Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Problem with Leshia Prewett

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Problem with Leshia Prewett Empty Problem with Leshia Prewett

Post by Guest Sat Mar 03, 2012 7:34 am

Professor Moody came into the hospital wing carrying Leshia in with him. He could have levitated her but carrying was so much easier. He looked for an empty bed.

Angelus found an empty bed and placed Ms. Prewett in at. She was just a precious child and didn't deserve that.

Angelus took off in search of the healer.


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Problem with Leshia Prewett Empty Re: Problem with Leshia Prewett

Post by Guest Sat Mar 03, 2012 9:44 am

Tessa wondered up into the hospital wing with Yas. Damien had told her what had happen. And she had to come up and see if she was doing any better. Tessa considered Leshia her best friend. But it was because Leshia was her first friend that she ever had. Sure the kids that she grew up with was nice, but she was different.

She then walked over to the bed that she was in. Tessa then waited for Leshia to wake up.


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Problem with Leshia Prewett Empty Re: Problem with Leshia Prewett

Post by Anne Jones Sat Mar 03, 2012 12:11 pm

Anne walked into the Hospital Wing wanting to get a cure for pounding head. When she entered, She saw Leshia, lying on the bed, Tessa next to her. Her heart sopped, she wasn't dead was she. As she got closer she saw that she wasn't. Anne desided to wait for her to wake up and see what happened. so she pulled up a chair next to tesas and said "Hey Tessa"

Anne Jones

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Join date : 2012-02-22

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Problem with Leshia Prewett Empty Re: Problem with Leshia Prewett

Post by Guest Sat Mar 03, 2012 1:09 pm

Salina had made her way to the Hospital Wing after countless hours of studying. She wanted to visit Corinne, tell her how her day had been, and tell her that she wasn't going to hold onto Corinne anymore. That she was going to always love the girl, but when she awoke she could not expect Salina to be right there beside her. She knew that if Corinne took years, Salina would want to move on and live her life, but she would always love her coma-induced sister.

Upon entering the Hospital wing, she saw a couple of Gryffindor's and the head of Ravenclaw crowded around a bed. SHe noted that one of the Gryffindor's was her younger sister, and curious she edged closer. A gasp escaped her at the sight of Leshia, un-moving much like her sister.

Not my best friend as well, she thought.

She roughly pushed through the Gryffindor's and looked down at Lesh desperately, before looking up at Professor Moody. "What happened to her? Why isn't she moving?!" She exclaimed.


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Problem with Leshia Prewett Empty Re: Problem with Leshia Prewett

Post by Lucia Henley Sat Mar 03, 2012 11:26 pm

Lucia looked up from her desk as she heard some ruckus outside. She rose instantly and rushed out. Her eyes landed on professor Moody to Ms. Devante to Ms. Jones to Ms. Grey and then to Ms. Prewett lying on the bed.

She rushed over and checked Ms. Prewett from top to toe in the way only she could. She frowned. It wasn't too bad. It seemed like she was completely exhausted. She needed sleep. It was not a coma, like Ms. Girard, but she needed her sleep.

She looked at the worried faces and saw the defeated face of Ms. Devante. As if the girl hadn't gone through enough already.

"She will be all right. She's exhausted. Her brain has gone to rest. It's not a coma. I'm pretty sure she will be up and about again in not too long. But it's hard to decide when. But she will be all right," Lucia said calmly.

She then walked into her office and got a potion helping exhaustion. It wouldn't wake her, but it would give her more strength. Lucia wasn't concerned, really, she was merely wondering what had happened to Ms. Prewett to make her be so tired. The first thing could be that she had kept herself so closed up with thought of the battle at the end of last year. But she couldn't be sure.

She walked out again and made the sleeping Ms. Prewett drink the potion. It went down pretty well. She gave a small smile to the students.

"Don't worry. She will be all right," Lucia said comfortingly.
Lucia Henley
Lucia Henley
Hogwarts Professor

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Join date : 2012-01-13
Age : 30
Location : Hogwarts School


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Problem with Leshia Prewett Empty Re: Problem with Leshia Prewett

Post by Guest Sun Mar 04, 2012 12:52 am

Tessa was glad that Leshia was going to be alright, but she missed her best friend. She then heard that her sister was right beside of her. Tessa was glad that it wasn't something that was serious. Because she didn't know what she would do without Leshia. It seemed that they was meant to meet in the ice cream shop before school started. And also how she got to sit together on the train before school started. But she wanted to tell her all about her and Damien. But this would have to wait till she woke up. She then knew that she might have to wait to make sure that she was feeling better.

Yas jumped on Leshia's bed and laid on top of her. It looked like Tessa wasn’t' leaving any time soon. She didn't want to leave, she wanted Leshia to know that she was there. Tessa smiled as she looked at Leshia.


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Problem with Leshia Prewett Empty Re: Problem with Leshia Prewett

Post by Guest Mon Mar 05, 2012 7:45 pm

Tabi was really scared to visit her sister in the hospital wing, she had gotten a letter earlier in the week basically yelling at her as to why she let her sister get like this. For reason because she was born first and a little stronger her parents always thought that she should be in charge of her sister.

The one thing they didn't tell their parents was the mental connection that they seemed to have. The thought it best to keep that to themselves, but they did clue Damien in on it.

Walking into the hospital wing she looked around for Leshia and she finally saw her and sitting right there with her was Tessa and Yasmina. Tabi walked up and petted Yasmina.

"Hey Tessa, you come down here to keep Leshia company?" Tabi smiled

Tabi sat in the chair next to Tessa, looking at Leshia she looked so broken. Tabi had been feeling guilty about not answering Leshia pages in her head.

Every time the door would open she would look up to see who was there. Ivano had promised her that he would stop by to checkup on her.

Tabi moved over to the bed and sat on the edge of the bed and held onto Leshia's hand. Since Tessa was in the room Tabi thought it best to talk to her through their connection

"Leshia please you have to hear me, I know I haven't been there for you very much lately, but please I cannot imagine the rest of the year for you not to be in classes with me. I love you. Please I don't have anyone else like you."

Tabi just squeezed her hand and cried.


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