression that you like her a lot better than me.” When he kissed her she was shocked, but kissed him back.

“ I will walk by myself. That is why I have a guide dog so YOU don't feel like you have to walk me every where.” Tessa then grabbed the handle on Yasmina back. She knew that Damien was being harsh, and hated how she was feeling right now. But she wasn't about ready to say that she was wrong. She knew that he loved to make her jealous, which it drove her up the wall. Yasmina then started to walk to the door and sighed.


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 24, 2012 2:09 pm

Damien was floored when she said that she was not his property never once did he say anything to her to make her think that. In fact he thought he just told her he wasn't her boss.

"When did I ever give you the feeling that I was your boss. I believe I just said you were your own person.' Damien was seething.

He was following her to the door, and reached for her arm.

"And for your information I was going to try to stop flirting just for you, because I can see it bothers you so much."

Damien was still seething he could not believe she would think the things she was saying. Damien got to the door and opened it for her.

"There you go my queen don't trip on any stairs on your way down then." Damien pointed at the stairs not even thinking she could see him. He was this way a lot. he acted like she was a normal girl all the time.

"Damien never does anything he doesn't want to do, maybe I like walking you places, but since you have your dog, I am sure she is much better company."


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 24, 2012 2:24 pm

Tessa blink. “ Yes I know that, but I wanted you to make sure. I know how you where treating Tabi the other day.” She knew that nobody was her boss, she was the master of herself. Tessa didn't feel like trying to prove her point because it was getting late. And she knew that he would say something and she wouldn't catch it.

She then noticed that he grabbed her arm. “ I would like to see you try, if you care then you will stop. But I don't want to find out that you have been doing it behind my back Damien.” She wished her parents would have adopt someone from the Slytherin house, that way someone would be watching Damien.

After a couple of seconds she realized that he call her his queen. That was something that she didn’t' get, but decided to ask Leshia about it later. “ If I do trip, I will just pick myself back up. It is something that I am used to doing.” She knew that if she tripped going down the stairs, Tessa would most likely break something. But she had to trust Yasmina.

Tessa rolled her eyes. “ You are speaking in third person. You should have said I never do anything. It actually makes more sense. She knew that he would hate it if she corrected him. But that was something that she was used to growing up. She was always expected to be speaking proper English. “ Yes Yasmina is a lot better company compared to you.”


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 24, 2012 2:49 pm

Damien knew that she was going to have to get over it someday about what happened with Tabi and him. He was over and done with and they have moved on.

"Tabi and I have already discussed the issue and it has been dealt with." He really enjoyed the idea that he might have the friend he used to have back. "In fact she came to look me out and I fixed her bruises, she is as good as new."

"You are just going to understand that the things between Tabi and I are different than you and I." Damien knew it was going to be harder for her because she would never understand.

Damien just shook her head he could tell that she was just as stubborn as Tabi. "Yes I know you will pick yourself up, your the Miss Blind girl who can do it all. I know this you don't have to keep reminding me."

Damien looked at the stairs and then looked at her. "I really don't care how I was speaking it doesn't matter and I know the dog is better company cause she doesn't speak to you. But unlike I have to go all the way to the bottom and do not feel like being late. So do you want to continue to argue or are you going to move it?"

Damien just wondered what she was going to do. 'I could always pick you up and carry you down over my shoulders."


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 24, 2012 10:48 pm

Tessa knew that she was going to have to let go about what Damien did to Tabi. Because if she didn't, it would only haunt and hurt her future. And she didn’t' want that to happen. She then stood there and was listening to Damien saying that he fixed things over with Tabi. And part of Tessa want to believe that. But she then remembered what Leshia told her. That if she really liked Damien she was going to have to get her heart broken and run back to him. But she didn't know how long she could do it.

She knew that she would never fully understand any of it. “ Please quit comparing me to Tabi, I spent most of my life being compare to certain people. And I am just sick of it, because I will never be able to be better than Tabi.” This was where she was about ready to cry. But she knew that tears was Damien's weakness. She was doing her best not to. Tessa hated it when he said Miss Blind. “ How would you like me to point out one of your flaws all the time. And then keep reminding you of it.”

She then rolled her eyes. “ Everything has a voice, you just have to listen closely.” Tessa then wondered if he understood any of that. “ I will stay all night and argue my point if I have to. Because I am not going to let you win this one.” Tessa eyes grew wide when Damien said that he would throw her over his shoulders. “ No, because I don't wished to be dropped.”


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 1:27 am

Damien was always one for arguing but even he was getting tired of this. He was ready to go back to his dorm room.

"I am not trying to compare you to Tabi, if I wanted someone like Tabi I would be with her and not you." Tabi was a closed subject and he wished she would leave it closed.

"What difference does it make whether I point it out or not, there are many times I have treated you like the normal girl you are and then it gets thrown back in my face. Maybe you are not the only one who is tired of all of this."

