Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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First Visit (Open)

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First Visit (Open) Empty First Visit (Open)

Post by Richard Romain Sun Mar 18, 2012 6:02 am

Richard walked into the new pub on Diagon Alley with a curious smile. It was fairly new but it wasn't new enough that he'd stumbled upon it's opening night. No, it appeared that it was a few days after the opening night, there was still a buzz about the place but it was beginning to die out.

He had gone for a walk after he'd finished marking some homework essays from his second years and had followed his feet here. It was still a bit cold so he'd dressed for the weather, wearing the black military-style overcoat with silver trimmings and detail. It was the coat he'd worn when he'd first met Briony in the cave, almost three years ago now. It had been the best day of his life up til that point but had been replaced fairly quickly, seeing as everyday he spent with Briony after that day had increased his love for her tenfold each hour.

Sitting down at a table, Richard ordered the house red win to be brought to his table and went about musing lightly while listening to the soft music in the background.
Richard Romain
Richard Romain

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Post by Briony Romain Sun Mar 18, 2012 6:31 am

Briony had found a note that said that Richard had gone to the new pub that they had found a few nights ago, it was a nice little place but the people there weren't accustomed to them just yet and she hoped that they wouldn't mind the attention that Briony might bring to the place.

Opening the door she saw her husband sitting there, in that coat that he had worn when they had first met and she smiled to herself for a moment, just looking him over from afar, and couldn't help but grin like the cat who got the cream.

Walking over to Richard Briony sat down and smirked;

"Well hello there, how you doin'?" she asked with a slight joking tone.
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Post by Richard Romain Sun Mar 18, 2012 6:34 am

Richard had been relaxing in his seat when he smelt something familiar and oddly comforting in the air. Taking a sniff, he grinned and turned to face Briony as she slid into another seat at the table. He grinned and the waitor brought another glass for Briony,

"I'm good." he replied with a smirk and a teasing wink, "Better now that you're here of course. Much better..."
Richard Romain
Richard Romain

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Post by Briony Romain Sun Mar 18, 2012 6:37 am

Briony chuckled and accepted the glass readily, turning to catch the waiter before he left, Briony asked him to bring her a bottle of vodka, a bottle of rum, and a bottle of gin with a happy smile, she had great plans in store for tonight, mainly getting drunk out of her skull.

"Well, this is a nice place, I'm glad that we spotted it. So, what's your poision tonight Richard? Care to share some of mine? I'm doing something muggles do when they go out, isn't that amazing?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Post by Richard Romain Sun Mar 18, 2012 6:41 am

Richard laughed lightly when his wife ordered her drinks, not because of what she'd ordered but because of the disbelieving look that the waitor gave her before shooting him a sympathetic glance. He used the opportunity to ask for a bottle of whiskey for himself too,

"It does seem like a cosy little place from what I've seen so far." he agreed with a smile before raising an eyebrow with a smirk, "You? Briony Romain? Doing something muggle? Now I've heard everything... I'm having some whiskey but I'll help you with yours too if you'll let me."
Richard Romain
Richard Romain

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Post by Briony Romain Sun Mar 18, 2012 6:57 am

Briony grinned and wondered if Richard would let her commendeer his alcohol to add to her own, and when the drinks came Briony kindly asked the waiter for a large punch bowl, and the look that he gave her was quickly shot down by her own cold glare.

Smirking when the bowl was brought, Briony uncapped the bottles and began to pour the Vodka into the bowl.

"Well mark this day down in your diary, it wont be happening on many other occassions I can assure you, if you'll let me I'd like to add the whiskey into this lovely alcohol mix I'm making." Briony grinned in anticipation.
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Post by Richard Romain Sun Mar 18, 2012 7:03 am

Richard nearly laughed out loud, something very uncharacteristic for him, and instead contented himself with a small but bright laugh. The waitor's reaction was actually rather funny. He grinned at his wife, happy that she had gotten her way against the disbelieving waitor. Richard looked at the bowl and the alcohol she was going to add to it,

"Mmm this sounds like a good idea to me." he uncapped the whiskey and drank a little from the bottle. He nodded, "Not bad... it can be added."

He gently began to pour some in when Briony was adding some vodka.
Richard Romain
Richard Romain

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Post by Briony Romain Sun Mar 18, 2012 7:21 am

Briony smirked likghtly when Richard tasted the whiskey to see if it was good enough to add to the mix, to be honest it was going to taste like paintstipper anyway so she didn't really see it as all that big of an issue, but good alcohol could never go amiss.

"Hmmm, let me have a taste." she smirked, taking the bottle and swigging from it "I agree, very good vintage, though you wont really be able to taste it in all of this,"

Gesturing to the other bottles of alcohol, Briony uncapped the rum and began to pour that in also.
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Post by Richard Romain Mon Mar 19, 2012 7:13 am

The whiskey wasn't the best but that just meant that it wasn't quite good enough for Richard to be happy to sit there and drink it neat. He wasn't sure what his wife was trying to create the punch bowl with that much alcohol and he thought it best if he really didn't know either, just tasted it anyway,

"Yes a nice taste but not quite nice enough to have it on it's own." he chuckled a little bit as he poured some of the other alcohol into the bowl, "We're not going to be able to see straight after this... and strangely I don't much care!"
Richard Romain
Richard Romain

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Post by Briony Romain Mon Mar 19, 2012 7:20 pm

Briony looked in wonder at the beautiful bowl of alcohol that sat in front of her and she took up a glass, and poured some of the mix with the ladel into the cup, it was going to be strong stuff she knew that much already.