Damien walked over to her and made it around her.

"I can tell you all the flaws I have point them out to me I do not really care. I am just tired of hurting everyone and I am just leaving. If I go now maybe I can make it to the dungeons before curfew."

Damien took off down the stairs looking back at her,

"I would never drop you." Damien continued to walk down the stairs.


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 1:47 am

Tessa could tell that he didn’t' want to continue this. But she would have to explain why she was out of bed. She then thought of a good excuse, she had no idea what time it was. “ You know I don't care anymore. I don't care about Tabi or the fact you have a marriage contract.” She was just starting to get tired of it.

“ It makes a lot of difference. At first you was trying to prove that I needed your help with everything. That I need someone to keep an eye on me.” Tessa decided that she had enough of this. “ All you do is push me away but then expect me to come running back to you.”

“ I am tired of being hurt by you all the time Damien, how you always confuse me. I don't even know anymore.” She sighed. “ It is like you have me under some sort of spell.” There was no point anymore. “ I have been dropped before, and I was on bed rest for a while.”


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 1:56 am

"If you want to continue to yell at me you are going to have to follow me down the stairs because I am not staying up here." Damien walked a few more steps.

"Please be careful, I know your mad and don't want you to fall." Damien continued.

Damien was listening to her go on and on about tired of being hurt and being confused and now there was something about a spell.

"Well let me make it simple and confusing for you, you don't have to worry about me any more. I will go to class do my work and go back to my dorm and keep to myself." Damien felt at this moment there was more he wanted to do but that would wait until tomorrow.

"Afraid that I would drop you is proof you do not trust me, and a relationship has to have trust."

Damien walked a few more steps she still seemed to be standing at the top of them.


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 2:08 am

Tessa then slowly started to walk down the step, she knew that she would have to be more careful. “ I don’t' want to be here by myself.” She hated it when she was alone, Tessa knew that she still had Yasmina. When she wasn't paying attention she slipped, and slide on her butt down a couple of steps. She knew later that this would start to hurt, but she was more worried that she couldn’t' believe she slipped.

She didn’t' want this to fall on deaf ears any more. Tessa knew that she could argue till she was blue in the face. Tessa had no idea what to say anymore. “ I will make it more easier for you, I will most likey won't be in my class. Because I most will be in the hospital wing with my ankle.”


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 2:17 am

Damien couldn't believe what he heard when he heard it. No wait yes he could. She always got like this when she got mad and now he was starting to complain about her butt and her ankle so he turned around.

When Damien turned around he saw her sitting there a few steps down from where she had been standing before.

"Did I not just tell you to be careful." He turned back around and went up the few steps to check her out.

Damien bent over and looked her ankle and couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Oh please, a simple spell will make this feel all better." Damien placed a smirk on his face.

"Either I can place the simple spell to make it feel better, or I can leave you here and let you explain to your father why you were up here till curfew." Damien stood up and looked at her.

"Well those are your choices seeing is you don't trust me to carry you."


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 2:39 am

Tessa knew that she had to swallow her pride. And she was going to have to ask for help. She knew that he told her to be careful. “ I'm sorry Damien.” She knew that she should have been more careful. She wanted to cry because of her ankle, but she bite her lip.

She hated that he was smirking and she was in pain. “ Fine please carry me.”


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 2:50 am

Damien could not help but smirk he could have easily have fixed her ankle and applied the cream that was in his back pocket and she wouldn't have had to suck up her pride to have him carry her.

Damien bent over and picked her up and he could tell she was nervous, but my god she was a light as a feather.

"Oh my what did you eat for supper, a ton of bricks?" Damien had to laugh as he started carrying her down the stairs.

"You do realize that all I had to do was say a spell and apply this cream in my back pocket and you could be walking down these stairs?"

Damien had finally made it down the tower steps. He was glad that Yas stayed behind him, he didn't want to trip over her.

"See we made it down all the tower steps without a problem." Damien smiled.


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Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien) - Page 2 Empty Re: Begging for forgiveness (Tessa and Damien)

Post by Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 3:34 am

Tessa knew that she twisted her ankle and knew that she would have to wrap it later. It seemed like this happened to her a lot. And she knew by letting him carry her, it was like she was trusting him.

She could tell that he thought that she was light, but Tessa was still nervous about this. “ Ha Ha that wasn’t funny, you already used that one me when I fell.” She then rolled her eyes. “That may have been funny the first time, but it really gets old.”

Tessa blinked. “Cream? I never heard of applying cream to a twisted ankle.” She was one who would rather do it the muggle way. That was because that was the only way she knew of. “You do realized that I will wrap my ankle and after staying off it and ice, it will be a lot better.”

She could tell that Yasmina was following them. “How I hate stairs, I usually fall down. I am lucky that I didn’t fall down till the bottom.


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