Even smelling it made her head reel.

"Wish me luck." she said jokingly and tipped the alcohol mix back, eyes opening wide Briony gasped and looked as if she had just done a bungee jump "Holy Merlin that crap is strong! It's amazing, I should have this more often you know."
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Post by Richard Romain Tue Mar 20, 2012 8:58 pm

Richard watched as he and his wife finished pouring the alcohol into the punch bowl and just sat there for a moment, marvelling in just how full the bowl was. He took a sniff and his eyes watered slightly,

"Wow... you planning on stripping paint or what? Good luck." he joked back as he mentally prepared himself to use anti-poisoning charms. He laughed at her reaction and took a drink for himself. He blinked a few times and twisted his face a bit before nodding, "Yeah... that's strong!"
Richard Romain
Richard Romain

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Post by Briony Romain Wed Mar 21, 2012 12:14 am

It seemed as if both her and Richard were in awe of just how full of lovely alcohol the bowl was and Briony giggled to herself, the mixture already beginning to work on her normally strong resolve and she got another glass, ready to fill it up.

Humming happily to herself Briony held it out to Richard in a toast:

"Here's to drunken sex and a many a painful hangover in the morning! Cheers."

With that she chucked it back and shuddered again.
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Post by Richard Romain Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:06 am

Richard blinked a few times before licking his lips. For something so strong it was strangely addictive. He grinned and dipped a glass into it, filling it up as Briony did the same with her own glass. He held it up as well, smiling happily as he did so,

"I'll drink to that!" he agreed with a laugh and a grin, "Lots of drunken sex! Cheers!"

He threw back his own glass, downing it with a happy grin,

"Ah that's the good stuff..." he went to refil his glass, "We're going to be so wasted..."
Richard Romain
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Post by Briony Romain Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:40 am

Briony couldn't help but notice that the pub they were in seemed a little too uptown for them to really be doing this in and she quickly lost her train of thought when she caught a whiff of the alcohol again.

"M-m-Mmmm lovely alcohol, my lovely German husband and the lovely promise of sex, what else could I want?" she chuckled.

With a small smile Briony noticed that Richard did not seem so very opposed to the idea of getting wasted and she grinned filling the glass up again.

"Yes andddddd?" she chuckled.
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Post by Richard Romain Mon Mar 26, 2012 1:21 am

He chuckled a little bit as they both seemed to notice that the pub was a bit up market for their alcoholic type of fun. A shocked looking old woman got the finger from Richard when she refused to stop glaring at the two of them and he chuckled,

"Yup... alcohol and drunken sex with the one you love sounds like one hell of a night." he agreed with a smirk, "But let's not get so drunk that you or I fall asleep."

Filling his own glass, emptied in in his mouth, and refilling it again, Richard grinned at his wife and held his glass up for a toast,

"You raise a compelling argument!"
Richard Romain
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Post by Briony Romain Mon Mar 26, 2012 6:55 pm

Briony laughed so hard when her husband openly gave the finger to one of the people sitting at the bar, it really was too funny, after all he was normally so composed like she was when they were out.

She supposed all of that changed when alcohol was involved.

"That sounds like a plan, because that would not be fun, and then the drunken fun would have to stop. But that's what potions are for!" she cackled softly.

Filling her glass again, Briony smirked lightly and chucked it back, humming with a happy heat flowing through her; "We should do this more often, it's very good for stress."
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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Post by Richard Romain Tue Mar 27, 2012 7:26 pm

When his wife started laughing at the way he gave the finger to the old woman he laughed too, feeling the alcohol beginning to kick into giddiness. His composure was kind of out of the window now and he was perfectly fine with that.

"Exactly!" he agreed with a grin, "Potions to keep us awake longer to enjoy this drunken fun! And potions tomorrow to take away the hang over!"

Richard hummed in agreement as he finished another glass,

"You're right it is. Cutting loose like this is something we should do more often."
Richard Romain
Richard Romain

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Post by Briony Romain Fri Mar 30, 2012 11:34 pm

Briony couldn't help but keep giggling a little, it was just the way that he had done it without even breaking into a smirk, so seriously, and it made her chuckle, even though she knew that it was probably the alcohol going to her head and making her more relaxed than she would have been comfortable with.

"I think we owe a big thank you to the person who invented these potions, where would we be today without them? After a mix like this? Probably in some sort of coma!" she laughed.

Dipping her glass back into the bowl, Briony's throat was beginning to get a little dry and she ordered a coca-cola in order to counter that, sipping at it lightly before taking another sip of the alcohol, alternating slightly.

"After all...we're married, we have to not conform to the rule that once you're married your life is over." she sniggered.
Briony Romain
Briony Romain
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